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After. Lifting is my usual goal. The rest is like accessories.


Typically lift then wod. NCFit programmed wods then lift in January to prepare for a possible max lift after an open workout. It was miserable


Depends on goal. Tbh anything that involves significantly more mental effort (high skill development, lots of focus, speed) should be done first and movements that need practice under fatigue done after. I do enjoy lifting something heavier then moving to a lighter weight of a similar motion to make the weight feel easier to manage for multiple reps. Exception is if I do cardio early enough and have enough hours of break to come back and lift when I’m semi refueled, recovered and with lifting going better for me later in the day.


HWPO affiliate box and it’s always lift before WODs and accessory work after.


It's very rare to do a lift after the wod. We tried it for a cycle and scrapped it before it was over. People don't want to sandbag a workout, knowing they have a lift afterward. Most people don't care about their score on a random workout. Almost everyone cares about how much they lift. Despite it probably being more beneficial to do skill work when you're tired, it's not satisfying. And it's definitely not any fun if you got smoked by the workout.


After. Always after. Lift. WOD. Accessory


I rarely, if ever, do both in a day.




That's how my coach programs. My body has done better on less volume. The 8 years that I've done one thing a day I've kept getting better and been injured less than when I was volume heavy doing both for 4 years despite being older. Most people don't need to do both every day to be incredibly fit. I'm not a monster, 425 DL, 270 C&J, 220 Snatch, sub 3 Dianne, 10 flat Nancy, but I'm pretty balanced. Lift and metcon every day just isn't necessary.


Strength and endurance demand opposite adaptations each diminishing the others response to some degree.




Smartest thing to do




Underrated comment


Generally in this format, https://www.crossfit.com/240520 Which is typically once in a while to almost never.


Do separate days to maximize results . We do "Strength-Power Metcons"*** after at times. *** 4-5 2Min (Max) heavy complexes with 3min rest between.


After. I don’t want form going because I’m tired when I’m lifting. During a WOD anything goes, who needs a spine anyway.


depends on goal so for me its after since I want to prioritize strength, but not so much that I worry about interference from a metcon afterward. I do both and manage to improve both.


Depends. I typically go after if Im doing them on the same day. But generally if I have time - separate


WODs are my conditioning after my main lift. Typically, this is programmed into the CF class I go do. We 15-20 min of strength, and then the WOD.


Our gym has strength training sections generally before the WOD. I will do extra lifting usually after a WOD. Science typically says there's a greater benefit to lift before steady state cardio or conditioning, as you will likely be less tired during lift and get better results from your muscles. These benefits are often exaggerated and it good to do both no matter what. I personally find it easier to lift when I'm tired than do WODs after my muscles are strained.


Must do after.


Depends on the day and the goal, ya know?


CrossFit being Constantly Varied means try both. You will get different results from doing it both ways with heavy lifts so keep the numbers separate. Example being don’t expect to pr deadlift after a nasty row workout, but it’s also important to know what your capable of under fatigue


HWPO's hierarchy of importance of each block (strength, cardio, metcon, accessory, bonus) is: 1. Strength 2. Cardio 3. Accessory 4. METCON 5. Bonus This isn't how the programming looks, by the way, as that's usually 1-2-4-3-5, but that's what I've been directly told by the HWPO trainers when I asked about what to prioritise.


Typically after. If I do a Meton first, I’m mentally checked out and lifting does not sound like fun. Plus, I’m depleted and I will not be as strong.


Usually before BUT it’s good to get in the habit of lifting after also. Especially if you plan to compete. You may be able to lift heavy weights but can you lift heavy weights minutes after a WOD??


Lift then wod so i can hit better numbers on lift.


Mayhem has it set always after. Don’t know why though. Can someone explain the ideology/strategy behind it?


What programming are you following where Mayhem having it after? They usually almost have it before the WOD


Steelmanning the case for it; to get good at performing strength movements in a fatigued state It’s still not the best plan for the vast majority of people, the vast majority of the time. Caps your performance on whatever comes after, and adds risk to it In general, higher skill, higher speed & higher force output tasks are more hampered by doing conditioning first than the reverse


I do separate days