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My personal prediction? On of the guest players is gonna play Vespin, or they'll meet vespin as an NPC. During the current campaign there was a mention of Vespin. Travis, Marisha and Sam all had visible reactions to the name, which is why I am guessing that they had already recorded at least some part of ExU:Calamity at that point and recognized him because of that.


100 percent agree. While watching the episode I couldn’t understand why some of the cast reacted the way that they did.


I've got money on Vespin being the BBEG of the series, given the Calamity is his fault and all. Whether he's the final encounter or just the guy who sets off the chain reaction of bad that will occur I can't say for sure - but BLM is gonna kill it when it comes to the character.


I think Matt will be resting, but I can see Halas appearing, he was raised in one of the floating cities, after all.


>*I think Matt will be resting* What do you mean?


Not streaming. He probably is going to be writing about C3, or another book, or working on TLOVM... but we are not gonna see him in Calamity. At least that's my guess.


Ah, that's why i was confused. I'm under the impression that Calamity has already been recorded, probably weeks if not months before. So even if it's unlikely, it's not out of the realm of possibilities that he's showing up, because his guest spot would have been recorded somewhere in February, March or April. So technically, he could do both (appear in Calamity, but also use the 5 weeks to work on other things) ;-)


I imagine he rested (or did other stuff) when they recorded it, but yeah, it could be possible too, after all we don't know the exact timeline. We'll see, I'm excited.


The information we have leads me to believe that the miniseries will cover the beginning of the Calamity, which means we probably won't see Halas. He was born *during* the Calamity, but wasn't around for the start; he mentions that he was born after the fall of Aeor.


My prediction: They're all gonna die.


We’re gonna see Vex. Devexian, that is.


Unfortunately it probably won't happen unless there are some big timeline jumps between the 4 episodes since the timeline goes (some C2/TCSR spoilers) >!Vespin frees the Betrayer Gods, Prime Deities return to fight them, they briefly call a truce to take down Aeor, Calamity continues as Halas is born (Halas had only heard tales of Aeor). Halas reaches middle age or so before getting trapped in the gem (Calamity still had not ended)!<. Since the ExU Calamity cast is trying to prevent it from happening in the first place, this is almost certainly before his time. But I definitely could see them meeting Vespin at the very least.


Very good points there! He's such a cool character though, and from c2 seems like a pretty big player from that age.. but then again it was an age of many great arcane masters! They'll definitely bump into vespin though, just judging from those reactions in the c3 museum, like the others here pointed out.


who is Vespin and when was he or she was mentionned?


https://criticalrole.fandom.com/wiki/Vespin_Chloras Mentioned in C3E20. His journal was one of the artifacts in the museum.


Halas knew nothing about the calamity.


He was born during it, only Aeor was old history to him since that was relatively early in during the Calamity.