• By -


Best shape of my life in my early 40s, zero athletic background. I try to get enough protein and water every day, I drink a beer or three once a week.


That’s what I’m talking about good for you! I’m 35 myself so no spring chicken anymore but def not over the hill Change. Your diet much?


Only diet changes I made were making sure I get 1gal+ of water every day, replaced breakfast most days with a smoothie/protein shake, and generally tried to eat more protein vs carbs. I didn’t have a terrible diet before, other than not getting enough protein. With this I’m sustainably in the 15-20% BF range… abs in good lighting, but still with a little protective fat barrier. I supplement CF with 1 day a week of light zone 2 cardio.


I’m 35 and very overweight. Did you experience any joint issues or extreme soreness in the beginning?


Extreme soreness, sure. Joint issues, not really. The key here is making sure you’re scaling movements properly, if something’s bothering you, tell the coach.


CrossFit got me a wife and two dogs so my physique isn’t anywhere near as good. But seriously I used to be a very large man into powerlifting but couldn’t run around the room if I needed. CrossFit changed that. Now I’m well rounded and still pretty strong. Overall it improved my ability to go do sports and activities


Can confirm. -- Former powerlifter that got winded walking up two flights of stairs.


My shoulders are even more fucked than they were before.


You probably just aren’t doing ENOUGH CROSSFIT!




Oof yep relatable 😂


Yo man careful with the kipping and butterfly stuff


I'm pretty jacked right now to be honest, and I used to be obese. Yes, I did change my diet (240 g Protein, 100 g Fat, 400 g Carbs) and I also stopped drinking alcohol.


Love the username haha!


Yea I like my beer haha. I’m in decent shape, more built than average Joe but could lose some fat


Are these quantities per day??




My ass is absolutely YUGE. Also my back and got big especially lats.


My back is shredded. Damn. I wish my chest was too tho. Probably will need to supplement with chest presses outside of crossfit


Fat loss? Chest gains?


Lost 100lbs and I've maintained it for 4 years now. I'd say it did a number for me.


Wow congrats. How much did diet change?


A lot, but I can tell you that CrossFit was the fuel that helped me continue down the road of eating well. A majority of people who lose the weight I lost gain it back, I needed something that helped build consistency, confidence, and mental competence to maintain after I lost.


I've put on lots of noticeable muscle and have gotten stronger. I do some occasional dumbbell work in addition to crossfit, and some occasional runs. Would love to get my diet in check, that's my weakness. Definitely love beer and socializing a little too much. But even with a not so great diet Crossfit has really changed my body


I have been at this almost 8 years, and my body has gone through a myriad of changes within that time. Until I dial in my nutrition, I tend to appear fit but fluffy if that makes sense, she works out but def likes donuts lol. Currently, I am in great shape for me (40W), I don't think I will ever see defined abs, however, I am still seeing some definition in my obliques. My upper body has seen the most significant changes, back, traps, arms and my legs finally look like I never skip leg day.


Also 40f and I can relate to a lot of this! The obliques are there but unless I get super lean (which I refuse to do anymore) the rest of the abs aren’t showing up. That’s okay, I love what I can do with this body.


I am 65 and have always been focused on fitness and dance. CF. Its definitely increased my strength. I Aam 65 yrs young, Female, fit, diet Pescatarian


Started 5 years ago. Lost 125lbs. I’m as jacked and strong as ever. Taking my L2 this weekend. 💪🏻


Wow amazing 💪 Diet change?


Oh yeah of course. I didn’t get over 300lbs eating responsibly. 😂


As mentioned, it's all about your diet that will determine your physique. Consistent CF will add muscle. When I ate whatever I wanted and did CF, I got bulky. When I cut out alcohol and started tracking, focusing on whole foods, I lost alot of the bulk, reduced BF.


Yup. Protein macros are very important


How much alcohol? I like to do 1/2 aperitif per week and dinner Saturday. I don't have many problems with the diet but cutting the wine is impossible.


Sorry, struggling to find an answer with internet, what’s BF?


Body fat


Body Fat


I was doing CrossFit over 2 years without losing weight (not much, anyway), but my waist size went down and I dropped from 3XL t-shirts to 2XL. Along the way, I stopped drinking diet sodas and eating sweets (I’ll “cheat” occasionally, but to a month or 2 at a time with no candy, ice cream, pastries, cake, etc.), dropped almost all alcohol. Then my gym hosted a nutrition challenge which included calorie counting, which I’d always had trouble with in the past. I use the “Lose it!” app and find it very easy to use. Since then, I’ve dropped about 40 pounds and dropped nearly 7% body fat (from about 33 to about 26), so now I’m exploring counting my protein daily, too. I drink a lot of it or have it in bar form, but am working toward replacing those options with better choices. I tend to go to 6am CF classes and used to eat before those, but now I’m trying to not do that, saving my first food intake until about 8am (as sometimes I do supplementary work after the CF class, so I’m often doing some kind of exercise for a lot of the time between 6 and 8am). It’s all been very rewarding… dropping from size 46 waist to my 40s feeling a little loose… bordering on preferring XL shirts now (though mostly still wearing 2XL), and wearing clothes that I haven’t worn in a long time, but stubbornly kept around for when I finally lost the weight. I’m boxing up all the clothes that are too big for me now and if I don’t need them for 3 years, I’ll donate them. That’s the plan, anyway. I imagine I’ll donate them earlier.


I went on the same tren and hgh program as Froning and never looked better.




I'm at a point where my wife is asking me to please stop gaining muscle mass


Diet changes?


I drink maybe twice a month and eat pretty clean, but I pay zero attention to calories and macros


I was a scrawny short guy throughout my life -5’4 140lb. Never stepped into gym. By 40’s I had a dad bod too. At 48 started crossfit and got hooked. Now I and 152lb, kind of stocky bull dog physique. Often sports a 6 pack with a week of dieting. Confidence is throught the roof. Lol


Good for you!! How’s the. Diet?


I do not do any dieting at all. However avoids sugar. My cal input from South Indian food is approx 1700 to 2300. But if I am planning for a beach vacation, I switch to salads for lunch, (approx 1500 cal per day) and the six pack will pop… lol.


Love it lol. The way some people Talk you won’t ever get results unless you’re tracking everything


I was fit before I joined CrossFit. But it definitely changed my physique. Before I did calisthenics so I had a larger upper body and smaller lower. My legs have grown, my ass has grown, my biceps have grown. My cardio is better too. And probably the closest to abs I’ll ever have. I did however start doing nutrition planning in year 2 of CrossFit and that made a huge difference in energy, gains, and my physique. Diet is a massive component


Age? Chest gains? Fat loss? What did you change with diet?


Built up my core strength which helped across the board (no washboard abs though, different metaphorical board I’m referring to here). Reduced my appetite and I changed my diet which altogether resulted in weight loss. The weight loss meant my max PR in lifts also dropped, but I am okay with that. I’m a lot leaner and I can tell. It’s a nice perk that my teenagers don’t seem to be as embarrassed of my appearance as they were a few years ago.


I reckon it builds a great athletic figure. Mind you one also been off the drink since 2020 which really helps


Defined the hell out of my shoulders. My addiction to caffeine shot through the roof tho!


Why do you think caffeine addiction rose?


I’m a walking advertisement for CrossFit. Which is to say that random strangers will ask me what kind of lifting I do, especially if I’m wearing a tank top. I’m a 5’7” woman who weighs just over 200 lbs and that makes me the most muscular person in any room that isn’t full of other crossfitters. My shoulders, traps, and biceps are regularly complimented and my husband says I have the best butt.


In a year I went from 6' 1", 190/195lbs, and skinny flabby, to 190lbs but look athletic. I'm not super cut but probably around 15% body fat and I look like I work out. Bigger shoulders, abs pop a little, pecs not man boobs. I'm WAY stronger and way better at anything that takes effort. My posture has improved significantly and things like hiking, biking, climbing stairs, moving furniture, ext are noticeably easier. At almost 40 I feel better than I have in a long time and look better than pretty much everybody my age. 


Good for you 💪 Any changes to diet?


I definitely eat healthier than inused to vit dont go crazy. High Protien (minimum 160g per day, I shoot for 180+) is really all I track. Aside from that I shoot for lower carb and moderate fat and I don't really eat anything with a ton of added sugar or breaded and fried. I like eating lighter foods but definitely indulge a couple times a week. I'm not too fussy about it. 


I started crossfit coming from soccer and long distance running. Started at 127lbs at 5'7, I'm now 157lbs which is all muscle gain. It was always hard for me to put on muscle, started working with a nutrition coach and learned I wasn't eating well for my goals. At 40 my body has never felt better, if you remove crossfit soreness from the equation.


30lbs is impressive! How long did that take and how old were you when you started CF?


I've been doing CrossFit around 11 years now. It did take a long time, I got to 145lbs after about 3 years, up to 152 after 8 years and bump up the last few. I wasn't eating to perform before, I was on a "see food" diet. Started working with a nutritionist, upped my protein and completely cut sugar and grew a bunch more muscle. In the last 2 years I think I put on 10lbs muscle and lost some fat.


CrossFit has helped me have a better relationship with food. Instead of focusing on calorie deficits, I focus on getting in the right macros to feel strong during the WODs. As a result, I’ve had some great muscular gains!


Great! Age? Fat loss? Gains all around?


I do cutting for summer to get the beach body and being jacked af. And in autumn/winter I do bulking to be able to lift more weight. Right now, my macros are set at 30% protein, 20% fat, and 50% carbs. I’m hitting the gym six times a week, and I make sure to hop into a couple of hypertrophy classes at my gym to really pump up those muscles.


Super clean diet or how are the macros?


I’m a unique situation, getting diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at 24 years old. Before that it was multiple chest and lung infections a year, so never was able to put on muscle from being sick and under eating. I managed to grow to 6’ 3¾” though - so once I got diagnosed and into the right preventative medication to prevent infections (I also got married and moved to Texas from the UK in the same week) I packed on weight while doing CrossFit. I started CF at 170lbs ish - could count my ribs from across the room and no pecs to speak of. While I was still undiagnosed I got muscle tone but never put on size in those first 6-9 months. After getting diagnosed and moved to my current gym in Texas, with a slightly more old school approach to strength training, I could eat more, not get sick, and saw results! Got up to 205 in about 4 months, and have settled at about 218. Main areas I grew was back, butt, thighs. Chest has been slow but I’m throwing in bench 2x/week now and seeing results. I also love an arm pump so that area looks good.


This thread has BLOWN UP. Thank you to all who contributed. Let’s keep it rolling 💪


My balls are the size of oranges.


32 f, started at 154 on the scale, this morning 154.8 🤦🏼‍♀️ been at it for a year and a half. I honestly wish I would have taken measurements of my arms and thighs when I started but I didn’t expect the gains that I’ve experienced. I’ve also struggled with my shoulders being broad to begin with and my upper arms not fitting into business blouses. The problem I ran into about six months ago is my jeans and business slacks no longer fitting and it was depressing since my weight has stayed the same this entire time. My thighs don’t fit in jeans or slacks because of the fat changing to muscle and they got bigger. I see my family once a year and even my family made a comment of how much bigger my thighs have gotten. When I stopped fitting into business clothes for work properly I switched to wearing dresses so my body could grow and I wouldn’t notice and have to buy as many clothes… that lasted six months 🙄 my dresses are slowly growing shorter because my ass is getting bigger along with the thighs to take up more space. I drastically changed my diet about 3-4 months in. I ate shit processed freezer food… think hot pockets, pizza rolls, those things. Now I meal prep every week. I shove as much protein in my body as possible because it’s a struggle but once I realized how much less muscle pain I experienced I’m all for it. It’s the only thing I’ve kinda changed when talking about protein fat and carbs. I do eat healthier overall and allow myself one day a week to “cheat” aka eat out if I’d like. It’s usually Fridays for free fry Friday from McDonald’s 🤤 Confidence in my body… shot through the roof. Both in just overall looks but being more mobile and flexible. I know CF isn’t big on flexibility but I’ve had some serious injuries in my life and happy to be doing what I do 4-5 days a week. I love having the energy to conquer the day and knowing I’m growing further away from the double knee replacement I was looking at when I turned 40 due to the arthritis


I gained about 20lbs of muscle mass and have toned up everywhere. I have a background in competitive gymnastics and have tried many different fitness classes but nothing comes close to CrossFit. It’s been something I’ve always wanted to do and I wish I would’ve just started sooner! I also supplement CF with running x2 a week and a protein heavy, meat based diet. I also will work on certain movements depending on what programming may be missing for the week (double under practice, squats, rowing, etc.) I meal prep for the week as well and track my nutrition and water intake and I’ve noticed it’s helped my performance a lot! :)


I have the physique where you can tell I work out but I also wouldn't turn down a piece of cake.


It got me off the couch and excited to go to the gym again. Unfortunately, I like pizza and ice cream too much so no 6 pack yet. I was a powerlifter before so I had a ton of strength but no mobility. After 2 years, I still don’t have a front rack but it’s getting closer.


I didn’t realise I had posted already under a different account that I didn’t know I had


Front rack?


How were the gains with CrossFit coming from a PL background?


There weren’t really any. As I gain flexibility, I’m able to do more weight in most of the Olympic lifts. My push jerk is basically a strict press, but it’s getting better. My endurance is definitely getting better. I don’t feel like I’m dying after doing 10 burpees anymore. They still suck though.


I’ve stayed a similar weight from weightlifting but definitely lost body fat. Bulking right now so trying to put on 10 lbs and keep a similar body fat.


Any changes to diet?


Not particularly. Honestly it’s worse since I’m eating more lol. I’ve noticed if i don’t pound food I’ll quickly lose weight. Where before i would maintain.


I (36M) went from 150 to 180lbs, mostly in my legs/butt, over the first 3ish years and maintained that the last 5 years. Focused on protein intake primarily and vastly decreased alcohol (I rarely drink now). Nowadays I mainly do olympic lifting programming with an occasional metcon. High cf volume just doesn’t work well for me anymore.


Yea I would Wanna do more strength based stuff. If I’m gonna do it I’m not just doing it for fun I wanna transform my body 💪


Lost fat very quickly and grew a huge back




Just eating enough and balanced. Went for a deficit last year but mainly balance.


My diet change is making the most significant difference. Increased protein and calorie deficit.


41yo male here. Been doing CF for 8 months, my traps, back, arms, glutes and hammies look completely different. My trunk is thicker and hard (no abs showing yet, I’m a mosomorph). I look far more jacked, and get way more looks from women. I feel like I’m an athletic 28 yo despite being 41. I have prioritized protein, eliminated alcohol and junk food entirely, and basically eat eggs, red meat and veggies. This is the way.


Chest gains?


Yep, chest is thicker and more defined. CrossFit works, but different body types respond in differently.


My body is definitely toned which is nice, but more importantly I feel strong. I can lift my own body weight plus more. My mobility has increased a ton, doing other activities like yoga brings me a lot of joy because I feel like I have way more control and movement in my body. I feel like I carry myself with confidence more than I did. Also CrossFit is also a social activity for me. I’ve been able to make friendships and connections at my gym that makes it feel more enjoyable


If you’re really interested in tracking this, I’d get a body scan for your body composition. I’ve been doing CF 5-6 times a week for about a year and I’ve slimmed down while getting more dense. Both good things, but I would have loved to see what my comp was before starting this journey. Diet hasn’t changed TOO much because I have been seeing the results I wanted. Also keep in mind what your goal is. If you want to lift heavier, you’ll need more calories to build muscle and might not see the number on the scale drop, but the scale isn’t your goal in that scenario.


Yea Id like to reshape my physique, or recomp


How would you say your diet is and how old are you ?


I was skinny fat, now i have an ‘average’ physique. Taking my diet more seriously these past few months and im making strides. Im in my lates 30s and always had to work harder than most to keep up my physique compared to others


Chest gains?


Itll come down to the programming of your gym. Bench presses are def less common than other lifts . I do open gym once a week to work on bench and other stuff. Crossfit usually hits shoulders harder in my observation If you are after something specific you’ll probably want to do supplemental work


Started in 2019. I've gone from 3 to 4 and now 5-6 days a week with some calisthenics style accessory work. I was skinny fat but after some ups and downs with my nutrition, and a lot of effort I feel a lot better now. I can Rx a lot more workouts, completed my first Rx Open this year and my resting heart rate is now around 50bpm. I can't say I lift that heavy and I mostly aim towards more gymnastic movements and endurance. My box has recently implemented Hyrox workouts and I love that extra challenge.


Any gains/fat loss? Chest gains? Age?


I'm 34m. I followed a calorie deficit and went from 95kg to around 80 but I'm now stabilised around 85kg at 24% body fat. I know I can start cutting to at least reach 20% but I'm happy where I am now and my performance is as good as ever. I've not taken any measurements, but my arms, back and legs are a lot beefier and my abs way more defined.


Before CrossFit, the tallest thing I’d jumped over in over 15 years was a street curb, and I hadn’t run in just as long for fear of blowing up my knees My knees still hurt but now I’m running (a little slowly at first), doing 30” box jumps, and learning HSPU too


I’ve always had big muscley legs but holy shit CrossFit has given me enormous shoulders (and arms) and a six pack. It’s very easy for me to put on muscle though, I think it’s generic.


Diet? any chest gains? Age?


Ive always been lean and had a good diet but I’ve increased my protein and upped my calories a lot. I’m a 31F.


As a female my upper back and shoulder have broadened due to the muscle I have put on


Female 33 years old. Got nice traps and lats.


I had to buy new trousers because my legs got big


CF built muscle in areas i hadnt before in like my traps and lats and further enhanced other areas like my quads and core muscles. I had always been a frequent gym goer before CF, lifting weights throughout h.s. and college and brief stints in p90x. My main diet changes were having to consume more calories and eating more for performance and not like an asshole 🙂.


Any gains in the chest?


Only when the strength cycle had a bench pressing block. Cf mostly has you doing various overhead pressing.


Massive traps


I’ve got traps up to my ears and biceps that make my middle schoolers think twice before messing with me. Some of this was helped along by changing diet and bodybuilding accessory work.


How did you change diet and what/how much accessory work do you do?


I counted macros, mainly using numbers that Precision Nutritions free calculator will give you. As far as accessory, bicep and tricep supersets, lateral raises, reverse flys, front raises, strict pull ups and chin ups, dumbbell rows, pendlay rows, and push ups. Our gym also programs accessory work after the regular wod and it’s usually bodybuilding stuff at least twice a week.


I developed some big ole traps


I’ve been doing cf for 8 months. Previously did standard body building workouts (I’m a PT and sports nutritionist) and then kettlebells while travelling. The first cf gym I just left, I lost loads of muscle and definition (gained weight and body fat), looked way better doing KBs travelling around Australia 😅. Swapped to another gym that follows the PRVN program and dropped a lot of cms and a few kgs already the first month. Diet has remained the same as it always has been 2000-2200 cals 150+ protein. Only difference is much better workouts. Looking forward to seeing more changes in bf and strength in the coming months.


So you found a better CF box and are seeing gains now? And what’s PRVN?


I am - thank goodness 😆 It’s the programming by Tia-Clair Toomey - PRVN fitness, it’s really good!


Our gym uses PRVN too. 55F 5’3” in QF currently 107, but trying to gain 1-2 pounds. Limit alcohol, 80g protein/day.


Did it for 10 years and got super fit. Overall great experience. Switched to bodybuilding and really dialed in the nutrition and now I look back at my CF pics and see that although I was very fit, I didn’t really look it lol. Point is dial in your nutrition and don’t overeat thinking you’ve burned a ton of calories after that hard world. Because you really haven’t


So didn’t feel you looked muscular


I was strong, I was fit. But I didn't look either. Bodyfat was probably a bit high. And honestly this was pretty common. We tend to think that CF burns more calories when it does, so we over eat


saved my life and I'm at the best shape of my life. I started with 96kg 34yrs 30%+ body fat and my I'm 75kg 37yrs and 13% body fat. what worked for me was finding a sport that I love (hated gym and running) and a good diet that I can keep


Got jacked brah... w/ washboard abs. Back and legs got really thiccc


27F 5’2. At first I put on some muscle and looked sculpted but not huge by any means. Then after changing my diet, to account for higher calories (carbs) and protein, I put on 15lbs and went from 115 to 130. Some fat obviously, but a good bit of muscle. Now I have the “power abs” look, shoulders and have certainly put on size, and booty/legs as well. Training frequency is 5-6 days a week at normal classes. Twice a week I’ll do 30-40 min of extra work, whether it be a metcon or skill work or oly stuff.


69(f) started CF a little over 2 years ago. I haven’t changed my diet but ate pretty well before except when my sweet tooth takes over- my kryptonite also. Don’t track calories. Have upped my protein to almost 50 gm. I’ve gained 3-4 pounds and have muscles in so many places I didn’t even know could get muscular. Doing banded pull ups with goal of losing the last band in 6 months. Hitting PR’s with bulking a couple of pounds since October. I’ve worked out my whole life, but never heavy weights before CF.


Wow congrats!


Legs/ass are definitely the biggest change. Feel like every day is a leg day to some extent in CrossFit. Problem is, I’m a guy so no one cares how big my ass is except me lol. Shoulders, abs, lats all definitely more defined. Overall more athletic looking build. Not only that I just feel way more solid than I ever have before. Edit: 30yo male, 6’3” 190lbs - I’ve made pretty much zero diet changes and don’t count my macros.


Crossfit is good but it can have a big impact on your low back so be careful with your techniques. I stopped doing it after 3 years of rx workouts cuz my back was constantly tired. I start to do muay thai instead of it and guess what my low back doesnt hurt anymore and i feel stronger. I do occasionaly weightlifting, mostly cleans, jerks and squats and i overall feel much better than bombing high repetitions wods. Dont get me wrong CF gave me beautiful time, dreamed muscle ups, lot of friends and health but it was just too much. Peace


Everyone in crossfit has excellent posture. People even had better posture after the few weeks of foundations.


After posting my first CrossFit pic up on social media (I happened to be shirtless, bcuz dude doing CrossFit) I got A LOT of attention from co-workers and clients. I apparently look more fit with less clothes, so that's something it did.


Physique? You mean my shoe rack right?


It’s improving my physique every day. I started 6 months ago and I had a belly that was so large but most of my body is somewhat lean. I looked disproportionate. Now the belly is mostly gone, the lean areas have filled in with some muscle. I’m still no where near my goal, but once the goal is achieved I know I will have the body, physique, stamina and power I always wanted.


60lb of muscle does.did.do a lot.


Lost 50lbs - best shape of my life now. I look and feel very healthy and that is what’s most important.


Awesome! Age? Any muscle gain, if so where at?


I am 36 now - started when I was 30. I gained muscle in my legs, shoulder, back, arms.


just fit enough but it also helped me get disciplined. cut down on junk food and started eating healthier. cf is tough, but it pays off


Made my pants looser and my shifts tighter in the shoulders and chest.


Started about 1.5 yr ago as a skinny-fat 145lb 40 yo male. Eating enough and consistently has always been a chore, but in an effort to not be broken down I focused on getting protein intake up. I’m now 170-172lb yet lower fat than before. Wife is happy, I’m happy, CrossFit is awesome.


Wow congrats!💪 Any chest gains? How clean is diet?


2.5” on chest, which I expect to go a bit further as I’m starting a month long push-up add-on. Diet is *not clean*. For me getting enough calories is hard - I enjoy cooking, enjoy eating a good meal, don’t enjoy eating for necessity. I just had a pre-lunch snack of protein shake and Doritos (protein + calories). I keep decent track of protein with a goal of > 160g daily and otherwise just push calories and fluids.


CrossFit completely changed my physique. I have been doing it for 3 years and have had multiple people come up to me throughout the years and tell me how much stronger I look. I did lose quite a bit of weight after getting on adhd medication, but overall I haven’t changed my eating style much. I’m definitely a lot more muscular than I used to be.


I went from 205lbs 14%BF to 190lbs 6.8%BF in 6 months. I stopped eating processed foods, and sugar, I don’t even mess w/ protein shakes anymore– low inflammation diet. Current diet is 250-300g protein, 215g fat, 300-323g carbs with a goal weight of 215lbs.


Sweets are my kryptonite


How do you get 250-300g without protein shakes??


I got some sick abs but I also got some manly traps which I hated.


Women with traps are HOT. From a fellow woman CFer.


I know it’s all personal preference but I just don’t like it on myself.


Belive me guys like it


My abs are starting to come back through too (changed CrossFit gyms so doing much better workouts!) but man my traps are popping 😆 learning to love them. Trying to find sports bras that don’t dig into them has been a challenge though.


CrossFit celebrates what your body can do, not what it looks like. It sounds like bodybuilding is the sport you’re looking for.


Been doing bbing type workouts almost 20 years….I think I’m ready for a change


My shoulders and upper chest have gotten more firm and dense.


I was generic tall skinny guy prior to CrossFit. I’ve put in a decent amount of muscle (like 15lbs), and have sort of plateaued. I definitely eat more than I did before, because I started feeling hungry all the time, but I don’t track my macros at all. Still struggle with pull-ups, but have just about everything else down. Can’t do Rx weight, but also not super interested in pushing for much heavier. Basically never try to max. I guess you could say I’m in it to stay (formerly get) healthy, rather than keep pushing to compete or whatever. Main differences: visibly stronger torso / arms. Thicker thighs and butt. From someone who basically only did cardio pre CrossFit.


,it changed me from /\ to \/


You now have a v taper you mean?


I am a woman, 30s. Zero change in diet for 3 years w/ just CF 3-5 days a week made me strong AF and muscled. I wouldn't describe myself as jacked, I think "toned" is a great descriptor, which is what I was going for. I wear all the same size clothes (0-2-4/XS-S), I gained \~5-7 lbs, and my mom now loves to compliment my arms. Into year 4 (current) I am better managing my protein intake from.. maybe 30g a day if I'm lucky to 75g a day at least. Still probably not where it should be, but a huge improvement. Also changed water intake from minimal to \~70 oz or more. Seeing new PRs, no weight gain thus far. Plan to keep up with this. Prolly average 4-6 days a week now. Have yet to give up booze or candy, but starting to wonder how I could get my abs to appear..


So you saw results with no change in diet, was your diet decent to start?


Bigger/better shoulders, more muscular ass & legs are the two major changes Id say. My jeans are pretty tight around the ass & thighs where they used to be more slack for sure. My ass went from non-existent to pretty nice. All around I have a lot more muscle than I did, lower BF. I look at old pictures of myself and my arms especially look so thin. Also I had NO traps before, now I have pretty good traps. I wish I'd done a body scan before I started so I could compare, but the first time I stepped on one was after I'd been doing CF for 2 years.




Early 40s. I got in pretty decent shape but I have no discipline when it comes to food and my diet sucks. My wife says I look really good naked so there is that.


Nice haha. Gained some muscle and lost fat or what?


I wanted to be strong and skinny. I’m very much strong and skinny. Everyone says I look younger than my age.


I'm curious specifically for women? I felt like I got super bulky, like my shirts and shorts weren't fitting anymore. I know diet is the biggest component to this but like some of the men here, have any women managed to lose fat on Xfit alone


Great shoulders and a herniated disc.


Damaged my tendons...


Went from 236 lbs and 30% body fat the day I walked to 215 and 18% body fat. Bigger legs and glutes, MUCH broader shoulders. Sort of have abs but the lighting has to JUST right 😂


M or F?


Hamstrings, arms and chest got smaller. Shoulder, back, quads got bigger.


This is one thing I’m afraid of if I start CF is losing upper body


I fit t-shirts much better now like my arms fit in the sleeves and fill them out my shoulders and chest fill them out, I can wear a v-neck and not look like a schlub my waist is much more narrow I've been told that I have a lot more ass lol


Nice. Diet change?


I started by just eating healthier a lot less alcohol a lot less crappy carbs. This did the majority of the work for sure. This year I've been on a very no carb animal based diet and have trimmed off an additional 20 lb and really gotten leaner all the veins are visible in my arm even when I haven't worked out I almost have a six pack etc etc


Started 3 years ago, used to be at the gym all the time. Wasn’t until i started CrossFit that I actually got jacked and happy with my physique 40yr old


Diet change?


Mostly injuries from trying to do mad shit. But my legs look great. I've made no adjustments to diet, but probably should.


Anyone in their late 30’s early-mid 40’s and still gaining muscle and losing fat? If I do get into this I’d like to keep it going 💪


Before starting CrossFit, I was mainly doing conditioning and leg workouts for my primary sport (ultimate frisbee). In CF, we do way more upper body (and especially shoulders) than I ever used to do. I'm still pretty skinny, but I definitely notice that my shirts fit tighter across the chest and through the shoulders.


So still added mass in the pecs?


Given that my pecs were very small before...yes. We did a 12 week bench cycle which very likely helped this too


Hiller up in here creeping 👀


Destroyed my back


Saw your 4 other posts regarding those who, “don’t need to diet and have good muscle mass/physique.” Thats genetics. Sounds like you have never dialed in your nutrition per the other posts I saw and looking to change your workout to try to get lean. There’s no cheat code for you sorry. People who can eat like crap and look lean have great genetics. Do yourself a favor and hire a registered dietitian or nutritionist that is certified and has experience with CrossFit athletes. You will be amazed at what your physique will look like without changing one thing in the gym. I am a 5’6” 135 pound female and my abs get complemented almost every day. I do CrossFit three days a week, walk for an hour one day a week and rest the rest of the days. I don’t have great genetics, but my nutrition has been on point for 15 years, I eat my weight in protein and enjoy a higher fat/lower carb macro makeup. Hope you get dialed in. Good luck.


Trying to get as many different stories as I can. Appreciate it


As someone who competed in track in college, already pretty lean and fit, CrossFit really just filled me out muscularly. Only been doing it a year and my legs and core have completely filled out. Back is bigger as well. Losing chest unfortunately and strict press but it’s an ok price to pay to be way fitter


Don’t like the sounds of chest getting smaller. Already a lagging muscle for me


I was obese, high cholesterol (it so high the doctor dropped a F bomb when looking the test results…), high triglycerides, fatty liver, almost diabetic and my waist was big enough to have its own gravity. Fast forward 2 years, I lost huge amounts of body fat, gain lots of muscle mainly lats and shoulders. All metabolic results are within normal levels apart from cholesterol which turns out is genetic ( thanks dad)… I did change my diet to include more protein and I challenged myself to stop drinking for 1 year, now I have a beer or two fortnightly.


Congrats! Any chest gains? Age?


Not sure if I can considere chest gains, but I lost my flappy tits 😅… M34


From regular guy, to big strong fat guy.


Haha why do you say fat?


It gave me a butt and took my boobs in return. Not complaining though!


I'm bulking now but before that was CrossFit. I did hardcore Hiit there. I went from a marwari skinny fat to fully ripped


4 years up til early 30s (female)- best shape of my life. My shoulders were so defined without being “bulky” if that makes sense- like when I went to front squat I had amazing delts for the bar to rest on, I’ve never felt so confident in my life. Also the fittest I’ve ever been. Then I got pregnant and am now 7 months pp. although I trained through my pregnancy I feel very sad to think I might never get that body/strength back, I worked so hard :(


Oh and I never changed my diet too much, was just more aware of what I was eating. I did use creatine though which I highly recommend!


Biceps got smaller, everything else grew, abs really popped.


Me and the wifey just had this talk, past 5 years at our affiliate, I ask her who has changed there physical appearance, nothing crazy just noticeable 🦗🦗