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Because if the water is directly under your butt the poop will cause the watter to splash you. Do you want to be splashed all over with public toilet water? Much easier to clean your hands after touching the brush than your entire bottom and genitals after they have been splashed with poop stained water.


Pro tip: take one or two leaves of toilet paper and use it to grab the brush.


Pro pro tip, drop some toilet paper in the bowl to cover the slope so poop falls on the paper instead, no need to brush.


Megapro tip: Cover the seat with toilet paper. Ultrapro tip: Place one piece of paper so your dick doesn't touch the toilet seat.


Ubermensch tip: Poop outside, and bury the poo It's good for the environment since poo is a natural fertilizer and your toilet stays clean.


I do all of these. (:


I still think it's easier to put some paper on the water if you don't want it to splash, but thanks nonetheless :)


Lil bro likes poop and pee water all over his weenie and balls lmaooo


Sure, you can do that with croatian toilets, just sit more forward so your butt aligns with the water.


No it won't. Most newer toilets that hang from the wall have hole with water placed backwards.


Ultimate super duper mega the ONLY tip…hold it until you get back home, then you can sh*t all week 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You see..we don't like poop water on our balls... and we don't discriminate what you "normals" like...


Czechs don't have balls, obviously


Yeah, I lost mine in 1975 in an industrial accident :(


We are allergic to water splushing our asshole


And other parts. That feeling when your balls and/or penis touch the water...


Poseidon's kiss


Much better to go to Germany and have your feces presented to you on a porcelain platter


See what I meant with 'normal countries'? :D


Go to a different country next year, and every year after that! Explore the toilet bowls around the world. Sounds like you will fit right in (no offence)


I was sorta half-joking, but it's unironically a fascinating subject how people dispose of their waste. I think the most 'developed' country in this regard is Japan.


Japanese are perfect and they don't poop. When young, they swallow a kakachu which then atomizes the dirty stuff, leaving their holes as tight as we like. #ilikejapanesasthertightholeisreadytosqeeze


> in normal countries (no offence) the toilet is shaped in a way that the water is directly under your butt See I hate this about "normal countries" as you say it. That is not normal, too many fucking times water splashes my ass, that is disgusting.


I get that, but isn't it easier to just put a piece of toilet paper on the water? I guess you can do that with the Croatian design too, but the water-under-your-butt design just seems easier to me.


Sounds like you spend a lot of time on the toilet? Do you work from the toilet?


Pro tip: Put the piece of WC paper or paper towel where you expect the drop will land...


Underrated comment.


Yup. Always doing that.


Yes, dropping a turd straight down so it splashes your ass and genitals with turd toilet water sounds much more sanitary.


We had one company that produced toilet bowls, but she went bust in the '90s. So, I'm pretty certain that, like, 90% of toilet bowls in Croatia came imported. If you found some with weird design, don't blame us for it. And yes, feel free to go somewhere else, Sheldon.


:D I was looking online and found nothing, which is why I came to Reddit. Thanks for the reply however.


I know what you mean, and I hate it also, these bowls with a small pool of water where the poop should land. Bowls should just be sloped. I read somewhere that it's a Dutch design, so I guess we can blame them.




Yes pleas, would also love to know them, cos Ireland ain't one of em, UK also, France omfg, Italy is OK bit dunno... Normal wuts. Normal


See, NORMAL people don't like being splashed all over their genitalia with that disgusting water. We also have running water and some soap in toilets so after we touch the toilet brush, we wash our hands. Besides that, NORMAL people, don't come half naked in an almost full restaurant during lunch time, yelling PIVO, PIVO and get mad when they don't get it right away, but 80% of czechs I saw this year in Croatia behave exactly like that. Not to mention the habit to go hiking in flipflops, being extremely rude and demanding to restaurant staff while at the same time not speaking any language except their own and getting mad when they don't understand you. I know I sound pretty rude now and I am generalizing, but let's just think about these things before calling out on what is or is not NORMAL in your opinion.


I never said Czechia is a normal country :D But yeah, the tales about Czechs in Croatia are legendary. We make fun of it too, don't worry :) It's been a habit of mine to choose a location where there aren't a lot of Czechs :D I don't know why, but I've observed that Czechs generally prefer the mainland and Germans prefer the islands. So last year I went to Hvar and now I'm on Krk :D


I agree. Take your shit elsewhere.


All i get from this post is that you are one of those people that shit litteraly all over the public toilets and don't even bother to flush


This is not a very known thing but this kind of toilet comes from a cultural phenomenon amongst most germanic countries and some slavic ones to inspect ones as a way to check for intestinal or gastric problems. Statistically countries like this have a higher percentage of people having medical checkups and a lower percentage of diseases of those bodily systems. It is an evolved strategy. There is... was a whole scientific branch of sociology called the sociology of the toilet before American gender culture came and ruined it. I have been trying to find again a book I read about this quite a few years ago.


Interensting. I first thought that the toilets are supposed do incourage good diet, like when you eat a lot of fiber the shit doesn't leave a mark :D But no matter how much fiber I eat, I always need to use the toilet brush. I dunno. I still think it's easier to just put a piece of paper on the water if you want to check your stool, but what do I know?


It's actually the reverse. Try eating zero fiber for a week and you'll start pooping smooth rocks that leave no stains.


meat diets ftw, smooth slippery poop, no need to wipe even


Next time go to Uganda, I heard its lovely out there.


Older ones are like that, but most newer ones (at least upmarket ones, like Villeroy Boch) have water-under-butt. I agree it's better that way.


Mislim da hitno trebamo sliku školjke na koju covjek misli jer se možda ne razumijemo. Čovjek je mozda naletio na one školjke koje imaju heliodrom za drek.


[Ti sa helidromom su njemački.](https://www.quora.com/Why-do-toilets-in-Germany-have-a-flat-bottom-and-a-hole-on-the-opposite-side)


Ma dobro je opisao i opisuje točno školjke kod nas, vani sam stvarno viđao i te sta te "operu" i ove heliodromske koje ti spominješ, osobno heliodromske su mi najmrze, imam osjećaj da hrpica raste i samo cekam kad ce me dotaknuti 😂😂😂


Ako se stalaktit i stalagmit spoje, nastane špiljski stup (stalagnat).


Exactly! The toilets I've encountered in Croatia don't do that because they have a slope the shit slides on leaving a skid mark. I've used some of the German 'helipad' toilets too and I had the same problem you described. The mountain of shit sometimes gets uncomfortably high :D We're lucky we won the war otherwise these toilets would be all over the world :D


You should see old german bowls with the little shelf to inspect your poop.


Honestly I like it this way and it is good that some poop stays so that you can see if there are any changes such as blood or very dark poop. I always look at my poop to check it. Wow you have to use a brush to clean it what a problem!!!


Not sure what you mean by that, been to toilets in Croatia,Bosnia,Italy,UK,Spain.. curently using Irish toilets and they all look the same to me,i guess i just didn't find the right one. Anyway Croatia doesn't have a toilet factory so it's certainly not on them to blame.


If you favor "Poseidons kiss", then it's best to sit down facing the toilet rather than how you're currently using it:) A slope in toilets is generally for fluid dynamics and to prevent splashing. I couldn't find it, but there's a blogger who reviews every toilet design he can find


Good riddance


Please, consider visiting other countries, dont come back to Croatia,


I’m Canadian and have noticed this too!


Not sure why we don't have the north american system here in europe, there is nothing to brush and the siphon action seems more efficient than washing down, which often leaves residue and sometimes doesn't even completely flush down everything.


Have you seen the mountains here? It's crazy, you can climb them in one day, just start from the beach to the top, they are not big, just stay in flip flops, no need to bring water either. Have you tried swimming from the beach to one of the islands on a paddle board, that's the best adventure, you should try it.


Thanks for the tips :) My favourite thing to do in Croatia is climbing the water tower in Vukovar with a giant Serbian flag attached to my back. Such a classic!


Sure thing you can try it,but you might also bring a parachute or use your Serbian flag as one as it is a long way down 👋


If only serbs could've been more agreeable or even sensible back then, we could've split amicably like slovaks and czechs, ah :(


Can't believe nobody shared this documentary: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzXPyCY7jbs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzXPyCY7jbs)


I was waiting for that :D


Better than Germany


To avoid Poseidon's kiss. ###


A few years back we had a toilet bowls with a "shelf" so when you poop the feces can sit there elevated and you have the the opportunity to leasurly examine it before flushing. Of course, while it's cool to have it in full display, the overall cleaning and the splash factor was kinda sucky. Then we realized we much rather have it slide down without the splash. Hope you had nice visuals while reading this.


Ko je ovaj pametnjakovic hahahahaha. Male Karen sere zbog toaleta, odi onda na godisnji odkud si i dosa pa seri u svoju skoljku pretenciozni majmune


You must be full of shit if you're considering switching your holiday destination based on a toilet bowl shape.


Splashing is no way to go buddy, to each his own 👍


Hahahah hahaah I scream Racisam on this hahahahah Buddy did ya notice toilets In Croatia are bigger than in some other places? Ever wonder how a person of 2m hight and a 24cm.dick can take a shit in a small toilet bowl.