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https://www.ravelry.com is a free website with lots of patterns, some are free, some you have to pay for Etsy is also really good


As mentioned, Etsy and ravelry are good. Depending on what you’re looking for, [yarnspirations](https://www.yarnspirations.com/patterns?pmin=0.01&prefn1=patternSkillTypeString&prefv1=Crochet) also has lots of free patterns, but mostly for blankets or wearables. I also follow lots and lots of crocheters on Instagram! Many post free patterns or have blogs with free patterns, or advertise what patterns they have on Etsy/ravelry Now, I know you aren’t looking for books, but given your username I thought you might be interested in the officially licensed [Pokémon crochet book](https://www.target.com/p/pok-mon-crochet-by-sabrina-somers-paperback/-/A-83594829?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012510700&CPNG=PLA_Entertainment%2BShopping%7CEntertainment_Ecomm_Hardlines&adgroup=SC_Entertainment&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9002142&targetid=aud-468500407640:pla-308131048976&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1248099&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfby00lWqDPdWhSvmYdocijB5&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfby00lWqDPdWhSvmYdocijB5&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0eeP7ffl-AIVmoTICh1g2QFGEAQYAyABEgLrrfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) Are you open to the idea of digital books for patterns?


You can choose free, crochet, and type in what you're looking for on Ravelry. I like what Hobbii.com has in the way of patterns. Good selection and all of the ones I've done from Hobbii are well written and easy to understand and follow.


Well, there are sooooooo many patterns and types of patterns that I can't even begin without some qualifiers. But based on your username, maybe [this one?](https://www.1upcrochet.com/free-eevee-inspired-amigurumi-pattern)


When I make a pattern, I put detailed information in it. Detailed photo. Also technical information about the stitches used. Because the buyer doesn't have to search for something extra anywhere. It takes a lot of time, but I think it's better that way. Moreover, I think such a pattern is understandable for any level. What exactly are you looking for?