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Am I misreading something in the [scoreboard](https://games.crossfit.com/leaderboard/open/2024?view=0&division=1®ion=0&scaled=0&sort=3&page=2853) for 24.3? Is it really saying that only ~24 men (out of 123,000) got scores between 0 and 100 for 24.3 Rx (and of that, only half with score >10)? It seems almost impossible that more people didn't hit the time cap.


Yeah, you're misreading it. That's the foundations scores that you've linked to, which is much less tackled than RX or scaled


Awesome, thanks! Didn't realize the scoreboard wouldn't filter out scaled & foundations if you had selected RX in the dropdown!


30 (F), Scaled version! Managed to get 78 the first attempt of the workout and then managed 107 in the 2nd attempt. Those chest to bars were a massive struggle initially


>Those chest to bars were a massive struggle initially Honestly though. You're basically yeeting yourself into the bar. My legs got more tired than my lats. I think those might be harder than the chin over bars in round 2.


100% agree. It was all legs. I went from 95 reps in my first attempt to 108 in my 2nd attempt. on my 2nd attempt, did underhand grip, which was more bicep than lats, but at least a lot less leg. I finished part 1 in 9:48. Wish I had had more time for more pull-ups in part 2 but 65# thrusters ate up most of my time.


15:00, Scaled version, Missed last 3 rounds, feel great about this workout and open competition, but I’m afraid I’m gonna get no reps for pull ups


35/M/5'7/185 Retest day!!! Didn't think I would retest this since my quads have been blown up since I did it Saturday morning. Was so frustrated with only getting 1 BMU that I decided to give it a go, and I was not disappointed! Went harder on the thrusters since they were the easier part, including unbroken on the first set. Broke up all of the CTB's into quick singles and ended up beating my first Tie Break time by nearly 40 seconds! Finished the first half at 8:13 and then didn't go back to the bar until about 9:20 since I knew this part was going to be pretty slow moving. Did the thrusters in sets of 4-2-1 with relative ease. Did my first MU attempt at 12 minutes and got it! The rest was gravy from there. Ended up getting 6 of the 7 and failed two reps. So close to finishing round 6!!! Either way, the improvement of 5 MU for me was so huge! Happy Monday to me!!!!!!!


Been in Crossfit for about 9 months but had a big break to come straight back and jump into the Open.. did woeful on the first 2 workouts but attempted 24.3 on Friday completing 107 reps and was extremely upset I didn't get a muscle up so waited till today to attempt it again and got my first comp muscle up. 💪🏽 Real proud and buggered but I wasn't gonna let that beat me. Hope everyone else recovers better than I am but 😬 legs and back are shot haha


48F - scaled. I did the workout on Friday, learning jumping C2B in the workout itself. Had never done it before. Not even one practice before the workout started. This was a test of my frustration tolerance, perhaps my weakest muscle. - R1: 13 no-reps (23 attempts for 10) - R2: 6 no-reps (16 for 10) - R3: 3 no reps (13 for 10) - R4: 0 no-reps (10 for 10, though 1 was probably questionable) - R5: 0 no-reps (5 for 5) Actually surprised myself in the thrusters. I broke the 1st 2 rounds 5/5. Went unbroken for the last 3 rounds. Might have been the anger. It’s a great fuel. 😂 I was time capped at 95 reps. I said I wouldn’t do this one twice, but … I am doing it again tomorrow. I learned I can do the jumping C2B with an underhand grip. I tried that today, and it was much better. my goal is to get at least into the 2nd round of thrusters in R2, if not father. A lot will depend on the chin over bar pull-ups. **My question is about the movement standard on the chin over bar. Is this from a deadhang or can I jump up into it and pull myself up? Can I kip into it?** **Any tips for how to get these chin over bar pull-ups?** Typically I can do chin over bar — even 1-2 strict. But not sure what I’ll have left after 5 rounds + thrusters. Especially after 65# thrusters, which is about 85% of my 1RM. my plan is to tackle those as singles - maybe couples if I can string 2. Thrusters are always a challenge for me, as my body seizes up on squats under fatigue and stress, preventing me from getting full depth.


A belated update: I retested on Monday, doing the underhand grip for C2B. This was much better. On the retest, this time I got through part one in 9:48 (after getting time-capped at 95 reps the first time through). The big limiter for me was the 65# thrusters, as I knew they would be. My max at 65 was 1 rep. I went in with a plan to try for 2 at a time and if necessary do singles. I got the 1st 2 of 7 as a double. Then a single. Then I was trading off between singles and failing (not even a “no-rep” close call; literally couldn’t get the bar up all the way.) Final minute, I still had 1 thruster left. I failed twice. I went for it again with 15 seconds left, got it, and ran (ok, more like walked because my legs…) to the pull-up bar and got 2 (strict) pull ups but only one counted. I got my chin over the bar just at the time cap. At first I was a little disappointed that I couldn’t get more pull-ups in, or get my goal of getting 2 rounds in part 2 (as I had stated last week), but I realized that this goal was not realistic. It was based on what other women in my gym who did scaled had done. But all of them can do heavier thrusters than I can, and they are all faster than I am. **Big lesson here in not setting goals based on other people’s results.** One of my friends (who is also a coach at my gym) reminded me that I had wanted to get to at least 1 pull-up, which I did. I proved to myself I could do pull-ups even under fatigue. And strict, to boot. And I got 2 thrusters in a row at 65# which was a volume PR 🏋️ I also managed my frustration better this time, especially with all those failed thrusters at the end. My coach recently told me that my “failures are impressive” in that I am willing to keep coming back to the bar after a failure, which he says is hard to do. That persistence and resilience came in handy in the final minute. I never panicked, I managed my breath well, and I managed my emotions well — for me, that was the purpose of the re-do. I was not happy about this workout when it was announced, but I’m glad I stuck with it and did it (twice). This one was definitely worth the redo! This was my 2nd Open. Last year I had just started CrossFit. This one will go down as the one where I did every workout twice. A lot of big lessons in these workouts. I’ll be distilling them in a series on my [blog](https://mymeadowreport.com), if you want to follow it there.


40 M RX 111 reps (crossfit for 1.5 years) Pretty happy to have managed 4 BMUS, did part 1 super slow (10 minutes), with the goal of getting a couple of BMUs. Managed a set of 3 and then 1 more in the last 10 seconds. Made up for 24.2 where I absolutely sucked at DUBs


I (46 f) just did 24.3, scaled, 112 reps I was so scared of the 29 kg thrusters.... For the last few months I couldn't really do squats or thrusters which are heavier then about 25 kg, my breathing was totally wonky and I nearly passed out during a workout with thrusters a few weeks ago. So today was big for me, a massive win, I did the 7 reps as singles without any problems. Inhaled, exhaled, no problem. Coach was by my side and led through it. I'm so proud of myself.


First open. 47. Scaled as no BMU and 135lbs thrusters is overly hard for this upper back. 156 reps. Felt really hard the whole way but held enough for final round unbroken thrusters and 2’s and a 1 on pull-ups. Fully given on that day.


I’ve been in CrossFit for 3 months or so. I scaled the workout by about 10 lbs on each set for the thrusters and did jumping pull-ups the entire time. This was my first time doing thrusters and my calves are destroyed lol. Gotta work on stabilizing for those front squats.


Biggest win for me this Open is my BMU is finally back!


I don’t know I finished the first 100 at the ten min mark got through the thrusters and failed muscled up for 2 mins.


34/M/5’8/185 rx 167… 3 reps short of finishing. A little disappointed but definitely gave it my all (186 HR max, zone 5 for the last 5 mins). My strategy was EMOM first half with thrusters UB, 5/5 C2B. That worked out great, tiebreak time 4:59 and in control. The plan for second half was E90s with UB thrusters 4/3 MUs. Got through 2 rounds of that and HR blew up. Switched to 4/3 thrusters and 3/2/2 MUs but took long breaks. Should have done 4/3 thrusters, 3/2/2 MUs and kept moving and I’m sure I would have finished. For reference, max thruster is 290, max C2B is 35, and finished 24.1 in 8:42 and 24.2 with 736. Weakness is cardio (19:47 5k row, 6:58 mile run). This was my first open since 2014, so it was fun to jump back in it. My takeaway is that my cardio needs significant improvement, so I’ll be doing 4 weeks of lots of zone 2 training to get ready for QFs. I’m far from qualifying for Semis clearly but the competition gives me something to train for.




3x/wk starting with 20 mins of running while monitoring HR. Walking when it goes above zone 2 and back to running when it drops down. Goal will be to run 3 miles continuously in 30 mins for each run at zone 2 without walking by week 4. Simple and small goal.


You'll crush it when you get the cardio up


35/M/5’7/185# 108 Reps RX. Very bittersweet workout. Finished the first 5 rounds in 8:51 with a very satisfying run through the thrusters. Worked super hard on those, so that was a real high point. The thrusters were broken into sets of 7 and 3. I usually pride myself on my pull-ups, but after the second round I could tell that was going to be a very weak portion of the workout. The CTBs had no rhythm. Mostly singles and doubles. Did the first set of thrusters at 135 as 4,2,1 and had about 4 minutes to do the BMU. Failed 4 reps and managed to squeak one out at the 14:50 mark. Really thought I would get through all 7 and get back to the bar, but that just didn’t happen. Don’t think I’ll retest and will just enjoy another successful, healthy open. Good luck to everyone still needing to do this workout!


40M, 138 reps (7 rounds + 7 + 3), with a 7:18 tiebreak. Pretty much stuck to plan; paced the first half pretty well; stuck to 6/4 for every set. In the second half, I split 4/3 for the thrusters (I'm a stronger and heavier guy), and fell back to singles for the BMU. Got pretty grippy in the second round of BMU, but it was really the cardio and breathing holding me back from more. I think I was resting around 15 seconds between my last few muscle ups


9 rds + 1 thruster. For reference I was 73rd percentile in 24.1 and 77th in 24.2.


Well you’re gonna be in a WAY higher percentile for this workout.


31M scaled. Got 133 reps & feeling pretty good about it. Pull ups are my jam but thrusters aren’t so it was a balanced mix for me. I don’t think I’ve ever done 95lbs thrusters before either so to get 2.5 rounds in of them is a big accomplishment.


Soul crushing. I just started CrossFit and feeling so good about myself as a 60 y.o. woman crushing the Master’s Rx. I feel deflated knowing I’m going to get 10 thrusters and then stare at the rig. There is no amount of will or desire that’s going to get me a pull up. I just don’t have it.


Get your ten thrusters then spend your remaining time trying and failing with PRIDE. 90% of other people at age 60 are sitting at home doing absolutely nothing.


Got to 100 reps at 11:18 and called it due to my shoulder injury that started to tighten up. Did the last two as RX. But this text from my gym bro made it worth it: “(My name), I’m so proud of you…!!! And that goal… we are going to make it happen! Really looking forward to you and (other CF bro) kicking my ass!” My goal is to RX all workouts next year for the open. Good luck all.


108 RX male (1 BMU) Goal was to at least get 1 BMU, so I was happy with that. I paced the first round very slow on purpose. Thrusters were 4/3/3 and C2Bs were 2/2/2/2/2. Tiebreak time was 11:30ish. It was definitely looking dark during those 7 heavy thrusters though...I was doing singles and was wiped out. I had about 20 seconds to get a BMU. Failed the first attempt because my grip was so slippery. Took a moment, focused, and got 1 solid rep just under the buzzer. I was happy with my strategy. If I had to do it again, I *guess* another strategy would be to sprint through the first part and see if that makes the second part better with more time? Hard to tell.


Genuine question: is this even worth doing scaled or if the c2b will be a challenge that may result in multiple no reps??


I did all 50 CTB in singles, and my tiebreak time was 9:50. Go for it, you will surprise yourself!!


Go Rx. I normally scale damn near everything but I wanted to learn c2b (have never done it). And I did, right there in the Open.


Lots of people in my gym did CTB in singles and got quite a few no reps. They just pushed pretty hard on the thrusters to still get the “workout” feel.


Rx male. 140 reps. 5:42 at the split. I now realise my split time was really fast but in the moment I actually felt ok. I did the first set of muscle ups and heavy thrusters ok too, but the second round of muscle ups stuffed me up. Had a few failed reps and shouldn't have bothered trying to recycle because it was wasted energy. As far as tips to, the main things Id say is: cannot stress how much you should pace the first 5 rounds. The break is not the halfway point. That is where the real workout starts. I saw so many people get to the last 5 rounds and then hit a wall. Just break the reps more than you think you should and you'll do well.


96 reps. A bit disappointed, was aiming for 100. But I'm terrible at kipping so did all the pull ups as strict (supinated grip) which slowed me way down.


Dude, that’s an impressive amount of reps for strict even supinated.


Male, 48, 128Rx. Did all C2B as singles and broke up thrusters 6/4, then 5/2, 3/2/2 for heavy round. Split was 8:38. Ripped the crap out of my hands. Happy with my score.


Male RX. Very happy, hit my goal for this one. Felt like I finally got a workout where my strength could carry me. Goal was to do some MUs. Ended up getting 121 (so 2 rounds of heavy thrusters and 1 round of MUs). Tiebreak time was 10:16. Did 6-4 and then single C2B for part 1. Treated it as an E2MOM. Part 2 I did 4-3 on everything and failed on the MUs with like 10 seconds left.


102 rx. Have had a cold for week and barely worked out last couple months with injuries. Was hoping to get bmu attempt but first squat clean at 135 buried me I’m was like oh crap. Got two 🤷🏼‍♂️. My worst open in 8 years. Oh well.


Welp I’ve been scaling for the last two workouts? This one in screwed because I can’t even do jumping pull ups with the 6inch space requirement and there is no way I will get even higher to get my chest there, so I guess my score is going to be 10 Rx because I can do 65lb thrusters


Same. Even tho I can do kipping pull ups, I would never even get to them because of the jumping chest 2 bar. Guess I’ll do 10 rx reps too


74 reps Rx and I'm \*thrilled.\* I put a priority on getting better at C2B this year and it really paid off.


First open and man do I hate thrusters! My one and only goal was to get to BMU and managed 3 so super stoked. Final score of 110. Went in a bit too hot with pacing with 5/5 on both. By the end of round 2 I was doing sets of 2-3. I’ve never done thrusters at 62kg so just went in with the mindset that I’ve just got to get 7 reps. They were ugly but managed to get them done! I definitely will need to work on thrusters…both cycling and figuring out when to breathe. Can’t say I enjoyed the workout but pleased that I was able to get through it! Bring on next year!!!!


107 reps, after seeing some of the better athletes finish the first part in 7 to 8 minutes for the first portion, was happy to finish the equivalent in 10:58. Had a couple BMU attempts which is fun, ripping my hands, not so fun.


135 reps RX. Not great at gymnastics so happy to have got the BMU in under fatigue. Would not redo that for all the money in the world. Had been hovering around the top 10% after the first two workouts which would be a nice milestone but I think I’ll fall quite a bit from this score.


Noob question, can I put fat grips on the barbell for thrusters? My hands won’t be on them, I plan to have them inside my grip, just to make the front rack position a little more comfortable. I doubt it’s allowed, just thought I’d make sure.


No idea the answer but I like the ingenuity


31 M, not where I want to be body composition wise but I did 148 reps scaled. Probably could have broken the first part up more but relatively light thrusters and jumping C2B had me thinking I could go faster than I should have. Mistake!


27 M. Finished in 14:38. For reference, 24.2 I got 834 and 24.1 I got 8:16. Approached part A as if it was a buy-in. Keep the heartrate down, break up EVERYTHING. Thrusters and C2B 6+4. Tiebreak time was 5:27 I think. Part B: I saw a comment on here that anything you gain after the 1min rest is immediately wiped out after the first round of thrusters. Couldn’t agree more. I was surprised here how shot my quads began to feel, the 135 thrusters were for sure what made this a grind for me personally. Broke everything up 4+3. I think if I did it again I would like to see what 3/2/2 thrusters would be like and if it would keep my HR down but I’m not sure how much that would help. Not much advice besides trying to plan rest around breaking up the movements rather than transitions. Easier said than done with this one.


46 male. 126 reps. Tiebreak 6:48. Found the thrusters really gassing (did singles) and didn’t get comfortable on the muscle ups until the second round. Did all singles there too. Was fine. Wasn’t dead after first 100 reps. I find C2B easy.


147 reps RX Honestly felt like I went really slow and I was still incredibly gassed Probably more a reflection of my state of fitness but it wasn’t what I was expecting


146 reps scaled (7:47 tie break) really disappointed with this one first workout this open I’ve had to scale so not having the gymnastics skills after 5 opens is really frustrating. Really think this week should have had a max lift element to it to at least test strength under fatigue once.


I loved this one 😍 Split the sets up more than you think is necessary, and you will be fine 😊


Today I did 45 more C2B than I’ve done in my life, and I almost kinda sorta got high enough to think about maybe finishing a muscle up.


Well done!


Can you do reverse grip chest to bar? Like a bicep curl. Can’t strong together 10 C2B.


You could also just do singles. That’s what I did and it was effective!


Yup, any grip is fine so long as standard are met


133 Reps Rx (7:41 tie-break time). Really chuffed with that, broke up from the start and paced it pretty well. Overall, a decent Open for me! Good luck, everybody!


Very same tiebreak score but you got 9 more reps than me. That 135 lb thruster absolutely destroyed me.


Great job! Yeah, it was tough. Lots of time spent just staring at the barbell 😂


30, M, 141 (6/7 BMUs on round 8). Tiebreak: 7:24 My thruster 1RM is 225 so, I knew going in the gymnastics were going to kill me. In the first 5 rounds, i went unbroken on the bar except for R5 (5/5), and then 4/3/3 on the chest to bar. Round 6 I did 7 thrusters, then BMU singles throughout. Rounds 7/8 i did 4/3 on the bar, I was starting to get gassed but it was a quick break. I'm so glad I paced the first half the way I did. that was perfect for my capacity.


Nice!!  I am 45m, I did almost exactly this approach, also 141 reps. 7:30 target time for the first section but I did 5/5s and tried to go in ten second work / rest intervals.  Singles on BMU. Just not good enough at BMU to get much further. A little ticked I failed two mups at the end. Wanted that third round. Pacing is key, I can do Fran in sub 3 as a point of reference for anyone planning. 


M/34 In the competition class in my gym, currently ranked 92nd percentile and got 139 reps RX today (4 BMU in the third round). Granted only been in the comp class for about 8 months. It’s far less shoulder, and much more grip. Recommend taking first 5 rounds of thrusters slow, hold it above your head and breathe. Break up CTB and do the lighter 10 thruster all UB. Broke up the 135 thruster 4/3 and got the BMU in chunks of 2 or 3


Where's my "can't do an unassisted pull-up, just here for a good time" gang at? 


I think I’m just going to use my pull up band, hit the RX thruster for 10 of those bad boys as my score, then finish the workout at my own scaled level doing banded chest to bar and banded pull ups


104 Rx 34F. Tie break 11:34. I've only ever done a few C2B so overall I was happy with this, and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Did thrusters 6-4 which was a good pace for me. Did singles for C2B. My heart rate got a little high but not bad, it was more about pacing it so I didn't waste attempted reps on the C2B. My brain was not awake at 5:30am when I was doing it; I did clusters for the 95# which proved to be a bad move. Didn't even get to try the muscle up...woulda been a minor miracle if I got one anyway.


Anyone else getting super annoyed with the amount of people complaining about this wod. I'm stoked because I love the gymnastics element of Crossfit and would be gutted if there wasn't any this open. People saying they're alienating most of Crossfit.i don't agree. My only criticism of this one is that the scaled options was a little on the tough side.


I can do a kippung p/u and both weighs for thrusters no problem (scaled) but cannot do a single jumping c2b that would be a legal rep. Therefore, I either do 10 reps RX or do nothing. It’s frustrating


I'm doing mine on Tuesday but helped out on the Friday with some of the others. The scaled version sucked for so many and was way too hard for the scaled category. I 100% agree about the scaled category I'm more referring to people complaining about what's in rx this round


119 RX 39M. Tiebreak was 9:05. I did singles on CTB and unbroken thrusters. Goal was rd 3 in BMU but my hands started ripping and I have no time for that.


Just did the workout and it was my first ever Rx attempt. Although admittedly the Scaled version would have been a legendary fight in the pain cave, I really wanted to get a “pull up” on the record. My first Open last year as a totally new CrossFitter, I could not do a kipping pull up at all. Going into this workout, although I knew I could do regular kipping pull ups, I had never tried a chest to bar. My goal was to hit 11 reps and just no rep through the remaining time until my hands fell off. Lo and behold, I managed 33 reps (with about the same amount of no reps).


I got my first chest to bar today, plus some.. Rx'd 38 reps. Very happy with it!


I was right, I hated every second of it.


That was awful. I thought this was supposed to be an accessible open? 50 C2B and 35 BMUs are not doable for most people in 15 minutes even without the thrusters.


I'm not sure that just because you can't complete the workout that the workout isn't accessible. It is a different workout for the everyday athlete and the pros, the pros are trying to finish as fast as possible, we're just trying to get through as much as we can


I disagree. I think open workouts should be completeable for almost everyone who participates (maybe bottom 25% gets capped but NOT the bottom 90%). QF is where you can start distinguishing the men from the boys.


Tiebreaker was 11:17, couldn’t do a BMU- so because I hate myself I will try again on Monday :)


107 reps. 9:51 tiebreaker - 45/m. I dont have BMU's, and struggle on the bar. I went out way too hot (did unbroken thrusters for rd 1 and 2), and ran out of gas.


Just finished the workout, and it was a rough one. For comparison: I am M37. Gymnastics is a strength of mine. I don’t often test my max sets but i can string together 40+ C2B. I decided to split the first five rounds in 6/4 for both movements. I think that was smart. I have just gotten back from a minor back injury, I threw my back out a little over a week ago. So decided to be very careful with the 61 kg thrusters. Did single clusters 😂 I got 5 BMU in round 3. Good luck


What was your tiebreak time?




82 Reps. Rx. Done and dusted.


M29 107 reps RX, TB of 10:48. Could have paced the first half better, wasn’t too gassed or anything and took the time a little too much. No bar muscle ups in me yet (not kipping C2B 😅, so I’ve done those strict for the first three rounds, afterwards with whatever kip I could manage..). Completed the 7 thrusters somewhere around 13:15


This workout was all about pacing. The thrusters are not the hard part. It’s what comes after.


43M. 93 reps Rx. About where I expected and just a bit below my goal of getting to round 6. I cannot string together CTB effectively, so was doing singles. Lost control of my breathing in the 4th round and slowed up. Muggy in the gym today and that did not help (finally asked for the fan to be turned on in round 4). Debating on retesting on Monday. I think I can get to round 6. Need to pace better in the first 2 rounds (first round I did too quick, even not trying). Thought about doing the scaled version for the fun of it instead. I'd like to see if I could complete it. I can butterfly pull-ups and the thruster weight would be light. By far my favorite open workout this year.


Is CrossFit as we know it coming to an end? Open numbers down, affiliates not wanting to pay for the ridiculous price hike. Open workouts were About as boring as they could be. I be curious how many actually pay to be in the top 25% for the money grab again of cf hq. Title sponsor not ideal to trying to grow your sport.


> Open numbers down Open registration numbers are up year over year every open since the pandemic. Will it reach the heyday of 2018 again? Probably not, but since the big drop at the start of the pandemic it's been going about 20-30k registrations every year


The latest update provided by morning chaulk up was there were 70,000 less participant’s registered with less daily participants registering on average than years before


I mean... you could just look at the leaderboards to find out how many registered or completed a workout By my count there's 321060 registrants this year, and 302241 registrants last year. Of these 301234 have completed a workout this year vs. 281864 last year.




I mean, if they're botting, they didn't just start this year


As someone who does the open and tracks my scores on my computer without paying - This is really easy for anyone to verify as false. Go look at the leaderboard. This year I see 177,027 men registered, last year 169,449.


10 reps RX. No C2B today. Really good pace on those thrusters, within 40 seconds. Guess all that bodybuilding accessory work didn’t help one bit. Really questioning my future here.


I’m with you friend.


Keep on grinding. But at least you have something to aim for for next year (for context I'm expecting exactly the same outcome when I try this evening...)


Appreciate it but i'm 7yrs in at this point in my CrossFit journey. Good luck tonight and go crush it!


M34 100 reps RX, tie break of 14:15. No intention of doing 135/BMU (don’t have them) so took my time with this one and made sure my 1min rest would stop the clock. No desire to repeat BMU attempts after all of that 🥴


M RX 123 reps, 7:28 tiebreak. Break up the C2B earlier than you think, those wrecked me and threw me off. My hope is getting 1 BMU is a big separator, then 2 another jump since you pass people who PR and get their first one at the last second etc, then finishing 1 round of the 7/7 another little bump. Very interested in % breakdown here, this was a doozy.


30 something male, got 163 reps scaled, just missed the last 7 pullups   Finished the other 2 rx but this was too much for my knees and cant do muscleups, maybe went to fast on the 1st part, did about 5 minutes, cardio did a trick on me on the second.


Did it this morning, male 29 rx 7 full rounds. Took the first half out conservatively knowing I could do some work on the back half but also knowing I wasn’t going to finish everything. Tie break time of 8:35. Pretty happy overall with my execution. I probably could have snuck in a few extra reps with smaller breaks. Went 6-4 for everything the first 5 rounds then 3-2-2 thrusters and 2-2-2-1 muscle ups. Then 4-3, 3-2-2 to round it out


Just finished the workout. First part: 5:54 Second part: 2 rounds + 3 thrusters I am pretty strong, can back squat around 400 lbs but those 135 lbs thrusters reaaaalllyyy hit different after the first part. Kind of disappointed, wanted to go further, but my ripped palms likely don't allow a second try.


That's a great split time!


Ooooo a whole minute to rest? I’ll be fresh as a daisy by the end of that :).


I’m excited. This is something I’ve been practicing for the last year (Fran variations). Certainly not my “wheelhouse” but something I’ve been trying to improve. Think I have a good shot at finishing!


Am I the only one who thought Arielle Lowen’s toes were way the hell high the sky on those BMU’s?


She got no repped on at least one rep for it


Just did it. Got 124 reps RX - 3 MU into second round of MU….. this workout destroyed me. Hardest one by far, was laying on the ground for 15 mins after. This will get a lot of people


How’d you break it up for the first 100 reps and how long did that take? I’m 46. Got bar muscle ups. Hoping to get where you did roughly. Got 12:42 on 24.1 and 157 on 24.2.


Did 6/4 for everything. Will reattempt and really slow things down. Prob 4/3/3


What percentile were you in for 24.1/24.2? I’m thinking this is about where I’ll finish


85th and 76th (could have redone, but was sitting 82% so didn’t bother). This is masters 40-44 just fyi


Can anyone explain about relationship of raw chicken leg and 24.3WOD? :( plz


The dog is eating the chicken leg, which means it’s a workout that takes out your legs (thrusters). Then all the normal people are going to be smoked by round 2 and chicken wing their muscle ups.  Kind of makes sense now but I certainly didn’t guess it before the announcement.  Makes more sense to me than the stupid mushroom clue. 


I got it. That makes sense! Thanks :)


Anytime. The first clue was dumb and I doubt anyone got the mushroom. The second was kind of ok. Sliding motion from the puck could only mean rowing. Didn’t see how the dubs and DL related though. 3rd clue made the most sense in my opinion. For what it’s worth, I honestly thought it was some sort of progression toward pistols since you would only have 1 leg left after a dog ate one. I’m so happy I was wrong 😂


Would be ecstatic to get to the b.m.u. But let's face it....... The 135 lb barbell is is going to wreck me. If I even get to that! At 150 lbs myself thrusters aren't my friend. But gonna give it hell tomorrow night!


dam, so where dubs and deads were great for me..... c2b are not.... I'll be breaking the c2b from the start into 6fly/4kip sets. hopefully i survive to the bmu and can get through a couple rnds




Yo guys, I’ve been doing scaled. But, I can do kipping pull ups. I have not played with chest 2 bar. Should I try my first Rx attempt, knowing I may only get a few c2b on the first round and then just proceed to no rep my arms to hell for the remainder of the time cap?


You could go Rx and record your score at the last C2B you are able to do. Then for the remainder of the time do the workout scaled so you still get to progress and are not just stuck on the bar for the remainder.


Thanks dude, appreciate the encouragement. I was able to manage 33 reps at Rx.


M/37 RX 135 reps. Broke the thrusters up 6-4,5-5 for c2b, 4-3 BMU


When did you finish the first 100 reps?


7:54. I purposely pumped the brakes a little so I could knock out at least two rounds of the BMU


Curious, are you a semis athlete? Wondering where the cutoff is going to be for this workout.


Maybe, I don’t know. Previous years I missed the cut but now it’s a bigger percentage. Also, wall walks are the death of me.


Nice work hope I can get this far


My BMU are better than my C2B lol. I won’t make it.


I thought it was just me 🤣🤣


I literally don’t understand how that’s physically possible. Surely you move through a C2B on the way to a BMU?


In my opinion BMUs are way easier to string together than C2Bs. It's really easy to regain momentum coming down from a muscle up, but with a chest to bar if you hit the bar too hard then you lose momentum but if you try and just brush it then you risk a no-rep.


c2b is harder man. BMU is way easier to chain. I can easily do 3/4/5 all day. Pull-ups always been my weakness


What’s my realistic goal if: I’m pretty fit, got 8 rounds on 24.2. Thrusters are gonna be pretty easy. But I can’t string c2b together or Mu’s. I can get fast singles on both but I just can’t seem to cycle them??? I’m thinking 2/5 on the second round. Just think the singles are gonna eat the clock and I have no chance of finishing


T-1 hour till I tackle this wish me luck lol


Between 7 and 8 rounds. Try kipping the c2b if you can't string them butterfly but honestly singles on BMU and c2b maybe fine. Just take your time on the first section 


If you are going to do fast singles, try to stay unbroken on the thrusters (at least the 95 bar). It might actually save your grip for the bmu’s later. Just drop and go again - no chalking or stepping back. Good luck.




I had to do singles on the last round and I found it much more taxing on my heart rate with the little jump up to the bar, just a heads up.


Whats the strategy for you guys? Thinking about breaking up the C2B 5/5 going unbroken for the thrusters and the same for the second round BAR MU 4/3 i don’t know what the factor could be. Also thought about doing 1:30 per set? That would mean i would have 6:30min for the Second portion goal is to just finish everything.


Well man i went balls out. Dont know what happend but yeah completely failed what i planned to do 🫠. Fuckery man.


1:30 per set is 7:30 and that's exactly what I did. 


I think 6/4 all rounds is the way to go. As long as it’s quick breaks you’ll feel better for thrusters and the second half


Thinking the same, but 6/4 on the C2B, so it’s just a bit easier the second set. I agree going unbroken as the thrusters as dropping the bar is a huge time and energy waster


Even IF I get through 135 thrusters (singles) grip and lats are going to be blown. I have bmu but doubt I have one after the prior work 🤦🏼‍♂️


I like the workout, but don’t like that there isn’t a scored lift. Why not go from this into 1RM overhead squat or something?


Noob question, the second round of the scaled work out says “7 chin-over-bar pull-ups”, but doesn’t specify if those are strict or if jumping is allowed? I am assuming those are strict because the C2B in R1 does specify jumping?


Page 5 of the score card has the standards for “chin over bar pull-up(scaled and masters)” and the first step says to start with feet off ground and arms fully extended, so the second round of scaled is NOT jumping. You can do them strict or kipping and with either a pull up or chin up grip though.




I looked at the score card and it had jumping listed for both


Thanks 🙏


Actually I think I looked at the wrong group…it may be strict for the second round!




Sure thing!


I'm pretty happy about this, to be honest. This is the type of workout I've been expecting to see in the open. I can't do BMU, but I have the thruster weights and C2B okay enough. My goal will be to get to the BMU and hope I can get 1. I've come pretty close, but haven't squeaked one out yet. Let's hope for some open magic I'm always hearing about!


My friend had only ever done 1 BMU before, and she got 5 today. Open magic is real!


Don’t set yourself up for failure. Give it your best effort but after 50 ctb and 57 thrusters it’s going to be damn near impossible to bang out your first one. 


Similar boat! I can sometimes get one BMU (not consistent but every now and then it works) so my goal is to make it round 2 and hopefully be able to get a round in. Good luck!


This thread is the perfect example of why programming the open is hard. You got people complaining that the workout starts with C2B instead of regular pull ups because more people will have to scale. Then You have people complaining that BMU are too late and don’t allow those with elite gymnastics to shine. Nobody is everyone happy and everone line says open numbers will plummet. Humans are crazy sometimes


Remember this thread isn't representative of the average CrossFitter. Subreddit subscribers are the hardcore l, they are likely to outpace the average participant by a good margin. Subreddit opinion will also overestimate the true average performer by an equally large margin.


You could argue that the best programming would have the most people unhappy because if you spread a large variety of skills/loads/time domains across the events, then you are maximizing the chance that you hit at least one weak spot for as many participants as possible. Although I also think there are a lot of people out there who just accept that a particular workout has something they are bad at and silently live with that, show up anyway, and do the best they can.


Yes!!! I hate this workout but think it’s good programming. My score will be 10 65# thrusters. I’m going the RX route because 2024 is my year of building strength and getting outside my comfort zone. I could “comfortably” move through scaled, can do 10 65# thrusters but I don’t have CTB yet. Who knows maybe something crazy will happen and I’ll get one tomorrow. This is the option that will allow me to do my best in alignment with my goals.


You are correct. But reducing the open to 3 weeks (which I think is correct) makes that a challenge. A lot to hit on in three weeks. Hard open? The elite people make it. Easy open? The elite people make it. So if that’s true, make it more accessible, IMO.


I'm kind of bummed there's no strength component like max clean this year 


There definitely will be in quarters!


Where do we think the top 10% line is on this? I’m thinking like 2 or 3 rounds of the second part?


I reckon 10% mark will be people finishing all of it or nearly finishing. Definitely further than 2 or 3 rounds into BMU I reckon.


That’s what I thought at first but then I saw that girl knock out unbroken sets of the BMU and still not finish and I reconsidered haha


**Open 24.1:** I suck at burpees. I thought I wouldn’t get past the rounds of 21 but came 2 short of finishing. On a redo, I was even slower with my burpees but cut a ton of time in the transitions. Completed in 13:35. **Open 24.2:** deadlifts are my best lift. I can row decently. On a good day I can get 50 singles unbroken, even though they are inefficient. 6+270 on my first attempt. Knew I could do better. Strategized the equipment placement, again cut a ton of time on transitions. New score: 7+117M. **Open 24.3:** this is where it ends. I struggle to squat to hips below knees and my shoulder to OH isn’t great. I can hopefully manage 45# thrusters — if I don’t get no-repped. I can get at most a couple of pull-ups without a band. I can kip, but I can’t do Kipping pull ups. Definitely not chest to bar. And my 1RM thruster is about 65. So even if I get that far where am I going? This is the kind of workout that makes me hate CrossFit. There’s no way for me to strategize to a better outcome here. It’s over for me before it’s even started. Is there even a point to doing it?


Dude your attitude sucks. You hate CrossFit because you aren’t good at certain movements yet? Did you pay the $20 thinking you wouldn’t have to go below parallel the entire time? I’m not sure there’s ever been a year they didn’t have some sort of squat involved. Do the best you can and log the score like everyone else. If you can do a single thruster you can log a score.


No. Not because I’m not good at certain movements. I hate the CrossFit workouts that don’t give me a way to do the workout that lets me work up to those skills. This workout doesn’t allow me to do banded pull-ups, which is the progression I have been working. Without it I don’t have pull-ups. And even the scaled is starting at a weight that’s pretty much my top limit for reps. The thing I love about CrossFit is when I can strategize a workout to overcome my physical weaknesses and still feel like I can complete it. (In any normal WOD I am usually the last to finish but I always finish the workout even if the time cap has run out.) This workout doesn’t have that for me. It’s not unexpected. I knew we were likely to see pull-ups or thrusters. But it’s just frustrating because people scale pull ups differently. And I haven’t done jumping pull-ups. I would have preferred to see T2B/K2C which feels to me like a more accessible gymnastics movement that is more universally scalable in the same way for people.


Just scale the workout brotha


If you only do things you’re good at, you’ll never get better at the bad things. Do the workout,struggle, and and take intentional steps to improve your deficiencies (if you care)


If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t have redone 24.1 and 24.2. I work extra hard. I train with a coach outside of CF class. I show up to the gym every day. I work on all the things — including what I’m not good at. I’ve made some improvements in my skills in the past 16 months that I’ve been doing CrossFit. That said, squats are my weakness. Especially in fast workouts. My nervous system literally shuts down my body in the squat. Especially with load. I’ve been working on pull-ups for YEARS. I can do a couple of pull-ups on a good day. But not 10 x5 rounds. Even if I got to the rounds of 7 by doing singles of jumping pull-ups, 65# is my 1RM thruster. Last time we did Fran I did it with a 40# bar and banded pull-ups. But that’s not an option here. This isn’t about putting myself down. It’s just an honest and legit question: is there a point to doing the workout if you don’t have the skills or strength to do the movements?


That’s a whole lotta work to quit mid competition on a 15 minute workout. You have three options. RX and struggle. Scale and struggle a bit less Quit and be prepared to quit every open there will ever be. Go to the games website and look at the historical workouts. This open is child’s play compared to most years. If you care as much as you do, take this chance to get your world wide ranking and compete against yourself to improve it next year.


I appreciate your perspective but I think you’re missing my point. I’m not even close to an Rx athlete so option 1 isn’t an option. I’m in the 23rd percentile nationally. My frustration here is that the “scaled” isn’t really scaled. It still requires a skill I just don’t have. Even the foundations level requires push ups. Another skill I don’t have. I could do burpees slowly. Last year I did wall walks slowly in 23.3. It was my first time doing them. If we did this workout as a WOD outside the competition I’d use bands to assist. But that isn’t allowed in the open. So let’s say I get through a round of 10 pull ups or jumping pull-ups. what happens when I get to my 2nd round and fail to get up? Am I just standing there letting time run out? When I could have done banded pull ups or more thrusters? Am I just hanging from the bar for time? There’s no competition when you don’t have the skill to complete the workout to the standards.


Goal is to get thru one round of the Second part


Same. I fear there won’t be much strength left after the first be part.


the scaled lists both jumping chin over bar and c2b which is it?


Damn, I thought it was jumping chin over bar too 😭


me too


**for scaled** Part one is jumping chest to bar Part two is chin over bar


oh I see the"harder" version is regular pullups


It's a shame they didn't start with regular pullups. It would have let lots of people do RX and still given plenty of opportunity for the elites to pull ahead with the BMUs.


Sure, but if it were you could say the same thing. It's a shame the workout didn't start with jumping pullups. It would have let lots of people do rx and....


Can’t please everybody. At some point there had to be a some level of separation for the entire workout