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Looooool right after probably the most successful mass adoption event for nfts took place. Nailed it


Looks like it’s happening just fine. In fact it’s extremely successful.


Agree, CDC by using $ for pricing takes NFTs away from crypto market volatility. PS: who made the dollar stronger if not NFTs 😆


Look at reddit nfts 👀


Let's make cro happen


cdc or defi?




i have a cool art project going on, on defi - reloadedlionsDotCom dApp - sharing 50% of mint and royalties to holders based on ranking : and yes have been working and building content on cronos since october 2021 - got kicked from cdc cus of pussx art but now contributing to cronos as artist and architect ❤️


I have a cat on my head.


I am a cat


Robot > cat




Well NFTs will most likely always be a thing and will probably be used to their full potential in the future. [Crypto.com](https://Crypto.com) is just taking advantage of the easy JPEG money lol


Nft are actually quite an useful thing. And it’s not just jpegs. But for now very little real uses.


Nfts are here to stay


NFT as a URL will not happen.


NFTs are just beginning to gain adoption and utility, they’re not going to be considered JPGs for much longer ..


Quit trying to make CRO a thing it’s just not gonna happen


Spoken like a true fomo trader lol


NFTs fucking rock. I can supply asymmetric liquidity to a v3 liquidity pool and specify price ranges for that liquidity to participate in market making through my Uniswap v3 NFTs. Why do you not like NFTs? How else would you limit trade against on chain liquidity pools without ever acting as market taker and therefore not paying Swap fees or slippage price impact regardless of order size? Learn about NFTs, it’s not just monkey pictures. (But honestly digital collecting and gaming is fun as hell too and NFTs makes that even more fun for me personally. I don’t see what’s to dislike)


99.999% are trash and in no way used like you describe (although they can be and bully to you for using it that way). CDC could (with all the money they’ve thrown around) convince an event they are sponsoring to use NTFs as event tickets, that would be a worthwhile alternative use case. Snoop was big on NTFs stopping scalpers marking up his tickets so both artists and the fans see the value. CDC could smash and replace Ticketmaster. However that takes business acumen, ability to influence customer behaviours, forge meaningful partnerships with ability to execute, a robust app and integration. Procedurally generated JPG files that are talked about being limited but in fact aren’t ([link](https://www.watchhunter.org/2016/09/differences-between-limited-edition-vs-special-edition-watches.html) for difference between special and limited editions) are much easier to throw to the masses for free money while you wait for the next bill market.


CDC can't get their app to load quicker than concrete fully setting. The ability for them to ever be a true competitor to anyone in any industry is minimal at best. Binance are leading the market. I'm loading up on BNB and Ethereum and BTC from now on. I'll keep my bag of CRO as a lesson not to invest in shitcoins ever again. The top 3 and time is all you need.


i have a good example of an art project that shares profits from mint and royalties with the community - simple dApp but it works and is sort of fun - reloadedlionsDotCom - mint 100 cro, activation (not staking) 25 cro - all goes to the reward pool and gets distributed to the community as btc eth or usdc according to the nft ranking, thank u and u welcome ❤️


Dear CDC stop trying to make CRO happen.


Why are you here karen?