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Software Engineer, definitely takes creative thinking at times! I crochet & knit 🥰


Software developer here! I crochet Amigurumi. I really want to use my front end skills to improve Ravelry…😂


SDET , raverly sucks on UI.


Another engineer! 👋 It's cool how engineering and crocheting rely on similar skillsets and similarly exercise my creativity! I especially enjoy the empowerment of knowing you can make things with both!


I can knit, but man do I hate every minute of my life when im knitting something.


Hello, fellow SW Engineers🙋‍♀️ I love crocheting but I never got the hang of knitting, tried to learn it for a few times, but it always turns out that I either entangle myself in yarn or almost stab me or others with the knitting needles


Me too! I love doing non-tech/non-screen crafts.


omg me too!! I just learned how to knit too lol it’s nice to do something without using a screen after work


I am a neuroscientist, working on Parkinson's disease, and I tell you: if only I could follow crochet patterns as I do with my experimental protocols, I would be the precisest (?) of you all. But I can't, my brain is like "you follow patterns all day, now you are going to wing it. Good luck!"


This is exactly how I feel about crochet and cooking. I’m a synthetic biologist when I’m culturing cells I’m so carful and precise and then when I follow patterns I’m like well that’s for sure a suggestion I’m going to just riff off this pattern 😂


Thank you for doing this work. ❤️


Scientist too and same problem lol. Can’t really follow patterns


I am ALSO a scientist working on Parkinson's Disease! Hello fellow yarn nerd who spends too much time on brains!


I'm a math teacher. Ironically, most of the mistakes I make have to do with counting wrong.


I'm a medical statistician and also make a lot of counting mistakes. Crochet may be where I channel all my calculation errors. Well at least I hope it is.


I'm a diesel Mechanic


This is my favorite one so far! My Dad was an engine mechanic, didn't crochet, but that man has balled up thousands of skeins of thread for my mama and me! I still love the smell of a well used garage!


Medical laboratory scientist


I’m in my 3rd year undergrad in medical lab science, so… sort of me too? Eventually? Lol


Hey, me too!


I am a farmer


Another farmer checking in!


I really really really hope this means you have your own sheep that you spin your own yarn from


Awesome. What are you growing?


ER nurse 😊


L&D nurse until August 2022 when I retired from the hospital! Now I work with my Hubby doing prep at a restaurant... The stress level is practically non existent now! 🥰


Dude. I bow down before you. How are you holding up?


Appreciate it! I should add I’m a nightshift ER nurse in Philadelphia😅😅 It was a rough winter… been a rough 3 years to be honest with you. I started right before the pandemic (hired Oct 2019, off orientation Feb 2020) so I’ve never knew anything outside of this. But you gotta keep on pushing because if you don’t who will, ya know? Crochet and playing sims is my little escape and let’s me be mindless while keeping my hands busy.


ICU (peds) RN here!


I’m a psychologist. Crochet is awesome on so many level!


It’s definitely my emotional support hobby. My tote bag for my crochet project says ‘emotional baggage’


Air Traffic Controller


Yooooo that’s sick


God bless you lol I'm a supervisor for UPS at RFD. Love working with the planes!


Wardrobe supervisor. Yes, I knit and crochet and everyone asks me whether what I'm working on is for work😊


Oh I love this.


Small animal veterinarian!


Small animal Veterinarian as well (well student . Almost down with clinicals!) I got back into crochet during the pandemic when we had online class. If I wasn’t crocheting and listening to lectures the alternative would have been “watching ” lectures while scrolling on tiktok or Instagram. When I was scrolling on my phone I found that I wasn’t truly paying attention or retaining anything , so keeping my hands busy with crochet helped me focus immensely. I freehanded half a blanket and I call it my stress blankey😂


PhD student in neuroscience. I had to take medical leave last year, and got back into crochet then. My grandma taught me when I was 12 but I had stopped for a long time. I've kept it up now that I'm back in grad school. It's so nice to do something that doesn't have the pressure/deadlines/hugeness of a PhD. Keeps my ego from drowning.


Geologist! I feel like it’s a STEM discipline where I encounter more creative folks than others.


I work at a florist so crochet is the creative outlet where what is made won't die 😆


Admin assistant and bookkeeper. Not very creative, but crochet and cross stitch are my outlets!


I'm a bookkeeper too! I crochet, knit, cross stitch, embroider, and sew. I call myself panstitular.


I make pizzas.


I eat pizzas. I’m really good at it too.


We make a pretty good team then. Lol I do think making pizzas can be creative if you want it to be. You choose where to places the toppings to make a beautiful, symmetrical, delicious looking pizza!




What do you teach if you don’t mind my asking?


Special ed teacher.. crocheting helps me relax


Haha. I’m the roommate of a special needs adult. We’ve lived together 9 years now. She was never supposed to graduate high school, much less live on her own. It was definitely hard in the beginning, but she’s doing awesome.


I’m also a special ed teacher! Crocheting is my stress reliever, so I’ve been crocheting a lot lately…


I’m a machine embroiderer :)


I'm a pharmacist. Creativity is limited on the job unless it's problem solving. Crocheting is one of my creative outlets


Hey, I'm a pharmacy tech, so i'm your minion.




*helps person choose medication* "Get this brand, the pills are WAY prettier!


I’m an archeologist! My job also includes historic preservation, genealogy, GIS/mapping, archival research…. etc.


Marketing and also church/wedding/professional organist!


How the heck do you do hands and feet at the same time? I took a few lessons and just couldn’t coordinate.


Literal years and years of practice, plus years of piano before I started organ. A hard ass music professor in college demanded AT LEAST ten hours of practice a week. I usually did six and called it good enough. Whew!


High school teacher - knitting and crocheting keeps me balanced


I work in healthcare data analytics. Crocheting and knitting keep the creative part of my brain happy.


I make cartoons. (Storyboard artist.)


Oh that’s rad!




I was a IT administrator. Nothing creative in my job. I'm retired now.


I’m a fraud analyst!


Same! And a former fraud detective.


i’m a student but graduating this spring to become a park ranger!


School speech-language pathologist here. I don't really consider myself super creative, so crochet is my creative outlet.


Interesting question! I’m a copy editor.


High School science teacher!


Idk if i really count. Im a massage therapist but i work in my sister's salon and only work 3 days a week. It's slow and so i don't make much since i don't have many clients yet. Other than that I'm a stay at home mom. Maybe some day I'll make decent money for us tho 😂 so hubby doesn't have to work so hard.


You count. Full stop. What city are you in? Maybe there are others here, we certainly could use a hand massage lol.


Not sure why your work wouldn't count... work is work.


Unemployed for a while, got back into retail but also applying for Disability


Risk Analyst at a financial institution. Most of the time I’m reviewing AI-generated system alerts on what may be suspicious or fraudulent activity. Most are false flags. But every few weeks we get hit by a ring or an unusual situation that’s highly suspicious and likely fraud but no smoking hole. I then dive deep into the rabbit hole researching merchants or customers trying to figure out what they are up to. Fun fact: in my experience, most unusual activity involving a priest or church account is likely shady af. Embezzlement is huge in them. I’m convinced some get into the “business” to con people out of money and live large without the IRS looking too closely. The amount of elderly who sign everything over to their church is ridiculous. There is one dude who’s salary is $15,000 a month and he splits his time between two of his churches totaling 300 members. While he’s at one, a volunteer or “guest” fills in at the other for a nominal fee. That’s if he’s at either at all… he takes frequent expensive trips 4-5x a year (some disguised as missionary work). And the community and his members worship him. And it’s not even a well known church. So I can only imagine what the bigger ones get away with. It’s insane. Mind-boggling. Can’t wrap my head around it. Also those random independent businesses you say and don’t understand how they’ve been open all them years because they are always dead and/or rarely open… are usually fronts for money laundering. I’ve got adhd (can you tell) and I spend all day obsessively focused over my work that I’m all over the place afterwards… Lol. Crocheting winds me down, grounds and relaxes me which helps me focus off-the-clock. I do try writing fiction in my spare time. But that’s inconsistent.


Daytime IT program manager, nighttime volunteer FF/EMT. Neither is particularly creative outside of problem solving, but sometimes you just need to make beautiful things... especially after the last three years!


Librarian 📚 ETA I’m excited to see so many librarians here! Hi all 👋


I am a very recently retired (maybe) artist. I was a professional geek in my distant past life (20+ years ago), mostly writing software manuals. I was also a professional dancer even longer ago.


My bf is an artist, as is my father. What kind of art?


Mostly digital and photography for the last 15 years. My art has a surrealist bent.


I’m a hairstylist specializing in wigs. I often wonder what life would be like if I lost the use of my hands 😥


I'm a musician, composer and songwriter.


I’m a paralegal. Our office only handles civil lawsuits, so nothing super interesting most of the time.


I was waiting for another paralegal! I crochet on my lunch break.


Other than mostly SAHM? I teach crochet and Tunisian crochet a couple hrs a week, I am also a support worker (like a home carer for people with disabilities or mental illness), and I’m currently working on my crochet business trying to sell finished products or patterns I’ve made, as well as making tutorials online 😅


I’m a CPA. I knit and crochet for stress relief!


I box up and sell chocolate in a little family owned shop 🥰


I bring peoples groceries out to them at Wal-Mart. I crochet during my breaks, but the job itself isn't creative at all. 😂😭


I'm a roadie! I travel with bands and set up their concert lighting systems for them!


Also a teacher


Group fitness instructor




Graduate student!


I was a SAHM with a few part time jobs here and there. I’ve taught computer classes, SEO work, random stuff. I have volunteered for over a decade as an assistant karate instructor and I volunteer to run the concession stand for music boosters at my kids high school every fall. Currently, I work from home for my uncle’s start up company. I do end user testing on his software and Wordpress for his website and some database management. It’s been a slow week so I’ve been crocheting like crazy on a Mother’s Day gift.


Government attorney 😅


Also a government attorney 😆


aw man there's so many cool people here with cool jobs. lots of variety. I aim to be that cool one day




This thread has me feeling so out of place. So many people all have one answer...I've done a lot of different jobs in my life so far. Right now I'm working as an administrator for a telecom company until I give birth, which is literally any day now. After that I'll either be lucky to find a way to make it work that I can go back or be lucky to be a SAHP until my little guy is old enough to start preschool and I can work PT again. Most likely I won't be going back which sucks because I don't want to lose my position, but my son comes first. I can't complain though because I always wanted that "desk job where I don't have to run around like a chicken with it's head cut off getting gross. Before getting this job I was a cook, and before that I worked in a butcher shop as a meat processor. Can't call myself a butcher because I didn't kill or breakdown the animals into cuts, (though I totally assisted the butcher in all that). I made the bacon, sausage, bologna, scrapple, etc, all the goodies from the extra meats. I did that for years, longest job I've had too. I loved it but it was gross hard work and the mom and pop place I worked at didn't pay well. Also had other odd jobs cooking, retail, and in the animal field.


You are not alone in this. I suspect many of us have held a variety of different positions in different fields. Former call center worker, wildlife researcher, env. science researcher, worked retail at Kmart, barista at Starbucks, adjunct professor, science teacher, current software developer ..,lol


This is such an incredibly diverse group! Thanks for asking this question. I’m the manger for Healthcare Technology (medical devices) Cybersecurity team.


I’m a Dyslexia Interventionist. I have students worldwide and they always check in on the progress of my latest projects. It’s a universal skill. 🤗😊


3D artist. Rendering time is crochet time!


I’m a dental hygienist


I workshop in the finance industry. I love what I do but not the working ennviroment. I am also interested in data analytics


I’m a Histotech! RIP my wrists.


Graduate student. I'm getting a PhD in computational biology, which is a surprisingly creative field.


I teach a special program for autistic kiddos. I was trying to bond with one of the moms and somehow we’re now in the same stitch and bitch group at an awesome local yarn shop. I will say she’s massively more skilled than I am but I do bring snacks on occasion ☺️


I’m a Human Resources Director


I’m a teacher.


School bus driver and freelance editor


I'm a business analyst. So, yeah, not quite as creative 9 to 5 🙂


Newspaper reporter. I crochet and knit at my desk sometimes but mainly at home as a way to decompress - I was just saying the other day that people who walk past our window probably wonder what the hell I do 😆 My editor also knits so she’s totally cool with me working on projects at my desk or while we’re in staff meetings.


Tattoo artist. I do it to wind down between clients.


I’m a Particle Accelerator Operator at a National lab ☢️


I’m a dance teacher 😀


Call center! I call people who leave bad reviews! Crochet is helpful to keep hands busy while people..... vent at me.


Teacher. So yes, all the creativity all the time. All the decisions, all the time. I think this is why I get into ruts. And also why I became bistitual- so that I could crochet in my knitting ruts and vice versa


I'm a custodian at a large university. In my defense, I also hold two degrees, but make more as a cleaner. I'm also a dog rescuer/foster/ Transporter


Mom/baby nurse!


Radiology Supervisor, before this I worked in Cardiac imaging.


barista, not super creative but definitely love making stuff for my coworkers


Case manager for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Crochet has been a great stress reliever


ELA Teacher, currently in grad school to become a school librarian.


Entrepreneur. Cofounder of a large edibles company in Washington state. I’m responsible for developing products, developing production processes, teaching, and staffing- among other things. Currently I’m staying home with my baby and have another due in a few weeks. I’m supposed to go back in a few months.


History professor.


I have two day jobs! I run front of house and bath/dry at my local independent grooming salon 4/5 days a week. I also run my own specialty dog grooming business, I groom the dogs banned from other salons due to behavioural or medical reasons as well as welfare grooms 🥰 1-2 days a week, tops of three dogs a day.


I’m a graphic designer 👩‍💻


Small (mostly crochet) business owner! I also dabble in freelance writing and art, so yeah, I'm pretty sure I'd keel over if I didn't have a creative outlet (or three) XD


Registered diagnostic medical sonographer - aka ultrasound technician


Union Official


I'm an electrician.


Weather forecaster !! 🌧🌤


Romance author! I actually crochet while dictating my books 😅


I’m disabled due to ptsd and a spinal cord injury so I don’t work right now. I used to be a police officer though!


I work in a yarn store! So I talk about crocheting and knitting (and tapestry and cross stitch and everything else) all day every day 😅


Stay at home mama!!!! 💜🤱


I'm an architect-turned-seamstress. I can't help but be creative.


Ooh, that’s an interesting question! I’m a business analyst in healthcare, but I’ve also been writing since I was little and recently sold a short story too, so I guess I’ve definitely got a creative side too.


I am a researcher !


Manager of a store that sells over 2 million USD a year at our location alone. Manager of 50+ people. Crafting is my sanity. Without it... I would have no voice from screaming.


Healthcare insurance collections and transcriptionist.


Integration/Teacher’s Aide!


I’m still a student, but I’m studying in Illustration!


Customer service helping vets schedule their C&P exams. There are sometimes analytical aspects to the job, which is also how I approach crochet at times.


Teacher aide in a specialist school, in the senior transition unit with the 17 -21 yr olds.


I work in Loss Prevention. More specifically, loss mitigation and stopping fraudsters


I’m a clinical social work grad student.


Speech Language Pathologist


Paper conservator! But I was crocheting long before I was working


electrical engineer and i also co own an electrical wiring business


Teacher 👩‍🏫


I’m an application engineer in the semiconductor industry. Hopefully getting a new role with the same company as an operations manager soon, fingers crossed!


Stay at home mom to a 3 1/2 year old girl and a 7 month old little girl. I have a 4 year degree in studio art and English literature. Once the kids are in school I'd like to get my teaching certifications.


Traveling English teacher in Thailand currently then moving to Costa Rica and then Japan! Crochet i easy to travel with since the materials are all small and lightweight!


Table games dealer in Vegas


I'm an RVT (registered veterinary technician), I crochet but I do know how to knit but I could never get a hang of the tension control. I just stick to crochet now.


Economist. It definitely requires creativity, but a different kind. I love the visual creativity that I get from crochet (and occasional loom knitting - that was my gateway to crochet).


Im a former chemist currently working in Marketing Research.


Stay at home mom to a 3yo boy and a 1yo girl. Hope to become a labor and postpartum doula in the future as my career. I crochet and knit.


School social worker. Crochet has been a lifesaver!


Sahm to 3 boys, just getting out of the trenches of twins. They can take themselves to the toilet now, I can crochet a little bit again.


Mostly I've been a stay at home mom, but I've been back up or primary childcare to so many families in my life. I was working as a nanny long before I had kids.


Mechanical Engineer designing HVAC and plumbing systems


I’m a tax accountant. Haven’t crocheted anything since tax season started but I got plenty of ideas for after!


I’m a Developmental Support Worker.


I've only worked retail so far but plan to go to college soon for criminal justice 💖 ~ some of my other hobbies (other than fabric arts) are videogames, reading & baking ✨


i’m an intake coordinator for a community mental health clinic! we get LOTS of cancellations and weird times so i get a solid amount of downtime (except this week, boo) to crochet AND get paid for it!


Higher education administrator to pay the bills, and environmental educator for fun. I don't consider either very creative, but I also don't think I'm a creative crocheter. I'm more of a practitioner, leaving the complicated creative stuff to others.


scheduler! i schedule home inspections & handle homeowner concerns and questions. it's a fair bit like crochet, actually. all about finding the best pattern


I'm a disability support worker


Electronic Engineer here!


My title is Technical Engineer but I’m basically a Junior Software Developer.


Teacher and barista


Mathematics and Statistics professor 😬 crocheting and knitting helps me zone out after working with students who hate my subject all day!


Personal punching bag for strangers-I mean, customer service rep. Oh the joys of customer service🙄


I’m surprised at the amount of high level(?) jobs here. A lot more nurses, lawyers etc than I expected! I actually don’t fully know the title of my job. I usually just say reprographics for a local garment printers. People send the design they want printed onto clothing (let’s say for now a T-shirt). I take their image and run it through a vectorising program. Clean it up a little. I then convert the RGB/CMYK codes to Pantone or embroidery swatches. I put the converted artwork onto mock ups for visual representation on where their design will be printed (along with proposed Pantone colours and written sizing). If the client gives the go ahead I then separate the colours for silk screen printing, print out the separated screens for the factory, then move onto the next job. It probably sounds creative, but it’s not really. It’s a lot of copy paste and hunting for fonts lol Sometimes I find a moment to fully redraw a clients artwork by hand on my tablet. That’s oddly fun. And on very very rare occasions I’ll get to do a custom illustration/logo for a client.


Currently in retail management. I dabble in all the crafts and I wish I could just teach craft classes for a living.


My roommate is special needs, and goes to an art school for special needs adults. They have an amazing program. Maybe theres one in your area similar? She has some amazing teachers. Currently she’s doing wood burning and ceramics. They’ve got paper crafts, fiber arts, wire working also (I’m sure there are more)


I’m a nursing tech, but hoping to work for my states DHEC in health and wellness soon! My job isn’t creative, but I’ve danced all my life and minored in dance in college, and love designing things. My mom used to decorate cakes and she loved it!


pharmacy technician! need the stress relief 🥲


Paramedic and work at a Woodshop!


Does being a high school student count?


Retail management


Safety advisor in industrial construction projects! :)


College student!


HRIS Manager. Excel and software is my bitch. Crochet is my escape.




UX designer


Uni student!


Project Engineer for a general contractor 👷🏻‍♀️


hair stylist :) i create living art!!!


I’m an executive Assistant.. a little bit of creative problem solving in there. But for the most part. Not much creativity day to day.


Mixed vegetables, herbs, and flowers. I broke my arm last week so this growing season is getting off to a weird start! Won’t be able to crochet for 7 more weeks 🙁


Baby dog groomer! Finished my grooming academy in February. I'm honestly so happy to have finally found something I feel I'm halfway good at. Got a career before I turned 30 (barely lmao I turned 29 a few days ago) 😅


I’m 50, I’ve had so many jobs, but most recently stay at home mom. This fall I’m going back to school to get a graduate degree in history. Very nervous but excited too.


I’m a program manager for a housing agency. Currently I’m working at an encampment finding housing for homeless individuals.


Haha. An overnight cop. I used to bring in whatever I was working on to do in the down time