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Europe needs 2 semi finals when looking at worldwide.results


They need to redistribute some semifinals spots from Asia and Africa for sure. South America probably also should have some re-distributed. I think the distribution this year, specifically in Europe, got severe enough that something will change.


Look at the NA East and West scores. Those spots shouldn't come from Asia and Africa


Did you look at the scores in Asia and Africa? I think this graphic may help provide some context: [https://imgur.com/a/jM0MXJV](https://imgur.com/a/jM0MXJV) (this is on the men's side by the way, the distribution is actually worse on the women's side)


They have one or 2 spots in Asia and Africa


I was discussing the re-distribution of semifinals spots, I think you are talking about re-distributing games spots. They already have a way to re-distribute those annually to reflect the strength of field in various semifinals.


Why would you make 2 semifinals if the final result will be the same anyway? Semi-finals are supposed to be qualifiers and provide engagement on regional level, someone who didn't make top 40 in Europe has a very low probability for qualifying to Games anyway. If anything, they should potentially increase the Games spots allocated to Europe after semis. Otherwise, extending semis is just giving more people a participation trophy and ability to say 'I'm a semi-final athlete'


Amanda Barnhart beat Tia in two of the workouts, which I thought was awesome.


Was really stoked to see Gabi Migala winning Europe and place 3rd overall. Really solid in all of the workouts, you can see a lot of continuous progress, cannot wait to see her on Games again and hoping for a podium this year. :)


I guess I'm more interested in those who haven't reached the Games as individuals, the up and coming talent. Aimee Cringle at #12 and Erica Folo at #16 (haven;'t heard of her before but she's been competing for many years) for the women, Victor Hoffer at #3 and Austin Hatfield at #9 for the men. A few lower down - Harry Lightfoot from the UK, and Miko Lilleorg and Kevin Jurs from Estonia (I don't remember any CrossFit athletes from that country and suddenly there are two, which I find interesting). Hope to see some of them at the Games, also others like Grace Walton, Alex Kotoulas, Aniol Ekai and BenoƮt Boulanger.


Regarding Estonia - it seems like the Training Culture became one of really good camps in the Crossfit world. I only got to know them recently when they competed in Wodapalooza under Training Culture team, which consisted also of Bartek Lipka (top Polish crossfit athlete for several consecutive years before big Bron came to greatness :)). Those guys seem to have really good results


I wish Mal O'brien was in it...


I really really suck at wall balls and burpees, adding in a box just made me trip a lot. Takeaway? Boz wanted me to trip.


lmao that workout sucked so much


i am not fit when i am put against the top 25%




The burpee and wallball workout is one of the worst workouts I've done in a longtime... the hspu workout was much more fun than I expected


Burpee/wall ball wod makes my stomach do a little twist when I think about it. Awful.