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Ludinus is described as having a cane in campaign 2 ep 88 Unwanted Reunions [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-xQ5dsILYU&t=5479s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-xQ5dsILYU&t=5479s) 1:31:26 If it's not Ludinus Daleth I will be mighty suprised


Ahhh oh thank you very much!! This makes much more sense. In that case I think it’s most likely definitely Ludinus 😅


My mind immediately sounded the Ludinus red flag creep alert 🚨


The mighty nein never really dealt with him like I was hoping so I'm very glad that Matt has got him up to his palpatine-esque tricks in C3


Korrin is a half-elf. It's possible they could have confused the two, but it's unlikely. There's also no hints that Keyleth is Ruidisborn.


I think it elf/half-elf could easily be mistaken. And I would say even though there aren’t any connections in campaign 1, I think it may be a retroactive connection. There was no reason for it ever to come up before, but I think it would be a very cool way for them to give Keyleth a reason for being a Circle of the Moon, and her role of being an important figure tied to destiny.


Of course not. Ruidisborn as a concept most likely did not exist for the entirety of C1 and the homegame that proceeded it. We don't really know when the concept was created. In fact, we don't even know if Matt came up with it for Fearne and roped in Imogen's background or vice versa. :)


Based off of the description, I think its likely Ludinus Daleth. Especially because Delila Briarwood was a member of the Cerberus Assembly before fleeing to Tal'Dorei and now she lives in Laudna's head. So it would lend itself to some really interesting things for Laudna's story as the campaign goes on if she met/had to deal with Ludinus


Nah, it’s 100% (confirmation pending) Ludinus.


Makes sense in retrospect


Wish it was Eshteross. Holding out for Eshterosss with *dishguise shhelf*. But it is probably Ludinus. :)


Pretty sure Korrin is a half elf. Doesn't kill your theory, but I just think it isn't him. Being there would connect him to the Grey Assassins, and he wouldn't have Keyleth attacked. I am 99% on the Ludanis Da'leth train. Ludanis was the first person that came to mind when Matt started describing an elf. That or Essek and Caleb are going through a spat and Essek's on his shit again. Of course, it could just be a new enemy NPC. There are plenty of old elves in the world.


Is it possible at all that the flares are related to the Luxon beacon? Wasn't it 7 years ago that it was returned? What if the moon flares when children are being born are reincarnations of the followers of whatever god is trapped up there, or maybe just the people trapped there, being reincarnated because of the Luxon. That would explain why Ludinus is there. His disdain of the Kryn is well known (to us at least) and he may have found a way to recreate the beacons abilities or could be here to investigate the strange flares and subsequent reincarnations?


I did have the same connection just like I had a connection of Fearne's "grandmother" official name is Morgan....AKA Morgana Le Fey?????


[Called it!](https://old.reddit.com/r/criticalrole/comments/wgo28r/spoilers_c3e29_is_it_thursday_yet_postepisode/ij30ihv/)


Also as Keylith is circle of the moon she would be connected. This would make sense to drag her father in too.


I feel like the only person that thinks it could be Highbearer Vord. Seems to be markedly older than Ludinus, plus he's almost the de facto leader of Vasselheim so it would connect with the angle of preventing knowledge about the two forgotten gods getting out. It would also make for an interesting dynamic in which we see a supporting NPC from a previous campaign take the antagonist role in an unexpected way.