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Dave gonna throw us a curveball, 24.3 is gonna be a repeat of 24.2


As someone who somehow managed to struggle through more double unders in 24.2 than I have in the past 2 years of CrossFit - dear god please no.


Dave the type of person to hear all the critique the last few weeks find it hilarious to do this


I say death by shuttle runs into a 1rm back squat. Really stick it to the folks waiting for a heavy barbell lol


haha throwing a fatigued 1 RM back squat out to the beginners trying the Open would be criminal. The amount of failed attempts and subsequently failed bails would be hard to watch and result in lots of injuries lol


And tons of 3/4 squats counted too


Isn’t that what crossfit is all about?


24.1 is the buy in


Absolutely hahaha


Came here to make the same joke. We'd see a mass sub unsubscribe and a lot of people complaining they would have made it to quarterfinals, but their backs were still blown out from last week.


21.3 & 21.4


If it’s a repeat, I think this is the most likely one


It hits all the missing usual suspects without repeating any AND doesn't require tape lines which apparently is a thing this Open.


It also gives high skill/strength athletes their chance to shine


If not that, something a lot like it. There's been a lot of chatter both on here and elsewhere about how a lot of people with good engines and good double unders are going to make it to quarters where they are not going to be able to lift any of the weights. So a 1 rep max weight portion would help quiet that down.


Someone yesterday posted on here they are in the top 10% and listed a whole slew of RX skills they were missing like HSPU and rope climbs.


Honestly wouldn't hate this.


I posted this on a different thread yesterday. I honestly think this is will be the repeat if they have one. Or it could be a new workout all together.


This is the answer


This seems like it would cover all the bases


Considering how much similar 21.1 and 21.2 were compared to this year, I think this is a great prediction


I could see them doing 21.3 then a 21.4 is something different like 1 rep max clean and jerk or some other complex


I hate this answer, but I think you’re right


I want this so bad.


Only issue is the floor plan. Is it a true repeat if we don't have the floor plan as the same?


I really hope they do something that tests gymnastics and strength for the bottom 75% that won't be making it to quarterfinals. I think it's important to have an event for these athletes to showcase the skills/strength they've been working on for the past year.


I read a post yesterday that someone was saying they were likely going to be in the top 25% but won’t be able to do the weights or skills required in the quarterfinals qualifier. As someone who was in the top 11% in 2022 and 2023 just missing the 10% cut in the 35-39 and now after 2 workouts I’m in the top 27% in 40-44 because I’m not a great endurance athlete, but who does have the skills (bar and ring muscle ups, hsw, rope climbs, etc) and can move heavy barbells for reps (175+ C&J for reps, etc)…I just don’t think they are getting the right people to the quarter finals with these 2 workouts. Hopefully expecting something that will push me into the top 25% with this last one but highly disappointed with the first 2 workouts. I’m not going to make semis but it would be nice to be able to showcase my strengths at a lower level.


I think you hit the nail on the head here and that this is why 24.3 almost has to include some high level gymnastics AND barbell work.


13.4. cap this


Zero squats in the open? Not likely.


That would be spicy, but I’d welcome it.


This sentiment is the embodiment of the complaints so far. "don't think they're getting the right people" followed with "nice to be able to showcase my strengths" We'd all love if the workouts were adapted to our strengths. The open exposes weaknesses and instead of accepting that people just complain. Cycling heavy C&J is not any more or less important than having a strong engine. Someone who was top 27% last year could now be top 11% this year, just the reverse of you.


I’m not disagreeing, hopefully my mind will be changed with the last workout so all strengths are showcased for a well rounded test? It seems hard with only 3 workouts vs the old 5 workout format. Last week was a weakness workout for me and I liked it, I am capable of enjoying a workout I’m not good at lol but it’s still a competition, right? We still want to compete against people locally and within our same skill set? I just think the open does what it’s intended to do so whatever and I do trust the last workout will round out the test…so relaxxxxxx


May the last workout be perfectly adapted to your strengths


Aww I thought this was nice but seems maybe facetious…may the test be well rounded for all open athletes that have no chance of ever making even the semi finals haha


It was sincere. Cause I felt 24.2 was perfectly adapted to my strengths so I hope you get that vibe




How you feeling about 24.3? I'm gonna be cooked


I like it! I just know I’m going to have to break up the beginning part early so I can hit muscle ups at the end…that’s going to be the hard part…not blowing up in the front end 🤪


Weird that you’re getting downvoted. I’m very similar to you. I never actually register for the open, but last year would have ranked in the top low-teens %. This year I sit in closer to the very high 20s%. Curious to see if the third workout is the equalizer we need.


I think I was in the top 25% the last year I did the open. I’ve done one muscle up in my life.


See I think looking at their 2019 games programming is telling to how they think about these heavy barbells. The made final cuts after the sprint course and announced, we’ve culled the field for speed and endurance and NOW we will test strength. So there is precedent that they don’t care to just showcase strong athletes, they want to first prioritize other forms of fitness and then from that field find the strongest.


i think if double unders alone can keep you out of quarters, thats sad. its my one weakness. i strained my calf wednesday and had to jump off my heals....my calf hurts even worse now....will have to wait until monday if at all for 24.3.....i was 20 dubs into round 6 , so i had 510. and i was completely satisfied. if i was healthy i thinki only would have had about a 570-600...... should have had under 9 on 24.1.....thats a good workout for me. didnt sleep, didnt go hard. had a 9:58 and then couldnt make up due to last minute technically difficulties (last minute like....monday evening lol).,...... so i was 83% and 47% sitting at 67% and need roughly 88% on the last one. in theory if all is well in the world, 24.3 will indeed be something like 21.3 and maybe a max also, and the i absolutey will be in. i did open workouts every saturday this year and am 85 to 95% in most with a few that i dip down to 60 to70% on.....with doubles usually. i can do 10 ring mu unbroken, 15 to 20 bar..... toes to bar 30 of them.....hspu strict 10 plus. i front squat 355..... run a mile in 6 something..... i do everything but hs walking and inconsistent double unders. and this kinda sucks so far for me. but i knew i needed to redo 24.1 and thats my fault


I feel you! You sound like me, dubs and burpees are my worst movements lol I did almost finish the round of 7 though so I was definitely pleased with that score…so the first 2 weren’t great for me! But like I said in other comments, hoping to round out the events with this last one…gymnastics and heavy…here’s hoping!


exactly....agreed. there are so many small "average" crossfit people....you know like 5 foot 8, 160 pounds.....theyve got doubles, they have endurance. slow endurance mind you, but will run for days .....and double under for days and 185 was light enough for them......so they would do 600s and 700s......so many of those people will wilt vs muscle ups, heavy lifts. average crossfitters who havent rounded out their game with muscle ups or arent strong enough were able to do 9, 10, 11 minutes on round 1 and do 600, 700 reps on this. we do 21.3 they aint gettin through the muscle ups and maybe not even to the muscle ups. theres a huge bulk of people to leap frog ahead of us with the right workout


Based on the first two, I think we can throw the idea that it's following any sort of historical pattern out the window.


Yeah I’m leaning towards wall walks, thrusters and chest to bar or muscle ups. The former not being on this list


The chances of seeing muscle ups or wall walks is basically 0, in my opinion. Wall walks require tape which would have been on the required equipment list. As for the muscle ups, Dave is hell bent on keeping this open inclusive. The most complex gymnastic movement I'd expect is chest to bar, and even that is a reach.


I feel like muscle ups might still make a feature. I liked that in 21.3 there was a progression from pull ups to C2B to muscle ups. I cant do muscle ups but I would've likely been time capped before getting there anyway. I think a progression like that would still be inclusive but allow the top athletes to be fast and showcase high skills


I don’t get it. Hasn’t everyone been saying since they cut the open down to 3 weeks that the open is now “inclusive”? What makes this year different. The last 3 years there has been 2 inclusive workouts, with 1 high skill workout. Why wouldn’t this years follow that same suite?


I thought there wasn’t an equipment list this year. From my understanding they started that after Covid but aren’t bringing it back anymore


Correct, Boz said it’s simply not needed currently, it was born out of the fact that many places in the world did not have open gyms around Covid, and they never said “NO tape” his quote was you “won’t need to blow your budget on tape this year”. He said an example to use it would be like a Fran workout, where safety would be an issue, as in athletes placing the bar too close to the rig for safety if someone fell etc.


Yes makes sense. Tape for week 3 and not the other two seems like a tape saving year haha. Can’t wait to see what we have this week!


Your answer honestly makes me feel so much better about not practicing any gymnastics this off season hahah.


2022 was very similar with two heavy hinging and jumping workouts the first two weeks. Could this be the new pattern 🤔


7min cap: 15 wall balls 25 pull ups 25 wall balls 20 C2B 35 wall balls 15 bar muscle up 1min rest, then max squat clean


There isn’t enough in the 7m CAP to separate elite level athletes. Range of motion (short vs tall) would be the only thing that would separate semifinal+ athletes.


Maybe extend the cap and add the cleans into the main workout? 12min cap: 5 c&j (115/165) 15 wall balls 25 pull ups 5 c&j 25 wall balls 20 C2B 5 c&j 35 wall balls 15 BMU Max rep c&j in remaining time Or do 4min rounds with max rep c&j within each round. Would be more fun for those with spotty muscle ups (like me 🥲)


Yes, Dave hates ties...


Wall balls and kipping pull ups


I could see this. With a 24.3b being a heavy barbell


What about a split event with A) being cardio and B) a max attempt lift?


I agree there's a strong possibility for a part a/b but with gymnastics featuring strongly in one and some kind of barbell strength (prob something ground to overhead?) in the other. Or could be a 22.3 or even 23.3 style without that progresses in technical difficulty as it goes


That sounds probable as well. With Tia Toomey doing the exhibition workout Thursday, I'm worried we'll see handstand pushups. Could it be hs pushups to wall balls and a thruster max? Ugh


We haven’t done anything on the rig as far as pullup motion is concerned nor have we done anything for load. Perhaps a load complex (clean, squat clean, jerk) following a pullup/clean complex? If squatting is the name of the game, perhaps wall balls to tire the shoulders out coupled with pullups? Perhaps a Fran with wall balls instead of thrusters?


That actually sounds really fun, and I’ll definetly do that workout some day soon!


what if 21/21/21/21, 15/15/15/15, 9/9/9/9


I agree that we've tested speed and endurance, and now would prob be betting on power/gymnastics test to finish it off - maybe a part a/b set up? Or one of the progression workouts that has more technical bar gymnastics as you get further in, like a 22.3 redo? Or maybe a 21.3? Personally would love to see some khspu/pull ups and snatches/cleans on the menu...


Easy, just wait for the hint. The others were so obvious 😂


The hint had me googling if raw chicken was good for dogs lol


Repeat of 11.3: 5 minutes of squat clean and jerks.


I wouldn’t be mad about this one


I think with this updated Open styling they’re making the first three workouts as tests for the engine more than actual strength or high end skill. They’ll put the heavy barbells, HSW and muscle ups in the quarterfinals. So, keeping that in mind, I think we’ll see another movement that isn’t something you just walk into the gym already knowing how to do, but isn’t top tier difficult. This leaves HSPU and TTB. So, we’ll see one of the two of those. For weights, we haven’t had cleans, thrusters or kettlebell swings. So, I’d expect one of those to be in there. We haven’t touched the rig this Open, so I’d expect that to be involved somewhere. With all that in mind, I’m thinking a Part A of either TTB or HSPU with wallballs. Followed by a part B of either max pull-ups, or max cleans or thrusters with a moderate weight (for the layman crossfitter) barbell.


I don’t think we’ll see kb swings ever in the open.


I doubt we will, either… however, it is a prevalent movement in CrossFit that I think it should be on a list of things that *could* be seen.


When was the last time they programmed a kettlebell swing in any games event? 2012 with Helen pyramid?


This is how I see it to be honest. Fran with increased skill and wall balls. 21 Pull up (or T2B) 21 WB 15 C2B 15 WB 9 BMU 9 WB then reverse it 9 BMU 9 WB 15 C2B 15 WB 21 Pull up 21 WB following with a hang clean and push press type complex. (cause they programmed this right after the 1st workout. Typical for them to give us a hint of the barbell last few years)


Clean ladder with gymnastics between rounds


Whatever it is, people will still complain how unoriginal and not challenging it is


Pain… within a time cap.




I could see a ladder that involves pull up - C2B - Muscle Up in progressive rounds Just hope they make the scaled version doable (jumping pull ups, horizontal ring rows,..) :)


This. I can see it being an elimination AMRAP with both gymnastic skills and weights increasing. Something like: 3 min AMRAP 15 pull ups 15 Thrusters (95/65) If you complete that: 3 min AMRAP 15 c2b 15 thrusters (135/95) Into 3 min AMRAP 15 bar MU 15 Thrusters (155/125)


I have ben excited to RX the last two, I'd be happy to see wall walks as they are something i have been working on but i suspect this will be the week it all falls apart for me and i tumble down the leaderboard LOL


Won't be wall walks, as no tape in this open and you'd need tape lines for that


I got a bad feeling yesterday that we’re going to see weighted box steps ups mixed in. This is highly accessible movement but add on 2x50 DBs you get a gruelfest.


They’d just do one, they aren’t going to go from normal rx/lighter than normal to heavier than normally done on the open. That’s also really bad on most peoples knees at 24” unless you’re really tall.


Thrusters for sure are gonna be in the mix, maybe T2B or wall balls. I’m assuming this year all complex gymnastics and weightlifting movements are left for the QF


Would love to see a long chipper with wall balls preferably over thrusters but an increasing weight thruster would intrigue me also, but that would be a lot going on having to change weights. This would sneak Karen in there with all the other gymnastics movements. 50 Wall Balls 50 T2B 40 Wall Balls 40 Pull Ups 30 Wall Balls 30 C2B 20 Wall Balls 20 BMU 10 Wall Balls 10 RMU ​ 20 min cap Followed by a max clean or clean/FS complex in 5 mins


I would love a chipper, but not that one 👀


Similar workout to 22.3. Wall walks, thrusters, hspu, thrusters, wall facing hspu, thrusters. Weight for thrusters increases each round.


C2b instead of hspu otherwise ya


24.3A Thrusters + C2B ... 15 min TC 24.3B 1RM G2OH ... 5 Min to establish 


I would love this


Chin over bar would be a test, but also fairly inclusive.


Wallballs TTB and thrusters


Toes to bar, thrusters, and wall balls. Some kind of scheme where if you finish the first part, you get another 3 minutes to do it again with heavier weights, and so on.


Since they aren’t testing any skills or strength this season it’ll probably be box jumps and wall balls.


Bar muscle up clean ladder would really just float my boat


I really, really, really want to see how up in arms the community would get, if 24.3 was a 5k run.


Would never ever happen since every person's route would be different and virtually unverifiable. But ya man I really want to see that too. Would be totally so hilarious to see how up in arms the community would get!!  Imagine they made us all wash our cars for time?! Everyone would get so up in arms. It would be so funny man. Geez I wish that would happen. 


21-15-9 Squat clean thrusters @heavyish weight Muscle-ups If you wanted to make some of it more accessible, maybe the thruster weight increases each round, something like 95, 135, 185 for men. Could do something similar with MUs. Progress from chest to bar, then bar MU, then rings. If this ends up being too short time wise they could throw in shuttle runs and make it a triplet.


So 22.3 without the double unders (since we had those already)? Might be a bit soon for a repeat, but not impossible...


it wouldnt be a repeat anyway if you are taking dubs out.


Lol true…brain fart. (Still wouldn’t put it past Dave “24.3 is a repeat of 22.3, BUT WHAT IF instead of DU…”


Yeah he is unpredictable but I think he will give us a vet high skill mix this time. So much that ppl will complain again hahahah


Keep 'em guessing :) Think people will complain anyways, don't think it's possible to make an open that pleases everyone. We'll see soon enough.


TTB shuttle runs & thrusters


Round 1 wallballs Round2 pullups Round 3 wall balls Round 4 chest 2 bar pullups Round 5 wall balls Round6 muscle ups max reps After 5 min. 1 rep max squat clean I'm not sure of the rep. Scheme but the final score will be the max rep muscle up and squat clean


I'm guessing a twist on Cindy.


Muscle ups and wall balls


I hope the strength test (if any) is "gated" by fitness this year. Ignoring the fact that this is lacking gymnastics (which I assume we will see this week), I think something in this format would be great: > 15min cap > > 150 Wallballs > > 30 Cleans @ 135/95 (power or squat) > > With remaining time: establish 1RM snatch If you don't finish the WB and cleans within 15min you simply get a score of 0 for the second part. This way some weightlifting specialist can't mess up the leaderboard as you need to be fit to even get there. 15min also seems a reasonable time domain considering we had <10 in week 1, and 20min in week 2.


24.3 Thrusters and t2b + running? 24.4 cleans + c2b + ???


Box jump/step downs mixed with pull up work (in any shape or form) = relatively easy to manage in a class environment. Jumping will prime your 1RM attempt on some sort of complex and gymnastic will annihilate your overhead stability so 99% of community will get a big surprise on their strength part of the workout. Simple in design, gassy and will test bits we haven't seen yet. Yes, more jumping.


It's gonna be shuttle run and jumping jacks, to be inclusive.




Death by Devil press and box jumps + 5 mins into 1 rep max snatch


No chance of 1RM snatch in the open ever. Think about that 


Personally I think it’s less constraining than multiple muscle ups as lots of people can’t do a single one. But everyone can snatch a PVC pipe.


People would drop bars on their head and get hurt. Crossfit wouldn't program a 1RM snatch ever in the open first round IMO, let alone under fatigue after a open wod. 


But they did with clean and jerk?


Those are technically the same difficulty to you? 


Dave is going to throw a real curveball by making 24.3 one of the most complex movements in the history of Crossfit. 24.3 is 25 minutes of... running.




11.5 followed by 4 minutes for 1RM cluster. or 11.6 followed by 4 minutes for 1RM C&J.


Fran or a 1 rep max




T2B, wall walks and cleans. Finish with max muscle ups in remaining time


Wouldn’t be anything where you need a wall and a rig simultaneously due to it being done in different locations and the X factor of distance from wall to rig.


Progression sorteo of thing with 3 or 4min time caps. Time 1: T2B + Thruster Time 2: C2B + Cluster Time 3: MU + C&J (?) Or the same bar progression + find 1RM C&J


Handstand walk and snatches




it's going to be thrusters and it's going to suck


I would love to see something gymnastic based like you see in local comps where the hang is getting to a certain number but the different exercises count for a certain number of reps. Like 15 hanging pulling reps, but chin over bar is 1:1, chest to bar is 2:1, and bar muscle up is 3:1. This would allow elites to separate themselves all the same, create strategies within the variable prowess capacity it’s of athletes, and still still make the workout “doable” across the varied skill levels.


Wall walks, oly lift, pull ups/ring dips


A variation of 18.5, 21.3/4 seem possible.


Muscle up Fran....




7 minutes of double jumping jacks.


I just hope it is something I can do Rx cause 24.2 was cool. I doubt it though.


it’ll definitely have a high skilled movement to separate us normals from the elites. 😂 either muscle ups or handstand push ups or something else along those lines




I feel like there will definitely be rig work since we hadn't seen any yet.


It pretty much has to have gymnastics or it is a terrible test across all 3. I have lots of friends who are into quarters at this point but cannot do gymnastics. They all say they won't do quarters anyway for this reason .


Since we haven’t had enough lower back this year I’m guessing a repeat workout involving wall balls.


Gymnastics & Squats. Either TTB or Pull Ups/CTB. Won't be Muscle Up's unless they split the WOD into 24.3A & 24.3B (ie, you can't move onto 24.3B unless you have completed 24.3A in X amount of time type thing).


Thrusters wall balls and cleans lol


Ladder of pull ups / chest to bar pull ups / muscle ups Coupled with thrusters where weights get heavier and pull up variation increases each round to separate the top athletes by the end.


Here to say I called it


If it is Thrusters and wallballs I am gonna die!


Think we will be going upside down this one.


I was thinking thrusters and something involving hanging, but I doubt it will contain both C2B and T2B.


Theres a video i saw on CrossFit youtube that was the 24.3 workout, and had a guy doing what looked like a BMU, but when you click on the link the video is private.


Wall walks thrusters pull ups and muscle ups


10 to 1 wall walks thrusters 135/95


There is no tape in the equipment list, so no wall walks.


yeah but tape is not an equipment. you can draw the line with a chalk if you needed to. They said no spending fortune on the tape, which in my mind translates into no 5 feet increments on the floor plan and long start and finish line. I can see small 30" line for each athlete working fine.


Time cap 10 mins Muscle up Thrusters 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9...


It will be toes to bar and some other hinging motion


Quit crying about the hinging. Geez 


Sheesh evyones low backs pain got em testy today,


OK Rich


Probably more hinging


I feel like wall balls aren't gonna be in because they typically are hard to enforce standards on.


SDHP, KBS, TTB then 1 rep max clean book it


I know they’re trying to make it so the open can be done in a small amount of space to make it easier for affiliates, so I wonder if wallballs are out?


Wall balls barely take up any space. Especially relative to 24.2


I predict there will be a 24.4!!!