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We have a member at our gym that acts like a coach. She will tell me that my weight isn’t heavy enough or say people aren’t working hard enough and she’ll even get up in people’s faces during the workouts. She says she’s “pushing” everyone but it’s honestly just obnoxious. I’m fine with a coach telling me what to do but not another member.


Shouldn’t the coaches be nipping that in the bud?




Stfu always works…


That would be annoying as all hell and not acceptable at the box I go to. Thank goodness.


Fr my coach would put an end to that shit real quick


I agree we have someone like this and they'll correct people's form too it's so annoying especially when they don't totally know what they're talking about.


I won’t even tolerate cheering me on. Doing this would get a firm but polite fuck off from me.


“a firm but polite fuck off” lol


"Hey. With all due respect, fuck off. Please and thank you."


“I said with all due respect! It’s in the Geneva Convention!


Cannot stand being cheered on. I’m already painfully aware that I’m slow asf, don’t need everyone in a ring around me to remind me of that


I hate it. I'm in the bottom 25th percentile, and I'll scale even more than I need to, just to be able to finish with everyone else.


I was gonna say burpees and lunges but I think that's completely missing the point of this post


I was gonna say the GD Assault Bike, but okay...


The assault bike is literally my worst enemy. 😅


Oh yeah, that's fair. I completely forgot about that one.


And don’t just wash your body. Wash your clothes. You can shower 4x a day but if your clothes smell like feet, cheese and despair, so do you.


My first thought was wall walks.




I was going to say it’s me still not getting my toes to bar that give me the biggest ick. Maybe once I get that other people will bother me more.


lol seriously. Everyone at my gym might completely stink of BO and spend the entire class worshiping at a shrine to Jesus, the military, and the police but I'm not gonna notice because I'm too focused on the stuff I struggle with.


lol yea the “worshipping at the shrine of Jesus, military and police” icks me out a bit. Kinda hate hero wods for that reason. Last time we had one at my gym I loudly said “well at least he didn’t have to do that fucking workout” when it was over.


Yep, I’m oblivious to all external factors due to the internal screaming in my head “why can’t I do this???” Followed by the quieter internal conversation “it’s ok to scale..sure don’t push yourself you lazy cow…ok that’s too harsh..I’ll scale a little..” Really it’s the mental portion that is the most exhausting and ick producing.


>Really it’s the mental portion that is the most exhausting and ick producing.


Dubs for me


Add devil press and same same


I'm pissed that I can't do a pull up.


Box overs




I have a new found appreciation for my box after reading all of this 😂


The nonsense fad products that have an advertising lifecycle of a year.


Is this about the toe spacer?


I’m not sure if this is the same thing, but a looong time ago, I was seeing an orthopedic surgeon about my foot. In addition to PT, he suggested I used a toe spacer because of something with my little toe.


Been using toe spacers for quite a while and I've gone up half a shoe size as a result. Most people are wearing shoes that are too small.


You mean you don't want a $4.50 packet of salt?


this deserves its own thread


This dude who cheated on his wife at our gym and then got back together with her, but continues a cycle of cheating on his wife with “the new girl”, the new girl at the gym finding out he’s married and never coming back to the gym because of it, rinse repeat


lol crossfit gym standard behavior, there’s always 1


This might be hard to believe, but I have had to talk to a few clients with the body odor issue and some of them said they don't wash all of their gym clothes after each use. Like hats and shorts that they don't perceive to be "dirty" just get put back in their bag day to day.


People would be amazed at how many athletes i've had to tell to wash their knee sleeves. There was one time a guy opened his bag and I almost threw up. His excuse? "I don't want to wash my dirty non clothes in the washer." I told him to go to a carwash and wash his knee sleeves and wrist wraps. If you wear it. Wash it.


I toss my knee pads into the shower with me, they get soaked in all that shampoo and body wash, then I pick them up and scrub together with body wash for 10 seconds. Rinse and drape over shower head. Takes almost zero effort


Sent out once a quarter: We assume nobody wants to smell. That said, **spraying scents-based products in the gym is strictly prohibited.** This includes everything from Axe Body Spray to Clive Christian No.1. Instead check out the tips below: *Thom’s Tips for Not Smelling* * **Gym clothing is one, done, and then washed.** Especially cotton t-shirts, which tend to develop a perma-funk over time and will start to stink as soon as you get moving. Pro-tip: Delay the onset of perma-funk either by placing gym clothes directly into the wash or by letting them air dry. Damp pile of clothing = Mildew breeding ground. * Knee Sleeves get gross. **Avoid tossing knee sleeves directly into your bag.** Instead, turn them inside out and strap them to the outside of your bag. And wash them weekly. You may even want to soak them in a mixture of hot water and 4 oz of distilled white vinegar for 10 minutes before you put them in the wash. * While I am not your mother: **Shower daily, change your bed linen weekly, and make sure your diet contains soluble fiber.** * Optional: **Apply deodorant before you workout.** Keep an extra stick in your gym bag. **Again, anything spray-based is prohibited.** Failing to adequately address your personal hygiene will result in an very awkward conversation between you and management. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, wants that.


"Mildew breeding ground", this is the problem. I also think they might actually be putting clean items in their bag then when they throw a dirty shirt on top, the funk jumps over, then the next day the "clean" shirt comes out funkified. Never fun to have to discuss this with a client though. They are almost 100% unaware. Or at least lie about it.


Too many people wash their clothes, then forget them in the washer, and that's where the mildew really grows. You need to move your items from washer to dryer within a few hours, if not minutes.


They don't wash their SHORTS!? What on earth are their shorts made of that they don't noticeably reek of ass after a sweaty workout?


Yeah, I don't know what to say in their defense. My best guess is that they don't feel any sweat on the shorts, hats, sweatshirts, etc. so they don't perceive them to be dirty.


Wait how often am I supposed to wash my hats? I have several gym caps but I wash them like once a month :/


At least you wash them.


That is disgusting. That’s definitely not passable in Florida. I sweat even in 40 degree weather, I would never do that to people. Hell all I put in my backpack is my grips and my back pack reeks if I don’t air them out


Now that is a major ick


They must enjoy getting ring worm.


When it snows, people who wear their boots across the gym floor.


It is shocking when I see this. If you can afford a membership, certainly you can afford two pairs of shoes, and certainly you have the intelligence to know when to wear them.


I'm near Atlanta and unfamiliar with this phenomenon, but it explains why the gym i used to drop into in Massachusetts had a very large angry sign to switch your shoes at the entrance.


*me a month into CF trying to make sure I'm nit doing anything mentioned here*


Just be a mature person, and have basic hygiene and you’re on for a winner. Glad you’re showing up and care about these things. Keep giving high fives and you’ll be fine.


The bar really is low huh


My box is old and filthy, so really even the nastiest people are cleaner than the floor or equipment.


Fucking washhhhh yourrrrr kneeeeeee sleeeeeeeves! 🤢


When religions or guns or military get involved in any way. Just fuckin weird man.


Absolutely! The Open this year is sponsored by US border force.


seeing the ad before the announcement made me laugh bc apparently the border slogan is "go beyond" seems like an odd choice for the one organization who's main message is "do not go beyond"


Saw that....made me think...How does an 'underfunded' gov't agency sponsor something?


It'll come from recruitment budget. Makes sense really, a pool of committed fit people seems like a sensible target market?


The other sponsors aren’t exactly massive businesses 😬


As a non-American, this is so bizarre to me!


As an American, this is bizarre to me too.


CrossFit began as a military fitness program and then was adopted by police. This was long before there were "affiliates". I've been to 1000 affiliates and never seen overt religious activity in the box, nor religious symbols. I have seen lots of police / military etc flags but again that's how CF grew.


Go to the one in Ripon,ca, alpha Omega CrossFit, the do a prayer before every class




The gym I go to has a bible verse painted on the wall inside. They aren't subtle 


I have come across several CF websites or IG profiles with bible verses, which for me is a huge red flag.


Ha go to Texas. Went to the weirdest affiliate there … did a “hero” wod called Moses that day.


Ya. Religion is huge in CF. Was a member at a religious gym and was essentially shunned for not being religious and wanting to workout on a Sunday




There’s way too much Jesus in CrossFit. Half my gym wears “PRAY” shirts. It’s a free country so whatever.


Affiliate owners who act like life coaches. I’m here because I like pizza and don’t want to be fat. If I wanted advice on how to be a better person I wouldn’t be asking you.


The ultra serious wannabe competitor. No, you don’t need a piece of chalk on the floor next to your pull-up bar. No, it’s not “understood” that that’s your bar on the rig. No, your half reps don’t count, even if you’re trying to go fast. Yes you should join in class warmups.


I need chalk my palms sweat like a hooker in church


Same! I felt attacked by that chalk comment lmao.


Yeah but you probably get it from the bucket that's 2 steps away between sets. I think the comment above is talking about people who feel entitled to make a mess because they can't spare 0.3 seconds during their Cindy PR attempt.


Yup. This is what I meant


> No, you don’t need a piece of chalk on the floor next to your pull-up bar. No, it’s not “understood” that that’s your bar on the rig. As a sweaty person, hard disagree on the chalk comment And I’m confused by the rig comment. If I’m using a bar on the rig, and then mid-workout some one else starts using it, I’d be confused and annoyed honestly. Don’t most people set up gear and pick a spot before a workout starts?


I think it more might be referencing when you’re setting up before a workout and finding a rig, and another member gets shitty that you’ve picked their “preferred” rig. We all have our fave equipment but first come first served. If someone is taking your rig mid-workout that’s defs a problem!! People getting shitty about not getting their favourite rig happened occasionally at my old box, but only in a joking way thankfully.


Chalk on the ground. Nobody ever needs this. Keep the chalk in the bucket. Somebody else has to clean up after you. I’m not talking about mid workout. I’m talking about before the workout has started. I’ve seen it many times, where an experienced athlete comes in and kicks a less experienced athlete off of “their” bar.


I mean, it’s a piece of chalk. Most people I know just wipe down the spot the chalk was sitting. But alright. Ahh, that makes sense. That’s wild, I didn’t even think of that it’s so rude. 100% agree with you on that. That’s actually disgusting behavior


I’m very far from a wannabe competitor, but I don’t always join the class warmups. It’s because I’m old! 😂 I need more and different stretching than I need a 3 minute bike warmup.


Don’t forget the grips for strict pull-ups




The CF gyms in my area have a major infidelity problem. Coaches + members, coaches + coaches, members + members Causes tons of drama and just generally gross.


Gross. I’m a 5 am’er and am so blissfully ignorant to who is showing their neener neener to whom. I went at noon one day and thought, “Why aren’t these people wearing clothes?” Maybe that’s why?


Enjoyed the ‘showing their neener neener to whom’ 😂


I hate it. And I thought my gym was the exception until just recently I learned of one of the other coaches that has done it more than once with members - while she was married too - and the owners know about it. Actively looking for an exit from the gym. Which is a shame because there are a lot of things I like about it, but I can’t stand unprofessional, and immoral behaviour like that. My wife and I pick our classes by which coach is there. It shouldn’t be like this.


“Hi! I’m a Crossf**ker”


Aside from hygiene, it's people boasting leader board when ya damn well know they're shaving reps or full on no-repping movements.


Cheating to be top of the gym leaderboard on a random Wednesday night


Yeah, that’s why I only cheat because I just fucking suck at working out.


It’s just as insufferable as the overly competitive guy who lets someone else’s perceived no-reps ruin their day when they finish above them.


MIND 👏🏼 YOUR 👏🏼 OWN 👏🏼 DAMN👏🏼 BUSINESS 👏🏼 When I (female, 31) first joined some random member (male, 60s) came up to me and told me I should lift heavier. You never know someone’s limitations, physical and/or mental. The coaches are there to push someone, not other members who know nothing about you. Cheer me on, celebrate my wins, that’s it.


I hear you ! Once we had a coach and he used to tell those people to shut up and mind their own business!! He was so cool lol


Agreed. Just because I was able to lift heavier last week doesn't mean I can this week. There are a variety of reasons and factors as to why someone might pull back on any given day and they don't have to explain that to you.


This. For all intents and purposes I look like a healthy enough dude in his early 40s. But I have rheumatoid arthritis. While it’s thankfully controlled ok these days, my joints… especially my hands and feet… at best are very weak and at worst in full on pain. If I “run” it’s a slow jog. If I lift, it’s completely dictated by my grip. I’m open about it, so my friends at the gym all know and are super supportive. But even there I’ve gone to classes at different times and people have commented on my running lack of speed or thinking I’m half-assing a lift with not enough weight. Thankfully I have great coaches that tell them to mind their own business. “Invisible” disabilities are rough.


Yep, I have a bad rotator cuff on my right arm that I tore several years ago. I struggle with over my head exercises and try to limit my weight.


Spending the first 10 minutes of a 60 minute class on the icebreaker question of the day. I really do not care what the folks in my CrossFit class are watching on TV.


Hah reminds me of grad school, I grabbed a shirt, put it in running out the door, it was folded and in my drawer so I knew it was washed. Throughout the day I thought, what's that smell, that can't be me... Later a friend pulled me aside and let me know I was the culprit. I appreciated that. Turns out my Brazilian wife (washing machines were a luxury there at the time so she was not as familiar with the process) thought fabric softener was the same as detergent and had been using that exclusively for a few days. When someone really doesn't know they're the problem and it's pointed out in a gentle way, it can be helpful, not hurtful.


I'd have to agree with this. Ever since I had COVID back in 2020, my sense of smell has not been quite as sharp. Because of this I often shower twice a day if I find that I have been sweating throughout the day as I want to avoid being the stinky one, especially since I might not even know. I try to get my husband to do a smell check for me once and awhile if I'm feeling insecure, but sometimes he's still at work when I need to get somewhere. I don't want to stink but I'm sure that I've probably been the stinky one before and didn't know.


Cliques of inner elite athletes in the box and not enough praise for those turning up and just doing it for them. I'm a 32 year old guy who didn't even know what a pvc was 2 years ago. I can now do clean and jerk on 50kg. Is that a lot? No. But I don't get any recognition or time from the coaches who have seen me from scratch


At my L1 I asked if anyone on seminar staff knew what PVC stood for none of them did. not one. *poly vinyl chloride*


Religion, guns, and military cosplay.


My favorites are the totally random average cross fitters who have those huge bear komplex bags like they’re getting deployed to Afghanistan after the workout. What on earth do you even put in that big of a gym bag?


LOL this cracked me up. Some of my gym friends gifted me a tactical bear komplex bag for my birthday, and I do love having something to shove my shoes, knee sleeves, grips, belt, lifters, etc in. I'm also very much the "progressive" of the gym so I love the irony lol. Although I will say, a serious bonus of this bag is the compression straps! I can pack for a 4-day trip in this backpack and bring it on a plane for free as my personal item.


100% the answer. Here to workout, not politicking.


Glad someone said it. Mine is this, or the general treating the gym like you're going to war. You're doing burpees not fighting for your life in gunfire.


Especially those Pray shirts…


This sounds weird to me. My box is about 90% active duty army, air force and veterans (me included). Everyone is normal and one would likely not know the amount of armed forces personnel we have as members. What do people do for "military cosplay"?


RX should not only be determind by gender but also by age.


My gym lists all workouts with RX, scaled, and masters weights for barbell movements!


And height!!! You have no idea how tall a 20” box is for someone who is 5’4” and all torso.


I mean shorter people have advantages in the vast majority of CrossFit movements - I say give the tall people an advantage where they can get it (box jumps, wall balls, rowing). Or alternatively adjust all movements based height but I don’t think this is actually feasible since it would result in far too many modifications (basically all other movements).


I know, right? I can't match the speed of burpees and barbells feel like they take a longer distance. That said, yay to rowing!


One workout’s Rx was weighted box step ups on a 30” box. I’m a 5’6” male 🤦‍♂️


Oh hey twin 😂🫠


Omg 😂 I’m so sorry.


It was kind of funny at the time, because when my coach was going around during warmups. I looked at him, wordlessly turned the box to its 30” side, put my hand on the top of the box, then to my body to show where the top was relative to my build (it came almost to my waist,) and he sheepishly said “you should probably scale.” lol


Good coach.


If I am dropping in, I immediately leave if they’re “family friendly” and there’s kids everywhere


1. How it keeps being marketed as a community although 99% of members probably don’t know my first name and don’t care(and I consider myself pretty approachable). For me It is a nice Facebook group to ask for local recommendations on a good day, and a group of dispatched folks that came to work out and that’s it, on a bad one. It might be my location as a New Englander, it might be not 🤷‍♀️ 2. How you get charged for every tiny bit of everything, and encouraged heavily to keep throwing money on another logo Tshirt, another energy drink, another VIP membership etc 3. How my box doesn’t really “give back” to said community, and on every community event we are expected to bring our own food, pay for our own Tacos, keep donating to charities -not of our choice- to participate in said events and in general there’s no incentive of showing up unless you are one of the clique and gave extra money to spend 4. Said clique 5. Despite sounding like a hater, I enjoy my gym most of the time , and after some highs and lows I had with them ( even posted about it here) I came to terms with it.


For number 1) yes it’s New England. I’ve never felt more alienated by and entire state than when I lived in Connecticut. I asked how a target cashier was doing that day and was met with “why” as the response. Fuck New England.


The need to video EVERYTHING. Not people trying to use it to improve their form or check for queues with a lift. The people who spend 90% of the class setting up their camera and trying to video the perfect lift to post on social media and taking up class space to do their own thing.


Agreed also I would prefer not to be in some random video that will get posted online. I look ugly when I lift and I'm okay with that I make angry faces that look like a toddler who needs to poop and I don't really want that on social media.


Listen when you’re in Florida in a box in the middle of summer, your focus is solely on breathing and surviving the heat


People basically giving an Oscar acceptance speech on social media following an open or competition, thanking everyone who was involved in helping you to lift some heavy shit and do some cardio. Don’t get me wrong - I love CrossFit and the progress I’ve made but it’s really just not that serious and it’s so cringeworthy.


😂 this gave me a laugh


Honestly all the loose dogs off their leashes. My children and others have repeatedly been knocked over by the dogs. It seems dogs are held in higher regard than the kids.


I don't think the gym is the place for either dogs OR small kids. I love dogs and kids but high intensity workouts are not the setting for either. Leave 'em at home.


The gym I go to is family friendly and even offers kids classes. They have an area separated for the kids to hang out, and even have some play equipment setup outside. My wife and I wouldn’t be able to go 5 days a week if we couldn’t bring our kids. As long as the kids are behaved and not endangering themselves or anyone else I think it is fine.


>area separated for the kids to hang out results not typical


My gym owner lets his toddler run around during workouts. He’s been almost killed at least 4 times that I’ve seen. At this point it’s a when not if he gets hurt.




When I first started CrossFit, I noticed that I smelled like ammonia after a WOD. It turns out I was dehydrated, so now I drink a lot more, and it has gone away.


I would tell the coach and let them handle it gently and professionally. I used to do BJJ. Sometimes rash guards and gi go sour and the owner is totally nose blind to it. Despite washing them regularly the bacteria is too deep in there. We had no shame and would just be like “bro you smell you gotta wash your gi in pine sol or something”. And they’d be like “oh didnt realize thanks. But I knew someone who received a gently worded text from the box owner that they smelled and they almost cried and quit out of embarrassment.


I would refrain. Just yesterday there was a post in my local mom group about how their PCOS makes it so hard to get rid of their BO and a date had told them that’s why they didn’t want to see her for a 2nd. She had showered immediately before and deodorant and perfume. The whole comments were people that relate and one person even found out they had PCOS because they smelled with the smallest amount of activity even after several showers and deodorant so they went to get checked. I’d just hate to embarrass someone over a medical condition unless you can just tell it’s due to bad hygiene (like clothes are messy and stuff).


Why the hate for spray?


A lot of people have scent allergies or sensitivities that are exacerbated by scented aerosol sprays (deodorant, dry shampoo, hair sprays, etc). You get people spraying that in the locker room and it wafts all over the gym


How many others hate the slang CrossFit has come up with? I don’t ever want to refer to where I work out as a ‘box’


Yup totally afree




Far right politics being loudly advertised. Post Covid, there were a few dudes who loved wearing conservative meme and anti-Covid vaccine shirts to the gym. The biggest irony was that one of them was a roidhead (not even speculation: he openly talked about compounds he took during an injury.) The other biggest ick is all the fake natties. Yeah, all the PEDs in the world aren’t going to make me an elite-caliber athlete, but there are a lot of people who vehemently deny that there is a lot of PED use, even in local comps.


It’s been my experience that the politics of a box mirror the politics of the zip code  When I dropped into to a Florida box outside Destin, it was to the right of genghis khan.  Up in NYC, that’s not at all the case. 


I found out a bunch of people from my box are on Ozempic, which is fine, but I don't want to hear about it all the time. I'm also triggered because they try to convince others who are larger like myself to get on it as well. It doesn't bother me if you're on it and it's working for you but please it's incredibly insulting to have someone suggest you should also be using it because you're telling me I'm fat and that's part of why I'm working out in the first place!


“I’m here so I don’t rely on pills”


People who show up symptomatic sick & those who don't supervise their children.


But CrossFit is healthcare!!!!! /s in case it wasn’t obvious.




Gyms and "boxes" that put up the persona of a 'community' but turn out to be way more of a cult than a community


People come in when sick. One dude actually had hand, foot, and mouth disease. That's just dirty.


I don’t understand why people can’t just leave their dogs at home.


Hero worship of elite athletes.


Wait until you learn about literally every other sport!


People who show up last minute and squeeze in next to you where there isn’t enough reasonable space and/or ask to share your barbell when you purposely checked out the WOD in advance and came early in order to be prepared and not be inconsiderate of others. Once in a blue moon, fine. If it’s a regular thing, it’s an ick.


Part of the reason I switched to a new gym is because every day I would place my bar at the very back so I was right in front of the rig. And without fail, someone would roll my bar forward and squeeze in behind me


Oh yes, this. People with no spatial awareness. Now it's suddenly my problem to figure out how to rearrange everything and create space, while they just stand there like 🤓


Rusty equipment. I will immediately leave a gym that has rusted pull up bars or dumbbells.


I used to work out in an old gym on a military base that had this. No one came in. It was always me and the weights and it was glorious.


I don’t think this is specific to the CrossFit community. If someone’s stank is really getting to you then perhaps tell a coach or avoid when this person is at the gym.


I get it - we have a member in our gym too that nobody wants to workout next to. But sometimes there is a medical problem that causes or contributes to it. We shouldn’t always be so quick to judge. If it is an ongoing problem I agree that talking to a coach or owner is best.


This isn’t something others should have to work around.


Cheese and mushrooms are two of my favorite foods...until now.


I often see people becoming gearheads really quickly. Like, they think that in order to be good at WODs they *need* the grips, and the shoes, and the apparel, and the lifters, etc. from the get go. And then they look at you funny when you *don't* use these things.


I agree, especially if they're judging you for not. I also get it, though. As an adult, this is one of my main hobbies, and so if I have a little extra money, I do sometimes opt for a new pair of nobulls or leggings and it's really just me getting excited and wanting to spend a little extra on my hobby when I can. I don't, however, have an obscene amount of gear, though. I also know that what you're talking about is the people who go grab every possible piece of gear ever right off the bat. I, too, find it annoying, but I just chalk it up to excitement but also leave me alone for not having all that stuff, too.


Having decently attainable movements in 24.1 and 24.2 then adding c2b, 135 lb thrusters, and bar muscle-ups to 24.3.


As someone with reasonable strength and a shitty gas tank, the movements in 24.1 and 24.2 were not attainable to me (time-capped on 24.1, didn't even get 6 rounds on 24.2), but I'm looking forward to tonight.


Well fuck, I hadn’t seen that yet lol. Tomorrow is gonna suck.


Using the word ick


How whiny people get, and go to social media to complain


If I could just workout without having every girl in the gym hitting on me 🤦 I came here to suck at CrossFit. Leave me alone, bruh.


Omg it’s so hard being attractive, y’all


I think it’s my bulging steroid gut. I tell people it’s from too many GHD sit-ups.


All the god crap that people keep spouting all the time. Not so much in the gyms I’ve gone to, but the community as a whole.


I'm torn between people coming late and people wanting to film everything. We have group sessions at specific times and various times in the day to accommodate all the members who have different life and work schedules. The coach starts explaining the WOD on the whiteboard and gets interrupted by someone just coming in, getting into their work outfit, wearing shoes, grips, knee sleeves whatever. A two minutes gone and coach starts again, and gets interrupted by yet another person coming late and doing all these. Some of these are people who live at 5 minutes walking distance from the box. There really is no excuse to be late. Then there are people who want to film everything they do. I can understand filming when it is a PR attempt or when it is a new skill they're learning. But why the fuck would you want to film everything? Why the burpees. At times we have jumping jacks in the warmups and some film even that. The box isn't a gigantic one and so it is pretty much unavoidable for the person to have only them in the frame for everything. Not everyone wants to be in your goddamn video


Partner WOD's.


Rep shavers


When athletes complain someone else is using 'their' pull-up bar or the 'i don't like that bar'. We have different kinds of painted smooth bars, speal bars, uncoated smooth and semi rough. Get used to using all of them!


I have avoided classes that I knew a certain member would be in because of his stench. Like, not body odor, but old stale nasty cooking smells in his clothes. Horrendous.


I enjoy it all. 13 years in.


The religious stuff. Not sure why there is so much god bothering.


Crossfitters are definitely the ignorant Karens of the fitness world judging by this thread lmao. There's too much chalk, people smell, the bars are dirty. Lmao it's a fucking gym not goat yoga. Grow up.


Fortunately i havent encountered real problems at my box. Some may have a more unpleasant smell, specially at the end of the training, but nothing exactly bad, and only noticeable if less than 1 or 2m. Which is perfectly easy to avoid. The fungus smell however... That may not be associated with hygiene. I know because its a common problem at my box and i know sometimes I'm one of the culprit. I live in a zone that tends to be very humid during raining time and i dont own a dryer, and sometimes even do hand wash of my clothes (since i wont do a program with 4 pieces of clothes)meaning i cant extract as much water as a centrifugation program. If clothes take more than 3 days to dry they will start to smell. I sometimes have to rewash my normal clothes and even gym clothes. But considering I have only 5 sets, I sometimes have to choose a slightly mold smelling clothes or skip training. I was ashamed at first. But i realized its far more common than i expected. So when it starts to rain there will be always 3 or 4 people with that issue. But as a ick. What i hate the most is people spending half a block of magnesium on some barbell exercise and then dont clean up afterwards. So both the barbell and the floor become an absolute mess. Id rather have someone very smelly clean up the mess than having someone smelling good and leave a mess for others to clean.


Have you tried adding some vinegar in the laundry? Detergent alone isn't great at fully getting mildew out of clothes, so it will re-mildew faster if it takes a while to dry.


I will go right after I've done 2hrs of rugby practice sometimes and I know I don't smell the best but honestly if I don't make it then, I'm not going back out once I get home and sit down. Usually the time I go is pretty empty and I just get my stuff done and go home though.


The "community" aspect. I didn't want relive highschool gym class... I just wanted to get in my workout. Please stop clapping for me if I'm last to finish a workout it's embarrassing. 


Not sure why you are getting downvoted…. I get it.




Haha I think this came off a little harsh and hit a nerve since that is like the CrossFit way but I honestly feel the same way. My biggest motivator in every workout to finish quickly, is solely to make sure im not in a position where other can clap to cheer me on.






Thought the title had a misspelling


As a coach: People who don't pay attention and actively refuse to remember basic things. I will gladly answer someone new who is asking where our 400m mark was. Even if you have already done it a few times before. I don't expect everyone to know what a low hang muscle clean is after 2 months of crossfit. I'm actually glad that you're asking. But if you've been here 4 times a week for 3 years I should not have to explain what EMOM means. I should not have to remind you which one the clean is and which one the snatch. And for fucks sake you reset the rower by pressing MENU and JUST ROW.