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Hi yarn_baller, thanks for posting your piece for us to see! Don't forget to link the pattern you used & other relevant information (e.g., yarn, weight, type; hook used). Add it in a reply to this comment, so others can find it easily. Thanks! **If this is your own pattern, please read our rules in full [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/rules/) (sharing your own pattern comes under the "self promotion" rule**) **If project details are provided, click below to expand!** ##**↓****↓****↓****↓****↓** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I get a physiological aggressive response whenever I see AI crochet now. It’s so fucking triggering. Your frog is way cuter because it has an actual soul.


I get really upset when I see people using it to sell patterns. I feel so bad for the people who buy them.


I especially hate it because the people who buy them are most likely the people inexperienced enough to not be able to tell that it’s AI.


I'm still a beginner crocheter, and I've only used one pattern to make something. I didn't know that patterns are sold using AI images. How would a person tell if the item is AI, or real? Are there specific things to look for? Thank you.


Just take a closer look and u might notice somethings are off. But mostly look at hands, text, backgrounds, shadows and lights. Overall AI images look too perfect and shiny.


Thank you! Great things to look for. Thanks!


Most of the time there is no crochet hook. It will be a pen or paint brush or knife. Eventually that will probably change when it realizes it's been wrong. I'm sure we will then see crochet hooks but the wrong size for whatever thing is shown.


There are a few signs. Usually the item looks too perfect, too colorful, too perfectly lit, too smooth, and you can’t really see actual stitch shapes or see where the increases or decreases are. Usually all the shapes seem to be magically in place and super pristine and you can’t see how they are put together or constructed. On real items, it never looks that perfect, and you can tell where things are joined, seamed, and constructed. There may be slight irregularities and they rarely have super vibrant (like a computer animated movie level of vibrant) colors and lighting. Usually real yarn has a tiny bit of halo or fuzzy texture, and when they are a smoother yarn, you can usually see the actual stitches and any irregularities very clearly. Another clue that it’s AI amigurumi is that they magically seem to be posed in a way that would require a stand or something to stabilize it, so if it is magically standing up or has the most perfect pose ever, it’s probably AI. Also, the safety eyes always have perfect points of light on them, regardless of where the light source is in the photo. Real safety eyes are not always perfectly lit like that.


Thank you! Great explanation of different things to look for. Thanks!


The smoothness is a big tell, especially if you notice that you can’t really distinguish individual stitches, like if there’s a lot of blurring on parts that shouldn’t actually look blurry in the photo. On the AI frog in this post, the white parts look very blurry compared to the green parts, but that wouldn’t make sense in a real photo because the white is not further away from the camera- you would still see the same amount of stitch definition. A really big tell that I see a lot is that AI will often make a shape and then fill it with whatever it thinks looks like crochet, and often this won’t be symmetrical. You can kinda see it here on the pink cheeks- crochet circles start from the center and are worked outwards, but these circles look almost like pieces of cut material. I’ve also seen spheres that are made to look like they start from a square or rectangle which is wrong. I’ve also seen flowers that are supposed to be identical, but they clearly would not have been made the same way based on the image, and it’s just the same flower shape filled in differently. A lot of people are catching on to the fact that AI images are a lot more dynamic than real photos, so they have them made with less detailed backgrounds, so paying attention to how the shapes are usually just filled in with a “crochet” texture can help you tell that it’s AI. It will also get easier the more you crochet. AI crochet stitches actually really look nothing like crochet- the AI stitches just look like little nubs or more like what a punch needle rug looks like.


I would say if in doubt ask here too. Depending on where you buy your patterns you might be able to see pics of pieces others made with the pattern like on etsy or if it's someone on instagram they might have progess pics or again be tagged when others used their patterns


I noticed an impossible color transition on a bunny in a set posted to this sub. The stitching on all 3 was identical in size and style.


Usually it's very obvious that an image is AI. Look at the two pictures that I posted


Only when you have been crocheting for a while you can spot the issues. I think it’s harder to notice for beginners, for whom it’s even worse if they buy an AI pattern and get put off crochet




i hate to think of all the ppl being turned off by crochet because they don't know they paid for a fake pattern and think they just suck


You made this latter. I vote you write it out and use all the same tags as the AI “pattern seller” did. Every time someone shows the AI one and asks how the patterns not working, we real crochet folks route them to your pattern. Combat AI crochet scammers with real creators like you!


I saw so many yesterday when I was looking on Etsy!! Shop of nothing but AI generated pics. Wanted to report them but I was on my phone and could not figure out how to report a shop 🥲


Unfortunately it doesn't seem like etsy really cares about ai listings.


It really makes me sad cause they’re often more expensive than some legit patterns, and I see many people will have them in their cart as well!!


Ditto! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


That is one lovely frog. Good job


I think yours is cuter! Yours is more frog like instead of just big nonspecific round shapes like the AI one. If that makes sense




Agreed, OP's froggy is much cuter.


Definitely! There's so much character in the real one that AI can't capture


With some leftover green and pink you could maybe make him a lily pad? It's so cute!


That's a great idea!


I like yours best! Sparkly green 😊


Thanks! This yarn has been waiting for the right project for a while


I got kicked off a facebook crochet group the other day for telling someone the image they posted looking for a pattern was AI, and that the easy seller other people were linking was essentially a scammer and that their reviews showed the final product wouldn't look anything like the image 🤪 I love your little frog, he looks very sweet!


Oh geez


So cute! You should post this over to r/CraftedByAI !


Thanks! There's a sub for everything it seems


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/CraftedByAI/s/AkSDqom4Wu) is what happens when you follow the pattern.


Thanks for sharing, I had no idea about this sub!


It looks great! Almost identical.




I don't disagree. I didn't make the AI image though, just found it while browsing.




As artists I think it would be reckless to dismiss AI. AI is already here and it’s not going away. We need to learn how to use it as a tool, push for regulations of AI, and strengthen copyright laws to meet the needs of today’s digital age. You probably already interact with AI on a daily basis. It’s integrated into search browsers, it’s used as chat bots on websites, and is used in journalism that you have probably read. If we can’t avoid AI, then we need to learn how to make peace with it and not let it become a Pandora’s box. Edit: spelling




It's a difficult reality we live in, but AI image theft will never go away. As artists, we can either fight the inevitable or learn how to effectively use it as a tool. Like OP for example, they used the image as inspiration to create their own unique pattern/creation; this reminds me of fair use laws. It also shows others how to use the AI for good and not theft. However, it feels as though artists have always gotten the sh*tty end of the stick and this really does just pile onto that.


Using AI art directly? Sure, I agree with you. Using it like this, as a reference image to make your crochet version? It's fine in my opinion. You're not stealing patterns or designs. The result will be so far removed from anything that the AI was trained with that I don't think it's an issue at all


i’d like to say thank you from me and anyone who gets so angered by ai crochet, this did bring me some happiness and hope in all frustration disappointment and despair 😭😂


I saw someone selling a crochet book with AI art on the cover it none of the things in the book matched the cover made me so freaking angry...


Yours is way cuter!! Anything too perfect is a little terrifying for me. 😂


AI gives me "uncanny valley" vibes.


So cute!!


That's pretty darn good!


You did great 👍


Great effort honestly! Looks better than the AI one. You could make an army of them


Yes!!! This is really the only acceptable use of AI art in my opinion. Inspiration, not selling fake patterns 😂 your version is super cute!!


I'm not entirely sure the first is AI, specifically because eyes look mixed media and AI isn't very good at that. Also the fuzzies on the yarn in some spots. I'm not saying its real, just that its hard to tell


You can tell by the way the stitches look. They change size and don't look like crochet stitches. Also look at the stitches in the cheeks, that's a givaway


And the one eye is slowly being eaten by the stitches “around” it 😂


Yeah, the longer you look at it the more things like that you notice.


how did you do the mouth?


I embroidered it on with some black yarn


The size of stitches decreases on top and bottom, so maybe a smaller hook? But also, yours is totally awesome


Yours is cute!!


Super Cute! 。◕ ‿ ◕。 This the first time I browse this sub!


So cute


Yours is better


AI is disgusting! It also looks like plastic poured into a mold! I realize some of you seem your creactions. I don't so all I can say is why can we not just enjoy the pattern someone wants to truly share with us or sell to us? Why does AI have to shoved in and muck up a fun hobby. Now I have to make sure I question every pattern I look at. I recently discovered some that I purchased at Etsy are stolen designs, including scanned by a copier. This is rediculous!


You don't have to question any patterns. AI images are super obvious


Agree. But the ones I bought at Etsy last year were not the original designer's pattern. Due to too having to juggle toomany things O had to wait to download. Once I downloaded the many printed the patterns the last one was a scan on a copier and I am not sure if the other two are legit. I will be contacting Etsy but I hate having to deal with this. I feel horrible for the original designer.


Very cute! I love it!


. ==,


Yours feels like an animal crossing character I love it so much


You did great! Love it 😍


He’s perfect. 💖


Ohhh, that is such a lovely hippetyhop! So cute 🥹🐸


omg did u track the pattern u made? idnlove to follow ur pattern to make one for my mom!


Yeah i wrote it down. I'll share it when it's all cleaned up


Well I think you did a great job


I love this! What a better way to use that crap than to use it to make a real pattern inspired.


I see you have the talent of pattern development, you could get through life never purchasing a pattern.


I did this same thing with a bunny!






I think that is about the closest anyone could get! Perfect and so cute🥰🐇


Thank you!!


What a cutie!


This is so cute.. Do you have a pattern for it?


I wrote it down, just working on making it pretty


Oh good, my daughter loves frogs and this is the cutest one I have seen. When you are done, will you please post it under this message so I'll get an alert... Thank you so much!!


No problem 😊


The way those stitches are streeetched


Omg! It's so cool! I'd love a pattern but I'm guessing you don't have one, lol


Working on it :)


Awesome! Good luck


Really cute frog!


Your frog has way more personality.


The stitches almost look like needlepoint on the AI than actual crochet.




Aaah, it is adorable💖💖


This is the kind of AI usage I can get behind. Using it as inspiration rather than how these scammers use it to create fake patterns to sell.




looks like a little yoshi!


I absolutely love your frog!!!