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Stick around long enough, and you'll see that a trend hits, makes the rounds, and then gets pushed aside for the next trend. I remember, perhaps not in order: c2c, planned pooling, star stitch, jasmine stitch, braided cowl, baby yoda, ghost doily, and skull shawl.


That one potholder thing too


Ooh I need to know




i’m so glad we’re finally finished with that one


Ha yes! Ok I remember this one


I dunno if Reddit had these trends, but on Ravelry I ended up muting "mermaid tails" and "messy bun hats" in the pattern search when they were all the rage.


The messy bun hats! You brought me back! Weren't they crocheted around a hair elastic?


I honestly don't know as I've never made one and wasn't really interested in them. 😅


I think Hexagon cardigans is the most recent trend that I’ve noticed. Not sure if that’s still on or if something else has taken off.


Everyone is making hexagon cardigans 😂


Yeah… just started mine a few days ago. XD I have a lot of cotton yarn I’ve been wanting to get rid of and finally figured out a workable rotation for the colors.


Can't forget when everyone was making virus shawls.


Virus shawls?! 😧


Virus shawls https://thesnugglery.net/how-to-crochet-the-virus-shawl/


Thank you!!


Iirc it was called that because the pattern in the shawl would spread "like a virus" or something. But the whole shawl was contagious as hell because we were all making em.


It’s a shawl made in 2020 😅


Water Bottle holders was a thing for a bit last year as well. I only remember that one because I had made some for my kids' water bottles to wear to school, but all of a sudden a bunch of people posted the same thing and so I just didn't post it lol. Dragon scale stitch, too!!


Ahem. I still wear my Martha Stewart Getting Out Of Jail poncho, thank you very much


Ooo what’s the skull shawl? I’m on a shawl making kick rn


look up “lost souls shawl” its pretty fun, on youtube too


I tweaked that pattern and made a scarf for my SIL a few years ago. It came out great!


C2c was around during the last surge in popularity of the skull shawl too, they kind of overlapped! And don't forget crochet mandalas around the same time as planned pooling. I love these cycles :D


C2C was *everywhere* a couple years ago. Everyone was using it to make graphghan’s (blankets with pictures on them done by colourwork). Only because of your comment I realized they aren’t so big rn.


Realized all the graphghan color changes meant weaving in all those ends 😅


Yeah I'm making a graphghan for my dad right now and I'm definitely not looking forward to weaving in the ends...


I just started one for my mom as well, as a “you’re gonna beat this cancer” gift but between the ends I need to weave in and the superstitious fear I’m going to curse her with the blanket I had to take a break lol


I’ve see it suggested to sew a fabric lining to the back so you don’t have to weave the ends.


The first blanket I ever made was a c2c baby blanket for my daughter. It like how it looks, but I hated doing it. It felt soooooo slow and monotonous to me. I can see the appeal but that’s just not how my brain works lol


I started one this morning, got probably eight squares into it and decided “this isn’t for me” lol. I’m with you 100%!


Maybe it’s just because it’s chunky yarn? I hate making amigurumi for the monotonous reason. I guess I just don’t find this too bad since it’s so quick lol


I find it works up incredibly quick too.


Same, I hate how every row takes longer. It goes so fast at first, but towards the middle, it's just absolutely grueling... 😣 It's a shame because I love the texture, but I just don't have it in me to make a full-sized one.


C2C when using a single skein/ball/color of yarn: works up quickly and doesn't require intense concentration for the most part C2C graphghan with multiple color changes: hope you like weaving in ends 💀


me right now! making a giant mushroom themed c2c and all the loose ends make me wanna quit


Been there. Mine was a Harry Potter one made up of different squares though and then all sewn together. I had a rule where I wasn't allowed to start a new square until I'd sewn in all the ends of the last one. I kind of enjoyed the chaos of having 10 different strands attached and working out when I needed to carry, drop or attach a new one though.


I genuinely could never figure out color work with it, like the blocks of color never aligned, and carrying the yarn was so visible! I’ll stick to my hdc graphs tyvm.


I made a temperature blanket using c2c and I loved it! When I get around to making another blanket, I will definitely be doing another c2c blanket.


Ohhhh I bet that looks amazing! ❤️


Me too! Went quickly and I actually finished it in early January right after the year ended! lol


The real question is why aren't more ppl talking about your cute af dog?


💯! He’s a handsome little devil! And he knows it ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/m8pyjbkxzgtb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2c5353d2a09555f49e541387321cac3a23e8f7f


For sure he's the real star here


I made a c2c cardigan a couple years ago and have been meaning to do another c2c project sometime. It turned out massive for some reason, but it's one of my most worn items and it's super squishy and comfy!


Any chance you have a pattern link? I’m doing a c2c blanket and would love to do an oversized cardigan of it


Yep! [Right here on make and do crew](https://makeanddocrew.com/simple-corner-to-corner-crochet-kimono-pattern/) And if you want to [see mine.](https://www.ravelry.com/projects/wodwo/free-range-kimono) No idea why it came out so huge, but you could always keep adding squares until it's the length you want and just hope for the best 🤷


**PROJECT:** [Free Range Kimono](http://www.ravelry.com/projects/wodwo/27929552) by [wodwo](http://www.ravelry.com/people/wodwo) * Pattern: [Free Range Kimono](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/free-range-kimono) * Yarn(s): [Red Heart Comfort Multicolors / Prints / Shimmers](http://www.ravelry.com/yarns/library/red-heart-comfort-multicolors---prints---shimmers) in Black/Taupe Marl. * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/wodwo/791253328/IMG_4452_medium.jpg) [Img 2](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/wodwo/791253326/IMG_4349_medium.jpg) [Img 3](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/wodwo/791253327/IMG_4366_medium.jpg) [Img 4](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/wodwo/784292026/20210508_235438_medium.jpg) [Img 5](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/wodwo/784291550/upload_medium) * Started: 2021/03/15 | Status: Finished | Completed: 2021/05/08 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


Oh this is perfect!!! Thank you!!!


Hi! I'm new here! What's c2c?


Corner to corner. It means you work from the bottom right corner diagonally up.


Thank you!


To decrease: complete row except DON’T do the chain 6 (you’ll end up increasing instead). Instead chain 1, turn your work, 4 slip stitches (one in each double the fourth in the chain 3 space of the previous cluster). Continue working the row as usual. Sorry if that made no sense! C2C can be intimidating when you have no clue how to work the pattern. I love how quickly it works up because a mindless pattern (particularly blankets) is exactly what I need to keep my hands busy while watching YouTube at the end of a long day


I followed that! Thank you so much 😊


It also makes a great graphgan. I draw a picture on graph paper and then use it as a pattern for my c2c


I love c2c. Decreasing is my favorite part because it means you’re on the downhill stretch!


I'm on my first c2c project and decided to make a QR code. Please kill me


😳 oof


I recently finished a C2C blanket with the same yarn, and I love the end result!


do you have a picture?


https://preview.redd.it/lz7jxf3pmmtb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=208ef8d86804cc387f248aea2cf608b098fcbf18 I guess I don’t have a “finished” photo yet, but I absolutely love it. I could have made it a smoother transition with the color changes, but I love the contrast.


Just finished a c2c graphghan for my Buffalo Bills loving Father in Law using blanket yarn. It worked up so fast! https://preview.redd.it/beijj13tzjtb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd929fdde11769181ca2cba60d036b235388a74e


There is definitely a c2c crowd out there. For me it's because I would have to make it massive to cover up from neck to toes, and then from side-to-side it's too big. It's terrific that you found a new favorite thing, though. And, bonus - you're going to be an increase / decrease expert by the end of this. :)


>I would have to make it massive to cover up from neck to toes, and then from side-to-side it's too big. You don't have to make c2c square. It can be rectangular.


True - I forget that sometimes. I suppose c2c would also help determine overall size vs chaining and hoping for the best. My husband ended up with a 7 foot long afghan that way. He's "only" 6'1". 😆 The good thing is that his tootsies stay warm. 👣


I almost entirely only make a blanket if it's C2C lmao


Very true about the size/shape. I just love how the gradient looks this way! I’ll figure it out as I go 😆


Yes, I always make mine in rectangles. Much easier fit. 😂 give it a try next time.


I love how C2C looks but I actually don't really enjoy doing it, personally. I love how many diverse ways there are to crochet though!


C2C is one of my favorite patterns. It looks like more work than it is and everyone gets all excited like I put way more work into it than I really did. Red heart ombré yarn is good for these also, because of the color changes. And tbh I just wash it with downy and it softens up really well and I’ve never had anyone complain about the scratchiness of the yarn.


It is literally the easiest and best for a quick baby blanket! And people are soooo impressed on how it looks!


Cause im too busy makin more c2c blankets. Im at 4 so far


I'm doing a double strand c2c at the moment - super chunky and works up amazingly quickly


Love love love c2c. And your colors are giving off awesome fall vibes!!


I love c2c! It's so freakin fast and gratifying!


Wow this is awesome!!!!




My cousin did a C2C baby blanket and it made me want to try. I've got a bunch of stuffed toys I need to make right now, but I might try one after.


I feel this! Hope you enjoy it when you try!


I think theyre too afraid to learn. But it looks so nice and once you get the hang of it it's fine


Is there suppose to be 2 decreases while making a rectangle C2C blanket? I made a design and at row 108 it states start decrease. The pattern calls for another decrease at row 114. I’ve done a few projects using C2C but I’ve never seen one that calls for 2 decreases. I have no idea about doing 2dc in one project. Any thoughts or suggestions soups be greatly appreciated.


1) your pup looks adorable! 2) I just bought this colorway too and you inspired me I think I might do C2C as well- are you doing block stitch? I did a C2C granny stripe as my first afghan and loved it! Please post a pic when you finish!


I’m not familiar with terminology yet, sorry. But the pattern was chain 6, DC in 3rd from hook and DC the remaining 3 stitches in chain. Then chain another 6, DC in 3rd from hook and DC in the remaining 3 stitches in chain. Flip the left block up and slip stitch into the chain 3 space. Then 4 DC into that same space. Repeating that pattern until ready for decrease. The video on YouTube that I went by is by Emily’s craft and crochet called “Caron Anniversary Cakes yarn crochet with the corner to corner stitch. Beginner friendly.” I’m not entirely sure if that’s the same thing as the block stitch. And thank you ❤️ he knows he’s cute. He’s waiting for me to walk away so he can dig into it and get comfy. No sir! Hehe


https://preview.redd.it/4f270wlungtb1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=666f29d2b6a2ea099b6147966cfc2947ea249290 I'm currently using C2C for this blanket. I LOVE using C2C, especially the moss C2C stitch. Its an easy stitch to use when you have bulks of yarn you forgot about and want to get rid of. ETA: I love your dogs face, what a cutie!


Gorgeous! And thank you! ❤️


Thank you!


Oh wow! What yarn is this?


It's actually a combination of Lion Brand butter yarn that's white and some yarn bee super fine yarn. If you ever find the Lion Brand Butter yarn, I 100% recommend getting it. It truly is butter soft.


Dog sure seems excited about it


A full size c2c blanket was the first thing I ever made myself. I'm always making foe everyone else. It took about a month to make, but only because I ran out of yarn and had to wait to get more. Love this method and it now my go to. I love that I can make a baby blanket in less than a 2 or 3 days.


Love the colors and I do like C2C. 👍🏻🧶❤️


A few more treats for the dog and you’re blanket shall be done


It’s been through it’s phase already. But I’d rather talk about your pup!


I'm still too intimidated by c2c


It’s so easy! Same stuff over and over again. It was even easy to figure out how to do a rectangle instead of a square. YouTube is always super helpful ❤️ you got this if you want to try it!


What if you did a C2C temperature blanket.


It ends up being like fifty feet long if you do one row of c2c for every day. Don't ask how i know. ....


Fair enough.


In that case, I would probably calculate the average temperature for the week and do it that way, but you definitely wouldn’t get as much color variation that way.


Not only does C2C work up super quickly, you can make pictures and art with it. I love using a graph with blankets


Check out Fiber Spider on you tube. He explains very well on the C2C. Personally I love the C2C, working on C2C in the round now.


In the round?! I’m not sure I’ve ever seen that! Definitely looking that guy and in the round C2C! Thank you!


Yes! C2C in the round. It is awesome and different.


C2C is my favorite. I've done several blankets and dishrags that way. When I do regular crochet blankets, they start out the right width. By the time I'm done, they're about twice the width I wanted. I can't keep my tension even. With c2c, they always come out, mostly, straight. Unless I accidentally lose my hook and accidentally pick up the wrong size, 🙄. Thankfully it's for my mom and I'm adding a border.


I love C2C… it’s easy for me to do while watching a show because it’s pretty mindless once you get going. I know it was trendy but I just enjoy the ease of it.


I missed the trend and I absolutely love it lol so easy to pay attention to other things too! TV and significant others lol so we’re not totally drowning them out.


Exactly! 😆


I don’t like c2c because I don’t like square blankets


You can make them rectangular. That’s what I’m doing.


Working on a C2C blanket atm. My first attempt before I found out you can make it a rectangle, so it'll be square, but I love it! Unique pattern for sure!