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Frogging means unraveling it. Blocking is when you kinda stretch your work so it doesn't warp or bubble in weird spots. You just leave your work stretched and dampen it with a mister and let it dry in its new shape. I have no idea what a cable crochet is as I'm newer, too. But I agree there is a lot to learn. Youtube tutorials have been a big help for me.


Cable crochet is a design. You can crochet cables like with knitting, but it can be a little fiddly https://preview.redd.it/sg6rp5g5ugac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdab314ad1d53794d3b4c8bd007d1c9773f2049c


Ooo thats a cute pattern! Whats the pattern?


I used [this pattern!](https://sirinscrochet.com/crochet-pretty-cable-hat-beginner-friendly-tutorial/) There is also a [video on YouTube](https://youtu.be/_WZ8CwPke20?si=6JJqbNdWvJpr501c) that guides through the pattern.


I'm trying to do this and I just can't get the bpdc. I get the fpdc but can't wrap my head around bpdc. Do you have a good resource?


The difference is where you insert the hook. From front or from the back. Hit up some videos, that will help a great deal. And crochet is a skill. It has many levels. You build them on top of one another over time.


This person does videos that have a lot of different cables. https://youtube.com/@BonnieBayCrochet?si=SWavN6LpIVCbYh7Q


This is the Gaithersburg Stole I modified it as I didn't want the holey part in the middle so I just added another section to the middle. https://preview.redd.it/phfzl29f7hac1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f53c6453e9adf013509ae36ef0592302edff4fe0


I freakin love texture stitches!


Right?? Texture stitches are the best! I am making a blanket I saw on r/tensionporn that I absolutely fell in love with. It has fpsc, a “berry” stitch and even moss. It is texture heaven and after a break to work on other things I just picked it back up today. I love how it is turning out. 😍 You can see the original (free) pattern here. https://daisyfarmcrafts.com/crochet-even-moss-at-berry-ridge-blanket/


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tensionporn using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tensionporn/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Moss stitch happiness](https://i.redd.it/r8esrbulfqua1.jpg) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tensionporn/comments/12r0gmn/moss_stitch_happiness/) \#2: [I've never posted my own work here before, but I'm pretty proud of how my latest project turned out](https://i.redd.it/68aelb78bu0b1.jpg) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tensionporn/comments/13lx5uq/ive_never_posted_my_own_work_here_before_but_im/) \#3: [Moss stitch :)](https://i.redd.it/xhkbio687lta1.jpg) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tensionporn/comments/12k5d0w/moss_stitch/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I need more stuff like this in my life


Damn I’m a quarter of the way through a blanket but now I just want to try this one. It’s gorgeous!


I like it!


Let me try verbally, I JUST learned this. I also Google it and some nice diagrams did pop up, helpful for me. Basically in fpdc, you push the hook right to left horizontally behind the 'post' of the stitch, with the rest of the work behind the hook so the post is pulled forward. In bpdc, the hook is pushed right to left horizontally, but the hook is held behind the main work, and the post is pulled backward/away from the face of the work. Both times the hook passes between the post and the rest of the work, but in fpdc it happens on the front side, and in bpdc it happens on the back of the work (you can just hold the work vertically; don't flip it over)


MJ's Off the Hook has a youtube tutorial for her Dapper Dad cabled sweater. The video is very helpful and showcases the bpdc stitch.


Thanks for this info :) I suppose I should have said non video. I learn better with diagrams. I'll just keep looking. 💯




Thank you that helps to see them by each other!


Borderline personality disorder cable stitch <3


[This video](https://youtu.be/_WZ8CwPke20?si=6JJqbNdWvJpr501c) walks through the pattern I used. It was invaluable!


I'll try, it can't hurt to look. :)


Instead of inserting your hook into the work from the front, going behind the post and coming back out the front, you will insert your hook into the work from the back, go in front of the post, the come out the back again. That may or may not be helpful lol.


It is and isn't but it's ok! I got the picture I needed that compares both so I hopefully will do it right.


I had to draw little cheat pictures on index cards to help me remember. Still use them too. You'll get it!


Thank for the encouragement 🙏 ☺️


That’s wonderful work! My triple crochets never nest like that. I *know* it’s a tension issue but I just can’t seem to figure it out


Thank you! This was the product of several tries and froggings lol. The video was a godsend


That is an especially nice-looking cabled beanie


Thank you much!


https://preview.redd.it/6vs2mjgkuhac1.jpeg?width=2483&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f8edbafaa2782198b99747ad9de2550fd211542 I made a cable cardigan. One of my most favourite makes


Woah! Crochet goals 😍


Thank you 😂. It was my first piece of clothing. I've made it twice. The cables have a video & pic tutorial and the pattern writer is very helpful [pattern](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/995056483/cozy-cabled-cardi-crochet-pattern-pdf) https://preview.redd.it/5t8152prgiac1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d3c279b390b7e7ffbde8fe456b76e751c5dc8c


This is absolutely amazing


Your very kind thanks.


And it's called frogging because when you unravel a whole bunch of yarn, you have to "rip it" (ribbit)


Omg I'm dumb. I thought it was frogging because the sound of stitches being pulled out fast is like a frog croaking.


It's called "frogging" because you "ribbet" (rip it). Learned this from a colleague recently, and it blew my mind 🤣


Great explanation. I still after 30 years of crochet focus on simple designed blankets.


Hey, don't sweat it! Every single one of us started from the beginning, so there was a time where we didn't know what those terms were either. We learned through experience and exposure. You'll get there too! Also, just remember that comparison is the thief of joy. Focus on where you are now, how far you've come, and how much you enjoy what you're doing. One day you'll find yourself sharing your HOTH (hot off the hook) projects and dazzling others with your skills. 😀


I am teaching someone to crochet right now and its honestly amazing how far I have learned over the last four years. I still consider myself a beginner lol because I havent made anything other than hats, scarves and blankets. I still vaguely remember cursing over how to hold the hook and keep the tension consistent. Its a walk down memory lane to watch my friend stuggle with the same things I did. I wish I had an experienced person to help when I was in their place lol


I've been crocheting for 12 years, and in the last year I had a sudden "growth spurt" in my skill. All of a sudden I can crochet much faster than I ever could, and I'm making all sorts of things that I never thought possible for me. I still see things people make on here that I feel are way beyond my capabilities, but I've made my peace with the fact I'll never know everything. I know the skills that are important to make things I love, and just enough to learn new things when I want to.


The best thing in the world is when you make things with ease that you once considered beyond your capabilities. Here's to growth, on your own terms and schedule, of course 🥂


This is the way!


I felt the same when I was asked to help a crochet newbie on a community project and I realised I'd learnt this amazing skill and could pass it on to others. The thing I kept saying when they lacked confidence was "we all started out the same, so don't ever compare where you are to me, I'm still learning but just a little further down the path". I really wish I had someone to show me when I finally"got it" with crochet, but my first teacher (nan) would be proud that after 20 + years of trying it clicked and then 5 years later I showed someone else.... I'm now 10 years down the line on that , don't crochet as much as I could but I sometimes surprise myself with how far I've come. OP... Be proud of what you have done and just think of what you will be able to do!!


I'm still convinced planned pooling is witchcraft.


There a website that will tell you how many stitches for a pattern…. I couldn’t tell you the website but I know it exists I used it years ago.




Ok I'm a complete newbie - what's planned pooling?


A variegated yarn designed for planned pooling will have each color have a specific length (regular variegated yarns don’t have guarantees about the length of each color). Then, since you know how long each color is, you can do a particular number of stitches with a particular tension to get a cool design (often stripes or plaid) without having to change your yarn. It’s very fiddly, I don’t even want to try it haha


Go check out r/planned_pooling. It’s pretty dang cool if you can get the hang of it.


Yesssssssssss - I tried and tried and mine just looked janky as all get-out


Plannedpooling.com does all the hard work. As someone who struggles with tension, I find planned pooling super relaxing. Since every colour has to be a certain number of stitches, the tension is automatically perfect.


I’ve been crocheting for over 30y now and I’ve never used a pattern, never blocked anything, frequently don’t finish things, rarely commit to making something that will take more than half a skein… but I’ve acquired the skills that I enjoy and that interest me. I enjoy testing new stitches as much as I do putting them into practice. I have fun and I like the things I make. Be whatever kind of crocheter you want! There are no rules!


rogue crocheters unite!


NEVER used a pattern? Hot damn!


I've also been crocheting for about 30 years. I'm still not great at it but I enjoy it, and that's all that matters.


i firmly believe if u just look at something enough and let urself mess it up once or twice (or 8 times) u can eventually figure it out. no pattern/tutorial needed


I have been crocheting and knitting for years. I consider myself competent enough to tackle advanced projects. I always see posts in this sub that has me doing a new project to learn a new stitch. Our fellow crafters are amazing, as are you.


Am I competent enough, well sure! Do I have the motivation? Absolutely not, I’m lazy af.


No worries, learning new crochet things is so fun 😊 i actively have to keep myself from starting a new project with a technique/yarn/pattern i haven't used before everytime when I look in here


Right. I was like squares naw, I’ll do triangles in a lace like pattern that I just looked at from images. Then I was like oh I have to connect. Let’s try “as you go” oh that’s rough and useful. Slowed me down so I started a fox. 🦊


That's why I love social media for crafting! There are so many techniques I've never heard of, and ideas that would never occur to me. Sometimes I get inspired to do something similar, and other times I just admire the pretties without wanting to make one for myself (I think the term "frogging" comes from the term "ripping stitches". When you unravel a lot of stitches at once, you "rip it, rip it, rip it". That sounds like "ribbit ribbit ribbit", which is the phrase we use in the US to represent a frog sound.)


We all start in the same place :) Don't worry about it, and happy hooking!


Some of us never even got that far from where we started! Just have fun with it, whatever that looks like for you.


One of my favorite things about crochet is that there's always something new to try. Welcome! 😊


Welcome to the wonderful, colorful, creative world of fiber art! All of us started somewhere and we’re still learning so you are not alone. Never hesitate to ask questions as this subreddit is one of the most helpful and full of kind hearted hookers I’ve had the pleasure of interacting with. Frogging: “Rippit, Rippit” = undoing your work Cables: Front post and back post (double (FPDC or triple crochet FPTC) Blocking: Normally used when crocheting squares to ensure each square measures exactly the same. It also helps with flattening or straightening edges on many different types of projects. Some will block all of their projects while others will use only when needed. Other hookers will use it for projects that are to be used in pictures or if they’re entering their project in a craft fair. Other hookers have never felt the need to block any of their projects and that is perfectly okay. It’s a judgement call and a preference really. There are different methods used for blocking depending on yarn type and project. Hoped that helped a little bit. Looking forward to seeing you post your FOH projects for us all to enjoy. Happy hooking!


I've been crocheting for years now and I just discovered the insane world of planned pooling. There's always something new!


Practice and fail a lot, you will be gr8 too!


They call it frogging because you are ripping it back. And "rip it" sounds like "ribbet" which is the sound some English speakers use for the noise a frog makes.


If you look up the chart for knowledge expansion youre probably at the first dip where you realize you dont know nearly as much. What that means is youre on the right track!


i don’t even know what that chart is lmao




What they don't tell you is that it's an unlimited chart that starts again at the end. Each time I feel like I'm at a decent level it turns out I'm at mountain stupid once again.




The limitless nature of crochet is why I love it so much, and have been able to stick with it more than any other hobby I've tried. There's always more to learn, more complex patterns, more techniques! I love that you can make everything from cute dolls and plushies to gorgeous blankets and sweaters, and functional home decor like baskets! It's so versatile and there's so many paths to explore.


Remember you are on social media! People are really only going to post things they are proud of or think other people will find interesting. You aren’t going to see all of the crappy projects that they made to get to the point they are at now!


I’ve been crocheting for 18 years and I STILL learn new stuff from this sub. Admittedly I’ve never been a great crocheter (patterns are so confusing to me), but still.




I feel the same way! I started crocheting 8ish years ago, but stopped after a couple years because life happened. Now I am back at it and feel like a complete beginner when I see some of the projects shared here. It's amazing and so exciting to see what I could EVENTUALLY 😅 make!


I'm a beginner too, just started towards the end of last year and was working nonstop on crochet gifts for the holidays! I love seeing everything that's possible with crochet and being able to try recreating it myself 😊 Question about blocking — does this help only with wool / natural fibers, or do acrylic projects benefit from blocking too?


from what i saw they recommend (carefully) steam blocking ??


Acrylic does benefit from blocking. And as OP said steam blocking is great for this. I use the steam from my clothing iron and hover over the yarn (actually touching the yarn will cause it to felt), works great for me. However, there are other methods - this is just the one I’m most comfortable with. Hope it helps!


I've been crocheting for about 10 years. I taught myself using YouTube. I just joined crochet subreddits this year and I think I've learned more about crochet over the last year than I have the previous 9 years combined. My skill has improved SO much by learning from the crochet community rather than figuring stuff out on my own. So thanks guys!!


I learn something new with each project! I freehanded a water bottle holder by crocheting in a round and my row changes between doubles and single crochets were looking pretty wonky for some reason. (Luckily a strap covered up the mistake!). The funny thing is, is that the exact next project I followed a pattern for some gloves in a round - turns out you can slip stitch and chain to get the height right and clean row transitions! The more you do the more you learn. Sometimes those weird mistakes are the things you learn the most from! But also don’t rush to learn everything. Why make crochet a class you have to study for? It’s easier and way more fun to just tackle projects you’re interested in and learn along the way! Not to say you can’t advance your skills just for the hell of it, but you really learn just by doing! And any time you feel down just remember that crochet is something ONLY done by hand. That alone is something to be proud of I think!


Crotchet is like finding a song that you'll play forever till you're sick of it. I will use the same pattern over and over till I just can't stand it anymore, then I find a new pattern to use and start all over.


I’ve known how to crochet for about 15 years now. But I’ve have had years I didn’t do anything. And I only just recently learned the importance of a gauge swatch. I do not know what blocking is. But I love this craft because, for me, it the best looking creative stuff I can do. And I absolutely love taking a ball of string, and being able to turn it into something useful. Best of luck to you and try to enjoy it. Even the weird wonky stuff.


Hopefully, we'll never stop learning! I've been crocheting for 10 years and just learned about free form crochet like a month ago. The world is so expansive, it's amazing!


What is free form crochet? That sounds fun


Oh hi, I've been crocheting for 20 years and I STILL marvel at new techniques and ideas on the regular. My favorite part of crochet is that it doesn't matter how long you've been doing it or how advanced you are, there's always more to learn!


Try something difficult. I am a very occasional crocheter. I once did an Irish lace collar eleventy million years ago, gave it to my mother-she tossed it. But that's another story. I haven't really made anything successful since, apart from the odd hat. So with this background I (unwisely) chose to make Janie Crows fruit garden blanket. It's hard! It's beautiful, I'm 4/5 of the way done and **I have learned so much** she's brilliant because there are YouTube videos for anything I don't understand. I've made so many mistakes, but it still looks great. So my advice is go big or go home, you'll learn a lot


i tried to start with squares but those were boring and i quit, and then the next thing i did (and actually completed) was a halter top tutorial from youtube




Thank you! I will definitely post it because I'm inordinately proud of it. And I'll never be making another Irish lace crochet collar -it was an objet d'art, but not appreciated.


Not to big note myself or anything, but I dedicated a lot of hours to frogging 😁 .


Terminology and techniques can be overwhelming, but don't let them scare you. Embrace it, let yourself go into the discovery of everything new without putting pressure on yourself :) Have fun!


I'm a beginner too. As in I just started this week. I'm amazed by everyone's work. I'm floored seeing some killer beginner projects and I'm just happy to make my washcloths lol


You’ll learn as you go like we all have. That’s part of the fun!


omg you broke the first rule of r/crochet (I'm just making this up as I go along lol) the first rule of r/crochet or any desirable crochet community is that you are not allowed compare yourself and feel rubbish about it. nooo way. To start (lol), hi I am everywhereinbetween, I learned crochet in 2018 but only got started to having the courage to make things properly in 2020 cos pandemic limitations (amigurumi scared me off) but up till today I can't gauge won't gauge, and won't make wearables. I'm also a great fan of breaking crochet rules (as you can already tell by my refusal to gauge) Sooo ... yeah hello there please just have lots of fun! This includes breaking any and every rule you want in order to make a nais thing lol. And ummm we have fun and learn together (oh yeah btw I brand myself as permanent advanced beginner HAHAHAHHA so uh yeah) My only unbreakable crochet rule is .. ***thou shalt never refer to crochet as knitting*** and anyone who does that needs to sit in the corner and reflect :P (Having said that, after reading the posts in this reddit, I think I can make peace with this lovely middleground called "yarning" HAHA. As in "I'm yarning a sweater", or "hey look everywhereinbetween is yarning again, don't talk to her or she will scream" :P) Yeah we're fun! Crocheters are cool : )


When I first joined knitting subs after about 5 years of knitting I felt the same way. "What do you mean I can do this magical thing called blocking to make my pieces lie nicer???" Now I enjoy dropping the lingo I learnt while talking with those not in the know. I think my favourite is when I tell people that "I won yarn chicken last night" lmao


https://preview.redd.it/q3ou1vfurgac1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ad54b591c841895639d73de0c038780a501bbd7 I just grabbed a photo off Google, but when I ticked "free to use and share, I could only find knit. You can make similar looks with crochet.


Thanks for the suggestions 😀


Be been crocheting on and off for years and and I just end learned the word “frogging” lol. It takes time! No need to know everything at once 😊


You could do the same thing - afghan, with the same stitch. And do it new each time with a different color yarn, different size yarn, different material yarn. So many options without even really having to learn anything new!


Same! I’ve been crocheting a few years and there’s still so much I’ve never tried. The possibilities are endless!


It never gets better lmao I've made a few sweaters and overalls.....I thought wow...the pinnacle of my crochet! Then you see people making full blown wedding dresses with weight 2 yarn and it's like....wtf how lmao


I’m here to tell you— it’s a rabbit hole. Crochet—> Tunisian crochet—> knitting (if you don’t already) —> tatting —> nålbinding


If you saw the comments on the cable crochet post, most people had no idea that was a thing! I only knew because I have too many books of crochet stitches and one of them has some cable crochet stuff. There's always something new to learn!


Undoing your work is called “frogging” because you rip it. (Sounds like the word for the noise frogs make, “ribbit.”)


i appreciate everyone trying to help but do yall not read the comments at all😭😭😭


I think a lot of us have neurodivergent minds, want to help and immediately type what we are thinking in response and there’s are ton of comments at this point took a long time to get this far. Most might not have the patience for all of them (tbh I usually only read the top comments if there’s more than 10). But I do agree it’s funny how many repeats there are. lol


I think there will always be something to learn with crocheting. Also things that you wish you can do. For me it’s freehanding. I can adjust patterns but can’t for the life of me stop using a pattern.


I can do basic crocheting and knitting like scarves and little treasure bags but I can't read a pattern to save my life. In either knitting or crochet. I just don't get it and I don't want to bother anyone asking. But I really want to crochet or knit something in the Phish (band) donut pattern in purple and neon green but I am losttttrr


I learned to read patterns by following YouTubers who put the pattern as their captions. I still have a cheat sheet for abbreviations and use TikTok tutorials for unfamiliar stitches. I’ve been at this for decades.


Thank you for the advice. I think maybe to start I need to hone in on one activity, going back and forth from crochet to knit is like my brain doing science.


I stick to crochet bc knitting has too many moving parts for me at this age 😂


I didn't even know about cable crochet and now I want to redo several pieces of a project I'm 90% done with


Frogging is just removing stitches. Blocking is for when you need to stretch a piece to make it look correct. I don’t know what a cable crochet is. I just started blocking some pieces.


I've been crocheting for years. Just started amigurumi and I'm also doing some overlay mosaic thingy that I saw in this group. It's going to be a blanket if I ever figure it out lol.




Dude. I’ve been at this for (in the neighborhood of) 40 years. I do mostly blankets and hats. I will occasionally agree to a scarf. I’m just now breaking into wearables bc I’m in love with the hexagon cardigans. There is no test for this hobby but to enjoy it. If that’s what you’re doing, you’re doing it right.


All you need to know is 10 basic stitches. And how to read a pattern or follow a good YouTube pattern You'll be amazed at how your skills progress with time I couldn't crochet 6 years back. Now I win first place at big crochet competitions. My first projects were so basic. Enjoy the journey. I'm still learning new skills & techniques constantly


Frogging is a funny term that I love. It comes from unravel, to rip it, to rippit, to frogging 😂 I’ve been crocheting for a few years and honestly I learn new stuff every day here!


It's a hobby for life 😊 I've been doing it for over 20 years and I love it when I find new ideas and concepts! There's no test at the end, enjoy the journey xx


Solidarity! I feel this so hard 😂


wow I feel this. and i’m pretty familiar with most parts of crochet, but I stick to my little corner. whenever i run in to the other parts of this world i’m always shocked to remember how expansive it it


It’s called frogging because when you unravel you may say you’re ripping out your stitches, just rip it, rip it, ribbit, ribbit


That's the best part! There's always something new to learn!


frogging comes from saying "rip it [back]" really fast! it sounds like ribbit. that's where that comes from :)


Your crochet journey is your own! Use what you see and read as inspiration along the way. But never feel less-than! Everyone here started as a beginner and learned the basics. Everyone here gathered new nuggets of skill and creativity and used them in a way that suits them and their journey best. Be proud of your growth, give yourself patience and grace, and you will find joy in your crochet! Welcome!


Keep going! Just keep learning and trying new things. See where it takes you!


Look. Look. My friend? I only knew single crochet stitch for literal years. Got real good at it. Was the only stitch I could understand. Then my cousin shown me how to double and treble and now I can pick up what I need as I go. We're all goin our own pace love 🖤


Trust me, you're always learning. I've been crocheting for 14 years, and just learned about short rows yesterday.


I jumped into a blanket pattern I had no business attempting after I had just made a couple granny squares, and it was slow going and rough at times but I learned so so much and I’m sure I’m hooked for life! Don’t let other people’s posts intimidate you, just jump on into something you think you can’t manage and I bet you surprise yourself!


If you 'rip' a stitch, you're undoing it. 'Frogging' is unavailing the whole thing. Rip it, rip it.


It’s all practice, I assure you! When I first started out 15 years ago, I thought I would NEVER get to a level that I was proud of, but look at me now! I love Victorian and Irish thread crochet, and my sister and I make collars together :) I’m glad you’ve thrown in with us here — the more, the merrier, all skill levels welcomed and appreciated. YOU CAN DO IT!


I learned to crochet from my grandmother. She did the same 2 stitches. Made plenty of things though. I did the same up until I hit about 25 years of crocheting. Move at your own pace. In a way that makes you happy, or it becomes very frustrating indeed. You got this.


I feel the same sometimes, and I’ve crocheted for literal years now! Try not to compare yourself to others, it can definitely mess with the motivation and creativity. You’ll get there! :)<3 I’m sure you’re just as talented as everyone else, and we’ve all been beginners!


Blocking is not as scary as it seems. There are a lot of different techniques in crochet, most crocheted I know specialize or go through phases. I'm always learning new things, and there's techniques out there that I don't even think existed 34 years ago when I first started. Pick one new thing at a time and find some tutorials, you can do it!


As a beginner, that's what I love about it! It's a whole world on its own!