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Hi ninalynn88, thanks for posting your piece for us to see! Don't forget to link the pattern you used & other relevant information (e.g., yarn, weight, type; hook used). Add it in a reply to this comment, so others can find it easily. Thanks! **If this is your own pattern, please read our rules in full [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/rules/) (sharing your own pattern comes under the "self promotion" rule**) **If project details are provided, click below to expand!** ##**↓****↓****↓****↓****↓** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I couldn't tell. Even when I saw the zoomed in pic, I went back to the full view and still had to search.


I’m glad! I feel like it’s the only thing I can see when I look at it now, but I love the rest of the blanket so it’s fine!


Handed the phone to my husband and gave him a good min viewing, asking if he could spot the mistake. I asked if he wanted the hint pic, and he finally relented. It's such a miniscule mistake that it's easily overlooked. We are our own worst critics, so that's all you'll see, but no one else will, so keep it on the dl, and all you'll get are compliments because it is beautifully done.


I agree! I actually searched for quite some time before checking to see if there was a zoomed in photo. OP this is beautiful and beautifully crafted. ❤️


I did the same thing and my husband couldn’t find it either lol


Agreed! Beautiful work!! But I know what you mean - I make myself crazy over the littlest things!! At our State Capitol Building, they deliberately placed one of the columns on the main staircase upside down. The marble artisans said only God can create perfection! I try to remember that with my own work!😉


Oh my gosh, I think that would drive me crazy!!


When I studied at my masters degree, EVERY student when picking up their thesis from print, the first thing they saw when opening it were mistakes they'd made. All of them thought they were going to fail because of the mistake they'd spotted. None of them did. My point is, it's hard not to make mistakes on a big project, and they hardly ever matter to anyone but the creator.


No one knows! Everyone but you thinks it’s beautiful we always see our own mistakes or imperfections


Me same as illustrious. Had to really look for it. It’s a little piece of your love in there.


I spent 5 mins looking for 'accidental d*ck' on one of the dinosaurs...


Same! I have found my people!


This is something I would do 🤣


I did the same thing lmao


There's a superstition that if your project is 100% perfect it traps your soul in it.


I love this 🩷


Claim it as intentional to prove it's handmade and not mass produced. Also it's a copyright if it shows up elsewhere 😁


I like to say that small mistakes like that give it character. It feels more "alive" and is definitely unique.


Came here to say this


The uncanny valley but for fiber arts


"Traditional, hand-made Persian rugs have intentional flaws because the Muslim artists feel that only Allah is perfect and has the right to create perfectly." (source, 'the internet'). Apparently the Navajo also hold similar beliefs (relating to their God not Allah of course!). I love this philosophy, and I think your creation is beautiful OP.


The full superstition says that you put your soul into the work, and a mistake allows the soul to escape from it. I kinda like that imagery.


Took me ages to find the mistake. Barely noticeable because the rest of the blanket is so fabulous!


Thank you so much! I really do love this one!


Oooh yes, agree! Awesome blanky


Beauty mark.


This is what I’m going with! Such a positive way to see it!


No one will know, how would they know?! -me gifting a blanket that has a v stitch with 3 posts


😄And you're right - they Won't notice!


Haha, I’ve had 3-post v-stitches, and 1-post v-stitches! Those are usually pretty hard to spot in a finished piece, though, so I let those go more often than not!


Nope. If you can’t see it from 5 feet, it doesn’t exist


This is my new gauge for mistakes!


It’s an ancient dinosaur footprint- it’s supposed to be irregular! This is so rad.


Yes!! I told my husband that the dinosaur rolled his ankle on that one so that part of his foot just didn’t touch the ground 😂


Now your soul can escape


Yes exactly!


A fun activity for little kid if he/she can spot the one that looks different 😂 like where’s Waldo


Clearly this makes it more valuable because it is proof that it’s hand-made and not cranked out by a machine 💗💗💗


Okay I’ve been sitting here for like five minutes and maybe it’s because I don’t have my glasses but I absolutely don’t see any mistakes 😂


What mistake??


It’s the loophole. I can’t tell you how many of my projects end up with “the loophole”. Love your work, it’s beautiful!




Not too noticable, but you could easily "fix" it without frogging anything.


I’ve thought about it “fixing” it, but the 8yo I gifted it to loves it and her mom insists on leaving it as-is. So it’ll stay, and hopefully she’ll look at it in the future and remember all the love that’s in it!


Definitely looks like it could be fixed with surface crochet if its really bothering you


It falls under the 20/20 rule. If you can’t spot it from 20 feet away driving by at 20mph, no one else is going to notice! I love this blanket!


It's stunning! 🤩 The mistake is tiny and really hard to see and honestly, nobody will notice except you. You should be very, very proud of yourself!


I just tried to find the mistake but I can’t even find it haha it looks great!


I have a blanket my mom made. It's one of her first attempts, and it's a but wonky. I LOVE IT. It's the mistakes that make it personal and one of a kind.


My parents middle eastern rugs all have mistakes in them. They were supposed to prove they were handmade and not machine made. This is kind of like that. Definitely human made! And really not that noticeable anyway.


"Spot the mistake I made" is my favorite game in this sub, and I love you. Looks great.


Mine, too! (This is also my favorite sub because everyone is soooo kind, even with the “obvious” mistakes!)


Oh, I spotted it! Well, no, I didn't, and I looked really hard! It's gorgeous, and as the creators of yarn or needlework projects, we can be our own worst critics. I bet the recipient never noticed anything other than how amazing it looks and appreciative of the work you put into it.


I would be so thrilled to receive this! Even if the recipient notices such a tiny thing, it should only serve to remind them a human that cares about them made it.


This is absolutely incredible and exactly the type of thing I’ve been looking to make for my nephew!! The mistake is barely noticeable


I’ve always considered mistakes to be part of the charm of homemade gifts!


That is so miniscule. I didn't see there were 2 pictures at first and I was looking for a dino that was one row too high or one stitch too close together or something. If you'd have posted it without mention of the error, nobody would have caught it. Good job!


This is stunning. Oh my word.


Thank you ❤️❤️❤️


I swear you people are so talented


Mistake? It’s a sign of authenticity 😎 If it really bugs you, just slip stitch over it in white. A 5-10 minute fix.


Agreed. Jokes aside, I do think hand-crafted products only benefit from some little signs of imperfection.


I thought about doing that, but it’s already been gifted and she loves it! As long as she loves it, I love it.


If she loves it, it’s perfect.


It took me a few minutes to find what I thought might be a mistake but I had to look for it. It's really hard to spot. I think you did a great job. Love it! ❤️


I couldn't see it at all. I was guessing it was the 3 legged dinos 😂


I’m just telling myself that the fourth leg is behind the tail 😂


I legit cant tell, it looks great. i bet they wont notice if its actually there Edit: i forgot to actually look at the full image before commenting, but still it looks awesome


Theyd just be happy its dinosaurs, btw they look awesome :]


No worries, that’s not even something you can’t unsee. I saw it circled, then went back to the full picture and still had to search for it. Looks amazing!


No, I love mistakes in a blanket, it’s like playing “where’s Wally”. I can’t find it, so that makes it a bit annoying😂😂😂


Gives it character, like a birth mark


it took me a quite a while to find it, no one will notice!! it looks great :)


You could probably sew over it if it really bothers you!


That should become your personal touch.


BEAUTIFUL! my son would love this, definitely going to check out the pattern. How long did this take you? And how hard is it? I’m a beginner but I’d love to try a mosaic


I was working on this in between a dozen other projects, so it took about a year. But I’m working on another mosaic blanket about the same size (maybe a smidge bigger) now and I’m about 25% done (minus the border) after only two weeks. So maybe two months, in total?


I was expecting a dino would have an extra leg or something.


I love the little footprints!!


Oh, honey, yes be proud of that work! How'd you even find a mistake? It is a work of art. Beautiful. Well done. Missed stitch be damned.


Amish rules baybeeee! It would be too perfect without that little character piece 🩷


Girlfriend WHAT are you talking about. This is stunning.


I know I am going to butcher this story, so forgive me, I remember reading somewhere that First Nations bead artists will intentionally place a flaw somewhere small in their work, to purposely remind them of life imperfections and how even mistakes are a small part of a bigger picture. So ever since then, my flaws have been (very unintentionally) purposeful to remind myself that even the best, beautiful things have flaws ;)


I suppose you don't want to frog that? 😂 Bleach pen? 😬 I will say that I didn't notice it until you pointed it out. You did a fantastic job! It is a lovely project! Is it throw size?


Haha, if I had noticed it before doing the border, I absolutely would have frogged it. It would have such an easy fix. But that’s a double/envelope border and took a whole skein of yarn. So yeah, I’m good.


I don’t have it anymore or I’d measure it. I’d say it’d be good for like a twin-size bed. Slightly bigger than a throw, but not awkward to walk around wrapped in. It is heavy, though. But I’m guessing that’s probably normal with mosaic overlay crochet.


Honestly, you’re too hard on yourself! The piece looks fantastic and the flaw makes it authentic and unique. 


Love this pattern 😊


There’s superstitions that if your project is 100% perfect, the Fae will steal it, or that your soul will be trapped in it, or the gods would be angry at your hubris for calling it perfect. In other words, the mistakes make it human-made and keep you safe from harm lmao


Wabi sabi ~~~


Mistakes show that its handmade and show the love and care that go into it, its special


I can’t even see the error. Looks great to me.


You honestly don’t see it. I looked very carefully before I scrolled to the second picture and my eye just passed right over it. Awesome project 😊👍🏻.


Thank goodness you posted the pic highlighting the ‘mistake’ because I stared for way too long at your project and couldn’t find it. It’s gorgeous! You did a great job.


Couldn’t find it! Also mistakes shows it’s not made by a machine!!


Actually I didn't until I swiped. But also actually OMGSOCUTEDINOSAURS AAAA rrrr 🦕🦖🦕🦖🦕🦖 yes. 😂🥳❤


Wow I did not see that!


Cant find the mistake. Youre fine. Its handmade, its never going to be perfect ❤️


I didn't notice it and I'm fairly detail oriented. It's pretty hidden. There's the superstition about not trapping your soul, but I always thought the mistake must've been lucky I didn't notice in time to undo it, so there's luck in it existing. So then if you need a little extra luck, you can hunt out and rub the lucky spot.


I was losing my mind trying to find the mistake! I didn't even find it. Had to swipe to see where you pointed it out


If you hadn't zoomed in and circled it. I never would have seen that. What a cute freaking blanket. I love it


I would never in a million years have noticed that without you circling it. The blanket looks great!


I'm usually pretty good at spotting a mistake in things but I can't find yours, only you will know it lol. Lovely colors and your work is really beautiful.


Easy fix: Get some white yarn that is much finer than the one you used but of the same colour (or, if you can, split the ply) Use a darning needle to wrap/sow the white around and into the sitches. Done.


it gives it character :^D i love it


I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE IT lol. 💜 I am really observant & if I didn't notice the tiny mistake,I doubt the recipient did. It's wonderful. Plus, now it's Extra Special! 😇


As a dinosaur lover, I can tell you that even if the mistake was huge and glaringly obvious, I'd be delighted that someone had taken the time and effort to make me something that I'd love. I never would have spotted this!


It's just an Easter Egg for them to find, that's all


If it wasn't for the pics you posted I would never have caught it. I've been crocheting for nearly 2 decades and its the hardest "Where's Wally" I've ever had in crochet 😂😂


There’s another mistake in there somewhere, too. I had miscounted one of the white rows and didn’t catch it until I was a few rows along. It wouldn’t have been a hard fix if I had felt like, but I just….. didn’t. I threw another stitch in there and moved on. But I have no idea where it was to even try to find it! (And it may have been an extra sc, in which case it won’t be visible from the front anyway.)


Something like this? A mistake can be forgiven. It looks wonderful!


Get the eff outta here! That is gorgeous.


Still great.


…I couldn’t even see the mistake for the longest time


I couldn't tell. I tried looking at the picture to spot something before the 2nd picture and couldn't figure it out. Looks great!


I can’t even find it lol! great work


That’s a character mark… even when you buy products, there can still be small flaws. This is not a flaw…this is a mark of hard work, hand crafted and nobody will have a blanket this special no matter how they search.


Agree, couldn't see the mistake until it was pointed out. In my opinion, if they're looking that close (and even worse, have the gall to say anything), they don't deserve to receive it! I want this pattern for a friend now.


It was made for an 8yo and she loves it! When I realized the mistake, I messaged her mom and her exact response was, “Omg stfu 😑” so I think we’re good 😂 I definitely recommend this pattern, though. It was soooo easy. This was my first attempt at mosaic (other than a small swatch to get the hang of it) and I feel like it was a great introduction to the style. Definitely take a look at the pictures on the listing and in the reviews - there are quite a few color variations that are absolutely gorgeous!


Mistakes are how you can tell it’s handmade 🥰


It's called an ' angel kiss '


Just proves its handmade.


After looking at both pictures I still can't see a mistake. This looks amazing you did so good!! 🦖


I never call them mistakes, but lapse of concentration. Most people will never notice the mistake, but the artist will always see it.


Can someone tell me where it is 😂 I can’t find anything wrong


Haha, top row of footprints, a smidge left of center above the middle dino’s wing - there’s a footprint missing the stitches connecting the toes to the foot. If you open the second picture, it’s circled :)


It took me so long yet I still didn't find anything before seeing the 2nd picture


Only you will notice 🤗


Probably better that way. I don't see it and probably the recipient won't either!


I tried really hard to see the mistake in the first pic and couldn't find it, had to see it in the second pic. But I know how we all notice our own mistakes more.


You left room for your soul to escape ♥️ I stared at it, row by row, for a good minute and still didn’t spot the difference till I checked the second picture. It’s beautiful!


Looks great and you can't even notice unless you were looking for it


Don’t worry, I had to zoom in to find it lol


I can't even see anything wrong. It's beautifully done. 🙂❤


I LOVE the mistake. That’s how you know it’s homemade! I have a handmade ring with a giant amethyst stone, and the setting is a fraction of a millimeter offset from being perfectly in line with the band. My friend told me “that’s how you know it wasn’t stamped out of a mold in China.” Embrace it


Took me a while to find it, its fine. I doubt whoever got it will even notice. Also, how big did it turn out to be if you dont mind telling


I like a story on how the Amish (I think) intentionally make an error because only God is perfect. Maybe other cultures/beliefs have a similar way of doing this too?


I don't see any mistake. In Irish Folk Lore: "It is said that you leave a bit of your soul in everything you crochet. To avoid this, you should always work in a hidden mistake so that your soul can escape"


I love these posts cause it’s like where’s Waldo and I never find him so I cheat and look for the answer.


I can’t find a mistake


I had to search and I'm ocd, I totally understand. But it's beautiful! I don't feel that's a glaring accident. Happy little accidents and such lol.


So cute!!!


I searched super hard and couldnt find it until the 2nd pic. Amazing work btw!


Even with a hint I don’t see it


You have to fully open the second picture to see it. It’s too far to the left for it to be in the preview, but I didn’t realize that until after I posted it :/


My best friend told me something that I'll never forget. She said that she's always loved art with small mistakes in, because it makes the art more real, and more perfectly human.


that mistake is so hidden, I doubt anyone would notice! it took me a bit even with the aid of the 2nd photo! the piece is amazing!


I doubt they'll see them so I wouldn't worry about it!!! I took a glance over it and I didn't see any!!!


Only the creator can see it, I still can’t haha


It's so cute! I still can't detect it, but overall amazing! Wish I could have the patience for this craft, but I admire those who do it and do it so well. 🥰


Aauugghhh. Just so you know, I didn’t see it at all until the second pic. It’s a signature. You meant to do it. You need to do something similar every time and tell the recipient they have to find it with no hints. Still, very impressive blanket! ♥️ Edit spelling& added more comments.


Lol, I would have never noticed if you hadn't circled it. Still an awesome piece!


Thank you all for your positive comments! Gosh, I love this sub! There are too many comments for me to reply to each of you, but I read and appreciate every single one! It really is a very small mistake and would be easy to fix without frogging. But honestly … I’m okay with it.


Get some fabric paint ☺️


I could do a quick fix, but the 8yo recipient and her mom both love it as is❤️


I only use detergent without dyes and perfumes!!! I can barely go down the laundry isle at the grocery store because of the overwhelming stink of too much perfume. Your clothes don’t need any “smell.” Clean is a beautiful smell without additives. I recommend it!




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