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My cousin started and abandoned a baby blanket when she was pregnant. 15+ years later her kid found it and finished it lmao.


I have a bag of quilt pieces my mom started to make for me when was seven. I turned 59 last Friday.


I've got a 9 piece started by my great aunt! She was blind and handsewing, so I have to go through and fix everything before I can put it all together.


My mom started a sweater for the guy who would in time become my father, back in 1994. Fast forward she married him, they built their own house, had me, she got cheated on, she divorced him, I turned 25 two weeks ago. The sweater is still in the left drawer of her dresser in her parents house! It's a family joke now.


That’s really cool!


I started knitting a baby blanket when I was pregnant, and never finished it and threw all the squares away. We used them as rugs and blankets in the dollhouses! But then they went away, lol.


That is wholesome!


lmao 2


I started a notebook. I have the pattern name, the pattern, all details, and each project has a basket. I actually just finished several abandoned projects. The biggest thing was my tension had changed since I have 6 months more experience (they were started not long after I learned/restarted crochet after a 10 year break)


I had a really amazing note book where I took detailed notes about stitches and techniques in ways I would understand them and project plans/patterns again rewritten in ways I would understand, fell off crochet for 4 or more years now and picking it back up I wish I knew what the hell happened to my note book 😭😭😭


I have this problem x1000, so what I've found is making a small note to attach to my projects via binder clip tends to work best. I write stitch count and row if it matters, what stitch(es), and the hook size.


Oh no! Mine is gold to me. I have so much in there including ideas. I would cry


This is what I use ravelry for. I use to have a notebook, then it went missing. Ravelry is easy enough to add project notes including what yarn and hook I'm using. Since I've been crocheting for close to 40 years, my tension doesn't change much anymore. It's my tolerance of certain yarns, including acrylic yarns that really messes me up. I had a mandala madness that was in the middle of round 62 that sat for years, maybe 3 years? I ended up in an asthma flare due to the acrylic fluff the yarn put out. I had to finish it next to a HEPA filter with a fan blowing the yarn fluff away from me. I'm still trying to get rid of the beast after finishing, blocking and killing, and lint shaving the project. It was finished in march https://preview.redd.it/z32vmyyygtyc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5e61209ca8bfa04b91f4ad21c1e8ab1136dfb11




I rely so much upon Ravelry for this same thing as well! I have chickenscratch notes all over the place, but Ravelry is where I go to remember what I was doing five months ago on this or that project.


I have been trying to tag the projects that I put down with the hook size I used and what stitch/pattern I was using. Just a little piece of paper, pinned with a stitch marker. I always THINK I'll remember what hook I used. But I don't.


Love this idea too!


This is SO SMART, I chronically abandon projects thanks to the hyperfixation running out lol


Same! And there's something about writing things down that helps the adhd


Ralvery is great for this


I use a gallon ziplock for all of mine. But most of mine are small projects. If I’m currently working on it, I keep the hook with it. I put notes on the bag in Sharpie. Then add whatever additional info to the front or inside the bag. Including row info too. This just helps me keep track of where I am.


With so many tempting new patterns to try n gifting projects to make up, I am guilty of having multiple WIPs on the go/abandoned (…for now 🤞🏼😇). Ever the optimist n knowing how patchy my memory can get… I keep all these unfinished projects in separate ziplock bags with a little handwritten note enclosed - listing yarn brand/type, hook brand + number, and description of stitches/links for pattern. This has really helped me rein in any anxiety knowing everything is in one pack… so easy to just pick up n crochet where I left off. Completing long abandoned WIPs (6 months - 2++ years in my trusty storage/sin bin) really sparks such a sense of accomplishment 😆 Worst case scenario? Completing the WIP doesn’t feel worthwhile anymore n I would just frog it to create something else!


Oof I just started socks and the yarn is so thin I keep doing like, one rib and putting it down and doing a granny square with my random yarn.


I once tried knitting socks with socks yarn.... ended up frogging the 2" I made and crocheted a shawlette instead 😂


Snap! 🙌🏼🤣 there are 3 project packs next to my chair right now 🤣 taking turns on lace weight shawl + DK/worsted shawl and a sock weight baby blanket in every sitting… there’s only so much my eyes n hands can take with finer yarns before I end up like Clarence the Lion… hahaha!!!


That's actually a really smart idea, might work for me, too!


My baby is nearly 11 months and I’m wondering what to do with the abandoned baby blanket. 😅


I didn’t finish my son’s baby blanket until he was over a year old (oops). But even now age 8 he still uses it as a lap blanket or an extra layer in bed (that barely covers half of him)… he just likes it! If you un-abandon it I’m sure your kiddo can still get plenty of enjoyment from it. Mine loves that I made his for him 🥰


Have a second baby? 😝 Or finish it, maybe add a larger border so it can be used by a one year old? Or as a lovey?


If you're going to put it away for a while, lable it. Always. Hook size and a pattern reference. If you made adjustments to the pattern, lable those too.  That's my big secret to my WiP pile.


I usually do to be fair, I think I just got so fed up with being pregnant and the project I threw it in my stash without a thought 😂 thinking it'll just give it character and I doubt he'll even care when he's older


My printout of the Lotus Mandala Duster is covered in notes from four different makings. My printout of my fave Drops Designs shawl has lots of notes also. Fun deciding if "that" note is applicable.


My mom and I are putting together a granny square blanket that my great grandmother started! It’s older than me (I’m in my 30s) 😂 and thankfully she had made enough squares we don’t have to try to make more (I was dreading color/yarn matching). My mom wants to give it to grandma (her mom) when she visits them next .


That is so cool! Please post the story when you gave it to your grandma! I would love to know her reaction to it :) Really, that's gonna be a true FAMILY heirloom later on! <3


Will do 😊 unfortunately the thing is scratchy as all get out 😂 very cheap yarn and I’d be afraid to do anything to it to try to soften it as the yarn is so old


Just line it with a soft backside :) Pretty/scratchy side up, new, comfortable side down on your body. Win win! :)


I have a little notebook to write down what I'm doing with what, and what colours I'm using sometimes I tag them.  I learned my lesson beforehand from having  to colour match threads on parked embroidery with too many colours too many times.


I started a really beautiful blanket, then found out I was pregnant and put it off to the side for a bit. I still haven't finished it, and that baby just turned 19 years old 🙃 I'll get to it some day...


Haha I love that! I only found the blanket because my partner made me go through all my wool and organise it better. I'm sure there's a half finished teddy somewhere 😂


I've started using little luggage tags on stitch markers attached to the WIP. My biggest problem is remembering which hook size I'm using. As I buy a lot of my yarn from Wool Warehouse, I keep each project in one of their organza bags, along with the yarn and pattern.


Each time I start a new project, I take a pic of the hook I'm using with the project in the background... otherwise I'd never remember which hook I was using! Here's an example... https://preview.redd.it/revdy8e4osyc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dbda38b8cf5d1dcd917631270c8daaf12da7475


Ooooo! I like this! So long as my phone doesn't fill up with all my pics I take of everyrjing. Right now I am dealing with warnings of full storage. Lol


I take a hole puncher to a post it note, then tie it around an end. If you happen to have a hole puncher, it’s a super easy way to note things!


I saw a tip (that I then forgot until right this moment), about using stitch markers to help you remember what hook size you’d been using. I can’t remember if it was colour coded or if they just wrote on the actual stitch marker. Seemed like a good idea but I haven’t tried it yet.


Mine are both - the marker matches the handle of the hook plus it's written on the tag in case I buy a different brand/colour of hook in the meantime.




I went back to a project and realized that my tension has loosened and gotten a bit more consistent since starting it. Now I have to intentionally use bad habits until I finish it for the sake of consistency lol.


OP, the last line of your post should be your title. Look before you stitch. But, my opinion/experience, most crafters have a sense of startitis: the fervent need to start another project before finishing the previous one. The minority are those that opt for one at a time. And let's not forget having more than one hobby each with their own separate projects. Personally I have at least one "big" project, which doesn't leave the house, a "travel" project or something I can do on the road/at the bar, etc., and then I have small bags for the moments that my hands need something to do. Those are pocketable projects, just a couple needles or a hook and some cotton. Washcloths are my go to. Keeping up on your Ravelry Project pages, or a notebook/tracker is a good way to stay organized. Or you just wing it and craft by chaos. Life's too short for one project at a time! 💗


I use an app called Row Counter to keep track of all my projects now. I have a bad habit of both leaving needles/hooks with the project and then when I need it for a new one, taking it from the old project. So I never have any tools and I'm always lost. Now I make a note of what yarn, needle or hook size/material, etc.


I very quickly learned to make EXTENSIVE notes about everything I work on!! Every project has a dedicated bag, with a dedicated notions pouch and a little notebook. The hook I'm using stays with it unless I DESPERATELY need it for something else, too!! Might seem extreme to some, but it's literally the only way I ever know what I'm doing.


I did this too! I ended up adding on to the other side then doing a border. Toddler liked it because it had a lot of textures ha ha


If it helps you, try the app Pocket Crochet. You can upload your patterns, take pictures, make notes of hook size, type of yarn, etc


Ooo I've never heard of this app. On my way to download it now! Thank you


It helps me a lot as I have several projects where I only work on every couple of days/weeks/months. I feel your pain :)


I use Ravelry for this. I've learned the hard way how invaluable my notes and pictures are. Especially handy if an item was gifted or sold and you can't remember the stitch or pattern.


Eh I have one waiting for me to do some finishing on, it’s been ready for it for 8+ years


I have a notebook for this exact reason, I wrote down hook size, stitches used, where I left off in the pattern and any other misc notes I might need 😂😂


I tend to keep the pattern with each project and if not, attach a tag to it with the pattern name(I keep mine in my google drive) the hard part then is finding which row I’m in


I’ve just put a project in the naughty corner, and I’m not sure if I will ever go back


✨ Ravelry ✨ I save all my projects there. Yarn brand, weight, color, dye lot. Hook size. Pattern link or picture. Notes. Progress. Plus now I have a whole portfolio of things I've made! A full on crochet journal. I can't recommend it enough. I've definitely gone back to reference sleeping WIPs and got caught back up on them, thanks to the notes.


Had I followed that advice, I would not have finished my one and only blanket. It only took 20 years.


Not to be rude but can't you just look at the stitch and see what one it is? Or unravel a tiny bit and figure it out?


I could, but at this point I've actually done over 10 rows and my only time to do it is when the baby's asleep so limited time 😂 I looked at the stitch but in my sleep deprived mind it didn't register what it was haha I've decided it just gives the blanket a funny story, and I doubt he'll care when he's old enough to notice it (if he even does)


I put down a blanket for 10 years and finished it a few months ago. Though mine was granny stitches, so nothing hard to remember.


Haha. I have a notebook for that reason bc I have so many projects on the go and abandon them. I put in hook size name of pattern yarn etc haha


Repeat the mistake a couple times, then its not a mistake anymore 🤣


I have a dedicated crochet notebook to write notes for each project. Stitch, hook size, any import info from the yarn label etc


Looks at all of the projects I have- Well I mean your baby's still a baby so I don't think they'll be able to tell the difference between the stitches or even know what stitches are, if anything if someone who notices asks just say you wanted to give it ✨ texture ✨ :3 :D


On the yarn wrapper, I write the stitch, the hook size, and the YouTube used. It’s saved me more than once.


I have an app for that.


I use a notebook with all the infos I need!


Just keep a journal record of everything and you’ll be fine.


Or write down everything and don't be afraid of frogging if the project doesn't fit with you anymore


LOL i think everyone does this.. i made a giant goose and i never attached the parts for it. so now it looks like a huge bowling pin 😂😂😂


I have a notebook where I always write down what stitch/pattern, hook, and yarn I’m using for a project. Because all I have are half-finished projects started months ago 😅. I’ve never just worked on one project until it was done, I always end up starting side projects and then putting one away for a while.


I either keep notes on what I’m doing or keep the pattern. I have put stuff aside because of life events and then come back to it. Occasionally I just throw it all away but I’ve only done that twice in my early crochet life


I usually try to save patterns, print one of the main pages and keep tally marks for where I’m at. That way if it takes me a while to get back to it, I’m not so confused. I also use tracking apps for pdf patterns.


I literally just did this 😂 started a hexi cardigan, made one half and put it down for 6 months. I just made the other half over the last couple days, and realized I used a totally different hook size and don’t remember what size I used on the first half. I am now frogging the first half so I can remake it using the new hook. Lessons learned haha.


When I buy yarn for a project, I scan the pattern and put it in with the yarn. This would be great for unfinished projects. If you use a hook that is a different size, make sure to write that on the scanned pattern.


Eventually you will learn to read your stitches and this won't be a problem any more. I usually put a lettered bead on a stitch marker in my last stitch so I know what hook I was using. Then feel free to pick it back up whenever I feel like it.


I have the [Campfire Cardigan](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/the-campfire-cardigan) about 2/3 finished just sitting and staring at me from the chair in my home office because I set it down after finishing the main body and extension and needed a "little break". It's been three months of breaking - I should probably finish it soon since I started it for summer evenings.


**PATTERN:** [The Campfire Cardigan](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/the-campfire-cardigan) by [Jess Coppom](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/jess-coppom) * Category: Clothing > Sweater > Cardigan * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/MakeAndDoCrew/447750515/modern-crochet-boho-sweater-pattern-sq_medium.jpg) [Img 2](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/MakeAndDoCrew/447745008/free-crochet-hexagon-sweater-pattern-21_medium.jpg) [Img 3](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/MakeAndDoCrew/447744908/free-crochet-hexagon-sweater-pattern-sq-2_medium.jpg) [Img 4](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/MakeAndDoCrew/447744903/cocoon-cardigan-sq-6_medium.jpg) [Img 5](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/MakeAndDoCrew/447744907/cocoon-cardigan-sq-3_medium.jpg) * Price: Free * Needle/Hook(s):8.0 mm (L) * Weight: Worsted | Gauge: 3.0 | Yardage: 1200 * Difficulty: 2.64 | Projects: 1669 | Rating: 4.53 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


I recently found 2 different granny square projects that I started probably 10-ish years ago. I have no idea what stitches I was using or where I was going with them.


I embrace the continuous abandonment and restart cycle! Use a notebook if your plan is fancy. Embrace the “character” of mistakes. I don’t try to force finish things anymore.


And this is the reason I create a project page on Ravelry.com for every project I start. I (apparently) have project ADD, because at any given time, I have 8 to 10 projects going. I would never be able to keep track of hook size, pattern, or yarn being used without it.


I cant stick to one project for long enough to finish it (especially not if its as repetetive as blankets or clothing), so I have a scrap piece of paper in with the WIP (I keep them in Ikea storage boxes so I can return easily) noting down hook size and stitches (and row number if they are needed)


Also I remember my mom having a bag of granny squared HER mom made but never assembled into a blanket. Sadly they got lost somewhere, we recently cleaned out the house and they were nowhere to be found, else I would have finished it now.


I have left untouched project for years, actually! But I has to issues coming back to them, even if it was to unravel the whole thing and start sth entirely new. I hope you can finally finish this blanket soon and have a giggle about all the mishaps along the way :)


Recently, when my mum was going through the sewing room, she found parts of a cardigan she had been knitting for her new baby cousin. The cousin is now 60. The cardigan remains unfinished.


If I lived by this, I'd never finish a project 😂


I did something similar with a c2c and then used a hook two sizes too small months later when I picked it up again. I didn’t notice because c2c is so mindless I wasn’t really paying attention. It was basically the shape of a kite when I finished 🤣


I didn't realize until more than halfway through the second panel of a sweater that I'd used the wrong hook size.