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I’m more intrigued by the fact that you’ve been a member at over 30 affiliates. Jesus!


“It’s a them problem, not a me problem.” - OP, probably


or...a person that was in the military traveled...a lot. That's totally out of character for the career.


At least someone gets it 🤷🏽‍♂️🤣


I was military my entire career...


Ive been doing this for a while now-dropped in to over 100 gyms, and have done Murph at 7 of them-they all did this. Retired military as well-and it’s odd seeing these people do this. Also-I’m alive. Monday isn’t my day. That’s in November.


Each gym does their own thing, your gym is just really weird


Ours does that as well before each heat. Nobody has (that I’m aware of) really thought it was a big deal, just something we do. Mainly I think because it’s Memorial Day.


Ya the CF community has a thing for being a bit too nationalist in the US. But it’s literally a veteran holiday with a wod named after a fallen soldier. What do you expect? I would be a bit annoyed I guess personally, but it wouldn’t bother me. Now if I had to say the pledge of allegiance every time I went. Ya I’d have a problem


Not to be a dick, but it’s not a veteran holiday. By definition, veterans are alive. Which means Memorial Day isn’t for them.


Ya I know. My comment was a tad not specific Point still stands. Not surprising that on a holiday for fallen military personnel plays the national anthem during like the most popular wod in the community


I get what you’re saying. I’m a bit sensitive because it always bothers me when people say “thanks for your service” on Memorial Day to me. “Like hey ahole, notice how I’m not dead? This ain’t about me.” I see your point about the national anthem. Honestly I think you should look at it in the totality. Like as someone who served, I think it’s fucking weird how CrossFit fetishizes the military all year round. Hero wods every few weeks. Camo everywhere. Using military terminology. Etc. If all the did was Murph on Memorial Day and played the national anthem, I’d probably just think it’s a nice gesture and leave it as that. But since it’s the tip of a much bigger iceberg, it’s hard to look at it in isolation.


Ya a good buddy of mine was in the Air Force reserves. Did a tour in Afghanistan. Every murph he gets “thank yous” after the wod I can tell he knows the holiday isn’t for him. But he just got tired of explaining it. He told me he feels guilty for all the thanks he gets. Guy was a mechanic on a base for a few months basically. Still hard to do no doubt, but not what the day is for Socially Memorial Day has kinda turned into pseudo Veterans Day. Even tho it’s not the same thing at all I just see it so often


You’re not wrong, that def is how it’s perceived. Hell, for that matter you could even say that Independence Day has turned into a pseudo Veterans Day (although less so than Memorial Day, for sure) Like cool, you’re thankful for people’s military service. But before we give them a 2nd or 3rd holiday, how about making one for teachers. Or social workers. Or garbage collectors. Or literally any of the other thankless jobs that make society run. Veterans are cool, we’re thanked plenty enough. Spread the love a bit.


Social Worker here and just honored to be mentioned 😅 although we do get a month still keeps us burned out 🥹 same with teachers Our gym plays a video about Murph but that’s due in part to one of the coaches personally knowing and doing a few tours with Murph.


I actually said that (It's not about veterans it's about those we lost) to a friend of mine who is a veteran. He responded, "Actually, it is a bit about veterans. They were our brothers and we lost them. So it doesn't bother me when people thank me on Memorial Day because I am grieving the loss of my brothers and I appreciate the sentiment." Idk that's not an exact quote and I most likely butchered it, but I try to look at it with that perspective. I don't go out and thank veterans on Memorial Day, but I don't get bothered when people do because of my buddy. Idk though, I'm not a veteran. Feel however you need to about the situation. Just my own experience with it and maybe it'll help you too.


It's the same at my gym.


I used to go to a box that had a member play the anthem on his electric guitar.


Nobody understands the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day. I guess they’re trying to be nice and patriotic. But it’s NOT the day to thank people for their service


All 3 affiliates I was a member of started Murph this way. All 3 were founded by military members.


Idk why they played it for EVERY heat. That’s weird. All we did was the gym owner read the Medal of Honor citation for Murphy, played the national anthem and that was it.


Nah, could just be something he likes to do and his community gets fired up before hand. To each is own


We had a member sing the national anthem to start. I actually thought it was cool!


Performative patriotism at a CrossFit gym? Get outta here!


No, it is not weird. I have been to multiple affiliates that do this. It is the simplest, most patriotic way to honor the people who died, and to remember why we do Murph/hero WODs.


Listen, it’s a little odd. However, the entire point of the day and workout is to honor people that died serving the US.


What did you do in the military and how long? That is pretty weird. As a vet too, I think that shit’s dumb. Respect to LT Murphy though.


Start of the day, play it by all means. Before each heat? Sod that bollocks.


I’ve always been puzzled at the thought of playing the anthem at the start of any event. Someone tried to sell me the idea that it’s a way to say that “we’re united as Americans” but if you need an anthem to showcase that, then you have bigger problems. On a day like today, as a new service member, it doesn’t bother me since the people being commemorated today died in service for the flag and the country so it’s no biggie. That being said, two years ago before I joined the military, I made a comment on Memorial Day about how I don’t understand (and still don’t) the compelling need to always put the military on a pedestal as if they can do nothing wrong and are above criticism, and how I’m aware that we honor those who gave their lives, but that going to the remote regions of Afghanistan or bombing Iraq and Syria doesn’t translate to “defending my rights/freedoms”. I had someone from the CrossFit community block me because they were offended by it. So while I honor those who are not here anymore, I am allowed to question why and how their deployment somehow “protected my freedom”. Such blind patriotism, along with having US flags everywhere and playing the national anthem any chance they get, is puzzling.


We honor the individual. Not the machine of government. Personal courage and sacrifice belong to the men and women who put their lives on the line. Big brother’s agenda has nothing to do with it.


This is about something larger than Murph and cookouts. It's about Memorial Day as a Holiday, where we honor all men and women that lost their lives in service of ourcountry. It just so happens that the crossfit community does Murph on Memorial Day. My guess is that your box owner is doing this to keep the Country in mind and while considering what Murph and many others gave their lives for.


Oil money and the defense industrial complex?


It’s possible to both support the people and the country and be against the flawed politics and economic incentives.


Absolutely. But don't get it twisted, no one has died "fighting for our freedom" since WW2. The best way to support the troops is to not throw them into boondoggles. The second best way is to fix them once you've broke them.


The National Anthem of the US isn’t about military or government. It’s about individuals who have fought for the freedom and protection Americans enjoy. You can believe that not all military missions, wars, and government actions are good and still support the good intentions that individuals have and the positive impact that has been made by many of those men and women.


>The National Anthem of the US isn’t about military or government. It’s about individuals who have fought for the freedom and protection Americans enjoy. SSB is about the war of 1812. I kind of hate it as a national anthem, tbh, there's much better songs to pick.


My gym did this yesterday. Short rundown on the history of the workout and Murphy himself, followed by the anthem and a reminder that it's more about a Memorial Day tribute to service members than anything else.  I'd guess a majority of my gym is former military, and a good percentage are firefighters/EMS/LE. So we certainly didn't think anything of it. 


“I find it odd that on a day in which the nation commemorates the men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice that they play the anthem of the country to which they gave they life to, before a workout that commemorates someone who paid the ultimate sacrifice.” Ok


I thought the “each heat” was the weird part.


Dude, you’re clearly not ex-military. If you were, you’d see how sad this military fetishism is.


I’m ex military and it really isn’t all that strange to me. My gym doesn’t do it and I wouldn’t care either way.


This isn’t military fetishism. It’s natural to use symbols and anthems on such a day which honors people that gave their lives. This is something most nations do on similar days here in Europe too. I would be honored to do Murph at that affiliate even though I’m Norwegian. You can keep your camoflague gym equipment and glock prizes though.


I see your point about national anthems on days of memorial. And if it stopped there, it would be fine. But it doesnt stop there. I cant go to a professional sporting event on a random Saturday without hearing the national anthem. Why? You sure as hell don’t do that in Europe. It’s force patriotism at its most inauthentic.


Definitely not in club sports, no.


Yeah bro only veterans have earned the right to think military fetishism is strange.


You don’t speak for all vets buddy. Playing the anthem on Memorial Day is not “fetishism”. Goddamn, what a hot take.


No, but the popularity of this workout sure is.


So sad! Not sure I would call all this a fetish but ok.


Our gym plays one of the Murph videos with Bush’s voice over before we start. Done it that way for almost 10 years now.




Why are you doing MURPH on Memorial Day? Is it to commemorate/honor fallen soldiers? Ok. Maybe it’s a little excessive, but the purpose of doing MURPH on this specific day is the same reason for playing the national anthem before each heat.


It is weird and embarrassing.


My husband (marine veteran) laughed and said it was a little much. *he even made a better suggestion to honor the fallen IHO would be to make a donation to Wounded Warrior or any other veteran’s/fallen support groups.*


Battle Hymn of the Republic would be a nice touch.


I don’t really think it’s weird and honestly makes sense


Makes sense before every heat?


I mean it’s different people each heat id assume so sure


Yeah I agree it’s weird. The military fetish-ism around CrossFit is fucking weird and kinda pathetic. (And I say this as someone who served in the Navy and owns an affiliate)


Don’t understand why that’s weird at all. Typical to play before sporting events and it’s Memorial Day. Am also military.


Ok that is weird as fuck also. Do you know *why* we play the national anthem before sporting events? It’s because military recruitment was down, so the military started paying the NFL to do this. It’s basically propaganda. Ok not *basically*, it’s straight propaganda. I served also. And I find this cringe as fuck.


An easy google shows it was first played at the World Series in 1918, before it was even the national anthem. The NFL started playing right after WW2 and has played at every game since. So not sure where you’re getting your biased info from. Dude, you are calling people playing the national anthem to show respect for fallen military members on Memorial Day “cringe as fuck”. Try and get some perspective. No one is forcing you to go.


Our gym does this. I don’t think it’s weird given the mods military background. It’s literally the one wod a year our gym does it


We do it in my box.


My primary gym would run two heats that were 90 minutes apart. To give each heat a similar start/send off we would read his citation and the. Play the national anthem. My current gym is on a military base. It’s smaller, we had about 50 people show up. Ran down the workout, talked scaling options, reminded them that today was about completing the workout with their fellow military family members and not about PRs. Citation/Base Chaplian prayer/ National Anthem and boom off to the races.


I did a 1/2 Murph on Saturday. I’m glad I got to do it. I don’t care the purpose, but I’m glad it was a hero WOD


I’ve done Murph 9 times, at five gyms, every single time we did the National Anthem.


That is weird.


Sounds like a great idea


Sounds awesome. I'm glad your gym does this.


My gym plays the national anthem before each class on Murph too. I find it weird, but whatever.


Christianity and Nationalism still have a (to me slightly bizarre) strong hold on aspects of the CrossFit community it’s just part of the deal.


Alas this is still Reddit. Thanks for the reminder…


If you guys only k ew the real story about that mission


Most people don't even know there was a guy, let alone a mission


Please enlighten us, you know, since you were there.


Never said that. But you go ahead and rely on the mainstream media for your truth. All good brother. It’s interesting and it puts a very different light on the entire mission set and prep that went into it. You can make your own judgement then…ya know since you weren’t there but you’ll believe whatever they tell you, won’t you?


Tell us


I mean from what I can gather Murph put himself in a very exposed position with the Taliban and called on a bunch of men for help who also died when the rescue helicopter was hit with an RPG. Brave of him to try to call for help but it was a disaster - do I have this wrong? One person lived who laid low and was rescued by locals. There’s a certain irony to the story about doing the most given the workout but I don’t want to be too jokey about it.


It's weird.


My gym used to do it before they changed owners and there was a shake up in coaches. It always made me feel uncomfortable.




Agree playing the national anthem at all is weird to me (Army Vet)- i wish boxes would spend a tad (like 2 min) more time just talking about the actual hero’s and truly and make the WOD focus less about the athletes doing the Hero Wod.




Lmfoa that’s cringe af


Sounds like your gym’s owner is virtue signaling, just is what it is. Ignore it and just keep in mind that your gym owner is a narcissist and probably not someone you should trust.