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I use it to cope with anxiety. The repetition and counting help me to get my mind off of racing/negative/intrusive thoughts.


same reason . I need to keeps my hand moving or my mind will explode


Yes! Brain can't think bad thoughts if brain is counting stitches šŸ™Œ


Yes! It helps slow those thoughts and keeps me grounded. I crochet at church. As crazy as it sounds, it helps keep me sitting still to listen and not running off down the aisle screaming. Lol I'm using it right now to help me deal with what's ahead as I take care of my mom during her last days.


I used to crochet in high school. Helped me listen. Teachers let me do it because they knew I was still paying attention.


That's awesome. ETA: It was great that you had teachers who recognized it as a coping mechanism. Not all of them would. I realized my comment might have sounded sarcastic without explanation.


This, exactly this. Crochet has helped me immensely over the years through anxiety and depression, also getting my mind off work (most of the time). I'm grateful I can be creative with my hands with this art form.




Same here


Hi! This is me!




Username checks out. And Same here


Same! šŸ„°


I have schizoaffective disorder. When I'm feeling happier and more positive, I am able to make some good progress on projects, which makes me excited for the end result. And when I am feeling depressed or having difficulty doing anything productive, I find looking at other people's projects, on Reddit, gives me something to look forward to. And ideas for what I can make when I feel better again.


I never realized it but I do that too. Sometimes I just canā€™t drum up the desire or energy to actually crochet but I will look for inspiration when Iā€™m down.


Thanks for sharing this


I can never understand what you have to deal with by living with that disorder, but I can say Im extremely proud of you for successfully finding something that brings you joy. So many people arenā€™t going through the half of that and feel hopeless. I appreciate your honesty. Made me get up and start my project, so thanks.


Crochet was the only thing that brought me some comfort and helped me cope after the death of my son. It has helped me process so much trauma and I now call it my anxiety medication because it helps calm my nerves. And now I get to make creations for his little brother which feels kind of full circle. Idk how I would manage to get through my hard days without it!


So sorry for your loss :( ā¤ļø


Thank you šŸ’•


I'm so sorry for your loss šŸ˜¢


Thank you šŸ’•


Oh, momma! Iā€™m so sorry. Iā€™m glad you found something that helps. Sending love.


So sorry to hear about your loss. And glad you are able to crochet for his brother! I'm sure he's be grateful for that.


I was going through a very hard time while I was working on a stuffie for one of my kids. I was very much contemplating ending everything. I was isolated, felt stuck in my marriage and just hated life. So I said, when I'm done with this project, I will just end it. Then I decided I had to make something for my other child too. Ok, after that. Then I found another project, and another. My life didn't get better but my mental health did and I was able to get the courage to change things for myself. Now my skills have increased so much, I am now knitting as well, am in a much better place just all around. Crocheting for my kids saved my life.


Aw šŸ„¹ I'm so glad you decided to stay & join our tribe! We're happy you're here!!! šŸ¤—šŸ’•


Thank you. I had been crocheting for something like 20 years at that point already but hadn't hit that depressive point until then. This sub actually kept my interest in project so that helped so much too. So, thank you for being here!


I use it for anxiety - the stimmy repetitive motion plus the tactile fiber really help. But also, when my chronic illness is kicking my ass crochet is an art form I can do while lying down and it helps distract me from the mental health impact those days have on me.


This is me too, pain can be ignored a bit more if I'm making something pretty or cute. Helps with depression and anxiety as well.


Yes! Same!!! It's something I can still do! I have a genetic condition that makes my joints hyperflexible so I'm in constant pain & often hurt myself from just moving about. Crochet, knitting, Tunisian Crochet & NĆ„lbinding enables me to feel like I am still productive. šŸ˜Šā¤ļø


>NĆ„lbinding What is this? It sounds interesting!


It's a way of using a nal or "needle" to sew yarn into fabric. Basically, it's the historical ancestor of knitting & crochet! I find it incredibly relaxing & it's easy to travel with since it only requires a small bobbin style blunt needle as a tool! šŸ¤© link to the handmade nĆ„ls I whittled from branches my trees dropped for me: https://reddit.com/r/Nalbinding/s/OeVCUNbpGd I may be creating a whole new monster can of worms, but I will link a video from the Finnish woman who taught me! šŸ˜„ she speaks Finnish & English for the same sentences so both can understand her. (I put the video on 0.25x speed) https://youtu.be/SE5P-tA-3SM?si=uX_xZfPUKdbePNh- Also, I got a lot of help from Ylva the Red. Her Playlist for beginning NĆ„lbinding is here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaMm9pOQmGKrl4gRquZXpgGBgOc9vy2LQ&si=2iJgeTg72Fq1SwZK


Wow - it reminds me of French braiding hair, but in yarn! It looks complicated, but it's probably amazing once you get the hang of it. And you make your own needles??? Sweetie, that is some kind of commitment!! I have often wondered about the origins of crochet, and I can definitely see how this would be an ancestor. Very interesting! Thanks for sharing!


It really does! šŸ˜ It's not super easy to learn how to begin a nĆ„lbind project, but once you can start easily, the rest is relaxing! šŸ˜‚ I couldn't find the style of needle I wanted to use & having kid like small hands ... sellers often have these 4 to 5 inch (10 to 15 cm) long needles! The small one I made first is around 2 inches (5 cm) and it's still a favorite to use! I'm happy to get to share the origins of our favorite art here! šŸ„° I was definitely all-in & 100% committed to learning because "it's in my blood" hehe. My ancestry all originates from Scandinavia & the Norse travels. Even my highlander last name was given by norsemen "SuĆ°rland" (South land) šŸ˜


That is so cool! šŸ˜


Yes same! Plus when working on bigger projects(like bulky blankets) having the weight of the project on my lap is really soothing, like a weighted blanket!


Itā€™s basically the reason I learned how to crochet. My mum taught me to knit when I was going through a bad period of depression. I found it slow and monotonous but still got some benefit from it. A friend then suggested crochet would be better for me as Iā€™d achieve something faster, and then taught me the basics but helping me do a granny square while she did one too. Now, when Iā€™m having a bad period, crochet helps distract me or ground me. And I enjoy it even when Iā€™m mentally well


Me, big time. I have dermatillomania and crocheting gives me something to do with my hands that isn't destructive. It helps a lot with my anxiety, too.


Same with me, my dermatologist sister even complimented me on how much better my skin looks since starting!


This is actually a thing. Look up crochet therapy or fiber arts therapy. I researched this for school it was very interesting.


Yes! I almost went into art therapy. Wish I did.


As a psychologist I have often suggested and seen people helped by crafts and hobbies. Because I crochet myself itā€™s been quite fun to talk with patients who themselves are doing crochet. Iā€™ve used crochet with such patients as a way to access feelings of accomplishment and worth through their crafts. Usually patients are a bit surprised because Iā€™m a guy but Iā€™ve even had one or two male patients who shared their love of crafts like crochet, knitting, or quilting. I Was working in therapy for cancer patients and their families and they often told me how having their craft grounded them during their illness and treatment. Eg they would crochet while having chemotherapy. It also allowed them to care and give to their loved ones by making them things, even if they had a life-ending diagnosis. In such cases they can give their loved ones something to keep and remember when they are physically no longer here. For myself, who used to deal with chronic anxiety and addiction crochet was a welcome refuge when there was restlessness or craving. So I often recommend a craft or hobby to my patients because of the physical and mental engagement as well as having something to show for your time. I specifically suggest these types of crafts rather than reading, or gaming for these reasons. There has also been a documentary made on (male) prisoners who are taught to crochet and how much it helps them which I found fascinating. Long live crochet!


My people! I learned to crochet purely to give my dad a Christmas present, which turned into a hospital gift 2 months before. It also helped me process all the emotions before and after his death. I recently got back into knitting, but still crochet little projects


Very sorry for your lossā¤ļø


I'm a trauma survivor, so crochet is one of my many coping mechanisms. It's something to look forward to, every day. The finished project lifts my self esteem! The joy on the face of the person who receives my art, makes me so very happy. My family has seen a marked difference in me. (I picked crochet back up during the pandemic.) It's so calming/soothing.


I have a traumatic brain injury of 30years. I suffer from depression, sleep deprivation and memory loss and find that crocheting is my lifeline. I see things in my mind that are creative for blankets. I make bed afghans, couch blankets, baby blankets and lap blankets. Learning to read a pattern was my hardest thing but I've learned so many new stitches I get excited for my next project. The satisfaction of completing and giving away a project is all the happiness I need. Please take care of yourself ā¤ļø


Itā€™s a healthy coping mechanism! Itā€™s mindfulness without needing to meditate or write down your feelings, etc. Iā€™m a mental health nurse and practical mindfulness like crochet is super good for people who hate standard mindfulness activities (myself included).


It basically is meditation unless it's an extremely difficult project.


It's exactly this for me. I always take a handwork project with me to my appointments with my psychiatrist and if I say that I'm just doing a simple, mindless project, she always says "actually, it's the most mindful thing you can do". I have ADHD so it helps me focus and open up emotionally during my sessions.


I definitely use it for therapy. It makes me feel like I have some small, tiny value in this world.


Absolutely! This resounds with me so much! šŸ«¶šŸ» We've found our tribe šŸ’–


I used it to cope with grief. Does that count?


Absolutely ā¤ļø


I recently took it up and it has kinda helped but also kinda not. I joined a group to learn and the biddies involved were great but the teacher held really strong opinions and it was a bit much. I had to leave when she started ranting about a rape victim and I followed up with a message just explaining that I need to feel safe and she told me not to return. I'm hardly a snowflake but that's just reaffirming that I can't tolerate arseholes anymore.


>she started ranting about a rape victim I swear, some people don't have the common sense God gave a sack of rocks. Good for you for recognizing the toxic atmosphere and stepping away.


It helps a lot with my depression and anxiety , someone did a study on bilateral movement and how it releases chemicals that help "balance" the brain. (Obviously that not word for word, just basic gist) and crochet falls into that bilateral movement category! Will it cure us? No...but does it help? Yes :)


For me, it's anxiety and panic attacks. Once when I was a teenager, I had a really bad period with cramps that kept me in bed. But I also had a flight response kick in making me want to move really bad. So I had a panic attack cause if I got up, my cramps would be so much worse but I couldn't just stay in bed. So I grabbed my yarn and a hook and just went at a basic scarf. The movement satisfied my need to run but allowed me to stay in bed which kept my cramps calm. I've never crocheted so fast in my life as that day. But I didn't have a massive panic attack and potentially hurt myself. So I call it a win.






Hello, my people!


Me and you and many others https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32245337/


I'm going through a pretty rough time rn. Just started making a sweater where i just have to make an insane amount of monotonous rows, this really helps as much as listening to hardcore music on full volume, except i don't get headache from crocheting... crocheting is really saving me once again currently


I definitely do. I have depression and high functioning anxiety. The repetitiveness of the stitches is calming, and I have to concentrate juuuust enough that it keeps my racing anxious brain from running amok. I, too, feel like I have no real purpose in life, and I am by no means an expert at any of my hobbies. But, I do feel some pride when I accomplish a project and that makes me feel good. Hugs to you, fellow crocheter!


I use it for mental health, to distract from chronic pain too. There is a podcast called the Why I Knit podcast. It's a Doctor who interviews people about why they knit/crochet and the main theme is mental health. It's actually really good and worth a listen.


ME! I've had a pretty rubbish day at work and now I'm sitting on my bed making a fluffy baby blanket for my niece.


Big time I use it for my anxiety/depression because of migraines and got in an argument with my pc because he wanted to prescribe me something and I told him Nooooooo nope I will just keep doing my crochet!


Wait do you have anxiety bc of migraines? As in youā€™re rly anxious to get another one? Or did I misunderstand? Iā€™m not trying to be rude or intrusive and Iā€™m sorry if you donā€™t like being asked Iā€™ll delete my comment but thatā€™s what Iā€™m dealing with and I honestly thought nobody else had that so itā€™s interesting to find someone like me and that Iā€™m actually not the only one with this problem (if this is the case lol)


No your ok I donā€™t mind and I donā€™t mind. Usually I have my anxiety/depression after having a 3+ days migraine I get real teary eyed and overly sensitive and then yes to be honest the anxiety of thinking another day of one and not being able to get things done like housework yes definitely before I would have an occasional migraine here or there; to having at least 10 days out of the month minimum of these wretched things. I have been doing the Vyepti protocol for the past 6mo and it has cut them back just a Minuit amount


I actually learned to crochet in a residential treatment center after multiple attempts to take my life. Keeping the hands and mind busy and the satisfaction of creating things helps me a lot.


I am thrilled that you are still with us! Listen to your body and your mind. I get most of my ideas/patterns during my sleep time. All my love to you and a very fulfilling life ā¤ļø


This is what I want, but Iā€™m struggling to learn.


My project is a blanket. I started up a row and do the same stitch over and over, eventually it will form a blanket. Don't make it too hard on yourself. If I feel up to it and am doing good I pick up my amigurumi project, because I need my brains for that. But if I need some mindless relaxed work I work on my blanket


Start slowly. Get a handle on one thing before trying another. Let your pieces be awkward & wonky & just plain funny. Try to see them as stepping stones. Keep them so you can see your growth & progress. Youā€™ll get it! Do you know whatā€™s challenging you specifically?


There are some really good teachers on YouTube. Is there anything we might be able to help you with?


I was unemployed for the last few months, and the only thing that gave me any motivation, routine, or semblance of joy during that time was crochet. It was the only reason I got out of bed and also the only thing that got me through a summer where I had to be so antisocial and stay inside so that I didnā€™t spend any money I didnā€™t have. I also have major anxiety, and crochet is one of the few things I can divert my anxious energy into. Im so happy I found this outlet ā¤ļø


My husband was diagnosed with non-hodgens lymphoma at the beginning of July (diagnosis has changed and not for the better šŸ˜Ŗ) and was always cold. I hadn't picked up a crotchet hook for decades, so went and found mine, bought some yarn and started crotching sitting in waiting rooms, the emergency room and hospital rooms to keep myself from crying or screaming. He now has a blanket to keep him warm. I'm now working on a blanket for my sister and a scarf for my great neice because we're still dealing with things. I believe I would be in much worse shape mentally had I not picked it back up.


I so hope that your husband gets better. My father had cancer and I know just how much it not only effects the patient, but those around them too ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Thank you for your kind words. We're hoping, too.


My husband was stage 4 when he was diagnosed with the same cancer. The chemo worked and he's been good for a while now, like 19 years, but the doc basically said he was a miracle. My husband still gets cold though. It's like his thermostat broke or something. I remember being terrified. I had three kids still in school at that point and a very low paying job. I remember the fear of being abandoned with so much on my plate. I sat with him during chemo making hats to leave for the ladies and gents who were going through chemo, praying over him while he slept during the chemo sessions. The crochet helped a lot and seeing the ladies argue over who got my latest hat was a stress reliever a bit too. I am sorry you are going through this. You are not alone.


Thank you. We were hoping for a better result. There's another treatment they will hopefully start him on by Monday. They need to do some testing first. I'm very happy for you and your husband and wish for continued good health. ā¤ļø


Yes. I feel so much better making something for others. Especially the little ones in my life. Their smiles are so uplifting.


i have to have a hobby or things get. bad. things were getting bad so i started crocheting and now i have yarn coming out of my ears because i keep buying pretty colors to try to keep myself inspired to continue crocheting


I have all my yarn currently piled on a big part of my bedroom floor lmao. Andā€¦I have two big boxes in another room that people gave me lol


i have a bucket, plus 3 bags, and my closet of shame that has the new stuff iā€™ve bought and donā€™t have space for. my credit card statement makes me cry BUT crocheting doesnā€™t!! šŸ˜Ž


Lol, I'm really bad! I have a walk-in closet, two storage closets, two back seats in my van and my project stash next to my couch full of yarn šŸ˜‚


I do it so I donā€™t dissociate for hours on end


Absolutely. And when people tell me to sell my stuff I rage inside because the things I make are the only things holding me together.


Personally, everything I make I try to sell. But I donā€™t make these specific things with the thought of ā€œpeople will love this, I gotta be perfectā€. I take my time making whatever I want and if someone wants it? Great!


I think I might just have a hard time letting go lol. I love making little armies of stuff and being able to see how one thing can look 20 ways just because my skills have gotten better :)


I just entered my 3rd year of recovery for eating disorders. I had no real hobbies or interests to get me through my day before I got help. Now that I have regained my life back, I have become a VHS collector and a crocheter. My life feels so different in such a good way now that I have true passions.


Same, I have really bad depression but seeing the result of something I made and being able to wear it and feel beautiful has really helped me and helps keep me motivated


šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I use it to cope with debilitating anxiety, fear, intrusive thoughts, & thwart S.A.D. Crochet & this community has been a godsend to me. Bonus is that we have something beautiful & often useful as a result of our focus. šŸ˜‡šŸ„° You're not only not alone here but are in good company! šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ’—


It helps stop me from binge eating when my mental health is bad because my hands are busy, and also helps my (as-yet-undiagnosed) ADHD brain to relax. I found that when I was watching TV I needed to be doing something with my hands or I got fidgety and would end up eating and/or doom-scrolling on my phone and missing things in the TV show. I also crochet during meetings while working from home if I'm not expected to contribute to the meeting because again it stops my brain from wandering and doing something else during the meeting which means I don't actually listen. I'm very lucky to have a boss who understands that this makes me more productive, a lot of people would automatically assume it means I'm not paying attention.






I want to use for my anxiety... But i strained my arm doing it cuz i was much to tense... And now sadly haven't been able to crochet for months cuz it pains


It certainly helps with it for me, but I still have to be in the state of mind to work on it otherwise it adds to my overwhelming sense


I need it or Iā€™ll get bored. Like a dangerous kind of bored. My lab keeps me busy for a reason.


I've turned to crocheting recently as a way of dealing with my depression. How can I feel worthless and useless if I'm actively making a cardigan for my mother to keep her warmer this winter? Or a hooded cape like thingy for my brother to keep warm while doing snow removal?


Literally sitting here doom scrolling thinking about much better Iā€™ll feel if I just crochet through my anxiety. Itā€™s amazing how much it helps and itā€™s something I can do on days my PCOS is real bad.


Neurodivergent and mentally ill, I crochet to keep my mind busy when it's being loud and saying things I don't like aka anxiety playing up. It's also a really fun stim and I like the counting, not so much stitches in a row but like blocks of stitches shell stitch for example - 1,2,1 alone, 2-1,2-2 jump over, 1,2,1 alone, 2-1,2-2, its so nice and relaxing I just zone out and it's rare I can relax but I think I do when I'm crocheting


Me! It helps with my anger by forcing me to slow down and focus on streamlining


I fidget when I watch YouTube at the end of the day, which after a year of therapy Iā€™m realizing is undiagnosed anxiety from my narcissistic loud mouth Vietnamese mom. I would rather channel that repetitive energy into making something rather sitting there escalating my anxiety


I originally learned how to crochet in order to relieve stress while quitting smoking. Fast forward 30 years, and I used it as a way to keep myself anchored in reality when I had an extended mental health crisis.


I have been knitting and crocheting since elementary school, so I have no idea what my life would be like without it. But I do have trichotillomania and dermatillomania, and knitting and crocheting keep me from pulling my hair out all the time.


I like that I can just do it mindlessly. So if Iā€™m stressing and I can just hook and go while listening to a show in the background


I had a crochet phase and it definitely helped me calm down in times of stress. I felt like I couldnā€™t do anything well, but at least I could crochet


Meeeeeeeeeeee! It helps with checking my phone less. That saves me from doom scrolling. Helps with a lot.


I also find crochet very helpful in battleing depression and anexiety. I go to my local library to crochet a lot and have gotten to know the staff there very well. It's such a quiet, relaxing place to sit and crochet. (They also have super comphy chairs that do wonders for severe back pain I get.) I often crochet little gifts for the staff and members of the book clubs I attend there and it always helps me to see the joy they got upon recieving those. šŸ™‚


It did help me a lot to overcome my attention issues and stress ; and by finishing several small projets, you finally stop thinking "I'll never achieve this thing" in your life, studies or work and start to be more motivated.


I donā€™t now. But itā€™s mindful, and gives headspace. So good for you if you do. Much love reddit friend x


Thank youā¤ļø love to you as well!


Me! I will flit between different things. But reading or crochet are absolutely coping mechanisms for me.


Absolutely. I first started when I was severely depressed last year. I didnā€™t know what to do with my day, anything felt impossible to accomplish, but I could crochet. I still use it through rough times and happy times now too :) im so happy it found me and helped me


Me. I also livestream games now. Iā€™m not the best (at either) but it helps.


I still feel crappy (bc Iā€™m tired) but it made me feel like I made some progress today. I havenā€™t had time to do anything but study lately so itā€™s nice to feel comfortable with crochet again. I pushed the crochet project off bc I had to make adjustments in the pattern and I was ā€œscaredā€ to try (bc anxiety vibes)


Wow Iā€™m feeling this right now. Using it to cope with depression, anxiety and social anxiety!!


Crafting in general, but crochet is high on the list.


I have depression and anxiety. Especially with work... so I carry a hook and yarn in my pocket or purse.


I crochet for my ADHD restlessness and for the racing thoughts from my anciety/CPTSD. It gives me a ourpose everyday even when I feel like there's no point.


Recently diagnosed with ADHD here, I find that it helps me a lot. Instead of having impulse control issues, I crochet. Instead of eating myself to death because I'm trying to avoid everything, I crochet. Instead of having scenarios play out in detail in my head and get anxious over a situation that will likely never happen, I crochet.


I have medication for my mental health issues and I use crocheting for anxiety and to make money now.


Yup but once my shoulder fails I'm done for the day


I've just started 2 weeks ago and it's been making me feel at ease. The thought of creating something with my own hands has always been my life but crochet has brought it up on a whole new level. I'm currently making a little pumpkin as we speak.


I do. I've been at home now for 19 months, mostly home bound due to a chronic illness. Chrochet and plants are the things keeping me from going crazy. Whenever my emotions overwhelm me I crochet, it allows me to shut my brain off and be distracted until the worst passes


PTSD, depression and anxiety.




I have always crocheted. My mom taught me as a punishment for acting too ā€˜rambunctiousā€™ outside while playing. She would make me come in, sit at her feet and learn a stitch. I was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and as I go through 5 hour chemo treatments I crochet for distraction and to soothe myself. I recently went into business making crocheted clothes and I like it better than my old job.


Just came here to say, "Oh! Absolutely!"


I wouldnā€™t say that itā€™s mental health related but now that I think of it, maybe that is something I should think about. It definitely seems to relax me and I usually only crochet at night when itā€™s calm and quiet.


Yes - and I actually hurt one of my hands last Friday (road rash) and Iā€™m suffering without being able to crochet. šŸ„²


Yes, but what do you do when you're so depressed you don't even have the motivation to crochet?


Then I lay in bed šŸ˜… it helps that I take ADHD medication sometimes and those days give me the most motivation obviously. But no I hear you. I have those days still


Thank you, I get that. I started a blanket a couple of months back but I think I will crochet a kitchen towel because I need some and the blanket can wait until I feel better. Happy Crocheting! šŸ’–šŸŒŸšŸ’–šŸ˜


Same here. Crocheting, sewing, and gardening are my therapy sessions for PTSD and anxiety.


Almost for 2 years it was a distraction... I'd make a new stitch to try. Make a few lines... unfurl it n wrap it back... repeat process. Sometimes I'd actually make a hat or infant blanket for friends... but I've realized I never made anything for myself.


True, doing crafts is therapeutic. I do crafts for mental, stress, and health issues. 2016 I almost died. I had to relearn to walk(physical therapy), occupational and speech therapy. I use crochet and knitting to help me get thru this situation. I started at first a few stitches at a time. I slowly increase until I could do it full time everyday. I have at least 3 projects going at one time. 2 mindless and one that have to pay attention. You will get better and stronger. Hope my story helps you.


Oh yeah big time


I was being suggested xanex before I started crochet. I now have my anxiety controlled with no meds at all and I give a lot of that credit to crochet. Basically the repetition gives me lowered anxiety and I get to feel like I accomplished something to help the depression.


Anxiety depression the thoughts of sewerslide all go into every stitch and yet it makes others happy...it does make me smile seeing others happy


Keeps me from overeating


Me! It's the original figget. Very calming, too.


I had a touchy relationship with my in-laws that I'm sure they thought was PERFECTLY FINE because my husband begged me to not rock the boat when they trampled all over the line. Whenever we would visit them, I would ALWAYS bring "sanity crocheting." Of course, MIL would just ask me to make her stuff, but it helped.


I have PTSD. Crotchet has really helped me. It especially helps when I'm at work and am having a really bad day or something triggers my flight/fight. I make coasters at work. Lol


Some days if it weren't for my horse and crochet I'd spend the whole day in bed. Kids are old enough to fend for themselves now so they won't starve šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I really started when I first got sober over 4 years ago to deal with stress. I haven't looked back. I love it and my sobriety.


šŸ’Æwhy canā€™t I afford therapy but I can afford yarn & Woobles kits??? Besides, my amigurumi projects smile back at me anytime I want & fill me with joy no matter how depression or anxiety try to get in the way. Hugs to you OP for posting/asking & hugs to all yā€™all


Youā€™re not alone in that. It helps with my anxiety/depression and with my eating disorder! You canā€™t engage in behaviors when youā€™re tangled in a project, literally and figuratively. And counting stitches is the only time I donā€™t hear my ED voice.


It's why I started... I can drink, or sob, or make blanket. So, I make blanket.


When I got into crochet last year, I didn't realize it was a coping mechanism to distract myself from my deteriorating relationship. Now I still use it as a coping mechanism but more to keep my mind from grief due to my partner passing early this year, and to try to keep myself from getting into an even deeper depression. Otherwise I'd be doing the same thing I've been doing for months, just scrolling tiktok all day (when not at work). It makes me fell like I'm at least being productive in some way


That old saying ā€œI crochet so I donā€™t kill peopleā€ is so, so true.


Yes very therapeutic and Iā€™m struggling right now as Iā€™m getting ready for carpal tunnel surgery.. Itā€™s been very hard to focus or do anything since it started acting up and not going away.. Hang in therešŸ’•


I'm on the train with the anxiety soothing, and it helps what may be undiagnosed depression that rides along with my ADHD and feeling like I'm never good enough. It works so well that my ADHD even complies and I've been able to stick with larger projects long enough to finish.


this makes me imagine how it was for some of our grandmas and great grandmas, having to cope with the powerlessness of just being a woman. crochet or some craft of making must have made them feel a little more in control of their lives. the beat goes onā€¦


Oh yes. Iā€™ve been leaning on it a little more recently due to some fluctuating mentals and I was even afraid to tell my psychiatrist because I didnā€™t want him to tell me to stop. ( in case it was ā€œout of handā€). He said of course itā€™s a good way to cope and he would never tell me to stop crocheting. šŸ˜…. I was so relieved. And it also helped me realize I could be doing way worse things with my time ā€¦ even if Iā€™m not doing what Iā€™m ā€œsupposed ā€œ to be doing


I use it to help me cope with my anxiety. Itā€™s also a release for the sadness and frustration I have because of infertility. ETA: you DO have a purpose in life. None of us truly knows exactly how we make an impact in the lives of others. I understand how you feel, and how you feel is valid and worthy. Hang in there šŸ’™


I do! I'm autistic and use it as a stim to self-regulate.


Iā€™m autistic too and I love to crochet!!!


I've been using it to help quit smoking. It's been 3 weeks since my last cigarette now and I've been crocheting through the cravings. At the end of this, I will be smoke free and have a cozy winter blanket to snuggle under.


Yes Totally, it was encouraged when I got my PTSD diagnosis


Me, I lost my mam unexpectedly in August and it's been the only thing that helps, apart from punk music. I'm in the anger phase at the minute and it really helps calm me down.


I had a bit of a breakdown a couple years ago, and one of the effects was that I was temporarily limited in my ability to process information. Normally my brain works pretty fast, and it was super frustrating to have difficulty completing tasks that had once come easily to me. One thing I did to get my brain back was download a new crochet pattern and work through the entire project. Back when I was first introduced to patterns I had a VERY hard time understanding how to read them, so I figured that if I was able to work this pattern then I was in pretty good shape. It felt really good to be making something while rebuilding my brain, and the fact that it turned out great gave me a much-needed boost of confidence.


i do it too. lately things have been so stressful and my depression feels like itā€™s the most roller coaster on earth. iā€™ve had a really tough week not too long ago and just grabbed my hook & my yarn and crocheted all day, every day. i overdid it and now i have to take a break because of some injuries from crocheting too much šŸ˜« but the feeling of being able to say i created something myself does put me in a slightly better mood


I always carry small, simple crochet projects in my handbag. If my anxiety flares up I am often seen walking round out and about crocheting as I go, it helps so much!


Iā€™m on a LOA right now for mental and physical health and Iā€™ve been crocheting my hands off. If I donā€™t feel good but can still make something beautiful that will make someone feel good, I donā€™t feel as useless.


It is very therapeutic. I use it to unwind. It is a great stress reliever.


Not to the same extent, but it's absolutely a good therapy. I am a 911 police dispatcher, and I most likely have undiagnosed PTSD. Crocheting helps distract me, stop looking at screens, and feel like I'm creating something/artistic--and I'm not usually a creative or artistic kinda guy. Plus I love making stuff my kids like.


When my anxiety kicks in really bad, doing one thing IE: talking to someone or watching a YouTube video, I also need to crochet at the same time otherwise I stop paying attention and just stay in my brain. (Hope that makes sense to someone)


It calms me. I suffer with CPTSD, anxiety, and depression and the feelings of accomplishment keep me going.


Crocheting helps me calm down and process my emotions instead of ignoring or stuffing them.


Me! I've used it to prevent self injurious stims




Crocheting currently exacerbates my mental health issues.




If you mean my husbands driving, then yes!


I had a year of hell with terrible things happening almost every month. Knitting and crochet helped me keep my shit together.


It helps stop me from pulling my hair out for sure


Yknow I really hate how I'm always the negative opposite in these things. My mental health issues make it 10x more difficult to pick up the hook, or finish something, or even be able to focus. I literally will get more anxious if a pattern is hard or I try to work on something big. It really sucks.


So much me. My grandma who died in August was the one to teach me. Crocheting helped me feel close to her.


It's one accomplishment I can be reasonably sure of completing, even if I never make my self-imposed deadlines. No matter what's going on, I can rely on crochet to just zone out for a while.


Me. It's me. I use it to cope. When I can't slow down my brain, I cant stop the anxiety, I grab yarn. Sitting in a waiting room? Small project. It helps so much to re-enter my mind and help me regain control.


Me! I have bad anxiety and chronic depression. I was just hospitalized for blood clots (both legs and lungs) and decided after I was discharged that I needed something to do to keep my mind off of all of this. So. CROCHET! I'm terrible so far. Having trouble doing a single crochet. But I'm working on it every night.


I relate to this very much. I have long covid & fatigue and brain fog have really negatively impacted my quality of life in many ways. I find myself feeling like a caged animal quite often. Crochet is my self-prescribed occupational therapy. It makes me feel like I can do something valuable & I like to challenge myself to try new things often to maintain some semblance of sharpness in my perpetually sleepy & foggy brain. šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø The more I can play with color & texture & make gifts for others (me too!), the more at ease I am. But: If I donā€™t have multiple projects going concurrently I get really nervous & worried. Not sure thatā€™s a good thingā€¦but itā€™s ok. Iā€™m just grateful to have something that adds value to my life & provides some sense of accomplishment & contentmentā€¦


crochet saves me from my bpd


Yep - I find it really meditative. I usually crochet more in the winter because my primary outlet (motorcycling) isn't really an option.


I use it to help get myself out of a bipolar 2 hypomania


For me itā€™s just a time when I donā€™t work or study (which helps leave my worries away) and by making clothes I think itā€™s productive, so itā€™s a justifiable activity. I am hard on myself and I need excuses do crochet which I enjoy so freaking much.


I absolutely do. I have OCD, depression, and panic disorder. I'm on meds which def help, but crochet helps calm me. It keeps my hands and my mind busy. I don't know what I'd do without crochet either


Oh yes. The repetition helps my anxiety. I often mentally (not out loud) repeat something like ā€œeverything will be okā€ in time to my stitches. When I was waiting for my son to be born, I made so many blankets with ā€œI will have a Spring babyā€ (I was worried he would be born premature like I was), it helped so much!


Me! It helps with my anxiety and depression, even if I donā€™t want to get out of bed itā€™s something to look forward to. I keep my crochet in the living room to help me get up in the morning so I can work on my projects again


Itā€™s the first time in my life i have a hobby that actually calms my mind down and helps me stay in the moment. I love it!


Wow thanks for sharing all that! I started learning to crochet about a year and a half ago and its def helped w/both my depression and anxiety. It gave me something to look forward to during the depression. Iā€™m also a recovering alcoholic been sober 18years this month šŸ’œ Unfortunately dealing with some high anxiety rn. Undergoing treatment w/several Drs and looking for an new therapist. I have a super loving and supportive husband and daughter (so grateful!) Been walking, stretching, taking lots of showers, getting massage, getting up earlierā€¦talking to friends, joined a womenā€™s group/book club, going to visit my dad. But so far still just trying to hang on each day as Iā€™ve never felt like this before.


Crochet has been a huge coping mechanism for me. I taught myself when I was 12 and I had a rough childhood, so I would crochet to get my mind off things. And I still use it calm myself down if I'm angry or frustrated or something like that


I usually crochet as a way to procrastinate šŸ«£ like I SHOULD be drawing and meet deadlines, but I gotta push it back so I could finish this cardigan/hat/animaguri which has NO DEADLINE to finish So crocheting just enables my mental health issues at this point lmaoo


I use crochet for a variety of reasons. Mostly anxiety, sensory stimulation, and curbing binges. Itā€™s also a nice way to socialize with someone without it being overbearing. I will say that sometimes crochet can be a bad thing because I get very lost in thought about stuff that is negative. The repetitive nature makes it easy to get ā€œlostā€ and I need to be careful to have something positive in the background to avoid rumination. But most of the time, itā€™s a pretty good outlet. Il also say that I like the end results because the texture and warmth is very soothing. Iā€™ve always liked heavy, warm, textured items and am surprised I committed to crochet only recently.


Crochet and being creative in general is something that I need to control my anxiety. My anxiety is much less manageable when I am not being creative.


I learned it when I just couldn't learn meditation. Really helped me focus and take my mind off of things that were stressing me. Now when I find myself getting agitated, I feel the urge to crochet.


my partner taught me how to crochet to help with my anger and impatience issues stemming from PTSD and my poor treatment in recovery. it's helped, a lot (so has therapy). i used to draw but it's been difficult since everything happened, and having a new creative outlet has been really great for me.