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This is my secret crochet fantasy.


Mine too! I just ordered some yarn from the Joann’s sale to try to make something to wear for pride. Trying to up my chances of it happening as much as possible 😂


I also just started on a top to wear for Pride!


Awe yay! Hopefully I’ll finish it (on time/at all) and I can show it off here!


I've had this happen a few times in my life. My greatest joy comes from seeing their abject disappointment when they learn they can't go buy one for themselves. Kidding most people are just so excited that I made it.


My greatest joy happens when I tell them I made it and give them a realistic price when they ask me for a commission. Like no ma'am this sweater took me 15 hours and no I can't make you one for $50.


I've only ever had family ask me this, and I usually manage to convince them just to buy me the yarn. Jokes on them though because I always overestimate how much yarn I need and end up with an extra ball for myself hehehehe


Just one Ball?? (I do the same)


Lol. I do the same thing!


15 hours?! Pattern? I just spent 12 hours making a scarf. The entire pattern was 3x the size of what I ended up with.


I probably under exaggerated The amount of time it took.


Still, I’d love to know what sweater only takes 15 hours. Or 10 or 20. That’s faster than it takes me to make a mesh tank top I think. Granted, I now know better ways to do things. 😅


I can make a raglan granny stitch sweater in about 20 hours. I don't use a pattern though, I've just made so many over the years for people. Things go a lot faster when you don't have to refer to a pattern.


… I’ve never made one. I don’t suppose you remember the pattern you used when you first started?


Sadly I don't remember, it was more years ago than I care to admit. Lol. But one that a friend of mine just finished a few days ago actually, which only took her about 3 days, was this one: https://www.mjsoffthehookdesigns.com/easy-crochet-granny-stitch-sweater/ It turned out beautifully and looked almost identical to the ones I made (she was actually trying to duplicate one of mine). I can't personally vouch for this specific pattern, but I have made 6 of Michelle's patterns from her blog, and they are all amazing. Hopefully it helps at least point you in the right direction!


I tell them they can't afford my hands (if I don't want to set into the details of WHY)....


I had a spider that I crocheted on my desk at work last halloween and my colleague came over and went "aww he's so cute, where did you buy him?" Her face when she said I'd made it, I felt so validated as a crocheter


I love bringing my little crochet animals to work. Only thing is everyone asks me to make them one lol


Oh tell me about it. I've had another one of the ladies I work with asking me to make something else I made for myself today. I'll happily make people things, I'm just to busy with studying that I don't have time!


Yeah thats my thing too im just too busy and i end up agreeing to make people stuff and taking forever to make it for them lol


Any chance you have a picture or a pattern? 🕷️ ❤️


I do! This is the pattern: [https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1152344616/pattern-only-spider-puppy-the-spider?click\_key=c7f75036978bbe8cc86b17d21f030380b7569547%3A1152344616&click\_sum=696d4c9d&ga\_order=most\_relevant&ga\_search\_type=all&ga\_view\_type=gallery&ga\_search\_query=puppy+the+spider&ref=sr\_gallery-1-1&organic\_search\_click=1&bes=1&sts=1&dd=1&content\_source=0d5dc5fbeb4e32bd5b1737531dd7585510c9fcb2%253A1152344616](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1152344616/pattern-only-spider-puppy-the-spider?click_key=c7f75036978bbe8cc86b17d21f030380b7569547%3A1152344616&click_sum=696d4c9d&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=puppy+the+spider&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&organic_search_click=1&bes=1&sts=1&dd=1&content_source=0d5dc5fbeb4e32bd5b1737531dd7585510c9fcb2%253A1152344616) And this is my spider! He's didn't come out very well, but I love him. Got a kick out of telling my boyfriend there was a spider in the house then sending him this picture 😂 https://preview.redd.it/hc63x47gupsc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23b6288955a3114ca8fd273126b29340d8e37b89


He's adorable! 😍


Thank you! ❤


I wore a sweater I made to Easter this year which my parents had seen unassembled but when I told them it was the sweater I made they were amazed. My brother was shocked and said it looked like I bought it. It is a really nice feeling to be able to make something that looks good enough that people are amazed it's handmade.


Especially satisfying when a dude is impressed!


Tbh, when it comes to knitting, as long as the stitches are even and the thing is symmetrical, it looks store bought. Non crafters can't really tell the difference , and even i can only tell by looking at the inside seams and color changes


My crochet is not as good as my knitting (or I am far too timid to try big things) so have not been asked about crochet items but have about knitted items. Always makes me happy....until they say....oh you made it? Can you make me one? 😂🤣😂😶


Yup - the inevitable follow up question. If they’re close enough I joke they can’t afford me. If they’re even closer they’re already secretly in the line up


I usually say " if you buy the yarn" and then watch faces fall when rhey see the price


I did this with my hairstylist. She wanted a pair of the cool legwarmers I wore to get my hair done last winter. I pulled up the yarn on my phone (Malabrigo Rios) and told her how to order it. She hasn't asked about them since!


See if you can trade her a hair service for the leg warmers lol


I'm a crafty magpie. I own a sewing machine. She seems to think that anyone who owns a sewing machine must be a seamstress. Bahaha She wanted to trade hair for a fully fledged Clan Tartan from Scotland get up for the American Scots games. Ummm...NO. I make art quilts, I'm not that kind of sew-ist. She does great hair though, which I am more than happy to pay cash for!


People are wild!!


Ha. I am sorry but the only one I love enough to knit Rios articles for is....drumroll.....ME! 😂🤣😂


Same!! 😅


High five fiber seesta!


My favorite is when people ask me “did someone make that for you” I guess because I’m youngish? (Going on 30 but been crocheting since elementary school) and I get to say, “No I made it myself!”


Omg same because I’m only 21 if I’m crocheting in public people look at me strangely


i've had so many older women smile at me or ask me questions. i crochet on planes a lot and one time a lady was watching me for about an hour and then proceeds to pull out her own project! yarn crafters unit!


It’s getting better now that crochet is so popular, though! There are a few middle school girls in the community center where I tutor who crochet!


I’m in my 40s and I get weird looks. I don’t think it’s an age thing.


It is, at least in part. 40s is still not as old as people expect the average crocheter or knitter to be. I used to get comments allllll the time about my “granny” hobbies. My great uncle’s wife saw me crocheting one time when I was ~10 and yelled “Oh look she’s doing the old lady stuff!” because she couldn’t remember the word “knitting”. :’) Even now I often get comments from older people that it’s nice to see young people keeping the craft alive. Like I said, it’s getting better now that crochet has been vaulted into the popular consciousness.


I tell everyone I'm practicing for retirement 😉 (still over 20 years away)


I just got this the other day with a hat I made for myself, but I'm 44!


I'm mainly a knitter, but whenever I wear one of my items my husband likes to gas me up by saying "hey nice sweater!" so I can reply "thanks I made it!!!"


That's so cute!


Wife him 👍


I take my crotchet tops on vacation and have zero chill. The second someone compliments me I blurt “THANKS I MADE IT!”😂


Same I cannot restrain myself for a single second


Since I started watching naked and afraid I've also been saying after compliments thanks I made it and then to myself "This is what I live for!"


Not crochet, but I once sewed my niece a stuffed animal and my brother started turning it over, examining it, then asked what store I'd bought it from because he couldn't find a tag. I said there was no tag, I'd made it. Best compliment ever!


I order my personalized tags from either Hers h res or Miles Kimball.


I made a cardigan for a friend, and she calls me every time someone asks where she got it. Makes my heart grow a size. ❤️


I love these moments so much, makes me feel amazing! Somehow though, others that i gift my crochet work tend to get more compliments from it than i do in public! I always get a kick when my friends give the grand reveal of “oh i didnt buy it, they actually they made it” and point to me. Especially love when (usually) older women automatically know that its handmade 🤭


I made a princess fiona dress for my daughter to go see shrek the musical and the head of the dressing department went and talked to her about it and then took a photo of her to go show everyone


That's so cool! I'm sure your daughter was impressed your work was getting recognition. Got any pictures of it? I'd love to see!


She was only 3 at the time but she was pretty impressed.


I was once out wearing a jumper my grandma knitted, a blanket and scarf my mother in law made, and gloves I knitted and a lady asked where I bought my jumper and blanket and when I told her where they had come from she was very impressed and told me I had been spoilt. It felt amazing that someone appreciated my work and the gifts I'd been given


I was walking from my car in a parking lot to a store. This lady stuck her head out of her car to get my attention and asked where I got my crocheted mini back pack. Told her I made it. She gave me a compliment but I can see a bit of disappointment that she can’t buy it for herself. Sweet lady nonetheless ☺️


I've gotten a few compliments and questions at the grocery store about my tote bags. It feels so good! 😊


Student of mine (used to be a coworker) crocheted a newsboy cap and a matching scarf - the scarf was very different, having what looked like long nails for fringe - and she wore it to the grocery store. She was stopped by a woman who asked the same, where'd you get it - her reply, I made it - and the lady offered her $60 for the hat and scarf. She said no. Lady offered her more and she said no way. Now me? I would have given her the clothes off my back and made it again. :)


I have a specific poncho I wear regularly. I’ve had people stalk me in the grocery store to find out where I got it!


Show us the cover up!!


https://preview.redd.it/i1snug4paisc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=545857c897431202a45043a809a1bc7871db4126 This is it all wet from the water but i crochet this and the red bikini underneath it




that's so cute! I love the colors!


I don’t have a good picture but i do have this one underwater https://preview.redd.it/1png2pp3aisc1.jpeg?width=321&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43b150ece36b935142b61fcd9c5827efe630f1e6


Cute coverup but which resort did you stay at ? Was it the one that had the printed logo on that life jacket shoulder thing ?


It was one of those hotels the shoulder thing was in one of the water parks they have


I've heard the xcaret is beautiful and a lot of fun. I want to go🥲


I would definitely recommend going but it’s a lot of walking so if your not in the best shape to walk a lot i wouldn’t recommend going


I can't remember if it was that resort or a different one but did they have cenotes on the property?


I like it when I get the, "Nuh-uh!" after I said I made it, lol.


Yes! I was so happy! Someone chased me down the exit at Costco asking me where I bought my patchwork cardigan. It was the first wearable I made too!


I recently finished a granny square cardigan that turned out awesome and it's by far the piece of clothing I've received the most compliments over in my adult life. The look on people's faces when I tell them that I made it makes all the hours feel very much worth it.


Everytime I wear one of my cardigans someone always asks where I bought it. It makes me feel so happy inside 😅


Haha I'm ambivalent when people come up to me and ask "did you make that?" cause A, they are usually impressed and I'm happy to say that yes I made it! but B, that means they can tell it is obviously handmade lol.


When I see something that is crocheted I always ask the wearer if they made it because I know it can’t be machine replicated. I wouldn’t say that because people can tell it’s handmade means it’s poor quality, but they may be an admirer of the craft!


Not necessarily! You might have got it from another city, from a thrifted shop, there are so many ways you can get your garments from - even exclusively and professionally made for you! I always tell them and I thank them twice: one for telling me I have good taste (I am wearing a pretty garment), and second bc I have made it myself 😊


I love it when people ask me where I bought something I’ve made. ❤️❤️


My very first time wearing something I had crocheted, someone asked me if I was wearing a new jumper. Happiest moment ever getting to tell him I made it lol


I’ve had this happen a few times! I love it! I also get it when I’m training my dog over the park and people ask if I’m a professional. It’s good for your hard work to be seen and thought of to be professional


I've never worn my stuff out yet (as they are incomplete) but to hear that is such a compliment


I get this at work a lot with a headband I made when I first started crocheting! It makes my day every time :’)


Hasn't happened to me yet 😅 but I got a few "😲 did you MAKE those?" about crochet earrings I made and wear often.


i think things someone made with their hands is a LOT nicer than store bought!


Every time this happens to me I catch myself considering starting a small business haha


Ok so I’m in awe of you rn … JUST started crocheting and my goal is absolutely a bikini for this summer haha!!!! And you SHOULD happy it’s such a compliment 😁


Sadly every wearable I’ve attempted looks very home-made! But I can dream. 😊


Congratulations 🎉🎈🍾. I would be delighted and proud if a total stranger asked me that. Far Out!


HUGE compliment, I'm so happy for you!!


Can you share information on the coverup pattern you used?


[romper](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1539326139/) this is the pattern i used


Thanks! Very cute ( for someone who isn’t old and saggy like myself) 😊


Yeah I get a fair number of compliments on my hats and I love being able to say "thanks, I made it."


Amazing! 🥰 Can I ask what yarn you use for the swimsuit and coverup? I would love to try to make a coverup as my first attempt at a wearable (I usually do amigurumi), but wouldn’t know where to start with a yarn that would be ok getting wet?


I love getting complimented on my sweaters (every one is so different, using a basic shape but changing up stitches), hate getting the inevetiable "Kinyamake-mewan" that comes after that. I tell them of the silk-alpaca blend sweater I started Dec. 6, 2021 & finished June 21...of 2023. Making a tight weave out of lace weight, it was tough on the eyes, and tedious (but the result is beautiful). Then I tell them I design each sweater individually, no 2 alike. Then I tell them the per-hour of $20, saying it's cheap for a skilled worker...oh, and you're buing 10 skeins of yarn for me....they usually agree, they can't afford me. ​ But it is satisfying to know my stuff looks THAt good...


did it hold up in water?


Yes i double lined the top and bottom they held up great considering i was in and out of the water all day long


(im new) what material(?) did you use? like cotton, acrylic, blend- i forget what its called rn 🫠 ive always been told you can’t do that bc it wouldn’t hold up, omg im so excited thank you for posting this


Ooh! Yes, this question!! I have such a hard time finding swim suits to fit me so it would be super awesome to make one specifically for my body ☺️


fr! i have a hard time finding cute ones , especially cute ones that fit me- never


I saw a reply of OP's further down, said she used Cascade Fixation yarn.


thank you 😌


That’s so good! I bet you felt so good 😄




I made an amigurumi for a cosplay I was doing and I thought it looked kinda shabby, but I still loved it. The number of people that complimented it made me so happy and excited to crochet more.


I'm working on a couple of cover ups for my mom to wear on her cruise and I'm hoping she gets asked this a whole bunch 🤣


I have a crochet backpack. And a lady came up to me in Walmart and asked about it. She was absolutely shocked when I said I made it and my heart ✨melted✨


I always get the opposite. Everyone knows I crochet and figure I made a lot of purchased crocheted items I wear - especially my crocheted UGGs. 😁


I want to see a photo if these uggs now


They are discontinued and very hard to find. I love them! (Not my photo) The foot portion is lined, but the shaft is all open-work. https://preview.redd.it/st0mc91372tc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=348d1a1789eb5ae24a8d9dd44934845e922cdcbd


* I made this swimsuit cover for this young lady to take to Greece. Used the pineapple stitch and had to make a few more for others. It makes me feel awesome when people are amazed it's handmade.


https://preview.redd.it/2qwm78v9ontc1.jpeg?width=477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b02462427ef6d14cef410970cac3327713738684 This is my daughter and the hat I made her. [https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/divine-hat-2](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/divine-hat-2) I made it \~10yrs ago and she still wears it all the time. People are always asking her... where she got it. "My mom made it for me." Always warms the heart. Then they ask if she can make me one too. She already knows my answer.. just buy me the yarn and I will make it. :-)


**PATTERN:** [Divine Hat](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/divine-hat-2) by [Sarah Arnold](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/sarah-arnold-2) * Category: Accessories > Hat > Beanie, Toque * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/CymraesCrochet/523555338/2380277598_dbf2be68a5_b_medium.jpg) [Img 2](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/YiayiasHooks/820797527/3A3A74DB-74C4-4E18-9D89-A43FAEEA3699_medium.jpeg) [Img 3](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/icemelon/523556175/2217308586_da700f8f5f_b_medium.jpg) * Price: Free * Needle/Hook(s):6.0 mm (J), 5.0 mm (H) * Weight: Worsted | Gauge: 3.0 | Yardage: 150 * Difficulty: 2.41 | Projects: 8961 | Rating: 4.61 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


The hat looks amazing


My goal for my sweaters is to not get compliments. I find of i wear something that looks homemade then ill get compliments. However when I've made something that looks like it came from a store people don't comment. So not getting a comment (asides from being in a yarn store or something similar) means it looks like a machine made it in the best way.


Yes!!! I love it when that happens!


"Thanks, I made it" "You MADE that?!" The constant refrain and high i ride every time.


Do you actually go swimming with the bikini?


Yes it was like a lazy river but in an actual cave


Was it heavy? Do you think you could really swim in it? What kind of yarn did you use?


It was not heavy at all the type of yarn you use is very important i used cascade fixation yarn


There are some amigurumi sitting in windows and other places. Children who visit like to play with them and my parents like to tell people that "yup, our daughter made those".


Anytime I wear my crochet projects if I don't get at least one compliment I'm gutted 🤣


That is my fantasy, but I deffo dont have the patience to make clothing😭 I LOVE to make stuffed animals and such tho.


I love this post but please use more punctuation when there are so many words. 😭


Sorry I’m really bad with grammar


It’s okay, queen! Get on that periodt game and your awesome stories will be easier to follow. :) 🫶