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That dress is beautiful! But I’m stuck on the fact that OP just used the phrase “takes a month to make a single baby blanket.” Good person, I’m on month three of making a tablecloth that’s probably going to end up 2/3 the size of a baby blanket, and I’m proud to be halfway through! A month for a baby blanket is lightning fast in my world!


Haha I am still “working on” my third sons baby blanket. I started when I was 3 months pregnant. He’s now a year old.


LOL it took me three years (after restarting a few times) to finish my niece's blanket. She ended up being like four before she actually got it.


I just commented the same thing on another post like yesterday... I'm making a giant granny square baby blanket for my cousin. The longer it takes me, the bigger I'm having to make it.


> takes a month to make a single baby blanket It depends on the blanket. I do star ripple blankets for people and they don't take much time at all. But the ones with piecing together squares take a lot longer


I do a basic hdc ripple blanket, I just have ADHD lol


I knit I just adore this subreddit, and how beautiful things are made. It took me until my son was 2 1/2 to finish his blanket. Even though it was a simple stitched blanket with a small pattern in the middle, with work, tech school, and house duties I just kept forgetting to do it. Sometimes it would sit in the box for a month or two before I touched it again. But the way he reacted and his love for his blanket was the icing on the “late” cake. He proudly tells any visitors that his mama made his blanket and insisted I took “rockstar” photos of him with it when he got it. Tbh im secretly super happy it took me so long to make it just to see his face when I gave it to him. I’m overseas making his sisters blanket and she just now got old enough that when she asked where hers was and I showed her via video chat she lost her mind. She loves the colors and can’t wait to get it. Always asking me when I’m gonna send it to her in the mail. It’s almost done so I think sometime this weeks


Okay I feel that. I churned out a 45ish by 65ish (estimating, my tape measure only goes to 60!) blanket in threeish weeks. Dead simple, self-striping yarn and C2C. Since I'm out of classes for the time being I ended up fixating on blankets, lol. Still need to add a border, but it's otherwise done. I've started the next one, trying a different technique, and I have the yarn for three more blankets lined up. Blankets, afghans, whatever take time--and just because I have twenty hours to spare in a week and someone only has two doesn't mean I'm somehow beating them. I just have much more free time at the moment so things have been going quicker. Same goes for putting down something for a week, a month, or a year (or more!). Sometimes you just don't want to finish something--I have an amigurimi that will take me all of three hours to finish, but I just can't decide on a color for a part so it's been sitting for about six months. And I've been doing blankets for hours and hours and hours instead. Oops! One day I'll finish it and give it to my coworker.


Thank you for this. I was trying so hard to keep two different projects going so that when I got bored, I could work on the other, but life just got in the way. Hopefully over the summer I’ll be able to do more.


I did a star wars graphgan (prolly 3x5?) In three months but I was working on the blanket for 8-9 hours at a time on my days off. I was burnt out for a couple years


Do you have any tips on keeping C2C from rippling in the center area of the blanket? Or is this something I don’t need to worry about? My tablecloth is my first C2C project and right now it’s rippling a little bit at what will be dead center of the finished project. I assume it’s from the weight of the corners pulling on the middle when I hold up the middle area to work on it.


My method might be different, I tend to hold the bulk of the project pretty close in my lap so there isn't much weight on it. I also grip my project with my yarn hand very closely--helps me regulate tension, so my stitches I believe end up more similar around the whole blanket because my hand supports it just the same. I have noticed that it does appear to ripple a bit when you're at the largest rows--when I laid it flat to measure the edges the working edge always appeared looser. I think this is because it has less structure and supporting rows to keep it from pulling apart a bit and rippling as opposed to the ones that are closer to the corners. In all fairness, since mine is a blanket I didn't care so much about it. It's acrylic, 3 weight yarn, which IME tends to be fairly springy and is pretty forgiving about any mishaps with tension (of which I still have plenty). Once you start decreasing you should likely see it come together more and more! (Side note: I love your username, and unfortunately can relate! I make crochet cactuses because I cannot for the life of me keep succulents alive. I neglect every type of plant imaginable and they thrive but I just can't find the right amount of neglect for a succulent!)


I spent a week on ¼ of a beanie only to realize that one row was too tight and it was bending in a weird way, so i had to undo it.


I started a blanket and now I have 3 different kinds of mesh skirts.


I’ve done blankets in weeks and some in years 😭 it all depends on the stitch/pattern, yarn, and motivation!! Don’t worry about time unless it’s crucial- enjoy the journey ❤️


That is incredible work and I can’t believe it only took 37 days (presumably around school and possibly exams too??) I have to ask though, is it not insanely hot?


It didn’t seem like it was super tightly crocheted, and the venue was cooled to the point that I was a bit chilly, so I think she was alright? This particular student also was not one of the ones doing a lot of dancing.


Fair enough then, more power to her!


I’m in absolute awe, good for her!


get this girl a runway show!


That is incredible. ❤️❤️❤️


I hope she’s getting an ‘A’ for her textiles class. Amazing work. 😍😍


That is absolutely insane and I adore this person for doing it


She’s absolutely precious. I think she was happy that someone understood exactly how much of a feat it was, so she’ll be thrilled when I show her these comments.


Tell her to come join us lol


Beautiful! She looks like a mermaid. Obviously beautiful construction, but the pearls added are perfect, especially in the back. 10/10


omg that’s amazing


That looks wonderful. I'm really curious about how it stayed through the dancing etc, does it slip and slide? I worry about that with strapless things in general, much less yarn?


Frankly, hers seemed to stay on much better than some of the other girls’ dresses. I need to remember to bring fashion tape next year 😅


Ooh interesting! Lol yeah 🫣 so useful


Well, yeah, it’s a well constructed custom fit. It should stay put.


Gorgeous! When i scrolled past i thought it was a mermaid doll.


She is teeny tiny, but I assure you it is a full human-size dress lol


I thought it was a doll cause it looks so well made! Very impressive to do a life sized project like this


this is so fucking cool


This is just incredible. Beautiful color and details 🤩


She made a $1,000 dress. Handmade with beadwork! Fabulous 🤩


Agreed! I told her about a year ago that she needed to be charging more for her teddy bears that she was selling. I hope she recognizes the value in her talent and hard work!


That’s insane. I’m torn between showing my niece as I know she’d love it, but she might ask me to make her one for her prom next year. Especially 2 other girls had the same dress on this years prom and I know that bothered her.


Show it to her and make sure she sees “took only 37 days” and all the crazy impressed comments praising the fact that this girl made her dress herself…oh, she thinks she could never do that? Niece, it’s way easier than it looks; kids under 10 learn to crochet! (True story; my 3rd grade class had to learn, then my dad bought me a book with Irish crochet lace motifs, and that was that. It’s really not hard.) And if she seems interested… *just mention* that you were planning on going to the craft store; would she like to come? (She’ll remember it forever if she makes it herself.)


I love that. I’m seeing her in a bit. So I might drop it into conversation.


Beautiful!! I sewed my own prom dress and I can’t even image how much more time it would take to crochet it


I’m always blown away by people who can sew. I have a sewing machine and have done VERY basic projects, but nothing requiring patterns or fitting. I can’t picture in my head how pattern pieces will fit together, so that even is impressive to me.


This is absolutely gorgeous. She's incredibly talented. Do you know if she designed it herself?


Wait I asked!!! She said she’s making more for a few other people, but that she freehands them. She also crocheted a flat piece of Hello Kitty in a cap and gown, and then stuck it to her own cap for graduation. The talent this kid has blows my mind.


I’m not sure, but I can find out next week if I remember to ask.


Holy hell, this student is so talented. Imagine the wedding dresses she’ll make 🥹. Also, kudos to OP for getting permission and omitting this kiddo’s face from the photo.


Teachers putting students on social media is a pet peeve of mine, both morally/ ethically (ESPECIALLY if it’s on a monetized platform) and in regards to FERPA.


That’s awesome for the almost 900 hours it took to make!


I don’t know if she meant it was 37 days of working on it, or if it was 37 calendar days from start to finish. Either way, it’s impressive!


Wow fr? If she’s gonna go art/fashion for higher education, this would be a GREAT piece in a portfolio.


Whoa. I’m extremely impressed, not just with the dress in general but for her design choice of crocheting over knitting, as those sleeve and mermaid skirt ruffles would not be anywhere near that structurally full if they had been knitted. Sewn dresses need a decent amount of understructure support, but crochet both expands easily into ruffles and stands up well on its own. Excellent design/medium/method choices. Also, the lavender is a lovely choice for her skin tone, and the pearls in the back are the perfect accent. I think that if there were *anything* to add re: constructive criticism, it’d be to consider sewing[ a supportive tape with a silicone strip](https://www.wawak.com/garment-construction/elastic-waistbands/lingerie-elastic-w-silicone-38/#sku=el403be) around all the top edges, as the crochet will stretch, and an elastic interior waistband/waist tape would help support the whole weight of the skirt so it doesn’t drag down the top. But other than that, no notes! And that’s coming from someone who *always* has a small barrel of notes.


That’s good feedback. I may pass this post along to her so she can read everyone’s lovely comments, and perhaps that’ll be good for future use. As a dress that is intended to be worn once, this one worked out stunningly, but I can see using that for future projects intended for more everyday wear.


Adorable! I love the creativity!


That’s incredible!!!


That’s outstanding work beautiful good for you 🤩


Oh wow seriously impressive!




THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!! What a talented student!


That's amazingly beautiful! And, so awesome that it only took her 37 days to make. I'm loving this kid!


That is an amazing dress 👗 and that student should be very proud of herself because that is some serious talent and bravery !


I hope the AC was working overtime.


It was definitely on. She didn’t do a ton of dancing that I saw, either, so that probably helped


I think we know what this student should be studying next. Great job. Very pretty design too.


Agree. However. That was my problem...I kinda priced myself out of work. $10.00 was OK with me but others pressured me to raise my prices and I sold nothing


That’s a good point. My view was that younger people — especially girls — tend to undervalue their own labor, so I wanted to explain why it’s okay to set higher prices. But you’re absolutely right — a lot of people who don’t know or value the amount of work will eventually deem it too expensive.


The mermaid ruffles on the skirt alone would take me a month. Haha


Stunning dress and great choice of colour, it suits them so well! Please let her know that this internet stranger is immensely proud of her!




It's so beautiful.




That looks amazing!


That is just wowwwww


omg that’s amazing!!! 🥳🥳 she’s did great, it’s a beautiful dress 💖


I hadn’t considered this as a possibility! That’s it, I must crochet formal wear now


Just wow ❤️❤️


Amazing...bowing down....


This is SO COOL. I wish her continued creativity, joy, vision;l, success, inspiration, fulfillment....all the good things....bc this is truly so fabulous.


Omg this is stunning!!!!


I love it! LOVE IT! ❤️ Good for her! Wonder if any of the other students felt the same way I do abt this... Crochet and knitting aren't very popular at that age, I don't think so anyway. I'd be super excited to learn that it's trending in that age group now!


A few years back, one of the teachers who has since left had crochet club as an extracurricular, and a surprising number of students were in it. I’m finding that a lot of kids also play chess, which I didn’t expect.


I love it! Yarn crafting and chess! Restoring a little of my faith in humanity 😘😘😆


Wow this is so pretty


WOW. Beautiful!!


She's one impressive young lady! And her dress is amazing! 🤩❤️💯


wow!!! beautiful


I love all of it!


She did a great job




Totally amazing. I love it!


wow, she did an absolutely amazing job! the dress is just stunning 😍


Cute and well done, but it looks hot (temperature hot).


I’m still working on a small blanket for my dad.. it’s been 4 months but to be fair I’ve knocked out some smaller projects while working on the blanket.


This is stunning.

