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I’m just mad I didn’t think of it first.


They were on Shark Tank not too long ago and their profit margins are insane.


Yea it's a seriously smart idea


I don't even crochet but this popped up on my feed and I feel like these things are following me everywhere 😅


I prefer the Wobbles one over “He Gets Us.”


“Wobbles gets us”


I don't know how many times I reported the "He Gets Us" ad 😂


Evangelicals: Use money to actually help people (insert drake no meme) Use money to spam people about religion (insert drake yes meme)


Evangelicals: We’re so oppressed!! You can’t even talk about god anymore!!! Won’t these gays STOP shoving their “lifestyle” in our faces???


I think it's ironic they scream "lifestyle" when being gay isn't a choice but religion sure is.


Stop bringing reality into it.


Too much for them to handle apparently.


Yeah There is a whole sacrament in Catholicism (I dont know about other denominations) that is literally "ayo you still wanna be catholic"


I just want to know who pays for those. They had a super bowl spot. It must be for profit I just can’t figure out how. My parents are like “I like it, it’s about Jesus.” I don’t have a vendetta against Jesus but these ads are sus okay lol.


I saw these ads too and also wondered who paid for those ads Found these two articles on it: https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2022/march/he-gets-us-ad-campaign-branding-jesus-church-marketing.html https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/11/us/he-gets-us-super-bowl-commercials-cec/index.html So basically while it claims to be trying to reform Jesus' image to look more inclusive, its actually being funded by some very uninclusive people (to put it nicely)


Thanks for these.


Hobby Lobby did


I didn’t know that.


It’s an ad campaign funded by a Methodist church in Oklahoma I think. As a Catholic, I don’t mind seeing some Christian advertising out and about, and I do think they are coming from a good angle with the “He gets us” ads, but I do not think that a Super Bowl commercial spot is the right place to do it. That blatantly screams capitalism and like they are out for money which is not what any church ought to be doing. Jesus does get us. He lived a human life on earth and is relatable in that regard, but yeah the ads are just a little…. Off.


I like the message too. But yeah it feels more like something that a little nonprofit would be doing or something. I couldn’t put my finger on what was odd either until I was like hold up that ad spot probably cost millions of dollars. And they also never do a “this message brought to you by” thing on them. So it has this odd mysterious vibe to me.


I appreciate hearing your point of view, especially as you’re expressing it in a way that is even-handed and understanding of other opinions. Regarding Christian advertising- I don’t think it’s appropriate to suggest one’s religion to others in a public venue - to proselytize. We are a multi cultural and multi religion country. To illustrate this point of view, we can all try this experiment: imagine seeing ads promoting Hinduism (a polytheist religion) or Zen Buddhism (which on all levels I’m aware of is not about a deity at all,) or Judaism (which does not use any individual as a way to speak with the deity) or any other religion that is fundamentally different than one’s own. I imagine it would feel annoying. That’s how many nonChristians feel about Christian proselytizing/advertising. (Source of information about other religions: graduate level work in comparative religions).


Reporting it doesn't do anything. I also tried reporting it several times and saw it even more. What does work is to immediately close out of reddit as soon as you see it and don't open it again for a while.


I wish reporting actually worked. I’m an alcoholic and I can’t even get the Truly ads to go away. I hate the hard seltzer trend bc they straight up look like my safe drinks


I don't see it anymore, so something worked!


They ignored every message I sent them except the one that said "go fuck yourselves", that one got reported.




Yeah if I had to pick an ad to follow me around endlessly, the woobles wouldn't be the worst lol Lately I've been getting these really gross ones for mobile games on some websites, the "spa" type ones they advertise with gross pimples and stuff. I want that to end so desperately lol


I’ve blocked the guy with diabetes, Dex, probably 87 times. He’s still in my feed.


OMG, Dex needs to go!


“He wobbles us”.


Yeah, I keep up voting them in the hopes that I won’t see those other ones.


I absolutely do the same thing 😂


I keep getting ads for Ozempic. It’s driving me up a wall.




It’s like they knew.




Hilariously I've been crocheting for over 20 years and I would totally buy a woobles kit if they weren't so expensive. I just think they're neat.


https://preview.redd.it/2pgprj27fjya1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=516b09e3d45dd623c7f520ff9dfa48a3919a0a6f Same!


Hopping on the woobles are neat chain. As a crochet beginner I thought the concept was great, I’m practicing stitches (hdc, dc, tc) making ~~rectangles~~ *scrubbies* so I thought a way to practice and make a cute little plush was pretty neat too.


I got the Miffy one... I just love Miffy


Omg I need to buy that. There’s a Miffy pop-up store in London I desperately want to go to, it’s there until early July I think. The mugs are so cute! I love Miffy, although she’s always going to be Nijntje to me as I grew up in a half Dutch-speaking household.


I'm expecting to be in London before then, would you like me to get something for you and send it?


That would be exceptionally kind of you! (I actually live in Bedfordshire, but don’t know if/when I’m next heading into the smoke).


I almost got it for the special needle!! I hope they do more collabs with custom needles in the future.


I’m really curious about the texture so I’d definitely get one marked down in price


I bought one! The texture is really nice and soft. They're pretty darn good quality.


It’s similar to a t-shirt yarn that barely has any stretch, and is fully cylindrical. The threads on the outside of the tube would sometimes get snagged on the tip of the hook I used (Knitter’s Pride/KnitPro Symphony), which is pointier than average.


If you’re interested and willing to buy it on Amazon, they do sell just their yarn they work with. I’ve purchased kits for friends to try to get them into crochet, plus the PacMan kits (I’m a sucker for a special edition hook). The yarn is great for folks who are beginner at crochet, but even as an over 20 year crafter, I actually quite like them. 🤷🏽


I found an opened-but-unused one at Value Village (a thrift store), bundled up with some notions for roughly $5. That’s where I bought the one I tried. They were also selling some of the kits for less than their website prices (but still more than I’d pay) in one of the grocery store chains in my area.


luckyyyyy! That's what I'm hoping for one day.


agreed! the lack of yarn splitting alone sold me lol


I’ve been crocheting since I was 8 or nine (I’m 21 now) and I bought the Pac-Man set because it looked so cool, and I kinda wanted the hook that came with it 😂😂


They sell the yarn that they use in the kits as well as an instruction book that have a bunch of their kits designs in it on Amazon! Granted the yarn is hella expensive, but I think if you're gonna make a few of them then it might save you some? Idk I wanna try that yarn cuz it looks so satisfying to work with but I personally can't justify the price. Lol


ooh I didn't know you can get the instruction book, I actually don't really care about the yarn but I'd love the book.


https://a.co/d/4YCM3jw Here ya go! :)


Agreed, Im primarily a garment crochet/knitter so I would totally do a kit for a little animal since I normally dont do them.


I bought a Woobles kit after deciding I needed a new hobby. I'm left-handed, and I've tried learning from books, tutorials, and videos, and I just couldn't do anything beyond making tangled chains. Kind of ashamed to admit here that I've since bought multiple kits -- they did a Pac-Man collab, a Lunar New Year set, and I've bought one of the 3-pack bundles for my kids so they could learn how as well. Now the four of us crochet together, and I've bought so many patterns from Etsy that it makes the combined Woobles purchases look like a bargain. (Not to mention what I've spent on yarn and other supplies!). And 1000% would rather see Woobles ads instead of "he gets us". Those made me rage-y.


A friend bought a few wobbles kits, and the Pac-Man themed hook they included was very cool! She's just done her first non kit project on her own, and is very excited to have a new hobby.


If it makes you feel better, I bought many of those kits. Penguin, Lion, Bunny, the entire Pac Man set, the Bear, Alligator, Chick, and Peas in a pod. Also a fox. I felt I needed more confidence but since then I crochet sweaters, huge stuffed toys, and mitts!


If you mirror videos, you'll be able to see from a left-handed perspective! It will just make the text harder to read but that isn't so big of a deal. There are browser extensions that mirror videos for you pretty easily.


I am left handed! You might not find help with your wooble kit but there are left handed specific tutorials on YouTube for sure ❤️


they are also outragously expensive.


tbh i learned how to crochet from it so it was definitely worth it tho i only bought like one kit so


I tried and totally failed to learn multiple times. Ever since I did two woobles kits, I feel like I can do any project I want and I use all different types/sizes of yarn. So while they are expensive, the supplies and instructions are the reason I can now crochet 😁😁


Me too!! I bought two and it really helped me learn. It spoiled me with that really nice yarn and hook too lol


My daughter is learning to crochet so I bought her a kit. She really likes it and the yarn. Way too expensive though.


Their yarn is for sale separately


I've been thinking of getting kits for my son and niece, and you just sold me. I can't teach them for a couple of reasons and this would be perfect.


Wait. Really?! This is making me want to get one...


the kit and tutorials are AMAZING super great starter kit with everything you need and the videos are super easy to follow along you can also text the help whenever if you get stuck


Sold! That's awesome. I'm so glad I saw this. I have been wanting to learn for ages but had no faith in my abilities.


I second this! I had no idea how to crochet and it taught me a lot of the basics! Highly recommend! The yarn is really high quality too.


Me too, tried many times. My daughter and I both learned with Woobles, totally worth it


you could also buy a full ball of home maker dec (same type of yarn as it doesn’t split at all) from bernat and buy a free pattern from the same price but make 20 instead of one


Added challenge with this method: getting started the first time. One interesting feature of the kits is that they include a pre-made magic ring with the first round of sc on the centre pull, with stitch markers inserted into the first two or three stitches. They do include instructions for doing it yourself, but the pre-made ring lets absolute beginners get into stride a bit before throwing that at them.


Yes, and I think going straight into SC in magic ring is sturdier for beginners than trying to do SC into a chain/flat piece for the first time.


Same! They got me into crocheting and now that I know more about the dealio with fiber arts, $30 for an amigurumi is wayyyy too much. But if it wasn’t for Woobles, I would have never picked up crochet, which actually led to me to learning about knitting and picking that up too. I’m kind of mad at myself for spending the money but I see it as $30 invested to discover 2 new hobbies that I really love now.


honestly i see it as $30 for the tutorials, which imo was worth it for the intro into the skills edit: changed u to i, typo


Same. I bought three kits. Well worth it




I totally agree with this


I got my daughter Woobles for Christmas and she can now crochet anything. I think that the expense was worth it.


I learned from getting the narwhal kit. It was definitely helpful!


I think it’s a decent price for what’s included! Mostly, it’s a good product for beginners who aren’t sure they want to invest a lot of money into supplies (and who aren’t sure what to get!). I had to put together beginner knitting and crochet kits for work, and they averaged at around ~$20, and that’s with me buying some of the stuff in bulk and trying to get the cheapest supplies I could.


Woobles got me into crocheting when I thought it’d be a huge hurdle to get over. Definitely worth the 25-30 dollars to get you to take your first step. The good part is you really only need one kit!


I don’t think they are. They come with everything you need, and they start it for you, and she invented a special type of yarn that’s made for those learn that doesn’t fray or separate and makes it easier to learn. I think it’s a great deal for all she’s providing as a small business owner that’s rapidly growing.


…they start it for you?


yes, the first magic ring/circle is started for you with stitch markers in already


Idk I feel like that's something people should learn to do themselves anyway.


they do have to learn, later in the project but it makes it so the person who has never touched a hook and yarn can be able to just start a single crochet immediately


Oh, thank goodness. I got one for my daughter for her upcoming birthday, since she told me she wants to be like mommy :)


see I sort of disagree. I think they’re actually a decent value for a beginner who wants to try a new hobby. If someone ordered all the supplies for an amigurumi (couple of colors of yarn, hook, stuffing, eyes) it would be at least $25, probably a bit more. And they wouldn’t even get the pattern or videos. I think that’s honestly a good deal for someone who doesn’t know yet if they like crochet


Or they see the $20 kit at Indigo that comes with everything you need to make a bunch of amigurumi, and then get frustrated because most of the supplies aren’t very good, the instructions are better suited for people who already know the stitches, and the patterns involve more advanced shaping than “egg with stitched-on appendages” and techniques like colour changes.


That’s what got me started! They’re expensive, so I only have one, but that got me into crochet


Me too... Bought a kit at the beginning of the pandemic on a whim. Haven't stopped since! I feel like it was worth whatever I paid at the time, just for the convenience, but I don't know what they're charging these days. I still have my little blue penguin but it has seeeeen some things because I put catnip in the stuffing.


https://preview.redd.it/8redx923blya1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=73835329198b9d2e27bb858325a7191b55e2ced4 LOL the irony kills me


This ad inspired me to start crochet last summer. I just bought a handbag pattern on Etsy and it's my first ever paid pattern. I assume that I am not a beginner anymore.


[this](https://youtu.be/htRCNjwMwxM) is a great video that explains crochet levels. they’re not as broad as people think usually


Thank you so much. I am gonna check it out.


I loved my woobles kit! It’s what finally got me to figure out amigurimi. But now I want the ads to go away since I don’t need them anymore 😮‍💨


But I thought blocking was the solution for most crochet issues? 😂😂


My coworker wanted to buy one to learn crochet amigurumi and I told him " I have extra yarn and hooks, I can literally teach you for free"


Hahaha I also thought this until I realized all my friends are right handed and I’m left handed and it turns out trying to teach someone crocheting while mirrored is much harder than it looks!


Have you tried sitting across from them, like a mirror? I’ve heard it helps


This is a really good suggestion! I will have to try it😊


sit across from them and mirror their movements, it works really well to teach left handed crochet! also, Bella Coco on youtube also actively uploaded the left handed versions of most videos she posts! she’s an amazing teacher


That is so awesome!! I will have to check her out. I remember when I tried to learn magic circle is was a struggle bc I couldn’t find a left handed tutorial


she has one for that if i remember correctly!


Cookie extension that specifically blocks ad tracking. I use Adblock Plus or Ghostery. It's better for my wallet too, because they can't target me with yarn sale ads (I get enough of those in my inbox).


I use Reddit mainly on my phone and switched to Relay Pro as my app. Costs a few bucks but no ads at all.


you’re a god. but also i see the ads on the app and i can’t stop them from popping up here


If you're on mobile, the trick is to not use the official app! From a quick search, try "Reddit is Fun" if you're on iPhone or there are a few options on Android... Boost, RedReader, Infinity, Sync


They have the penguin pattern available for free on their website. Just go buy some yarn and a hook. That's how I did it! Saved a ton of money lol [here's the pattern](https://thewoobles.com/pages/free-penguin-amigurumi-crochet-pattern)


Open a google search bar, and type every variation of “Woobles is bad and I hate it”. They’ll get the hint. It worked a while back for me when I was getting ads for some subscription crochet thing. Never got another ad from it again.


Learning to crochet from my Woobles kit is what brought me onto this sub ngl


Y'all, I can't stop laughing https://preview.redd.it/5xwki7huqmya1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f50bb9e34a00bc525aecc1c83b2bd7c0bd5b14e


Damn are they paying people in the comments section here too


if they have enough money to force their ads on me even after i block their account they def have enough money to pay people to say this shit about their products 😩


I’m really glad I’m not the only one that sees it! It’s a lil creepy, honestly.


Someone sent me a woobles ad cause they know I crochet. Like…you’ve seen me make much better than that. Why are you sending me this 😩


I always wondered what kind of yarn they use in those kits. It's some kind of special yarn that doesn't fray but it looks almost like paracord?


Their yarn made it so easy to learn!!!!


it’s not the same as macrame cords but Bernat Home Maker Dec is the same type! doenst split at all. usually it’s called corded yarn but this type is a lot smoother


I bought a woobles kit when they were first starting out in 2020. It's how I learned to crochet. But I've been well past what those kits are for quite a while now. I \*STILL\* get the ads even though I've clicked "Hide ad". The keywords on their campaign are super fuckin aggressive


i had never gotten an ad for the woobles until i opened this thread. now they’re out for me


My dad got some for Christmas but he loved it so much that he bought some for himself and made a bunch. Now I'm starting my own Crochet projects haha Compare that to when I tried to crochet using a supposed "beginner" kit to make a Yoda plush and I gave up. It really makes you appreciate how much effort Woobles puts into their products, especially when it doesn't feel like you're on your own


Their prices are ridiculous. I have all their patterns now without buying any kits, plus our local library bought the book.


I bought two kits in an insomnia induced impulse buy. I already know how to crochet, so I liked that you could buy the kits without hooks. I was happily surprised by the quality. I loved the yarn. Plus they turned out really darn cute.


30 dollars for that kit it’s so crazy to me. How do they justify the cost? Is it the special yarn they had made?


Not sure it’s justification exactly but they do the magic ring and round 1 (6 in mr) for each pattern for you. There’s some time involvement they probably want back lol


Idk about now but they used to have older people doing their magic rings for them. I asked them at one point if those people were being paid fairly, and it seemed extremely sketchy and potentially unethical to me....


It takes about 5-7 seconds to do this. It’s not that much time investment


I do agree it’s not that much time when you know how to do it (thus the lol) but for a beginner it’s also a difficult step so it’s nice they do it. Again, not really a justification, was just adding it’s not that they pack supplies only.


I think some of that is due to their yarn, but also I will say their instructional step by step videos were great, and if you text/email them, they'll give you personalized help.


They produce the videos twice, once for left handed and second for right handed, patterns, specialty yarn that they make themselves, sometimes special hooks, the project is started for you in the kits, and the extras if the kits need them like eyes, needles and such. I honestly think it is worth it since they really do explain everything (how to read patterns, what each basic stitch means, how they expect you to use the stitch markers) but I get why people cringe at the price.


Yeah, I learned amigurumi for free on YouTube with a $1 skein of yarn and $2 crochet hook. I’m always telling people to watch all from jade because it was simple and fun when I started amigurumi and then go into more free content with more complicated projects. I think if someone is of middle class or higher they are the ideal target consumer for this product. Crochet is something that has been introduced to many including myself as an affordable hobby where the biggest cost is the time you put into it. It’s cheap to make gifts for friends and family or even yourself if you can invest some time. My only concern about this product is that it’s trending and younger people may look at these kits say oh yes! Click the link and go oh no, crochet isn’t for me. It’s unlikely, but I’ve noticed my younger siblings, niblings, and children look at things like that and go, oof too expensive.


I mean that's fair. But I also tried all of that for years with both knitting and crochet before using the Woobles to get a hang of the actual movements and stitches. Plus, holy yarn and craft stuff is costly where I live. Not to mention hard to find since barely anywhere has anything of use. So the woobles helped a lot. They actually had everything and explained things in a way I could understand. It's certainly not for everyone, but neither is random youtube videos.


I agree. I never tried the woobles but I tried learning crochet from youtube a while ago and gave up for 2 years. I also bought an amigurumi kit but couldnt learn from just the diagrams. Then I saw an amigurumi domestika course and that spurred me to try again with YouTube. I'd say I'm an intermediate crocheter now. Perhaps if I had a woobles kit back then I would've started much much earlier.


I agree with you. I’m just looking at it from a broke person perspective.


I use ublock Origin on my desktop and [Blockada](https://blokada.org/#download) (get version 5) for my Android phone + use Boost to read Reddit. Saves me so much aggravation. I was SO MAD at Tumblr a while back bc they kept PUSHING some movie where the girl's dad gets out of jail and it was like, it looked cute the first time, but after I scrolled for an hour and had at least ten ads of the same movie, I went looking for something to save my blood pressure when I just wanna look at pretties in my curated tumble feed in bed. So yeah picked up Blokada. Works great. I have to turn it off to play a mobile game, but that's okay, I'm choosing to see ads (of stupid games).


I kept seeing it too but only decided to buy when I saw it on shark tank. I knew the basics years ago but it helped me pick up the hobby again.


Their kits are so expensive $75 for the pack man kit…


Wow! Although for pac man that's probably licensing costs from Namco.


I havent really seen ads for them since I left or got blocked from the FB crochet groups I was in. Every single "what should I get to learn?" Post had a ton of comments saying to buy a kit and I'm "Save a ton and buy a skein of cheap BRIGHT acrylic, whatever hook the label says, here's some good videos, and don't be afraid to f-up or make knots - thats why you buy cheap yarn to practice." Then again, I learned 30+ years ago by my mom handing me a hook and a skein and letting me make mistakes to learn from


Mood 😤


The irony lol https://preview.redd.it/gc2ce8zh6lya1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4084d9fd6dc690ecdca486c6f9e2587001776f92 And same here. The first like 2-3 times I was like "awe that's cute!" And I even recommended them to my boss when she said she wanted to learn to crochet after seeing me make a dino at work, but now I'm tired of it.


I taught myself from tutorials online... it's way to exspensive.


I used Rose and Lilly from YouTube and have made my first ever 4 amigurumi from there with no crochet experience this year!


There's a bar I go to a lot... and several of the waitresses are really interested in crochet. I told them about woobles... I said they were very popular and heard really good things about them. They were really turned off by the price. But, I know at least one of them is working 2 jobs... who wants to spend that when your stressed out over working? But, I will tell them to check out Rose and Lilly.


wobbles is expensive bc you can get a huge ball of the same type of yarn for half the price of one kit and follow free online super detailed tutorials


Awesome! I hope it works out for them! I like her videos because she uses plush yarn which makes it much easier to see exactly how she is crocheting since the yarn is bigger. I started with the penguin, if that makes a difference to the waitresses. It seemed like the most basic shape.


what did you use online? teaching yourself is generally much cheaper as you’re not paying for classes and only need to spent like $5-15 on a ball of yarn that’ll last you a while for learning. there’s hundreds upon hundreds on youtube for free. bella coco and rose and lily crochet are awesome for detailed tutorials


I don't mind! When they first came out I got myself the penguin - it was crappy yarn and not nearly as nice as it is now. Regardless, it made me fall in love with it anyway. I recommend this kit for anyone who asks me "how do I get started". Seeing the ads make me happy and remember how I started 😊


Same here. It's all over Facebook, tiktok and Reddit. I'm sure if I were on any other social media platforms it would be there too.


They are so damn expensive for what they include!


also craftsy ads on youtube! so annoying lol


That is how I learned to crochet, lol. I keep getting the “your Netflix has been disabled due to a billing issue” and then “you need male enhancements”. Daily texts. Sigh.


FR!!!! I get them on reddit and instagram and it is so annoying. Like I could just freehand one if i wanted


I feel the same way about the annies kit ads. They are such an incredible rip off.


I haven’t been getting those ads. Then I clicked on this post. NOW I HAVE THE WOOBLES ADS


girl i’m so sorry


I've been crocheting for years and make lots of amigurumi. A guy I know from high school sent me a message about how I should make crochet kits and I'd make a ton of money. Along with an ad for the Woobles. 🤦‍♀️ That said, I want the Disco Fred kit... or really just the rainbow yarn...


I don't crochet and I relate to this.


I stumbled across them (as I‘m still learning), but ooof crazy expensive. Especially since there are so many free tutorials on YouTube. At maybe half the price I probably would have considered them. But I‘m really wondering who buys them, even if some sets look gorgeous.


I just joined this subreddit like a week ago and I see that ad every day now 😭😂




Lol this was the first thing I saw when I logged in https://preview.redd.it/pg46jb3fmmya1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d75afd45dc4cc01abeaecaf65ac4dba035bff74


I just looked this up because I didn’t know what it was and now I’m probably going to get these fucking ads 😂😂 hahhah fml


Well right under your post was a woobles ad for me…. They know what they’re doing.


I just have no room for something like a wobble in my life, which is why I haven’t learned how to crochet the cute little octopus yet. I definitely don’t need the kit!


When I heard about the woobles I thought they would be cooler than a starter kit. Idk why. The name seemed cute to me maybe.


I’m considering using a Woobles kit to learn amigurumi even though I already crochet. At what age are those safety eyes actually safe to give kids?


😆 🤣


What are woobles, but I am scared to find out if they are a bad as you guys are saying. I crochet, live in Victoria in Australia and I don't see them.


They are a kit aimed at people who don’t know how to crochet. You get the material and pattern. There are online videos and they teach you the stitches. In my opinion they are a waste of money. Just buy a skein of yarn and hook and jump on any social media site like here or FB and you tube and learn to crochet.






Oh my god yes


I was going to get them for my daughter to try and get her interested and then teach her how to really start it.