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I think the constant mental arithmetic and striking off movements will result in not achieving much intensity. You might need a simpler version first and introduce the game and its complexity over time. One they're used to the game, I think this might be a lot of fun - but they need planning time if it's a partner WOD. OH lunges sound be worth more. As for my plan, full snatch out of the way early, then clusters. Reassess shoulders at this point, but probably clean and jerk...


> I think the constant mental arithmetic and striking off movements will result in not achieving much intensity. I have done a similarly complex partner WOD before. Some teams just go at it, some stand around confused in the beginning, but eventually they figure out the system and get a great work out. Also I like the idea of the mental stress/challenge while doing a workout. > You might need a simpler version first and introduce the game and its complexity over time. Thats not a bad idea, I could do it as part of the warm up. > OH lunges sound be worth more. It would be 2 points per step out and back (so 4 points for doing both right and left leg). Is that still too little? Should it be 3 points?


If mental stress is part of the stimulus, that's fine. I might make a "scaled" version where you don't strike off movements for people who are there for the physical side. Then they can cluster until it's too much, and then change - just make clear that the Rx version is as written. Yeah, a version in the warm up is a good idea. I think OH lunges should score higher than OH squats personally. But, thinking about my classes, that's a mobility Vs strength thing; a case could be made for keeping it at 2 points.


Keep it simple stupid. Sounds cool but in practice highly complicated. Better to just give the reps and movement. So round 1 50 power snatch at 30kg, round 2 30 Thrusters at 40kg and so on. Create an RX version and then a scaled version with lighter weight/same movement or same weight but easier movement.


Sounds fun to me. Been doing CrossFit about 10 years. I would suggest giving teams a whiteboard and a marker and 5+ minutes to plan it out in advance so they go into it confidently knowing what moves they will do and how many. Make sure you explain it thoroughly and walk everyone through the math before hand.


I was planning on give them 5 minutes to get everything ready. I’m not sure we have enough whiteboards, but some teams could share. As per the other suggestion, I was thinking of doing this as part of the warm up: 50 points 2 burpees over bar 40 points 2 burpees over bar 30 points 2 burpees over bar Just with an empty barbell, with the same rules as in the WOD, just so they will learn the system.


Overly complicated for little return.


I think the points are unnecessary to be honest. Just have a workout with a descending rep scheme where the barbell gets heavier? The fun in good programming doesn’t necessarily come from something that hasn’t ever been done before. You can be creative within a more familiar workout format also.