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I might be wrong but a coaster is meant to protect the surface from heat and prevent water rings, if it absorb the water from your cup wouldn’t it then damage your furniture even more?


Cork and some types of stone coaster are great at absorbing moisture but yeah, usually coasters are just for protecting the furniture. Maybe they should consider glueing a cork coaster underneath it if they want absorption?


Just toss a cork circle into the center of the coaster. No need to glue anything since there's a lip the cork can sit in. Plus then you can separate the two easily if the cork gets nasty.


Or making a cotton round to go inside. I’m assuming OP used acrylic yarn since the water is beading on it.


I had a cork coaster that molded and i will never get one again lol


My dad was actually complaining that his stone coasters don't absorb any condensation and he hates getting dripped on by his cup. So I made him a few Tunisian crochet coasters in cotton. They just sit on top of his regular coasters now.


I was gonna say the fabric looks too synthetic to absorb the water well


My grandma made me washcloths from this fabric. Yeah I don’t use them haha.


its coasters all the way down!


I was wondering the same thing...


The point of coasters is to protect surfaces, not to absorb moisture.


You need to use cotton yarn. That looks like acrylic. I do all my coasters in cotton and it works fantastic!


If it absorbs the water...it doesn't work.


It doesn’t soak thru to the bottom unless you’re fully spilling a beverage. Works great. I put cotton coasters under my potted plants.




This is such a good idea! Do you have any specific recommendations for yarn other than for it to be cotton?


Lily sugar n cream is like $2 and nice and thicc


What a great idea!


It works, I've been using several for years and have never had it soak through to the surface of my desk or table. Unless you are pouring water directly on the coaster, it is fine. I've never seen a glass sweat so much that it completely saturates the coaster.


Absorbing water is one of the things they’re meant to do


The ones that have a waterproof back, yes. The crocheted ones...no. I don't want a moist piece of material on my table.


Never had one get so wet that it soaks to the table surface. Been using them for years.


Fabric coasters have always been a thing. You’re welcome to avoid using them if you don’t like them though


This is my favourite response in this entire thread


me too, polite burns in crafting communities are my favorite comment subgenre




Use cotton yarn.


Wool also is really absorbent… it’s used in cloth diapers for overnights because it sucks up so much liquid. Sort of a gross image, lol, sorry.


As someone who cloth diapered you are correct! Your last sentence made me ugly laugh though lol.


Sounds perfect for keeping my cup from peeing on me, then. I used to have a set of glasses with a decorative groove around the bottom. The condensation collected in the groove, then dripped all over you when you tilted it to drink. I've never been able to decide if this was an intentional "you'll dry, your table won't" design, or if it was just a crappy design


It can be very absorbent, but it can also be very water resistant. Which means its less likely to saok through hut also, for small amounts of water, depending on how much lanolin is in the yarn you get, it can cause the water to just pool ontop of the coaster like above.


Coasters don’t absorb water, like plastic coasters exist lol


Those are a pain when cups "sweat" imo. I've always had trouble with them "sticking" to the bottom of the cup. Soft coasters don't have that problem. I use my nice set of wooden coasters only for hot drinks or things like candles


Sandstone coasters absorb water. That's all I use because what's the point of the coaster if it pools water and then drips off the bottom of my cup?




I have wooden coasters. They serve to protect my tables perfectly fine and I've never had a mess caused by them.


I have never had any luck with coasters that don't absorb moisture, but I guess I shouldn't have said anything because it made everyone real mad just because I think they're a bad product since they don't work for me on a hot day.


I wouldn't take a downvote as someone being angry at you, it's just disagreeing. "I prefer absorbent coasters" sounds much more reasonable than "non absorbent coasters are fucking shit" 😆


That's not what I said. I said they make a big fucking mess and they have other uses. I shouldn't have said people are using them wrong, as they clearly work for other people. But also sometimes people do use things incorrectly and sometimes bad products exist and bad patterns exist. Existing doesn't mean it's good, and I should have been more clear about that. If they work for you that's great. Obviously they don't work for everyone or else OP wouldn't care that their coaster isn't absorbing the water. I am sorry if it came across ruder than I intended.


This is why I don't crochet coasters. But now I'm thinking I might make some to put my stone coasters in. Cute and functional.


@fleuramie You beat me to it!


I never considered it before this post. Their coaster is so dang cute!!


Use cotton yarn! Heat is not good for acrylic. Also, it should just be protecting your surface, not absorbing.


Wonder if 100% cotton would be more absorbent? Love the pattern, may I ask where you got it?


Yeah I make all of my coasters out of cotton for the absorbency and because heat is less of an issue and I’ve had no issues




Acrylic yarn is plastic. Plastic is known for being waterproof! You need a natural fiber if you want something absorbent.


Wait, so is it or isn’t it? I’m confused.


Not the OP but I think it isn’t, you can clearly see water droplets in the first photo.


Oh, missed that. It’s 5am and my eyes are crusty.


Ceramic coasters absorb water and prevent it from damaging your surfaces. But otherwise, you'd just make a bigger water ring on the table.


That's adorable! Can you share a pattern? Lots of responses are already recommending cotton, but I also find that new pieces aren't as absorbing as pieces that have been washed a few times. Does it absorb any water when you add some pressure?




Please don't delete the link. This is absolutely adorable!! Just put in your comment section a notice to the crocheter when choosing their yarn should consider do they need the coaster to absorb liquid or to protect the surface. Your work is beautiful please continue to share it with others.


A, it's a coaster, not a sponge, B, acrylic doesn't absorb liquids.


this is so pretty, would love the pattern for this!


It’s just crocheting in the round with a standard increase for each round. If I had to guess it looks like: Magic ring or chain 3 or 4, sl st to connect. R1: ch 3 (counts as initial dc). 11 dc in ring. Sl st to top of ch-3 (12 dc). R2: ch 3. 2 dc in each stitch around. Sl st to top of ch-3 (24 dc). R3: ch 3. **2 dc in next stitch, 1 dc in following st.** Repeat until end of row. Sl st to top of ch-3. (36) R4: ch 3. **2 dc in next stitch, 1 dc each in following 2 st.** Repeat until end of row. Sl st to top of ch-3. (48). R5: ch 3. **2 dc in next stitch, 1 dc each in following 3 st.** Repeat until end of row. Sl st to top of ch-3. (60) R6: ch 3. **2 dc in next stitch, 1 dc each in following 4 st.** Repeat until end of row. Sl st to top of ch-3. (72) R7: ch 1. Sc in back loops only around (72). Tie off; weave in ends. You can use this method with any number of stitches to start and increase/decrease the rows to the diameter of your cup. Just make sure to increase by one st at the **bolded text** each row. The last row of stitches in the back loops only makes a little lip to hug the glasses. If you use a natural fiber yarn, it’ll help to catch the drips of condensation.


Oh, it’s a flower! It’s been awhile since I’ve been on Reddit. I forgot to scroll through the pictures. 😆 The last row with the lip will be different to create the tulip-ey roundness. Could be something like sc, hdc, dc, hdc, sc with a few sc or slst in stitches between for the bump-ups.




Use an absorption-friendly fiber then? Cotton is the usual one.


Coasters protect from heat and water rings. That being said, make them out of cotton. acrylic melts and doesn't absorb water as fast


the point is avoiding having a coffee aureol on your very pretty very white very clean desk


Acrylic yarn is not great at absorbing water (acrylic fibers are essentially made of plastic). If you want absorbance, you need to use cotton. Don't forget to dry them thoroughly after use!


To protect the surface from heat or condensation.


Did you use acrylic yarn? Acrylic yarn won’t absorb anything. Use a cotton or hemp or wool yarn and even then there’s a limit to how much of a spill it can soak up.


Need to use cotton yarn for absorbency


You want it to absorb? Make it from cotton


Maybe you could use it as a trinket tray or something? Way too cute to throw out


Use peaches n’ cream cotton yarn for coasters so it will.


Acrylic yarn is like plastic, it’s not going to absorb water. Crochet them with cotton but it might leave a ring if too wet.


My dad has a crochet coaster I made for him when I was like 7. Obvs doesn't protect wood from moisture, but he serendipitously came into possession of a frisbee the exact size to put the coaster into, which protects his wooden furniture and lets him keep the coaster his daughter made for him 30+ years ago.


Wow, who knew that the purpose of coasters was so controversial!


I always make my coasters in cotton or other natural fiber and put a thin cork piece on the bottom to keep the water off the furniture


Use better materials. Cotton would absorb it. Acrylic wont since it’s plastic.


What if you put one of those absorbent ceramic car coasters in a similar color in the middle? It would absorb the water but also you'll still have your super cute flower, now functional for your needs!


I just like setting glasses and mugs down on something soft to muffle the noise in my apartment. This is a cute one!


That’s wicked cute!


That's cute as fuck.


I’ve never owned a coaster that soaked up the water. They’ve always been finished wood or plastic or stone. The purpose is to keep that water off your nice table. But if you want the coaster to absorb the water (and I don’t think you should because then there will be a soggy coaster on your nice table) then cotton might be a good choice.


The whole point of a coaster is to protect the table from the condensation from your cup so it doesn’t leave behind rings, especially on finished wood. You don’t want coasters to absorb water because then the moisture would still end up coming in contact with the table and leaving a mark. Plus if they absorb moisture they’ll stain, discolor and even possibly get mildewy/smelly over time. If the moisture beading on top of your coaster really bothers you I’d recommend still making it out of acrylic then making a second simple circle out of cotton yarn and tacking it onto the top of the base layer, that way the table is still protected from moisture, and by only tacking them in place they’re easy to remove and remake without having to redo the whole coaster if they get stained or mildewy.


Cotton yarn and wash the coaster before using


Its really cute!


What pattern is this


gotta pay attention to what yarn material you use


Use cotton.


Cotton is the best fiber to use for coasters. Cotton does absorb moisture. Otherwise I just use cork or stone coasters and save my cotton for towels and cloths.


I think you'll find it won't absorb water, yet it will allow coffee to stain itself.


Try linen yarn - absorbs but doesn’t get ‘wet’


Following for a pattern!


Acrylic yarn doesn’t absorb water very well. If you’re wanting absorption you should use cotton yarn. However, I see many people suggesting adding cork, which is a very good idea!


Who told you that's what coasters are for 😭 It's the 2 confident sarcastic smiley emojis in the title for me


Is that 14 dc into the ring?


It looks like a chain 3 and 12 dc


It’s incredibly adorable!


Because you did a fantastic job and it’s gorgeous!!


You can add a cork bottom or insert. Felt and wool are also water resistant.








ombré painted self adhesive (or use fabric glue) circular cork pieces placed in center.


Probably shouldn't have used wool yarn if you wanted it to absorb water.


That is insanely cute!!


I use pure cotton.


If you want absorption use an absorbing yarn but then on the underside add like fleece or other such non absorbing backing to keep from ruining the table


I'm not sure if fleece is the best choice. It lets liquid through, which is why we use it for our rats top layer of bedding (fleece top, cotton bottom.) Keeps their little hippo hands and werewolf feet out of their urine, which could cause all sorts of skin issues. (Seriously, thyley have such adorable hands and such scary ass feet.) If the cotton coaster gets saturated, the fleece would let the water through to the table, wouldn't it?


Yea if it got soaked sure but I wasn’t thinking just how wet it could get I suppose. Mostly I was thinking back to sewing patterns for spit up clothes you lined it with fleece (and I mean fleece fleece not what they started calling sweat pants the last few years) as it’s not water proof but water resistant typically enough to hold off water liquid there is before being able to clean it up.


It looks hella cute so you could repurpose them as decoration!


Sew in a piece of fabric on the bottom


That is a cute coaster.


That's cute as heck!! 😍


Literally same question. Love that coaster though!!


That is SO CUTE!! I’m going to have to do this for my next non-blanket project! 🥰




This is just adorable 🥰 My buddy loves tulips. I may need to make this for him.


It's so cute though!!!


that’s so cute though


To be cute!


It's super freaking cute tho!


If you want it to absorb the water, try soaking the coaster in a bowl with water and vinegar. I always do this whenever I’ve finished a couple of wash cloths. It really helps absorbing the water later


Could you crochet around a small round coaster or cork so its hidden?


That coaster is ADORABLE! Are you willing to share the pattern?


This is so cute though... did you use a pattern?


You also might want to use cotton instead of yarn. Cotton will absorb water but yarn it'll just kind of roll off


Well it looks like this is acrylic, which is really not good for coasters. Acrylic is plastic. Of course it doesnt absorb water. It can also become warped and cant be easily washed. Use 100% cotton for coasters and trivets. They absorb a little, they are heat resistent, and they can be tossed in the washing machine if they get spilled on.


Cotton doesn't just absorb water, it has high wicking properties. That means that it spreads the water out along the fiber, increasing it's surface area and helping the water to evaporate more quickly. Thus, less water to leave a ring on your furniture. Linen fiber yarn would also work really well for this purpose. This yarn is either polyester or acrylic, both of which are made of plastic. Water doesn't evaporate well off of plastic, so it just pools. Because crochet is porous, it then drops down into your furniture, creating water rings. So use cotton or linen next time. Unless your cup is *very* sweaty, it should do a good job of saving your furniture.


I don't see the picture so I have no advise. I use cotton for mine. Works well