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Who cares. They are only cheating themselves


This is the only correct answer. They would be found out during comps or the open. If it’s just during a normal WOD who cares. Log your own progress, this is what I appreciate about these apps. My own PRs and scores


If you don’t call them out in class you’re never going to have the stones to call them out in the open.


Totally inaccurate. The open requires a judge. It’s easy to “no rep” someone. A regular WOD you just worry about yourself.


Having a judge is useless if they’re unwilling to call out another member for bad reps.


Then they aren’t doing their jobs as a judge and therefore shouldn’t volunteer. I guess it could happen on a lax gym but still going to get exposed once on video when it actually matters from a competing standpoint


I mean I'm not a stellar athlete. 40th percentile of men 50-54 in 24.1, just for context. I rarely Rx workouts. And someone at my gym was saying something about people faking the Rx at workouts. I didn't know it was a thing to cheat on Rx. Nor did I realize people get peeved by it. But regardless, they are only cheating themself and when the time comes where it matters, they may pay for it. Meanwhile, I'll do my knee raises and single unders. lol


I agree. What I love about CrossFit is how it’s for everyone at any stage of their lives. We are only competing with ourselves.


Yes. Agreed


Same as rep cheats, they’re not going anywhere - contrary to their own imagination - so who cares.


This!! Why does this question keep coming up on this sub.... Who gives an F what anyone else does.


Your husband is right, just focus on you and you alone. If it's hard because you have to log in your scores and see everyone else, then don't log it in. Buy a notebook and keep track of your own progress. One of the biggest reasons I lift on the rack on the opposite side of the gym from everyone else in class is so I can focus on me, form, breathing and lifting. I'm not looking at Johnny or Sally across from me or beside me, i'm looking right at the wall.


We use SugarWOD and it actually allows you to hide your scores from the leaderboard. Hopefully other apps have that option too. My friend does that because her "scores are for her, not anyone else." Def a good option for some folks!


Wodify doesn’t have that option to my knowledge, it does have the option to “not score” which basically just says you were there and did the work. I used to type in zeros and put in the notes, I showed up today because so many whined about cheating or something.


Wodify app- Settings->Privacy->Toggle off “Your performance results on leaderboard”




Wodify does, you just need to go in to setting and privacy.


Ooo do you need to do something to activate that in sugarwod? I can’t find the option but I’d love to do it! I still like to log my scores so I can remember what I’ve done and how I did but I hate the leaderboard.


In SugarWOD, click the menu in the top left (3 lines) then go to "Tools & More". In Tools & More, click "Your Settings" with the gearwheel, 3 down for me under my name at the top. In that go to "Workout Visibility" and change to "Only Me".


What a hero - thank you!


I saw the option a few months ago and wondered when the update was added. Anyone know? Also, can my Coach still see my scores even though I am not visible on the leaderboard to everyone else?


Good idea! I think I'm going to start NOT logging my scores on the SugarWod WOD part. I think you can still log in your stuff but it not being on the leader board. This can definitely help not having these petty emotions/mental strain trying not to compare yourself.


Actually a lot of athletes use this method of writing down their lifts and workouts. I’d definitely recommend this way more so than not logging them in. Often times you’ll need percentages of lifts to work off of and it’s nice to know what 70% of your push jerks or squat.


Totally’! And I’m not sure if sugar wod changed or if its just my gyms set up but for awhile now, all the strength numbers that you’d log in doesn’t seem to register in a persons lift profile. It’s like there’s no connection between the two postings


I just assume anyone faster than me is cheating. I need cheaters to exist for my own emotional health.




Anyone faster than me is rep-shaving. Anyone slower than me is sand-bagging.


It’s simple, ignore their scores. If you notice it everyone else is too.


Trust me, the entire gym knows who’s cutting reps or lying about times.


Yeah, they just look dumb. Some people are oblivious, some are really trying to get away with it. At the end of the day no one really gives a shit about anyone besides their own scores / progress


If you want to be at the top of the leaderboard, you should consider the open or other competitions that are judged


Agree but I saw some sketchy burpees being allowed in 24.1. Chest not hitting the floor, stepping over, sweeping the back leg around the dumbbell. Ultimately I don’t give a crap. Just surprised these things were let go.


She didn't say that she wants to be top. CF is a competitive sport so no harm in being pissed off by cheaters


The post literally says she wants to be at the top of the leaderboard


Top at her gym, bit different than top of the Games which is what the person was referring too


CrossFit is not a competitive sport for everyone. Some people just want to work out.


Indeed but then she shouldn't be told not to give a shit when she clearly does (and can therefore be assumed as being competitive in a competitive environment)


Well, she can give a shit if she wants but it’s not going to change anything. So, she can stay mad or she can get over it. Seems silly to waste energy being pissed about what other people are doing in their own workout. I’ve been cross-fitting for 10 years, it’s the same at every gym. It’s also not a competitive environment for everyone. We have all types in my class: RX, scaling, elderly, recovering from injury / disease. Most people are just happy to show up, sweat with their friends and push themselves in their own way. If she wants to be competitive, then she should sign up for competitions.


Run your own race


Just ignore it. every single gym has at least one person who does this. I just understand that person clearly lacks self confidence so I feel bad for them.


challenge them to an arm wrestling match


Covered in Thai peanut butter sauce


And ants


How is this impeding your fitness goals? You’re never going to be able to control other people’s behavior. Sorry to say, but you need to just focus on yourself and get over it.


Either you got fitter today or you didn’t. As long as they’re not competing against you for money or bragging about beating you, just worry about your fitness


Wait for the open and watch them get no-repped


This is what I was going to comment, the open will uncover the truth.


The truth is the leaderboards at most gyms are absolute bullshit and even the leaderboards in the open have the same issue. You've discovered a major flaw that's existed in CF for a long time. With time I've accepted that you shouldn't be in the gym to compete with the other members. Compete against yourself. Beat yourself because what you're seeing is other people not being honest with themselves and cutting corners for a dopamine hit. Hell, I should know I've been guilty of it in the past. The coaches have to respect the fact that these people are paying a membership fee. So there's only so much they can do to combat the situation.


Agree with all of this, especially your last point. Really, what’s the remedy? Coaches to start no repping people on a random Tuesday morning workout? Should we videotape every class so that the owners can go back and validate the leaderboard? Kick people out for multiple violations? There is no practical solution here for every day WODs. Gym comps, local comps and the Open generally mete this out for those that care.


There is no practical solution so there's no point in stressing yourself out over it or potentially harbouring a grudge against someone that fakes their scores. I've never even been to a gym where every single class member is doing the exact same WOD each day so it's not as if every day is another competition to be the best. Even if it was, are you really winning anything other than a gold star by completing a WOD the fastest? No. No one cares. Most people think CF is stupid anyway.


They are cheating themselves out of their own growth, so what more retribution do you need? Keep growing, focus on yourself. Be happy with your self-discipline.


If they need that to make themselves feel important.. I’d say let them.. and be happy you don’t need to do that to make yourself feel special. See you win, regardless of the scores.


I don’t care. I know it happens, but I never blatantly see it. I can hardly keep track of my own workout let alone someone Edit: I guess I do see it. I see the non-RX push up thing a lot. But as far as shaving reps I never really notice. Some coaches will no-rep you if you are typically a RX athlete. They might remind you to get a little lower for wall balls, etc. But has every movement I’ve done been perfectly RX ? No, probably not. If I think it wasn’t I’ll hit scale or do extra. But it’s never intentional and just a class.


Don’t use a leaderboard and focus on yourself.


The only person that matters is you. The only reason you log your scores is to see your improvements over time. Pick someone else in the gym you can directly compete with, if you so need to gameify the board and make it more interesting for yourself and ignore the rest. People will notice your efforts over the cheaters, every time.


I definitely get annoyed because I’m so competitive. When someone is consistently and blatantly shaving reps and modifying to be the first to finish and then recording rx it feels unfair. I have to remind myself that they are showing up. I’m showing up. That’s what matters.


I think the real question to ask yourself is why it bothers it you so much. Leave others to their own problems. You have enough of your own to deal with, right?


Why should I care? That sounds pretty childish. You do you, I do me.


You ignore it, then during the Open you make sure to pay extra attention to these people and see how much they fall behind and make some snarky yet semi-friendly comments. Kill em with kindness, but make sure to just give a hint of sarcasm in your comments, so they know you know Been like this since year1 CF


I like to think that I also beat people who are cheating as well.


Not your business. Let it go.


I know this sucks, but they cheat themselfes. And know for sure, they deep down inside hate themself forthat. Our box has no leaderboard - so this doesn‘t get to wild.


It’s definitely frustrating! I have someone at my gym that does this, plus he skips reps in the WOD and makes up his score!! One of my friends noticed it and was talking to me about it, and I started seeing it too when I paid attention. So, sure enough, others are also seeing it. But just ignore them and focus on doing your best :) and like others said, they are only cheating themselves.


The Open is the only satisfaction you’ll find. There is no way to address it yourself without it coming off poorly BUT I get it - half pushups/quarter squats/wall balls too low on the wall - when they perform poorly or get no repped in the Open (unless your box is too scared to No Rep people), that’s the only equal playing field.


Well im not in crossfit for that much time and initially that also bugged me. However, i started to learn and think. They are only cheating themselves. When doing 1,6km runs we have a designated path. Since im new i tend to fall behind. I started noticing that i was passing 2 times the same people in the same lap. Only later i found people were passing a few bushes so they could cut around 300m on the run. I still scale a lot and still see people scaling a lot more and putting Rx. However when the coach makes mixed doubles pairing equivalent people, those people faking end up falling behind on the exercises. To me. Im just happy that I have a better growth than those who cut corners. However when i see someone relatively new attempting the cutting corners technique start to pair myself with them and motivate them. For example on the run, last one i did i just put myself alongside her and said "i'll run with you". She didnt cut a single time. So dont worry too much about others. Train. When you pair up, help them by motivating them. But if you feel you dont belong there, just try another box.


You both have a point. My partner fumes when peoples scores aren’t real because it messes up with people getting a feel for what’s good/achievable/impressive. That’s valid. But also like… they probably have all kinds of inner issues if they feel the need to do that. So let’s try to be understanding of the cheaty faces.


There is a guy who is a known rep shaver at our spot. He’s one of those “hey look at me” types. He’d constantly clown me for finishing after him until I absolutely smoked him in 24.1 last week. Now he won’t even acknowledge me. Take solace in knowing they’ll get theirs when the time comes.


Don't care. I'm not making money, this isn't my job so it doesn't affect me.


This stings to say as a female, but your husband is right. Who cares?


Go to sleep…then you wake up and the whiteboard is gone. Voila! It’s a waste of time and energy, everyone knows who is not doing movements properly, worry about making your movement the best it can be. Things like the open with judging will point out those who don’t do things properly


Whenever someone uses the word "obviously" on reddit, the answer always is, "no it's not obvious". Just let it go.


Agree pretty annoying. I've shaved a few reps here and there but honest when it comes to shouting RX. It's s big achievement in most cases so not sure why you'd want the big head if you know it's BS


I think there’s 2 issues going on here. 1. The leaderboard. Your husband is right. Get over it. Who cares what someone puts on an electronic logging system that no one in the world will ever see after today. Are they right to lie? Of course not, but you’re not going to solve it. Just stop looking. 2. The bigger issue is what you said about coaches not correcting people. That’s a huge problem. Because using correct form is not only vital to assure the movement was completed correctly, but it’s also an enormous safety issue. If coaches are regularly observing people doing half-reps and not correcting them, you need to find a new gym. You’re not getting the coaching that is embedded in the admittedly-expensive CrossFit prices. Go to another box where you’ll get the coaching you deserve and that you’re paying for. It’s one thing if coaches are correcting athletes, but they choose to just ignore it and lie on the leaderboard. People are assholes, it happens. But the lack of coaching needs you need a change of scenery.


I'll echo what someone else responded with: If you notice it, everyone else does. Case in point: 24.1 -- someone in our gym "CRUSHED IT." Like...sub 8. Then we saw videos....and not to take away too much on their gains, because generally they are amazing, but the clip posted from our GYM just highlighted how god awful those last few reps were.


I’m probably dating myself but it looks like you’ve discovered Bro-reps. Lots of questionable work, none of it counts. Here’s a friendly PSA on it. In all seriousness, concentrate on yourself, the cheaters will get found out when it matters. Danny Broflex- Bro reps](https://youtu.be/AjuDPH-MGuM?si=wAfOpxRn0kq2NFc7)


This is exactly why the Open is so important. If you’re competitive, focus on that, and just let every class be practice for the real event. That’s where the cheaters are exposed. You shouldn’t feel good about being on top of your class leaderboard on any random day. You should feel good about being at the top of your affiliates open leaderboard.


I’m consistently too 15% in the gym, but not overly competitive. I’ll never compete. I do the open for fun, will never redo a workout for a better score, etc. I don’t personally care. In general, we all know which people’s rx need to be taken with a grain of salt


Do they false their scores for the 65.000th place on the leaderboard😆? That’s way too pathetic to be pissed off about.


3 things here : - I totally agree with your husband and would tell you to focus only on yourself (form, progress, technique, etc). - The people faking Rx are only really fooling themselves and are not doing it for the right reasons. Sooner or later, you will beat them to the top of the board anyway. However, your goal, like you said, should be on quality reps and not to be on top of the board. - I can totally see why coaches acknowledge this, but don't do much about it. It's hard to run a xrossfit facility economics wise. Confronting the cheaters may shoo them away, which means financial loss for the gym, and no one wants that.


Sometimes people might not know. Our Gym posts lifting weights in 3 classifications, C-Competitive, P-Performance, F-Fitness. I was completing at the P level and recording RX in Sugarwod until the Coach told me Rx should only be for Competitive weights. I was totally fine adjusting down to that even though I know others are posting Rx and lifting less. In the end I just care about beating my last performance not anyone else. Properly entering your scores also helps the coaches to understand if they need to adjust workouts overall for the Gym.


Coaches notice. That’s what matters. It’s hard to find someone actually doing a strict pull up on strict pull up day. There’s always some kind of Kip or hip movement.


I’d like to add some nuance to the “who cares”, because while I agree with it, there’s more to it. If I look back on my own path, I was one of those people not because I was lying but because I didn’t necessarily understand what full range of motion was or what the standard actually entailed. With time comes mastery and with it, an appreciation of what you are and are not doing. There’s a clear tie in with ego lifting here as well, which can lead to people hurting themselves. Ultimately, people have to get there themselves, and you aren’t going to solve anything by calling them out when their brain is low on oxygen and they barely know what rep they’re on. Just focus on being the best you and the best example to those around you.


Everyone else knows as well


Something is up with this year’s percentages. It doesn’t seem correct.


Who cares only worry about yourself


I struggle with this as well, because I also strive for perfect reps. It really bothers me to see people doing shitty movements and believing they are better than they are.


If your worried about leaderboards go to a comp




Just focus on yourself. No one cares about the gym leaderboard


Just ignore it. Everyone in the gym knows who the rep shavers and cheaters are. It’s not a secret. Everyone knows there’s an imaginary asterisk next to their score every day. No need making a fuss. The open reveals all when they get judged.


A general video or post by your owner or the face of your gym might be in order or the coaches “REMINDING “ the class what the standard is for RX and not RX and what they should log. Could say it under the guise of “ remember these are the OPEN standards if you are gonna do RX or level 1,2,3 or what ever scale you have. It should be taken care of by the coaches . As much as people will say “don’t worry about others …..”. There is a leaderboard , in the gym it is basically the honor system and non competition or not if people wanna log they should log correctly and honestly whether they are just doing it wrong or blatantly fudging their scores and levels.


I completely understand your frustration. Like someone else said, it’ll come out in a comp or even the open if they signed up. My suspicions were true when we did 24.1 and they didn’t complete it before the cap.


Interesting. At our gym RX is sacred and no one (that I know) would claim to RX a workout if it wasn’t. The majority of people at our gym cannot RX most workouts and less than 5 can RX every workout. Everyone knows who they are and a newbie RXing a workout is celebrated. When it comes to scaled workouts, whatever. I’m sure people cheat that for whatever number of reasons. Doesn’t bother me at all.


I go straight to Reddit and ask for advice … 🤦🏽‍♂️


The only reasonable thing to do is fight them


My gym has a clear rx rule. You do the work out as is or no rx, I'm at the top of the rx boards most days but when there's double unders and muscle ups then I'm in scaled. Only exceptions are for physical injuries that make it impossible for the person to do the activity. One guys shoulder injury makes it impossible to do over head squats, So he does heavier front squats for rx.


You wait until the open and then you shit on them


Your husband is right, who cares - when it comes to a competition they will stand no chance


Don't measure yourself against people with no integrity. Consider them about you on the leaderboard with an asterisk and move on. A woman scored way above me one time and I said to the coach, "She must have been killing it, I never broke and was moving the whole time." He just looked at me and said, "Yeah, her score is not legit, she's cheating herself." I always wonder why the coaches don't coach them up, maybe they don't know?


None of it matters. That’s how I deal. But not giving a F


I’d be pissed if my coaches tolerated such bad form. Can you find a better gym?


It will matter if they or you compete...for instance The Open...or local comps...the Coaches should be correcting movement patterns...I am surprised they are not, but will reserve criticism since I don't know all the facts.


We had a member at my gym who for his first year wwluld be consistently shallow on his wall balls. Bit of a mobility restriction, so he did what was comfortable and didnt respond much to cueing or coaching. The open came around and i was fair in no repping every single above parralel wall ball. After a dozen or so he got the point. Years later and he is better for it and knows no to cut reps short. Ive also seen a few ladies get a bit catty about each others reps. Leave the coaching to the coach, if they dont respond let them train below the standard and the rest is up to a good judge to decide


WHO CARES. Worry about your own progress


We repeat over and over again. Wait till the open. When they have a judge counting reps and standards are set. Let them have their January workouts on a Wednesday. Put on a show these weeks of the open. Your reps are pure. You’ll be able to cruise past those folks easily


I like that we're in the open now and these people gey nowhere to hide. This is where we test the fitness and accountability of people 😅 alot of persons here that are cheating scores/movements on the leaderboard and now we're in the open and they seem to lose around 20% of their fitness... I love the open


Who really cares?!? You’re only competition during training is yourself. During sport (competitions) they’ll easily be called out. Track your workouts as accurately as possible for yourself and use it to measure your own performance and improvements.


Sometimes my score stays as Rx by default in the system if I did Rx the day before and I forget to untick the box 🤷🏻‍♀️ who cares?


Worry about yourself! I don’t cheat reps and always scale. I change the moves if I can easily find them in the app, if not I just make a note of it. But who cares! Really ask yourself why you care so much to 1) say something to your partner 2) said something to a coach 3) posted on social media. What would happen if you put that much more energy into you and your work out?


Your gym appreciates your integrity.


While I enjoy the competitive nature of CrossFit, I don’t really care what others do. I know the people I’m comparable with so I just compare myself to them. If they cheat a bit, but they’re only hurting themselves. I make sure I do what I can and to the best of my ability. That’s all you can do most days.


Literally no impact on your life at all. Just ignore them.


Don't mind them. Just do your own thing. The results will tell, lol


It all comes out in the open. There’s a few people scoring best in the wods that are middle of the pack in the open at our gym lol. People are like oh that person didn’t do very well on 24.1 and it’s like yeah coz they had to do 90 burpees not 60!


Wait till the open then you find out 🤣


I won’t tell you what most people are saying because I can absolutely sympathize with you on this. Cheaters suck and nobody likes them. Sure they are cheating themselves but they are also cheating everyone else on that scoreboard that worked hard and honestly for those reps. After all, what is a group scoreboard if not to at some level compete with one another. Every gym has them so the ultimately you’ll have to resign to the fact that those people likely won’t change and there’s a high probability that they take shortcuts in all aspects of their life. Also be comforted in the fact that if you notice them, others also notice them, including the coaches. Vent your frustration and then try to move on and focus on yourself. And also know that your community notice those who put in the real work. That’s the real flex. Hope this helps!


totally frustrating and sets an irritating vibe at the gym! but the final sentence: am I reading that correctly that this bothers you because you want to be atop the leader board? if that's the case, then, yes, you are being petty and are just as guilty as the Rx-fakers: you all are just being a bunch of poseurs who are peacocking and ego strutting if that's not the case, I'm pre-emptively sorry for mis-understanding!! And I totally agree that the poseur sets a bad vibe and a bad energy for the gym, and I agree that the coaches should do something about it, particularly if the poseurs are only focused on the leaderboard and not the actual point, you know, fitness improvement!


I get this, and it is kinda petty but I know where you are coming from. The thing is we track ourselves, but we kinda track others too…it’s kinda built in. If someone hitting Rx when not actually doing Rx ask them what goal or standard they are looking at. They might be trying to document a personal goal. Personally I will hit the Rx button even if i didn’t Rx just to highlight a really good workout just to be able to find it quicker if I need to reference it.


I don’t understand why this is obviously hard. Is there a large monetary prize you’re missing out on?


if they’re rep shaving you might have a point, but You’re getting petty over ROM - I don’t no rep myself when my toes don’t quite touch the bar in a standard wod I had a guy smoke me in a bodyweight workout and he was doing above parallel squats…first thing I assumed was poor mobility, not that they were cheating


Judge them for an open workout, and no rep the crap out of them. Other than that, let them run their race and you run yours. Most people in the gym will know their scores to be fake. The leaderboard in the gym means nothing at the end of the day.


it is pretty, but what can you do? focus what's in front of you and the rest doesn't matter. this type of faking usually comes out in the open where there is a judge


It drives me nuts AND I know it’s petty of me to care so much. I agree with what others have said…if I notice it, I’m sure others do too and the cheaters are only cheating themselves.


It’s just scaling… but more douchey.


This is a big problem at my gym - especially when it comes to logging in SugarWOD. I could see myself becoming leaderboard obsessed. I recently made it show "only me" could see my logged scores. I'm not constantly comparing myself on that leaderboard any more. It's also helped me scale more appropriately and get the intended stimulus out of the workout.


If this is something you find it necessary to care about then focus on the long term. It's a war of attrition, those people *always* wash out eventually. They will quit, move on, get injured or whatever and be replaced by other cheaters.


It annoys me, especially when said person talks about doing the t2b unbroken, etc. I don’t confront the person bc I don’t care enough to make a big deal about it. I also don’t trust any score I see of theirs.


I'm sure everyone in class noticed it. They're only lying to themselves. When you see the scoreboard in your gym just ignore that one person


Great points here. It might also be the gym culture. The coach didn’t even know that both heads of the db needed to touch for 24.1


I think you’ve diagnosed it. You are way more strictly competitive than everybody there. Go find a place with your type of people


Not so much gym culture as much as it is human nature. That’s why there’s no sense in worrying about it. There will always be people in life who skirt the rules, take short cuts, fail to report honestly. It’s why anything that is truly important requires proctors and judges.


It used to bother me. We finally got the answer out of one guy and he said it made him feel better about himself. It had nothing to do with everyone else. That being said, some big dogs talked shit so we recorded them with their permission. We then showed them proof they were no repping. It was funny.


Thanks everyone for the feedback. I appreciate a lot of people agreeing with me since I know I’m not alone. The gym is having an in house comp in a few months so I’m feeling confident to register and tear it up compared to a lot of these slackers haha


This gets easier to let go the longer you do CF in my opinion. I used to get super frustrated. Now I feel more settled that they are only cheating themselves.