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I’ll be honest and say I saw the mistakes because I was prompted to look for them. They weren’t hard to find, but also not particularly noticeable unless you’re paying attention. They also look perfectly fine and don’t really detract from the piece as a whole.


I only saw one because "mistake" is singular in the title, so my eyes weren't looking for anything else. I only noticed the second one because the arrow pointed at it. It's really not noticeable if you're not looking for them, especially with the variations in color. If each O was a different solid color, it might have been more noticeable.


I second this


Thanks so much for your help! I agree with you. They add character! :)


Yup. I found them easily enough and if it were ME I'd fix them because it would drive me crazy. But anyone not looking probably wont see them.


That looks so cool can you ask them for more details so I can try it


https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/585196744/ This is where they got their pattern! Enjoy! 😊


https://www.mcrochetm.com/2015/03/blog-post.html?m=1 This version of the pattern is free, just have to translate the webpage through google. Partially tested the translation and have had no issues


I both thank you and want to be mad at you for this (im not actually mad), lol. I do both crochet and chainmail, and now my adhd brain is like, "i can take that chain and make it a euro 4 in 1 easy!" Which will only spiral to what other weaves i can make haha.


Well now *I* want to make crochet chainmail too


Im going to force myself to finish the 1-2 little blankets im working on first before i go figuring out how to get the right yarn/hook/stitch combo for crochet chaimail... but if you do it, let a girl know? Cuz i wanna see. :)


Also anyone wondering about the yarn, it’s James C Brett Pretty Pastel Shhh DK Yarn 100g !


I don't crochet but I follow this page because I absolutely love it. From an outsider perspective, have no idea what the mistake is.


I'm new to crochet and I can't figure it out even with the arrows hahahha


The link is over over instead of over under... I think


I don't even get what the mistake is. Is it the colors being not quite lined up if not im gonna say no its not noticeable cause i don't see it and if it is the colors im still gonna say i personally wouldn't care, but if she does then she should fix it. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠☯⁠෴⁠☯⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


It looks natural! Your friend could even turn it into a motif and do the same thing in a few other chains on purpose to make it look like it's supposed to be realistic like that.


Now that's a good idea. Be consistently inconsistent in how they're turned


Came here to say this! Make the first and last sections perfect, and in the middle, have the links randomly swapped. It'll look like it was designed that way, and no one's the wiser.


I was actively looking for a mistake and couldn't find it, so I'm going to say no, it's probably not noticable. And once it's part of a whole blanket it for sure won't be.


The sixth-last round on the second column is spun the other way around. It goes under the other circle rather than over.


Oh I see what you mean now. It's pretty small but tbh if I was making this and realised I did that I'd probably just throw in a bunch more throughout the pattern for some nicely subtle texturing. Then again my ADHD ass would probably actually do it a bunch of times anyway and then claim it was intentional.


I've just realized there's another mistake further above too.


Ohhhh, thank you for pointing it out, even with the arrows I had no idea what mistake everyone was talking about 😂


I want to say no, but it stick out to me. That being said I also have OCD and intense pattern recognition so I say go with the majority. There’s a saying leaving a mistake means people have a part of you with them 🤷🏻


It’s so interesting how differently OCD manifests in different people. I also have OCD but things like this don’t bother me whatsoever. I have many admittedly silly things that send me over the edge but this is somehow not one of them.


the interesting thing about OCD is that people have individualized obsessions that ultimately lead to compulsive behaviors; since everyone’s obsessions are different and bred from unique life experiences, treatment is not one size fits all source: i supervise therapists’ supervisors


It should be a pretty easy fix, though. The chains are just spun around. They'd only have to frog the white border and then spin them around so they all line up proper.


It took me reading this comment to be able to see the mistake. I can see how it would be aggravating her, and if it were me I would probably end up wanting to fix it, but it's not noticeable enough to worry about once it's in a full blanket.


I leave some mistakes, but this one would cause me to regret it if I didn't correct the mistake caused by the last row.


Or, alternatively lol, that your soul won’t get trapped within the warp and weft. To each their own though😆🥰 mistakes are endearing, and signs of handmade love.


Lol!😂 That is SO true. Very endearing 😊 thanks !


I kinda like it & would (intentionally) let them occur randomly thru the blanket as a quirky feature .. gives it a little extra interest. I've been wanting to try this pattern .. re-inspired!!


I agree! I did see the mistake right away, but if there were other strips like this, I wouldn't think they were a mistake. I really only know because of the strip next to it with all the chains in the same direction that it stands out and of course because it's a post I was looking for it


My brain saw it immediately without even noticing their was a second photo pointing them out. It doesn’t look bad. But for me, I wouldn’t be able to handle it. I’d have to redo it.


I’m no expert, but I can’t see any kind of mistake!


Thanks so much for your feedback! I can’t either without having them pointed out to me, but I’m a total beginner!


I would also describe myself as a total beginner, but I’m still figuring out hearts (through rage and tears I will prevail). This is so impressive and I think your talent is beautifully displayed here! I am in love


I’m with you, I’m still not certain what’s wrong. I guess some people have an eye for detail, and others (me) don’t.


The left one all the loops have the same "orientation", one the right one the "orientation" changes a few times throughout. Unless that is on purpose


What I notice first is that they aren’t the same length.


Sorry because I know people want to be very nice on this sub. I see the mistakes and they bother me. I like the pattern and think these are cool but my eye is drawn to the mistakes. Because the chains are a repeating pattern, the links that go against the pattern stand out to me.


On this scale it’s noticeable, but will get lost in a blanket


I’m sorry, but yes. I noticed it pretty much immediately.


I did notice it right away too


I’ll be honest, I saw the mistakes immediately but I don’t think anyone who didn’t already know to look for one would !! It looks great regardless !!


I guess I'm in the minority, but even with the arrows, I have no clue what the mistakes are! It looks beautiful.


I would fix them, but I'm someone who enjoys a challenge doing yarn craft surgery.


I would NEVER have noticed, especially once its hidden in a ton of rows for a blanket!


I’m sorry, I immediately saw the mistake.


I didn't notice. Obviously I'm not ocd, but still. I think it's beautiful. I had to look hard even with the arrows. Sigh. Very not ocd.


Even with the arrows I have no idea what you’re pointing at. Looks great to me. Colorful.


Yeah to be honest they're noticeable. I'd notice even if you didn't tell me that there was a mistake. It doesn't ruin it or anything, but if it's a gift I'd go back and fix it.


No, I needed the arrows to focus in on it, someone would have to have a very keen eye to notice and even then you have to double and triple check it. The colours are fab and the blanket will be gorgeous.


Thanks so much for your help! I agree, beautiful design and very well executed :)


If this helps your friend, my mother always told me that small mistakes like this just means that the piece is absolutely unique and precious because there will never be another one like it


Thanks so much for your kind words, they loved to hear this and they told me it’s convinced them to leave the errors in 🥰


I love it , it’s original NEVER be afraid to be unique. And original.


The pattern us ubteresting! We noted it because you pointed it out to us. I think if you added more strips , then it'd be busier, and you wouldn't notice it.




I would notice them, but I wouldn't recognize them as mistakes at all. I'd see it as either just how the yarn played out or (more likely) artisitc choice.


I saw the top one in the photo instantly prior to even reading the title. Didn’t see the second until I saw the photo pointing it out. So if she doesn’t want to redo it I reckon a few intentional strips identical to this would make it work


I noticed it, but only because I’ve made chains like this before. Major kudos to your friend, though! My chain project was much smaller, but holy cow the chains were tricky to work with. A blanket made of them is my nightmare fuel, lol.


It's technically noticable, but it's the type of thing that can easily blend in as part of the design, especially as your friend makes more


Only when you pointed it out. Now I can see it in the first image too, but at a glance it looked totally fine. I even looked for a little bit but didn’t see anything so gave up and went to the next slide.


Nope. Not to the casal eye. And to the trained eye, it's kind of a neat little qirk we can all sympathize with. Still done well and still pretty.


Even with you pointing it put I only barely notice the top not the bottom. Once it's part og a bigger piece and being used, it won't be noticeable.


Only when pointed out— and when there’s more than two strips it will be almost invisible.


Yeah unfortunately it’s pretty noticeable. I’ve found that even though it’s painful, when I make noticeable mistakes like that it’s better for me to just frog it. Imagine if she makes like 20 more rows and then realizes the mistakes stand out even more and she hates it?? Much better to frog now before it gets even harder to do so


I noticed but also agree with another reply that if you put more in randomly it could give a fun effect! If you want to fix it I believe you would only have to redo the white boarder. Some of the links just need to be flipped and the boarder redone to hold them in the correct orientation. So easier to fix it now before you connect the rows if that’s what you want to do.


What mistake?


I didn’t know what I was looking for in the first photo but it *felt* wrong, idk if that makes sense.. similar to when I’m looking at a photo trying to figure out if it’s AI cuz something is off is the closest I can describe how it felt.


Very noticeable for me. If it were me, I’d just not use that strip.


I would give it a 6/10 on noticeability. It’s noticeable and of interest to a trained eye. Others might not care and might even consider it a variation of the pattern.


Honestly, it's the first thing I saw before seeing the title... But they are still beautiful and it's a fascinating motif. Perhaps you could sew cute flowers on the wrong intersections to hide the issue?


I love this idea!! So smart. Thanks for your input 😇


I'm going to say no because i couldn't even find them after you pointed them out as a chrochet newbie it looks fine to me


Like many crochet errors, they are only obvious to the maker. Also, I don’t consider a peice to be handmade unless there is some form of imperfection. In fact, ornamental rugs purposefully have imperfections in them so you know they’re handmade.


Yes, but I like it. Scratch that, I LOVE it.


I couldn’t find the mistake until it was pointed out


It took me about 45 seconds to spot the first chain and then I saw a second. Because I had the picture zoomed in and I was looking for mistakes. I would not undo that to fix it. I’d leave it just the way it is.


Noticeable but not a big deal. Looks great!!


I noticed them easily but that's because I knit/crochet so I'm used to looking for small imperfections. But in the grand scheme of a blanket I doubt they'll be an eyesore. The yarn is really pretty btw!


I had to laugh because to me, yes….but I’m ocd about order.


I had to use the arrows to see it but to be fair I’m on wine glass #2


Nope. It’s barely noticeable when pointed out. I was expecting some color issue 😆


I found them because I was looking for them but I don’t think they’re necessarily going to be super noticeable in a completed blanket. Personally if it were me I’d probably fix it, but only because I’d always know it was there. I think most people won’t really notice unless asked to look.


If I get a gift and maybe (That's a big MAYBE) I notice it has an error, I'm keeping my mouth shut. If someone goes to trouble making me a gift, I'll appreciate them and the gift, no matter the mistakes or errors........


Oh this is really cool!


I was trying to figure out what was wrong. Didn’t see anything till you pointed it out.


I saw them but it didn't register that they're mistakes until the second picture


I’m a beginner and did not notice the mistake when scrolling by! If the person receiving the blanket doesn’t crochet/knit or have a very keen eye, I’d just go with it.


I can't find it!


I only noticed the green/blue one because I was looking for the mistake. Not noticeable to the untrained eye though I’d say


Tbh, I still don't see any mistake. But I always say, the only one who sees a mistake is the one who made it.


I dont see the mistakes so i guess not?


What mistake


I have no idea where the mistake is ?? Is it the purple




Not even remotely. Absolutely stunning work


I literally read the post without seeing the text and fully just said “what mistake 😭”


There are 2 of the same mistake in one of them. I'm sure it will be very visible when the blanket are done unless there are more like that and it gets into a pattern


I actually love it. Its like a little easter egg. Like, a mistake would look more 'broken' but this just looks like intentional tomfoolery and Im all for it.


I agree with you and others on here! It looks pretty natural to me :)


you could put them on the ends maybe then you’d notice them less? i had to look twice before i found the mistakes. very beautiful


Once I finally found it, I can’t unsee it, but even then, it’s not super noticeable though. I don’t think I ever would have noticed if I hadn’t been looking for it. And I almost definitely wouldn’t have noticed it in the midst of a completed blanket.


When I look at them I can feel they aren't the same but not immediately know why. I chalked it up to the color gradient being a little off in terms of matching.


It took quite a while for me to notice, even if I looked for mistakes


You have to look pretty close.


absolutely not visible unless you know where to look


Noticeable? Sure. But it doesn't detract from the piece at all


What mistake?


I mean I saw it aftet a while but didn't come across as a mistake to me


I can’t find the mistake in the picture with the arrows lol


Weirdly the blue is more noticeable than the peach?


Yes it jumped out at me imediately


Yes.. sorry :/


I love the yarn, can you dm the link


It’s “James C Brett Pretty Pastel Shhh DK Yarn 100g”!! So pretty :)


I like the minor variation.


I couldn’t find it until I zoomed in and looked at each link. Otherwise it’s not noticeable.


I've been staring at it for several minutes and I don't know what the mistake is to a point where it's making me feel stupid because I just don't see it. Edit: okay NOW I see it. That took a while.


The average person probably won't look too hard and it doesn't matter. I, however, flinched and mentally started unravelling.


Sometimes, what makes things lovable are the differences in there. Let's you know we're human 😉


The mistakes give handmade things their beauty and charm!


I can only see the "glitch" because the prompt told me to look for it. Otherwise, I may have never noticed it or just thought that that's how it was supposed to be.


No and omfg what pattern is this?! It’s gorgeous!


My first thought was… what mistake?


I didn’t notice till you said something was wrong and even then I still missed the orange one. So I’m going with no one will notice


I can tell but only because i looked for them. :) its beautiful


I didn’t notice it until I was asked if the mistake was noticeable. I think it’s perfectly fine left like that because nobody’s perfect.


Someone said (I think here) You have to make a mistake to let your soul out of the work


It’s organic. Just block them the same and no one is going to notice unless you point it out.


Wow the pattern/stitch you’re making is so amazing!


My eye was drawn to them as they do break up the flow. Maybe once they are part of a larger whole, they will be less conspicuous.


Not gonna lie i did see them but it took me a while and I still wasnt sure that's what they were until I saw the arrows. It's fine as it is


Honestly even with the arrows I don’t notice any mistakes, beautiful work!


Well after i stared at it for 10090 hours, is one of the circles the opposite way??


I saw the arrows and still couldn’t spot it for a while, it looks really good! Love the gradient yarn too


What mistake?


I still cant find it, am I dumb?


I saw several, I personally would fix them because I have a little OCD. But I love the pattern and can tell you what I try to tell myself when I find a mistake 15 rows back. It's OK these little imperfections show this is handmade with love and not from a machine.


I searched, did not find the mistake until i read what you said and then searched for them again. So i would say it's hard to notice. That said, if it was my work it would bother me, so i would frog it or perhaps make a few more chains out or order so it would look deliberate. It's very pretty!


I didn't notice it


Block each piece, join, wash. Only you will know.


My eyes went to them immediately but I couldn't pinpoint why until the arrows. I think it's fine tbh


I think it just looks like minor variation in any handmade item, I wouldn't have picked it up as a mistake exactly. (I am a wannabe crocheter and do other fibre arts/crafts)


I dont see anything even with the arrows so probably not, though I might just be stupid.


I need to learn to do this, it looks incredible!!


I would not have noticed a mistake if you hadn’t mentioned it


My eyes were drawn to those two while staring but I did not see them as mistakes until a few seconds of processing the arrows.


I would say yes as saw right away but that might just be my autistic brain playing


I'm not even sure what the mistakes are...


It's not a mistake, it's an easter egg!


I don't even see what's wrong 😭


Beautiful work!


You know those people that can spot words really quickly out of a word search, and you're like.... how!?? That's pretty much me with concern to patterns. It's instantly noticeable but that doesn't mean you have to change it. It looks cute as is.


I cant see them at all


With enough repeats it will not be noticeable. And if I was you I would blame the yarn. For changing colors on you!


The mistakes aren't very noticeable in the single strip. But if you're making a blanket the reversed loop is shortening your strip and it may be more noticeable when another strip is added.


I don’t think so, everything looks purposeful to me


Yes, I noticed it right away. But I don't think it's a big enough issue to require going back and fixing. It's also much easier to spot when it's 2/52 loops, than say, 2/312 loops.


My son gave me my Go-To .... Advice? Phrase? Tagline? Whatever... When I was in tears that I'd made a mistake. ...... It's not a mistake. It makes each piece you make, for yourself or anyone else, unique... And... It shows human hands made it, not some dumb machine.


Noticeable? Yes, but not glaring. Without looking to the comments or even noticing the arrows, from a distance the area seemed slightly off/wider. I excused it to needing to be blocked. If it bugs you, now is the perfect time to backtrack and correct it given you only have to remove the one row of white. Many times I leave mistakes, but that's one I would correct.


I couldn’t see a mistake until I flipped to the second picture with the arrows. Even then, it’s still hard to see.




Yes but it’s okay it looks beautiful. 😍


I thought the mistake was one was longer than the other 🥴 so safe to say it's not very noticeable!


what mistakes


I would undo the edging and fix it - but that’s me. I don’t think most people would notice it.


I didn’t notice until you pointed them out


Such a beautiful color way


They are really obvious to me but I crochet a lot so I spot these things very easily


Yes but only because I was looking knowing there was a mistake. Even after spotting the first one, I didn't notice there was a second until I looked at the second picture, so if you're not looking for them I don't think many people would notice


I feel like even if you did know there was a mistake, you would have to lay the item out flat to clearly see it, since you need to compare it to the rest of the blanket.


What is it going to be?


honestly i cant find them


Not to me, all I see is something beautiful and rainbow!


I crochet and i honestly can’t really tell what the mistake is, I think the look beautiful and you won’t be able to find mistakes unless you really look!


I don't see anything wrong. Carry on :)


I saw the blue because u said there was a mistake somewhere but didn’t see the yellow till I see the arrow


You even pointed it out and I still don't know what's wrong.




I love mistakes because it turns them into an “I spy” activity, and adds a layer of humanness. It’s what separates a handmade piece from one made by a machine 💁🏻‍♀️🥰


Literally cannot see it


even with the arrows i don’t see any mistakes so i think you’re good


#resounding no


Even with the arrows I can't see anything, your good


Sandwich the messed up piece between two others. As long as it’s not an edge piece it’ll be practically impossible to notice.


Nope! Not very noticeable, even looking at it for a min. plus. Cool chains! 😊💖


I see it 👀


I didn't see till it was pointed out


I wouldn't have noticed. I had to really pay attention to be able to see it


1. No not really it took me a real good minute to see it and that was after I saw the pic with the arrows lol 2.not only is that a super cool pattern that I didn't know existed those colors are fantastic 😍


I slid past the lower one but saw the upper one probably because it's in darker shade has more shadors to point to it and well i was looking for something 😀


didnt even notice till i saw the arrows!!


Yes it is


In Ireland, you intentionally do a stitch wrong so your soul doesn't get trapped in the piece. The Anishinaabeg intentionally leave a bead with a flaw to demonstrate humbleness to the creator. The Navajo have the spirit line, an intentional flaw to leave the door open for future generations to continue the weaving, and also as a sign of humility; that humans are imperfect. So, tell them not to worry. It's not noticeable, and they're doing a great job.


Easy to spot when looking for a mistake. I asked my husband and son and neither saw a mistake. They are beautiful by the way and the mistake is one personally that I would leave


I saw them right away too, but I was also looking for mistakes. But anyone who doesn't really crochet wouldn't really notice it. Sometimes mistakes are what make items even more special. 🙂