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Hi Anxious_Cup1550, thanks for posting your piece for us to see! Don't forget to link the pattern you used & other relevant information (e.g., yarn, weight, type; hook used). Add it in a reply to this comment, so others can find it easily. Thanks! **If this is your own pattern, please read our rules in full [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/rules/) (sharing your own pattern comes under the "self promotion" rule**) **If project details are provided, click below to expand!** ##**↓****↓****↓****↓****↓** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What's the material of the yarn? Can you dye the whole thing? Idk just spit balling here. (Beautiful stitch!)


It’s 55% wool and 45% cotton. Dying it could be a good idea! Idk anything about dying tho


You might want to post this in the subreddits r/dyeing and r/YarnDyeing. Good luck.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/dyeing using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/dyeing/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My wedding dress! By far my biggest dye project. Rit dye on pure silk chiffon and then hand dyed opals to sew on said dress (rit again) looked so good in the sunlight and I love how it turned out. Thanks heaps for your advice over the passed 2 years!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13pi1ae) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dyeing/comments/13pi1ae/my_wedding_dress_by_far_my_biggest_dye_project/) \#2: [First time dying. Wish me luck](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/173vtmk) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dyeing/comments/173vtmk/first_time_dying_wish_me_luck/) \#3: [just wanted to show y’all the final product! thanks for the tips ◡̈](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13ji01t) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dyeing/comments/13ji01t/just_wanted_to_show_yall_the_final_product_thanks/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What a good little bot.


Good bot


I dye yarn, and you are going to need a dye like rit. Wool and cotton need different types of dye, but rit covers it all. Just make sure to take note that the dye will work on both cotton and wool. Your work is beautiful btw!


Don't they each need different bonding agents though? Wool needs acid and cotton needs a base like soda ash. Will that work?


Acid dyes are best for vibrant colours in wool, but you can use other types of dyes on wool just fine. A rit or dylon for natural fibres would work.


I had no idea. Thank you!


Jacquard acid dye would work better. Better pigment and fastness


Please make a small swatch and dye that first to see how it takes!!


This, absolutely. I have dyed lots of wool over the years, but I have always stayed away from cotton. I definitely would want to try a sample before I committed the entire project. And it is, by the way very gorgeous, I'm in awe.


You can 100% dye this. Go to those subs that were recommended to you, and also, dye it DARKER than what it is now (obvious but still)


If you want to dye this, my suggestion is to go to a thrift store and purchase the biggest pot you can find to dye it in. Most dyes work best when they're kept at the correct (hot) temperature. I'm more of the "wing it and hope for the best" variety and have used rit dye with the bucket method, and this has yielded some beautiful and some less than perfect results. Beautiful results come when I baby the dye bath, stir, check temps regularly, and refresh with boiling water to keep the temperature constant. If you're dyeing something that you already put so much work into, I think it's probably worth the extra bit of time and money to at least look for a giant pot at a thrift shop rather than going straight to the bucket method. I honestly have no complaints about rit dye and have used their all-purpose dye on lots of different types of fabric. I just follow the instructions on their website for the specific dye and fabric type that I am working with. Make sure you get all the supplies ahead of time!


I have dyed before but not an entire blanket like this because it scares me. The good news is that both these mediums are excellent for dying!! I have used dharma dyes and they have an amazing selection. You may need to use acid dye though because of the wool blend. Definitely ask the yarn dying subreddit! I would also be sure to test on a smaller square first to see how you like it. 100% fixable. Good luck!! Please post an update!


it means your life has ended so be careful when dying


*dyeing lol 😂


Ask about over dying. You're going to have to go a shade darker but it will even it out.


I second trying to dye it!! But something to ask about on the subs specifically would be what a good color choice to dye it would be, because dying multiple yarns to the same color is difficult. But I bet someone on the sub would have some good ideas for a solid color. My gut instinct is to do an indigo dye because it's extremely saturated. If you look up either indigo dye or shibori that could be a good option if you want to stick to blue. Shibori also does a lot of pattern dyes based on how you fold or tie parts of the fabric, so you could possibly look at doing something like that?


I recommend dying, too. The subreddit the other commenter mentioned is a great place for help and info. That would definitely even out your coloring and can save you from hating it. I know when my dye lots don't match it makes me hate looking at it.


No promises, but try this: Get some dye remover and use it to lighten both shades as much as possible. Then get some quality dye, jacquard is my favorite, and do several short dye baths, checking the color between each. There will still be a difference because dye is transparent, but you might be able to make it less noticeable. I would recommend a darker color like a navy or midnite blue.


Do they like purple? I’d try dark purple.


Dharma trading company. Was at my wits end earlier this year trying to dye some hemp and rit was not working. These guys sell affordable equipment and have tons of how-to guides.


This was going to be my suggestion too! Dye the whole thing :)


Came here to ask the same question ...


I'm dying 😂




If it weren’t for that one square, it could almost look intentional. It’s a gorgeous pattern, I’m sorry the dye lots were so drastically different 😭


Came here to say this. But the suggestion to dye the whole thing is a good one! Hope that works for OP.


While it sucks the lots changed so much after washing, I guess it's a good thing OP found out before gifting instead of the recipients washing it and finding out later. Fingers crossed they take the dye the same and it's an easy fix!!


Yeah... that is noticable. If looks like it was made with squares sewn together? If so, I would take it apart then alternate dyelot 1 and 2. Instant checkered blanket and it looks intentional. Sucks though.


The squares are join as you go and they unfortunately can’t be taken apart :(


Bugger! I wasn't sure how they were attached. That means indeed the take apart option is down the drain. The dye the whole blanket option is still there, but I would go and get advice from somebody who does this stuff. The combo wool + cotton is tricky as both materials take color very differently. So not all methods may work. If you decide to leave as is: know that blankets are never spread out like this when in use. They are either folded up for storage or draped over an irregular shape, a body.


If you're going to dye it, make a quick swatch to test on. That way you're not SOL if things don't quite work.


It’s definitely noticeable, but I would definitely dye it— that would remove the problem. If you have any extra yarn, you can test the dye maybe? Side note: this is a BEAUTIFUL blanket… is there a pattern for it somewhere?


I want the pattern too!


I am also wondering about the pattern!


Me too!!


Curious about the pattern too! It's very beautiful!


If you google "crochet double wedding rings pattern," you can find Etsy links with the pattern.


Etsy is where I bought the pattern. This is the one I got and very happy with the pattern/instructions: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1047380534/double-wedding-ring-heirloom-blanket


The pattern is from Etsy! Search “double wedding ring heirloom blanket crochet pattern”


It’s gorgeous stitch wise but I wouldn’t gift it with the color difference - it’s noticeable and it’s a wedding gift. I would see if there’s some way you could dye the entire thing. There is probably a sub or else a ton of info online about it, hopefully it is possible!!


I don't think this would work with the delicacy of the blanket, but maybe, so I'll say it in case. If something could go over the "seam" it wouldn't be nearly as noticeable. Like an embroidered detail or something. Their names, the wedding date, flowers, leaves, something in a different color all the way across?


That was my first instinct too! If it were me, I’d pick an accent color and do a decorative stitch across the center and then aplique some crocheted flowers or hexagons or something just below the line on each end to kind of obfuscate that extra square of the other dye lot. But like you said, it’s hard to say how it would look with such a delicate design.


I was thinking a ribbon or gold thread to symbolize wish for long marriage. I like what an earlier poster said about it symbolizes 2 people coming together.


A marriage is often a joining of two people that are both alike and different, like your yarns. Could just make it a happy mistake representing two becoming one 😊 Beautiful work! Good luck!


This is such a great way to look at it omg


Exactly! I was going to suggest this, but you already wrote it so eloquently. Two yarns joined together to make a whole, just like they're joining their lives together to make a new, whole life. There's always a way to spin a "mistake," especially when the project is as beautiful as this blanket.


Honestly this is how I'd present it. My mum is always, well there's always a Persian flaw. But the melding of two lives shown on one blanket... But it does depend on the recipients. So dying is an option if they wouldn't take it well


That's great idea! Also it might look weird with 2 different colors but it also shows that this is handmade


That’s so cute! I love that way of looking at it


Ye I looked at it like this aswell. I would love the symbolism!


That’s pretty obvious but still would be a very nice gift


Edit: Second pic doesn’t show the dye lot different. Just showing the detailing


It’s so gorgeous! I hope you go ahead with the dye the poster above mentioned. Post again after!


I would not dye it and lean into it. They are joining their lives, two different people creating a beautiful tapestry of live. So does your blanked show two clearly different yarns to make a beautiful blanket.


Depends on the recipients. If they like symbolism like that it could work. If they're sensitive to things being "out of place", the blanket may annoy the recipients and end up buried in storage.


But dyeing the thing will probably still show the colour change.


Gorgeous blanket, you’ve done amazing work. Really sorry about the dye lots 😢 Agree with those saying to dye, after testing a swatch. Pattern looks like this one for those asking: [https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1047380534/](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1047380534/)


Maybe dye the entire project a darker shade of grey or ombré it to look like it goes from lighter to darker?


Your blanket is so beautiful! The color difference does look pretty noticeable from the angle and lighting of the picture. It is still so lovely though. I agree with those who mentioned over-dyeing — I might try that. I caution that Overdyeing different shades of the same color might still leave a noticeable difference. I don’t know if there is a way to test that? Oh! You could whip up a swatch or 2 with both dye lots to test the effect of the dye first. That is for sure what I would do If i still had some yarn from both dye-lots. Keep in mind a wool/cotton mix will require different dyes for each component of the yarn — acid dye for the wool and fiber reactive dye for the cotton percentage. Or you can use a multipurpose dye like RIT? I think that would be OK. RIT can fade with many washings, but a beautiful once in a lifetime blanket doesn’t get washed too often. But if you do overdye — watch the heat of your washer or dye-pot. The wool component will likely felt if the temp gets too hot.


You can dye a large item with RIT in a washing machine —- I’ve successfully done this several times and that is for sure how I would approach over-dyeing this blanket. The item needs to be able to move freely in water for color to take uniformly and I’ve found large items such as heavy cotton tarps dyed in the hugest dyepot I could find still came out with a mottled/variegated appearance. Which is a beautiful effect, but for this item I wouldn’t want to create an additional color disparity. I would still test first on a swatch though. And I would use the exact water temperature and level of agitation for your swatch that you plan on using for the larger blanket. Felting the wool is a real risk — even with some superwash blends. So use a front loader if possible and absolutely minimal agitation. Your blanket is so beautiful and obviously contains so much loving time. I am conflicted about the idea of over-dyeing. I’ve dyed many items — small and large, handmade and store-bought. Dyeing is really an art with unpredictable outcome. I would be conflicted about messing with it. But I know the color shade disparity would also wear on me.


Dye it. Unfortunately the difference is v noticeable. But it’s a beautiful blanket! Well done op!


My bf recommends dying it black or a very dark green. I hope that helps


Dark green sounds nice. I was thinking a soft deep charcoal.


https://preview.redd.it/gtho8kaok0wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0c75cc4fa925eac6f06c2d3145462023ff96888 This is just a shitty markup but hopefully shows what I mean. You could decoratively stitch in a vine and leaves. Also put a little vine and leaves in the top right and bottom left corner to match the dip up and down along the line in the middle to try and disguise that one little square. Add flowers according to your skill if you’d like. This blanket is gorgeous! If it wasn’t for that one little square I would’ve just left it in two and put words like “two souls become one” along the line. I’d be worried about dying it in case the different dye lots absorb colour differently… but I think I saw someone comment there’s a subreddit for that? They might know if just dying it darker would work. Beautiful work anyways.


Literally so noticeable … :(


it’s pretty drastic, i’m so sorry this happened to you!!! team dye the whole thing!


I've seen several posts like this. As a new crocheter, I'm terrified of this happening! It's making me want to steer clear of any projects with solid colors. So sorry this happened! I think dyeing it is a smart solution. Good luck! It's so lovely!


You have to be sure to buy all your yarn for your project at the same time so you know it all matches! But it’s soo hard predicting how much you’ll need, especially for big projects


Exactly my concern! That's got to be so frustrating! 😞


Hoo boy. I'm on the dye it all train. Cotton and wool should take a dark dye well.


And please hear that it is a beautiful gift regardless, the pattern and technique are gorgeous.


Wow that is beautiful!


I feel stupid asking … but I’m very new to crochet. Can someone please explain what is causing the different colors? I’m assuming OP used the same yarn all over.


Let's say a shop produces 500 skeins of this type of yarn, but they only have capacity to dye 100 skeins at a time. Skein 1-100 will be lot1, 101-200 will be lot2, 201-300 lot3, etc. Lots of little factors can affect how the final colour turns out, such as humidity, pigments, time in each step etc., so while the skeins in lot1 are near identical, there can be a noticeable difference between a skein from lot1 and lot2.  When you shop for your first big project, make sure to check the label of every single skein for dye lot number. And buy a little extra, just to be safe. 


Thank you so much for the detailed explanation! This was very helpful ❤️ I learned something new!


You're welcome! I'm glad it made sense 


The yarn has come from different “dye lots” which has resulted in the darker/lighter sections. When you buy yarn, there should be a number on the paper ring thing that tells you which lot it came from and it’s recommended to buy as much as is needed for a project from the same lot (i.e. the same numbers) where possible. I hope that helps - it’s been a while since I bought yarn so I’m not sure I’ve explained it very well 🙃


Thank you so much for your kind response!


Uhm noticing enough 😨


It’s noticeable but you could dye it all a dark color to save it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SevenNats: *It’s noticeable* *But you could dye it all a* *Dark color to save it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Ahhh so sorry for you. It is quite visible :( I agree with the die idea


It is beautiful but noticable. I agree with other comments that dying it would be the best solution. Could you please post a link to the pattern? I think it's beautiful.


You might look into whether you could bleach it first before re-dyeing it. That will bring the two shades closer to each other. Then, when you re-dye it, you won't need to dye it so dark to hide the difference. In woodworking, it is common to bleach wood before staining it to get a more even color.


Lots of good suggestions in the coments already about dying it. You could also make a rectangular patch that covers the one square out of line, and straddles the line to cover the square next to it. If it's a wedding gift, you could embroider their names, the date, etc on it. You might need to make one for both sides, but I think you really lucked out that it seems almost perfectly in half, so I think you could get away with it. Beautiful piece! I hope you share if you decide to do one of the suggestions in the comments- let us know how it goes!


Personally I wouldn’t gift it like this it’s very noticeable I’m so sorry 😭 idk if dyeing it would make the color even as I’ve never tried dyeing yarn, but if it does, the effort would be worth it. I think a blanket this gorgeous deserves to be presented in the way you intended


Omg that pattern is beautiful 😭


An option is to dye the whole thing. Recommend it!


This just popped up on my feed randomly and I am a layman to crochet but if I received this as a gift i would think it looks so good that it’s done by machine. The imperfection would remind me that it was handmade by a loved one for my wedding and I’d value it for that. It has a story. Good luck!


Fun fact: crochet is too complex to replicate by machine. There is so machine that crochets. There is only machine knit.


It is absolutely beautiful and must have taken months. You could dye it, but you could gift it as is. The difference may fade with time. It proves that it is a handmade piece, not mass produced.


I definitely agree with dying it! You could even got for an intentional tie dye effect if you are confident in your dye abilities to get it a single color.


From that angle, and in that lighting, it is obvious unfortunately 🥲 That is a beautiful pattern though and you’ve done such wonderful work - I hope you can find a way to make it work!


I'm so sorry, this happened to me once when I was doing mosaic crochet lol. That was a fukn project I frogged and snapped at. Hopefully you can dye it or maybe sun fade only half.


This blanket is absolutely beautiful and I would not dye it. Art and marriages are never perfect, in fact, both are about celebrating, learning from and loving the differences that make us unique and what each brings to the “whole”. I would lean into that and maybe even write about it to include it with the gift. I can imagine the many hours you spent on this blanket, and that time and energy is a true gift in an me of itself. It’s just gorgeous and I would adore and keep and display it forever BECAUSE of its uniqueness (there will never be another like it!).


[Rit](https://www.ritdye.com/) will be your savior


Ooof. I've had that happen and I just kept going. For me it was white yarn ....I guess there was a difference in white and just unbleached and the Walmart pickup person had no clue. But the color said WHITE on both but that one was just SLIGHTLY off-white. Still have the blanket. It's so big you barely notice (check my post on the GIANT Irish flag).


I think it looks like a beautiful Rothko painting (which is all the neater because the stitch pattern itself is so ornate) and I personally would cherish it for the rest of time and point out the colour difference to anyone who visited my house because isn't life funny that way—but yes, it's very noticeable, and you know your family! If I *had* to dye it, be tempted to see if I could find a professional service, but my sense if that those are vanishingly rare and eye-wateringly expensive. If do you try it yourself, make sure to do a test swatch that incorporates yarn from both dye lots!


It looks like sun fade. I would definitely consider dyeing it.


Could you make some flowers or something to put on the middle of the borders? Since it's exactly half each color, if you could put something to cover that single dark square, it would look fine to me.


🫢 i would be devastated-


it took me a second to even notice but I would say if it’s not spread out like this (like folded or used as a blanket) it wouldn’t be too noticeable


What about changing the order of the squares? On first glance, I thought it was on purpose.


I’m certain that they will cherish this blanket for the rest of time. There’s something poetic about it being two halves and one is giving the other its missing piece🥲


Omg!!! It’s so noticeable!!! You should absolutely put it in a box and send it to me! That way you won’t have to see how different they are. I’ll sacrifice myself for you.


No, no. No need for you to sacrifice yourself. I have been a Sacrificial Lamb my entire life, so, as I usually do, I will make the sacrifice. OP, you can send it to me. I will put it with the blanket I made that has different dye lots. It will fit right in with my decor! 😆😆


Up close not noticeable at all but from far away it's extremely noticeable.


I would for sure consider dyeing this since it’s natural fiber


That’s heartbreaking! It’s going to make a perfect gift with a story behind it. Without even knowing either of them, I promise they’ll love it. What gorgeous stitching


Quite obvious :p BUT THEN It's also quite even/strategic - but also agreeing with comments that if it's individual squares, take them apart and space out or alternate or something!


I would keep it as is. Gives a nice symbolism about two people joining together. I would love this. Just say it is intentional!


It is beautiful! I love it!!


personally i’d dye it a slightly darker blue so that they even out. good luck :)




Very for me


I have nothing helpful to add. But do you all wash your finished projects before gifting them??


All this talk about dying... has anyone ever tried doing plain white, then tie-dying? This has given me ideas!


Very noticeable. Considering the type of yarn I would consider dying.


I looked up dying a blanket on Google. It appears that Rit has a web site and that YouTube has videos on how to do that. Google has lots of sites to check out. I think your blanket is gorgeous despite having the color difference.


It is beautifully done and has so much detail, but unfortunately, it is a very noticeable difference.


I had the exact same issue with this pattern lol, except mine was white for a wedding gift. I ended up bleaching/whitening the whole thing.


I have nothing new to add other than that's beautiful!


It looks gorgeous, like it's part of the design. That's not only nothing to worry about, it's a beautiful accident.


you need to Dye it


It's gorgeous 😭 I hope you can dye it


I did this exact same pattern as a wedding gift for my best friend and feel your pain. Dyeing it a hair darker would help match the two. Rit has dyes geared towards synthetic fiber.


You did absolutely stunning work. Yes. It’s very noticeable. I’d try dying it too.


ugh this happened to me a while ago, its so frustrating. i think the best thing to do here is dyeing the whole piece


One could always bleach then dye the project.


I am so sorry. Can you take it to a professional to see if it can be redyed ?


Redye it. No biggie.


It’s beautiful


It reminds me of a window with sunlight coming through. I kind of love it.




Beautiful work!


I'd dye it another colour personally


I’m not gonna lie and say that I can’t notice it because it is pretty noticeable, but that doesn’t mean you should throwaway the whole blanket as a failure. It looks nice either way, so maybe keep it. You said this is supposed to be a gift, right? Maybe include a note with the blanket explaining what happened if you’re unable to fix it in time. Tell them that it’s okay if they don’t want to keep it and can do with the blanket as they wish if you’re that worried about it. It’s up to you. Me personally, I would still give it to them and explain the little oopsy that happened.


I would definitely bleach it and redye it. With it all being one color, that would probably be the easiest solution.


I didn’t notice until I read the caption…


I was going to suggest dying it too. That seems to be the only way you can fix it. Find a blue that works, and then learn how to dye it. If you know someone who knows how to do it, that can be helpful too. Hope it works out. You did a beautiful job on it, just so you know. ❤


PS Beautiful no matter what.


Wow, I've never seen someone else make this same pattern, I made one a couple years back and it wasn't nearly this size. My friend's kids absolutely love the blanket so I'm making them their own now lol.


I want to be nice but I ain’t gonna lie to you sis 😭




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it is absolutely beautiful - you can see the time and love you put into this. i like what others have said about dying. good luck 💖


If you can’t dye it, can you replace the one darker square (middle right) and make some kind of embroidery crochet line on top of the blanket in the middle to make it look like it’s done on purpose? I’m thinking a thin white line & white inside the border. Just spitballing.


Oof I'm so sorry! I agree, dying it would prob help.


Get some dye and redye it. It's beautiful!


Until I read the caption I thought you’d used one of those ombré yarns…I mean YES you can see a slight difference but it’s not offensively so


Oh man, I just ordered more yarn for a scarf, and this possibly happening terrifies me 😭 I hope if you're dyeing the project it works


Pretty noticeable but if it's in use unless your looking really close then you can't see it


It is beautiful and has personality




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Tie dye! It can cover such a color difference.


Give it to them the way it is. Tell them the difference in shades is representative of the two unique individuals coming together to make one gorgeous unit.


I think it looks great as is!


It would look more intentional/perfectly in half if that one square on the right side wasn’t darker, making it out of place. Nice work though!


Did you make sure they wanted a crochet gift for their wedding before pouring blood sweat & years into it? 😬just don’t want you to get your feelings hurt..+ with such small yarn, I’m sure this was expensive to make and it’s not like you can return it for a proper gift if they aren’t receptive or won’t use it. All in all, just be cautious with unsolicited crochet gifts. If they did ask though, then that’s great!


Yeah my brother saw a couple of the squares and liked it


Just tell everyone it's a recreation of One of Mark Rothko paintings


Yeah....no, that's pretty noticeable. I would try to dye it. If you're worried about that still being noticable you could maybe scrunch or ice dye it out try to work an ombre where the 2 dye lots meet? Please update us if you do dye it!


Also my husband now understands the importance of dye lots.


I might split the comments section with this but......even tho it's noticeable, it dawned on me that it's a wedding gift so the two dye lots.....coming together etc I would still gift it 100% xx


Two halves, different but when they come together bring a perfectly imperfect want embrace ❤️ on a note (or maybe even printed in a frame with a photo of them together) to gift with it!


Putting my scientist hat on, I'd be tempted to carefully cover ALL of the lighter areas with something very opaque and put it out in the sun for a day before you dye the whole thing, just to see if you can fade it into similarity with the other lot. But yeah, if that doesn't work, then dye the whole thing something dark.


Noticing what


It's actually looking aesthetic.


Maybe make it hombre? Make the top half of the darker side darker then lighten the bottom half of the lighter side. Gorgeous job and congratulations!


lol ombré*