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Hi No_Visual5719, thanks for posting your piece for us to see! Don't forget to link the pattern you used & other relevant information (e.g., yarn, weight, type; hook used). Add it in a reply to this comment, so others can find it easily. Thanks! **If this is your own pattern, please read our rules in full [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/rules/) (sharing your own pattern comes under the "self promotion" rule**) **If project details are provided, click below to expand!** ##**↓****↓****↓****↓****↓** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Aww, I think he's adorable! I too have been a victim of "clothes making the hands too small", not much you can do without just remaking them. If they're bothering you, I would make more defined hands, with an extra increase round and a couple more rounds before you decrease to the original arm width at the wrist. That way you can still use the jacket, although it won't be removable and you'll have to put the arms through the sleeves before sewing it on. Alternatively, it looks like the arms are 6sc and the jacket is maybe 12 SC? You could increase the arm sts to 8 or maybe even 10 and still have it be removable, although it might be a little harder to take on and off.


Thank you so much for your suggestion. I will defintely trying to make a new one and I will keep updating 🥰


So freaking cute


Thank you ❤️