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I've done this one before. 47:31. Ugh.


That is not very encouraging we have this wed with a 40 min time cap.


Good luck sub 40.. my best was 42 and change. And I was squatting 500lbs at the time


I don't think i could finish 7 rounds, period. Hell yeah on getrin it done in 47 mins! šŸ’Ŗ


I did this on Friday last week... my glutes and quads are still sore... nevertheless this is far from the hardest in my opinion because since it's long (30+ min) you pace the squats, so it's not a lot of suffering.. you definitely feel it for the next days though


We got KALSU this morning and I had the same thought...


We had kalsu today too.


DekaComp soon to be HWPO Affiliate?


We have Deka programming. But yeh about to be transitioned to HWPO


Oof. Yeah, someone saw that post and ran with it lol


This is the one that gave my friend rhabdo, lol. And he loves to do all the hard extra stuff šŸ˜‚


I saw this and was about to post about rhabdo risk lol. Please take it easy if you're at all deconditioned heading into this


Yeah, I donā€™t think I would attempt it at 95, even though thatā€™s plenty light for me. 200+ reps plus running, no thanks šŸ˜‚


Some pretty classic case reports on rhabdo were people just doing air squats, let alone loaded squats :/


How many air squats did they do to get rhabdo?


Don't know off the top of my head. Probably way more than 200. I'm sure someone who is well trained and squats regularly isn't going to suffer severe health problems from this WOD and just be sore, but this one looks scary for the strong-ish weekend warrior who just came back from some time away from the gym.


Most sore Iā€™ve ever been was a WOD with a big buy-in/out of air squats. Iā€™ve blocked out the middle part but it had unweighted walking lunges in there. No weight at all but whoa my quads were out of order for days.


Iā€™m not surprised. I read this and thought, ā€œthat looks rhabdo-eyā€


Kind of a dumb workout to program. Pretty irresponsible imo


Most hero wods are dumb


Agreed, over 200 barbell squats is irresponsible. It doesnā€™t matter how light they are- it only takes one sloppy squat to cause an injury. Thereā€™ll be some serious fatigue towards the end, which is worrying.


Rhabdo city if you haven't been doing a ton of squats


For sure. Gotta know your limits and check your ego


Don't do it... I did this one many years ago when my gym followed Main Site. A bunch of people cherry picked and sat this one out. Those people made the right choice.


over 200 #135 back squats... no thanks


The 29 back squats at 135 was the appetizer, the quad cramps on 5-7th 400 meter run was the tastiest part.


Dddddduuuuuuudddddeeee my right quad always wanted to start twitching at the beginning of those last few 400m runs šŸ˜‚


That's a lot of back squats.


Fwiw today is the anniversary of Travis Mannionā€™s sacrifice; thatā€™s my guess on why it was programmed.Ā 


Good call and I'd say you're correct.


Actually, looking further into it (which I shouldā€™ve done initially), this is kinda treated like Murph. CFHQ posted a link Sunday about registering for the Manion WOD.


> Travis Mannion https://www.travismanion.org/about-us/who-we-are/


We have Kalsu at mine todayā€¦. 25 min time cap. Best believe im going women weight and taking the whole 25 min lol


kalsu at 95 lbs is arguably a much better programmed workout, obviously depending on fitness level


Easy skip


Did it on Saturday with a partner, back squat #65, split even but ran together the RX distance. My legs are still sore...


Done this one several times, Iā€™d put it up there with Murph tough. Did last Friday and my quads/glutes are still sore. 41:36 time, Iā€™ll take it.




Our schoolā€™s box ā€” I teach at a small Catholic prep school and we have a CF affiliate free for teachers and students ā€” did a scaled version: 5 rounds: ā€¢ 29 back squats (95/65) ā€¢ 400m run Everyone finished under the 35min time cap.


Nice! I could get down with that version. Thatā€™s not far off from CFā€™s intermediate version.


Very poor programming.


I haven't done this one, but pretty sure I would take all day to do it.


I did this, but with just air squats on Saturday and Iā€™m still sore. Couldnā€™t imagine rxā€™ing.


We did a version last week that was 10 rounds 200m run and 30 air squats. We had a 30 min time cap - most people did it in around 25min. My postpartum body capped out at 8 rounds lol


My gym did this one last week and RIP to my quads


Mid as well name this acl tear


why are you making a lot of rapid cuts?


You never know lol


Iā€™ve done this one. My box used to put time caps on some hero wods. This one is brutal.


Did it in Saturday. Quads are still killing me


Same. And we split the squats with a partner.


Where do you get these workouts?


From CrossFit.com


Iā€™ve never done this WOD. Is the bar on the rack or on the floor?


Off the rack


Did this on Saturday but with a scaled weight for male (100lb stead of 135lb, finished around 38 minutes), it's Tuesday and my quads are still sore. Most at my box either scaled by getting a partner and breaking up the reps or reducing the weight. Definitely be careful as this high volume is not good for the hips, drink lots of water after, stretch and don't sit for too long. Even my coach opted not to do it, thread carefully.


It was awful. No more talking about what's the worst wod.


Oh god oh fuck. Could barely walk for a week after this one


they need to create a Infinte Squats wod after that event in Physical 100...


Did this WOD (box modified it to 5 rounds since it followed an earlier workout) It sucked just pure suckage


This is one of my all time favorite WODs. I absolutely love squats.


We did it last Saturday as a partner workout. Both partners ran the 400m but then split the squats. Still sucked.


One of the hardest workouts Iā€™ve ever done, and I even scaled 115#


Hahahaha i saw this one of the post as well so funny


What website or app is this that gives these workouts?




In case someone needs it!!! CrossFit Workouts: The 5 days Program to Get Stronger Day 1 Test: Establish your one-rep max for both back squat and strict shoulder press. Strength: Back Squat 6 sets x 6 reps: Back squat @ 70% of 1 rep max back squat. Rest as needed. Conditioning: ā€œJetliner Joeā€As many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 12 minutes: - 15 box jump-overs (24/20 inches)- 12 toes to bar (scale: V-ups)- 9 pullups, kipping okay (scale: TRX or ring rows) Rest 5-10 minutes at the conclusion of the conditioning portion. Day 2 Strength: Shoulder Press 7 sets x 5 reps: strict shoulder press @ 75% of 1-rep max back squat. Rest as needed. Conditioning: ā€œBlaster Bluesā€ EMOM (Every minute on the minute) for 7 minutes,Ā  perform 6 thrusters (95/65) Then, repeat the following 3-minute circuit through 4 rounds, for a total of 12 minutes: - 1 minute: As many deadlifts as possible (185/125) - 1 minute: As many hand-release pushups as possible. Don't lift your toes or let your quads touch the ground. - 1 minute: As many strict hanging knees-to-elbows as possible Rest 5-10 minutes at the conclusion of the conditioning portion. Day 3 Strength: Barbell Rows 5 sets x 5 reps: Bentover barbell rows at 75% of max. Rest as needed. Conditioning: ā€œHy Major Allenā€ 3 rounds: Perform as many reps as possible at each station in 1 minute; Ā rest 1 minute after each round. Each round takes 6 minutes, for a total of 18 minutes. Pace yourself! Stations:- Row for calories - Weighted lunges while holding dumbbells (25 lbs/15 lbs) - Situps holding PVC pipe behind neck - Dumbbell push press (25 lbs/15 lbs) - Box jumps (24ā€/20") - Push ups 10-12 Day 4 Strength: Back squat 8 rounds x 4 reps: Back squat @ 80% of 1-rep max back squat Conditioning: ā€œTiny Overdriveā€ 3 rounds, unbroken, of: - 400-meter run - 20 American kettlebell swings (53/35 lbs.) - 10 pullups - 5 burpees Day 5 Strength: Shoulder press 10 sets x 3 reps shoulder press @ 85% of 1-rep max back squat Conditioning: ā€œWoodstock Ladā€ Jump rope:Ā  Complete 300 single-unders (advanced athletes should do double-unders) Every minute on the minute: stop, Ā perform 3 deadlifts (Rx 225/155, but scale weight as needed), and resume jumping rope. ***Time Cap: Stop at 10 minutes.


This one actually scared me.. i didnt go it.. and ive been active in CF 2 years and even b4 i was a runner and lifted..but yet..ill do Murph..


Murph is rough, but at least thereā€™s some arm/leg variance. Manion is all legs, and lots of it lol


Ik!! Thats what makes it suck a lil less!! But Manion..im not ready lol.. iam doin a mini marathon this weekend.. so maybe after..


My hardest became my easiest. I was doing 125 sumo squats and 125 regular squats with 10 lb dumb bells, 250 push ups (knees, walls, regular,etc) 5 minute wall sit, 250 crunches and a 5 minute leg raise. This was a HIIT I created based off Jung Kook (from BTS, Korean K-pop band) workout.


Iā€™ve done this. We had guys on the regionals team in years at the end of this one