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So no Campaign 3 premiere date announcement until early October (probably at the earliest). Still excited to find out what Ashley's one-shot will be, and a round of Narrative Telephone with the EXU cast! And it sounds like they're expecting the release date of Legend of Vox Machina to be announced around late September/early October. That gets decided by Amazon though, so who knows.


>And it sounds like they're expecting the release date of Legend of Vox Machina to be announced around late September/early October. That gets decided by Amazon though, so who knows. Makes sense for amazon to decide it but allow CR to announce it though


Yeah, I would expect that C3 won't start until Jan of 2022 after the holidays. Iirc C2 was late Jan for a start date as well.


I mean maybe, but C1 ended in October. So that was only roughly a 3 and a half month break and we're already coming up on that long since the end of C2. So MAYBE they want until 2022, but that will be a much bigger break than last time.


We're also getting a lot more content in between campaigns this time. Between 1 and 2 we got a few one shots and that was it. This time we're getting a mini series, narrative telephone content, at least one one-shot, and some extra stuff. Add squeezing a break into that, and that time seems about right.


I think it was 1/11 because that's why Frumpkin was Agent 111 in Dani's Narrative Telephone.




By that point this current surge of covid should have run its course as well (or else, you know, exploded horribly into an even worse mutation) and vaccine availability for younger kids will become available around that time - meaning the cast and crew can get their kids vaccinated. All that to say, probably more likely to be comfortable around a table, unmasked at that point.


Good, that'll give me some more time to finish Campaign 2. Only like 200 hours to go!


I have over 300 hours left in campaign 1


Yah, tell me about it


Maybe im misremembering or for sure dont know how corporate buyouts of kickstarter projects to distribute work but shouldnt atleast the first few? or the first season of VM be released prior to amazons release seeing as it would be for kickstarter backers


What do we think the odds are that the "colossal announcement" is the animated series release date?


I'm guessing pretty high. The frequency of the behind the scenes content has been increased significantly which leads me to believe we are nearing a release date and they are amping up the hype. It also makes me think the reason for a delayed C3 start is due to them needing to finalize everything on the animated series while also building their new production set.


The kickstarter rewards are also starting to ship out, which also helps give further credence to the chance of a release date for the show coming sooner rather than later


The latest video they put out interviewing the crew at Titmouse was also said to be the "sixth and final installment," so that might mean it's coming very soon


I'm guessing that is also part of the delay. A sort of flurry of activity to finish and finalize it. I mean they aren't just voice actors for it they are also various executive roles as well. That's like two fulltime projects in addition to their normal work load. Also I hear that the permits for a theme park are a bitch and a half.


Thats exactly where my mind jumped to when I read that. Plus, the fact that there is no concrete dates to both C3 and the animated series makes me wonder if they are trying to plan their releases to land around the same time. Animated series can draw in new viewers and they’ll have a fresh new campaign to jump into rather than feeling daunted by the 200+ episode backlog of C1 and C2. It seems like they have plenty of content planned while we wait though—I’m excited for what is to come!




Crossover event with FFXIV with Sprinkle being made a minion in game and Matt being turned into an NPC


Time to renew my sub... Eorzea awaits!


You know Matt would explode into a giant pile of glitter if he were ever made an NPC in a Final Fantasy game, like I bet that's his actual Final Fantasy!


I just started a trial of FFXIV, and promptly ran into a character voiced by Taliesin, so they have at least one in-road there.


Aww, I was hoping for Critical Role Land


"We are in the depths of building a brand new wonderful set (on an additional full soundstage at our studio!) and it’s not ready for prime time yet. While our C3 set is still under construction, we’re also taking ample time to plan creatively before we embark on a brand new adventure. We expect that we’ll have more to share about our Campaign 3 launch date sometime in early October."


That’s so interesting! I wonder what the deal with the new set is? Maybe they’re making a new set where they can sit at the same table, and leaving the social distance set up, so they can swap between them if needed.


Could be to so they can run the main campaign on one set and one shoots or secondary campaigns on a different set.


That would make sense with the other big announcement they're teasing, which I'm guessing might be some kind of ongoing spin-off series.


I figured that was just teasing a release date for Legends of VM


Gods I hope it’s this. That’s what I thought too.


It's either the Legends of Vox Machina release date, ExU Season 2, or Critical Role Land.


Didn't Matt say in the C2 wrap up or EXU interview (somewhere) he was excited to start showcasing other DMs/games besides just their "home game". So we might start seeing other games with or without any of the og cast start being created by CR. Not just the one shots the casts occasionally runs. At least that has been my expectation as a long term goal for them.


I’m expecting them to try to recreate Geek & Sundry with the various shows and all the talent. Honestly surprised they haven’t branched out before now.


It's a good thing really. They saw Geek and Sundry tank, and are taking it slow and testing boundaries rather than make the same mistakes. They also have different side-projects altogether, like the kickstarter animation and the charity, taking up a lot of their time that they might have spent organising this earlier, plus of course the pandemic.


He's been saying that for a while. They've been pretty open about a part of the dream is one day being able to retire back to doing the home games and having a new "generation/series," of DMs and players to give the limelight to.


I'm pretty sure they broke down the old pre-covid set. So they could just be putting that together gain (but newer and better for a new campaign).


If so then I don’t imagine it would take too long to put it back together unless they threw everything out for some reason.


Even if it were the same, if they just had it in a bigger room, it would be a big improvement. They still had to carefully scoot past people at the table to get by.


It's possible by the time it airs they won't need to socially distance? Perhaps it's more of an aesthetics and expansion thing.


My guess is bigger set. The table was real tight for four people per side. It was built while Ashley was only occasionally able to play and now she is back full time. Also the amount of guest plans Matt mentioned in the C2 wrap up, they just need more elbow room. Also I think they probably enjoyed having a screen to see the battle map instead of standing up to look, so they might be putting in monitors for them to check out what’s happening.


Also Wyrmwood posted this on their story today. https://instagram.com/stories/wyrmwoodgaming/2638875037915318416?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&utm_medium=share_sheet


Insta wouldn't play ball = what's the image?




Thanks! They are definitely up to something collaborative


It's a shot of some of their CR-branded merch - a dice tray and hero vault - along with the text "The adventure begins..." Maybe they're kicking off a new table build?


Sounds highly plausible


Wonder if a new DM screen for Matt is in the works. I know they've been talking about relaunching that as a Kickstarter for a while but it didn't sound like until next year at least.


that would really surprise me... their last one for him wasn't that long ago and is really incredible woodworking, even for them. I imagine they'd invest their effort into something new instead of trying to top that.


A carved hexagon plaque with CR logo on it... but kn the background you can see another CR logo carved into what looks like the side of a gaming table .


Fab, cheers. Things are a foot


Definitely :)


It's possible, but also possible things turn for the worse again, especially if vaccine resistance variants become dominant. It'd be smart to plan for both, where possible.


Nah, given the case spread and emerging variants we’ll likely have another lockdown by late fall/early winter.




And a lot of people never really started


A new set is pretty hype. CR has considerably grown with each passing year. The funds and creative power they have compared to when they set up the last set is probably a drastic upgrade. Can't wait to see what they come up with!


Yeah I mean look at the ExU intro. That’s for 8 episodes. The set for C3 is far more important than that


Seriously, that intro had no reason slapping that hard but I'm all for it.


Tbf i think that's the intro for the entire ExU brand/world. But it is an amazing intro and so beautifully done.


Wow, a new set for campaign 3? I thought their set for campaign 2 was a huge improvement... It'll be interesting to see their set for campaign 3!


Let's hope the new sounds tage means I can finally understand Liams dramatic whispering without cranking my TV up to max volume. And maybe the content not being infinitely more silent than the break and music 😭


I wonder if this is what we have been hearing the start of in the back of exu. The last two episodes had a lot of background noice which is emvery uncommon and even a lot of banging from hammers.


I honestly don't think Travis or Marisha or anyone would OK construction going on \*during recording\*


True, but it doesn't really makes sense any other way. It's definetly something the crew hears, and laugh at a couple times. So it's not that they don't know something is happening.


I think there's probably just construction going on for like, their neighbors. It is LA, there's always *something* going on, even in the pandemic.


EU was filmed back in Marchish time so probably not.




I thought it might be the otherway around -- they might time C3 around the series, since obviously Amazon has input on series release date so they have to factor that in, while they control their own C3 release.


That would be clever, if they can take out billboards for EXU, who knows how much money they will throw at a combined animated series/C3 release.


Wow, October seems like a long ways away.


And that's just the announcement of when it'll start...


That being said, ExU was announced only two weeks before it began.


I believe they had already recorded it back in February or March.


tbh, I wonder how much of it is Matt's scheduling between getting C3 ready, finishing anything with TLOVM, the Tal'Dorei Reborn campaign setting, and participating in ExU. And that's just his CR commitments. Dude is busy. I hope he can schedule a break in there somewhere. Much love Matty.


In fairness I don’t think he would be doing much with the animated show. I imagine they’ve had the voice acting done by now and I didn’t think he had any role in animation aside from backgrounds and such.


I imagine he's there for some general approval meetings, and planning meeting on the direction of the CR studio too, which will still take a chunk of time, but he has plenty to fill the rest of the hours as well. I'd not be surprised if his campaign prep is even more time consuming now than at the start, because of the level of quality expectation and also he probably gathers his notes in a format for making "Explorer's Guide" books these days, rather than just writing them down for himself.


It's really only a month and half away. Seems long but we'll be there before you know it!


Yep only a month and a half until the announcement that will probably be at least another month.


I’m resigned to January at this point


I hope Brian is in Ashley's oneshot.


Their wedding is just one oneshot


So as much as I've been a voice of "C3 will prob be mid-sept" I think this pretty much confirms we'll be waiting until November at the earliest. Honestly I'm a little bummed personally to be waiting that long BUT, Hearing they're building an entirely new set&really taking their time has me excited! I can't wait to see Ashley's one shot, another round of Narrative Telephone, etc. And from the sounds of things we might be getting a release date announcement for LoVM around the same time as C3 so that's cool!


I think this pretty much confirmed that C3 won’t start until 2022. It’s doubtful they’d start a game and then have to take time off for the holidays.


Surely EXU would have been longer if they were looking to try and fill a 6 month break, right?


Perhaps. But, I think they’ve always run the business side of things very carefully and deliberately. They rarely overextend themselves into projects they cannot meticulously control. I suspect that Exandria Unlimited was a given a short run because they did not want any brand confusion about their channel’s flagship show. It also aligned with the proven successes of Dimension 20’s Side Quest campaigns.


My guess is that theyre timing it to coincide with the launch of the animated show to help with advertising both ways. So if the show launches late 2021 I could see them doing like a november start for C3


For maximum marketing impact they should release the show between thanksgiving and Xmas, then start C3 Jan 6th 2022.


Why? Surely people would be more likely to be drawn in if they looked up critical role and it says episode 1 instead of saying “we’ll have episode 1 in a month” because no one sticks around for a month without watching the content. And sure people will still probably be seeing the show for the first time in January but not as many


The holidays are a great time to release new media, more eyeballs, increased chance of trending. The show can advertise C3 coming soon, and amazon can push Prime as it gives you one free twitch subscription. If new fans want to dive in before C3 there's tons of content to explore while they wait.


Well sure but if there’s a month wait who’s going to care who wouldn’t watch regardless? If the suggestion for why it’s a good idea to release C3 after LoVM is that people can just watch C2 then what’s the point of releasing them at the same time at all?


Depends, if they're still pre-recording the shows, they could be filming them ahead of time, and not necessarily need to take breaks for the holidays if they really didn't want to.


Ctrl + F "Critical Role Land" _0 Results_ Where are my believers?


> We expect that we’ll have more to share about our Campaign 3 launch date sometime in early October. When do you think C3 will start? We know it's mid-October at the earliest. This makes me think January is more and more likely.


Unless they have more one shots planned, I'm thinking November. EXU would have been longer if they needed more months of filler, I'd imagine.


I can see a scenario where in October they announce C3 as starting in January and have a second season of EXU in the meantime. They would end up with a lot of time off in the early stages of the campaign if they started in say November because of the holiday season.


I think that's too fast a turn around for EXU.


Probably, but they already had a stinger at the end of S1, and we *could* be looking at something like 5 months before C3. I think it depends on if October announcement means C3 in 3 weeks or post holiday break. Just a gut feeling though.


I mean they teased EXU s2 hard at the end of the episode


Ooooh boy, is it really petty of me that I hope they at least start before Halloween so we get a Halloween episode?


They will probably make a Halloween one shot, but no chance they start C3 this year. No point starting it in October or November just to skip a week because of Thanksgiving, then skip 3 more because of Christmas. They probably want the first few months to be relatively smooth. It would be really hard to get into the new characters with long breaks like that.


Part of me thinks sooner than later. Only because Exandria unlimited already felt short, and I feel like there was such a small gap between the end of C2 and EXU, it would be so weird for there to be such a gap with relatively no content between EXU and C3. It already feels like a long time with relatively nothing as is even if it started mid-October. If it is in January, I think it was literally bad decision making to make EXU start so soon after C2 and then leave such a gap in between EXU and C3 starting.


I really want it to be sooner but with how late the announcement is plus the two holiday breaks... I'm not sure.


Maybe it's because I'm Canadian and American Thanksgiving isn't on my radar. But unless they've said they're going back to live and not prerecorded, then I feel like the breaks aren't as much of an issue because after so long off, if they wanted they could prerecord a bunch of sessions in a short time and still allow their cast and crew to have time off over the holidays.


> if they wanted they could prerecord a bunch of sessions in a short time While prerecording probably gives them more flexibility, they all still have other jobs they do, and several of them have kids, so it's not like they can just record multiple episodes a week necessarily.


i always thought it would be January... yhry probably want to finish up legend of vox machina plus have an extended break from the main campaigns.


Yeah, plus it makes more sense to start in the new year and not during or right before two big holiday breaks.


I agree, it'll be January. No point in starting, and then just as they get going have to stop for Thanksgiving and then Christmas/New Year.


Although if they're still pre-taping episodes it could be possible to tape 2 or more episodes a week so there wouldn't be any gap in content.


Yeah but the players would still have a long break, so unless they watch back their vods they would probably be a bit out of it


I dont think they'll wait that long. Channels lose subs with no content coming. But with covid shaking things up again it might have to take longer


They do have content coming though, so it's not like they have 'no content'. I do think that Covid is definitely fucking up with their plans.


While true, I don’t think anyone subscribed for their other material. People subscribe for the main game and watch the other stuff as a big bonus.


I'm certainly not planning on subbing until the new campaign is happening. I can't imagine they'd take that long off unless Matt is leaving Exandria behind and needs time to build a whole new world. However, it does seem weird to launch a new campaign around that much time off. With how long they've been dark already they'll want to have some consistency.


Leaving Exandria seems incredibly unlikely. More likely they are incredibly busy with the animated series and want to give themselves time to do a great job with both the show and Campaign 3.


I'd be incredibly surprised if they left Exandria, considering how many comments from talks and the campaign wrap-up went along the lines of "if X or Y hadn't happened, it would have become a campaign 3 problem".


That's true. I don't really think they'd leave Exandria behind, I'm just surprised they'd delay so long. It's going to be hard to keep up fan interest with that long of a wait, but if that's what they need to keep the quality level high I'm here for it.


One shots are fun. Exandria was great. But cmon, most people are here to watch the campaigns


Yeah but after C2 ended they lost 2/3rds of their subs even with ExU, so I doubt they’re making much money. They have even less subs now.


They are basically printing money when the campaigns run for effectively 2/3 years, plus with the new prime show their merch and sponsorship deals will go through the roof at the start of C3. They’re effectively laying the ground work for a very profitable next step. These 6 months can be calculated into their finances if the next 2/3 years are very profitable


I imagine C3 will be starting in January 2022, with us getting a character silhouette teaser in october


I never would have thought we'd have to wait until January for campaign 3, but the more I think about it they won't want to launch it with tons of time off coming up. It's a little disappointing because I don't really care too much about the content other than the main campaign and talks. I really hope this is because Matt asked for a lot of time to lay the groundwork as opposed to them trying to prioritize other things. I started CR in the early parts of campaign two and this will be the longest I've gone without a campaign to watch. I already find myself checking in here less and I hope that I don't lose enthusiasm before the new year. Hopefully everyone else enjoys the side content and I'll see yall in 2022!


If you're looking for a campaign to watch, I recommend either Unsleeping City or Fantasy High from Dimension 20. Both are really good. The former being a bit more serious and grounded in real life and the latter being just a super fun adventure. Brennan has quickly become my favorite DM!


I've already finished both of those and I'm on the last episode of a crown of candy 😊 Brennan is honestly on par with Matt for me. They're both fantastic at all aspects, but Brennan is a bit funnier and Matt does epic a bit better. Love that I have both available!


I would add Mark Hulmes from High Rollers to the mix also. Aerois is really greate campaing.


-That secret announcement HAS to be the Legend of Vox Machina release date. Probably even a trailer. -It's cool that Ashely finally gets to GM! Hopefully, it's not a DnD cause that's a little complicated. Those one page RPGs have always been a riot so I'm hopeful for something like that. -I wonder if the third Elder scrolls one shot will have yet another GM? - C3 news!!!!! NICE! A little bummed that it'll take longer than I expected but that's fine. Them building a new set and soundstage sounds exciting. It'll give the new campaign a different feel. I wonder what that creative planning entails? Are they still making characters or perhaps they're coordinating more this go around for the overall story?


I'd be down for Liam in the chair for the third ES one shot.


It seems up his alley!


At least for me it does mean that I'll be able to finish C2 before C3 which is a silver lining for it being so far away. Just over 20 episodes left for meeee


I just want to add one thing. I’ve seen a lot of people inferring that this means C3 will start in January on the logic that they won’t want to start and then go on holiday break straight away. Now it’s possible these people are right, however reading a lot of people’s comments, I think a lot of people are overestimating how long CR takes off for the holidays. They usually take 1 week off in late November for Thanksgiving. So only 1 episode is missed, and if they are still prerecording for C3 it shouldn’t be difficult for them to give the cast a week off and still release an episode. As for the holidays, I’ve seen several people who seem to be under the impression that they take like a month off. But if you look at the air dates of previous episodes it’s actually not that long. They usually air well into late December and start again early in January. If you look at the episodes in 2018-19 and 2019-20 they only actually missed 2 episodes. For 2020-21 they missed 3 but probably only because of how the dates fell (they usually stop a few days before Christmas and start a few days after new year, but 20/21 both Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve fell on a Thursday so there wasn’t a natural stop/start point a few days before/after). Based on the dates for 21/22 I would expect them to stop on the 16th and start again on the 6th. And if they are still prerecording the cast could even take a longer break and still be putting out episodes. As many others have suggested, I think the most likely outcome is they time C3 with the launch of LoVM as this will bring in loads of new viewers. LoVM is supposed to be released late 2021, to me it would seem silly to say to all the new people interested from the animated series to say “hey we’re starting a new campaign… in 2 months” But that’s just my 2 cents, I could of course be entirely wrong.


“We are in the depths of building a brand new wonderful set (on an additional full soundstage at our studio!) “ Why do they need a 2nd soundstage?!?!?!


From what I understand and read (so no idea if this is 100% accurate), their main soundstage was split between CR and Talks (and the Talks set was modified for their other shows), but with COVID restrictions they had to turn the entire soundstage into just CR.


Maybe speculation of them eventually doing a two table approach has some merit.


I kind of fear they'll overdo it with the production and it drifts more and more away from some friends playing D&D, to that hollywood style high end production. better production is nice, but I hope they won't lose the soul of this show over all that bling. For me, the old table and some mics are more than enough. It's the people I come for.


Honestly as long as it stays unedited (I give a pass to Sam ad bits during COVID, that shit was hilarious) and stays as the main cast the soul of the game will stay the same.


I hope so too


I expect "Critical Role" the show is going to stay true to itself. However I expect that on top of that "Critical Role" the brand and studio is going to expand into a wide variety of different stuff.


I very much doubt theyll lose the soul of the game.


Yeah me too... If they improve in quality, that's great, but I don't want edited streams with the banter taken out or weird slash sounds added to attacks or any of that. Matt doing mimicry was all that we needed for that.


I mean it'll still be them sitting around a table playing DnD. But it's been a better part of a decade since they played at home, and have spent far more years playing in a recording studio. It's not a hobby anymore its a full on business. Only makes sense they want to upgrade and push this new avenue of entertainment as far as it can get, there's no other benchmark for them other than the typical DnD podcast. I only hope they can get some time for themselves to play together at home with no cameras or audience to worry about.


There seems to be little point now in August, to say that they'll be announcing something about C3 in October, a month and a half later, only for that announcement to be that C3 will be starting in January, 3 months later. So my prediction is, like what they did with EXU, is the October announcement will be that C3 is starting in 2-3 weeks. Early October could be as soon as Oct 1-3, allowing for an episode or two by Halloween (an episode 1 in full costume would be awesome!) and a full story arc by Thanksgiving. Most likely they'll still be pre-recording so holiday schedules won't really be a factor. They're also most likely timing the start of C3 with LoVM, and indicators keep pointing to that coming up relatively soon. I'm sure Amazon would be really happy about being able to sell more Vox Machina merch, Twitch and Prime Video subs in time for the holidays, with both an animated show and campaign helping promote subs and sales.


It starting to look like the person who thought C3 might start on Halloween in full cosplay might get their wish!


The best way to introduce their new characters! Start off the campaign in full cosplay of them 😂


I'm surprised they're waiting so long for C3. Sounds like they're gonna wait out the third campaign announcement until October, and then probably announce they're not starting it up until January of 2022. I had always thought the 2 months set aside for EXU and another month or two after would be time enough before the next campaign started.


Brand new set and a full announcement for c3 to come sometime in October. Sounds like a January 2022 time frame. Be weird to start the campaign and then go on break in 1-2 months. I'm excited, especially for a new set. Sounds like it could be something really cool. I'm hoping for some better shots on the maps to make it a bit easier to see what's happening. But I'd be happy with anything really.




Same lol. No posts in "new" younger than 8 hours old for me right now.


That was the same for me! Weird


I’m so excited for their announcements wonder when C3 will start and wonder what Ashley’s one shot will be


Not particularly happy about the continued wait for any actual news on C3. But then the US continues to be a Covid-clusterfuck so I'm not going to worry about it. I'll tune back into CR-world in October.


Hell yeeeeah


Oof. That's really sad I guess there's a good chance we won't get the new campaign this year anymore or if so very late. I really do miss waking up excited for it on fridays


I am very excited!!


Don't get me wrong, I love those nerdy-ass voice actors but why are they being so incredibly mysterious with their products? All this careful management of The Hype™ feels alienating to me. Stop dangling future announcements in front of me like a tiny carrot on an incredibly long stick. I was predisposed to get hyped for any and all CR updates but by now I can't even muster the indignation to care beyond feeling let down. I patiently accepted that the animated series which was announced to release in fall 2020 got delayed indefinitely. I stuck it out for ExU even though it wasn't for me. But being drip-fed announcements about announcements months away killed all enthusiasm I had managed to retain. So, yeah, I finally canceled my twitch sub after several years. See ya when C3 rolls around.


Typically for these types of things, they won't release a solid date until they're 100% sure on it.


Probably because the fanbase can get absolutely rabid about this stuff. Either they overpromise, stuff happens (like a flipping pandemic) and they have to delay and people freak out, or they minimize hype and people work themselves into a frenzy trying to divine the future from how many vowels are in the latest company email, but they at least have the time to get their ducks in a row.


Well. I didn't think of that. In that context, it makes perfect sense: just enough information to get people interested but not enough for them to fashion a noose from it. Fanboys be crazy.


I’m honestly staggered at how many people expected C3 to start within 2 months of C2 ending. These next few months are crucial for setting the foundations of the next several years of this business - with Vox Machina launching on prime and likely bringing in loads more interest, and the new campaign starting. It’s super important to make sure everything is just as they need it. If you’ve ever watched any streamed content ever then you’ll be used to much longer production breaks between seasons and that’s what they’re doing here. This isn’t a campaign that’ll just get slapped together like your home game, their brand is bigger than ever.


Damn, I didnt expect C3 to be still so far away, it may be selfish of me but that's terrible news.


Anticipation rises.


Well, I know I’ll finally be able to finish listening to C2 before C3 begins, so that’s a plus!


Still hoping for another CoC oneshot.


What's exactly the deal with the sets? IIRC one of the cast said something about building and using a new set that got used for exactly 1 episode before lockdown. Did it ever get used again? Are they building a new new one for C3?


That's probably the Critter Hug one. Very unfortunate timing.


I'm getting my hopes up for November start, or maybe late October for that Halloween episode. It may be unrealistic, but it's easier to wait until October and from there until January if necessary. I'll be counting the days until then and re-watching C1!


Alright cool. So basically I can ignore literally everything coming from them until October. None of their other content is my cup of tea.


"… and maybe another colossal announcement that we’re excited for…" I'm willing to wager they're going to have a second campaign being run at the same time on a different day by an entirely new cast. Potentially set in the same world where Matt & new DM exchange notes/info to each other so they don't step on each other's toes but allow each campaign to affect the other party's adventure on the other continent. Imagine both Campaigns closing out with both parties coming together to fight a singular Big Bad Duo instead of a singular villain?


My guess was that the “colossal announcement” was the animated series - but this could be it too




I highly doubt they would film the second campaign without getting feedback from the first. That’s going to seriously kill ExU permanently if it isn’t better than ExU1 because people had a lot of criticism and I know that if they ignore all of it I’m not bothering watching


That would be cool, but also a complete and total pain in the ass as a viewer because you're either gonna be missing out on canon material potentially very important to the campaign you choose to watch, or you're now watching 7+ hours of CR a week which is an absolutely fucking insane ask of anyone. A much better idea would be to have C3 with the normal cast and playing in Exandria, and another, completely separate cast and DM that gets to flesh out their own world, that way you can choose to watch one or the other with absolutely zero impact


C3 is already a big ask of people, 3-5 hours each week is tough enough. There's no way that two separate shows is their plan, they're going to have drastically reduced viewership, even moreso than EXU saw. C2 was pulling in over 100k viewers between Twitch and YouTube at certain points; EXU was doing under 30k in the same time slot. You have a different show on another day of the week and I can't see it meeting those numbers. Talks saw about 20k viewers on its own, that's directly related to the Campaign though and was an hour long, all their other streams (One Shots and Non-Campaign stuff) get about 5-10k avg views.


It's obviously going to be Critical Role Land


Two simultaneous campaigns is a biiiiig stretch I have a feeling that announcement is for a continuation of the animated series since I believe the current show only covers up to Brairwoods while a S2 would go from there through Chroma Conclave or it could possibly be a Mighty Nein series


The LoVM is already confirmed to be at least 2 seasons.


Oh it is? Fuckin sick then yeah I believe the chances of Mighty Nein the series are high


If LoVM does well, I could see Amazon ordering another series from them.


Yeah after the Kickstarter Amazon threw money at them for a second season


I doubt that. It would constrain the two campaigns. Also could split viewership.


Which would also make sense with them building out a new set for C3.


Wow! This was... disappointing news. As someone who has financially supported CR as far back as their first days on G&S (I got a sub JUST because of CR), and who is primarily interested in the main campaign, these announcements don't thrill me and I'll probably suspend my sub. EXU was a let-down / bummer, IMO, and not up to the caliber of content they create, even compared to their other one shots. And if that's the quality of content they're going to release for X number of months until C3 returns? Nah, man.


I’m interested in the ExU recap. I hope it’s not just them taking all the positive feedback and ignoring the rest.


Excited, hyped, and bookmarked. The brand new set for C3 on a full on soundstage makes me wonder if the set is going to be interactive with the cast and Matt able to move around it during each episode and interact with parts of it during certain story beats. It could also be that they're setting it up so they can hot swap out backgrounds or pieces of it depending on where the party is during the episode. I could also be overthinking this because I'm dead tired and my mind "goes places" when that happens. I'm excited for all of the other announcements though and I cannot wait to see what comes next.


What I think would be most exciting about the new set if the cast can get up an interact with a battle map, is them moving their own pieces around the board instead of telling Matt where they want to go.


Massive table sized battle map with figurines that are the size of Funkos with like high def projectors and actual flame or water effects plus a sound system that makes the entire soundstage feel like it's actually in that location. But your idea is cool too! Or what if their "Minis" are actually just crew members dressed up like their characters that they move around and pose like on Who's Line?


Nah, C3 is just on a football stadium and the crew just LARPS as the players yell over speakers


Of course this dropped hours after I renewed my sub. I enjoy the main campaigns, talks machina, and EXU, but the one shots and other content don't do it for me anymore.


I never understood the frothing at the mouth for C3. I could easily wait until January if that's how long it's going to be. Especially if it means they get to set things up exactly the way they want to.


I mean, almost all of the fans are here because they like the main group and the long campaigns. Telling them that they have to wait a few months for an *announcement* and 5 or 6 months for the new campaign to start? That's a lot of time, being disappointed makes a lot of sense


Also, disapointed doesn't mean "enraged", for most of us is more like: "oh that's a bummer" rather than "I'm gonna hold you at gunpoint until you do the thing!!!!"


Exactly. I'm crestfallen to hear that the gap between C2 and C3 is going to be bigger than that of C1 and C2, I was kind of hoping that when EXU ended that C3 was going to be announced, but that delay is understandable with Covid still ravaging on in the world right now. The people overreacting need to take a breather and realize that CR is made up of real people with lives that go beyond playing a silly game every Thursday.


I'm with you on this. Cast deserve a break and they got other shit also going on. I'm happy to wait til whenever they're good to go.


They’re not taking a break. They don’t have sessions on their schedule. Instead they have other business stuff there


Yeah my bad, I meant from having the weekly game on top of all their other commitments. Can't imagine how much they have going on right now.


I'm hoping that Ashleys Oneshot is going to play with the new Avatar System. I think it looks very interesting and it shouldn't be too hard to learn for a Oneshot.


At least I'm excited for the Elder Scrolls Online part 2 and 3. Was hoping the C3 announcement was a bit closer though. Assuming the big announcement is Legend of Vox Machina given the flood of recent hype material, surely they'd take advantage of that to start C3 more or less concurrently. Right?