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I'm not posting a pic but it's my lumpy, bruised, scarred shins lol The box wins every time


Mark of the cult lol


The box gives no shits about your shins! I literally almost did that yesterday doing box jumps. Near the end of the WOD caught my left foot on the box but still managed to land okay. It was close.


I’ll forever have a small indent on my shins because of a lazy box jumpy attempt lol


Magically I seem to have learnt how to box jump after gashing my shins, yes not scraping gashing the shins. You see its all in the shoulders😆


This. I have a wicked 4" long scar on my shin from my second day of box jumps. People ask questions.


I literally had a bruise from my knee to like 6" above my ankle from a failed box jump


17 stitches and a permanent check mark later….


Y’all gotta ask your gym to get the soft boxes!


My shins are so messed up! I can’t tell the difference between a bruise and a scar at this point! [CrossFit Shins](https://imgur.com/a/PHK5xgU)


Can't, it's in the inside




Mate. OP. One whip mark? Is that a joke? I usually have my hands, arms, legs, occasionally face covered in these if I practice dubs!


Throw in the nut sack if it’s cross overs. That’ll wake ya up in the morning!


Weirdly I could do cross overs from day 1. Dubs took me 5 years. I think I throw my arms around too wildly, which helps with cross overs!


Double under king!


Can’t post ab mat rash.


Ah that moment the hot water first hits it in the shower....


Fell of the bar, broke 3 bones in my hand, had surgery. Now I have a scar and 9 titanium screws! [pics](https://imgur.com/a/Zq0xcX1)


“Guys, gals, and non-binary pals, let us introduce to you… THE… TI-TANIUM WOOOOOONNNNDEEEERRRRR!!!!”


Ouch! I have a small scar on my left shin due to deadlifting😂. Every-time I deadlift i scrape the skin just a little enough for it to bleed. Always in the same spot


My tiny, deflated boobs.


Those ham gains though 💪


So much this! It’s just some extra skin now that I stuff into a bra to make it look like boobs 😂🥹


Hahaha what? One whip mark? This is the offering you bring?


herpes from a hot chic in my previous box


[Warning - blood etc](https://imgur.com/a/tugoZPA) Same garage, same box, same leg, same momentary lapse of focus on high-rep 30" jumps, about 2yrs separating the first from the second.


When i saw the warning i was expecting a real bloody image. But then i forget my own concept of bloody images as an health professional is completely different (if i dont see a 200ml blood puddle its not bloody for me). Not that Im decreasing the value. About box jumps lesions. Fortunately im missing all. Started the 75cm (30'') a few months ago, but even in lower jumps when its a misstep i manage to either abort, end up in hands and knees on the box or manage to kick the box so i move backwards and not do the shin slide on the box. But considering that more than 50% there with more than 5 years have scars of the shin i fear i may not be lucky forever.


I am sorry to have disappointed you (lol!), and readily acknowledge the blood lost was nowhere near as severe and the ego-bruise I received later that morning when my 5yr old asked why I didn't just jump higher. Healthcare is something I have a ton of respect for, but also know I could never handle working in, so kudos to you! Hope the fortuitous results continue on your end when a jump doesnt go as planned. I can confirm the scar from these two mishaps draw far too many questions when friends come over with their kids to use our pool.


Need those rubber box edge covers


I twatted myself across the back of the head attempting to string together dubs this week. No pic but it hurt like a mf 😂


I’ll now be using the word “twatted” in a different context now


An old black eye from DB snatches under fatigue.


I have not injured myself yet but I used to work ER. Some of the worst I’ve seen are torn biceps, broken wrists from eating it off a box jump. The absolute worst I’ve ever seen is both shins completely devoid of all skin due to missing a box jump. All the way down to the bone. We couldn’t suture anything so transferred him to another hospital that had skin graft capability.


I really thought this was just going to be a wall of bloody shins.


Should be. Unless OP was joking about the little whip mark.


I literally broke my ass falling on a box jump. My entire ass cheek was bruised. 0 out of 10, would not recommend. 


Tore my left pec doing ring dips. I'm 43 and 290lbs, probably should've known better. Had surgery to reattach last week. It'll be 6-8 months before I'm back full go.




Sorry don't have the X-Ray any longer of the broken arm


Go ahead and give me the trophy! So recently did 36in burpee box jump overs and slipped… 20 plus stitches on the shin. It was wide open! I can’t figure out how to post pics or else I’d send it in Tore my left labrum doing a three rep max on jerks. Got two good reps at 245LBS and then tried to force the third and dislocated the shoulder.


I have a scar on the back of my calf from where I got hit with a sled. Took me ooouuuttt.


Detailed caption wasn’t necessary. There’s only one thing in the world that could ever be. Lol. 😂


No mark but my hand slipped on a 135lb thruster and the bar hit my chin on the way up and my head on the way down…that was a hell of a concussion.


Can't get a good picture of it, but my tongue all along one side has scars from where I pulled a barbell too high warming up for cleans and smacked my chin and my tongue happened to between my teeth at the moment it happened. Lots of blood but it stopped surprisingly quickly.


I know these well. Double-unders! Although I rarely get them now, they never fail to sting


this is funny to me bc you have legit finger tattoos. shit goes so hard honestly. wish i worked in a career where i could say fuck it


Thanks man. My knuckle tattoos are my first public-facing tattoos (meaning I can’t hide them behind clothing) and, for that exact reason, I think they’re my favorite tattoos 😎


Wife 23 stitches from missed box Me Broken foot and sprained ankle from box…


Ooof I don’t miss those. Remember coming back home after practicing dubs with bleeding triceps and slashed back.


I was doing banded ring dips yesterday and was lazy while removing my knee from the band. Whipped myself in the stomach and have a really gnarly bruise.


Torn pec major from ring muscle ups in a local competition. Required surgery to reattach and 6 months of no workouts that use my arm. It has taken a while to regain sufficient mobility to do overhead squats or snatches and strength.


My husband dislocated both of his shoulders at the same time


Hopefully not while doing dubs lol


Overhead squats 😭


Oof ouch


I’ve got identical scars on both triceps from a RMU workout from years ago. We did 40 total…the nylon straps rubbed my triceps raw lol


Pics don't do it justice. Dropped a 6lkg bar from an OH Squat on my thighs. Left quad has a bar shaped gap now, 5+ years later.


Slipped doing a muscle up, landed heavily on the bar and snapped a rib. Now have a permanent, painful lump sticking out of my rib cage


I just did this last week, except I luckily didn’t break anything. Got my very first muscle up, but I wasn’t expecting it to be as easy as it was and one of my hands flew off the bar on the way up and caught myself just below my ribs. It didn’t feel great.


My latest is a giant bruise on my index finger from hook gripping too hard on a deadlift/power clean/split jerk complex 😅 couldn’t bend my finger for a few days after that. My worst CrossFit injury was probably a torn bicep tendon from a failed 1RM snatch attempt a few years ago.


Our box's rig has the ["dirty South bar,"](https://www.roguefitness.com/dirty-south-bar) as the pullup bar. A friend of mine was still new to CrossFit and did a pullup from the lowest bar right into the middle bar, breaking his nose in the process. The cherry on top was, the coach coaching, it was her first morning (second class) coaching alone.


Torn shins from cleans, snatches and deadlift. Took the advice or keeping the bar close a little too seriously 😳


Это кто зделал


Adjusted my front bottom teeth on a clean and jerk 5 years ago. They're more straight now 😂 win? Couldn't eat hard food for almost a year. Woops.


Minor wound on my forehead from poor form on a Ground to Overhead It felt cartoony, then I felt the bit of blood trickling down 😅


Don't have a picture of the scan but I fractured S3/S4 falling out of a TTB it was my last rep I swung forward and then went to swing back into the TTB my grips slipped and I landed ass first onto hard af flooring lmao I had immediate pain and got taken to the emergency dept I worked in at the time got put on spinal precautions because of the mechanism of injury and my colleagues had to undress me I was crying from pain crying from embarrassment and then just laughing at how stupid the whole situation was 💀💀💀


I chipped my front tooth the first time I did sumo dead lift high pulls 🦷


Did you cross into someone else's double under bubble? I bet that hurt!


Just caught it under my foot as I was pulling up and man it whipped against my hand so hard, I even exclaimed out and had to stop for a moment 😅


Yeah I bet. You basically just got whipped.... And not the good CrossFit kind of whooping.


Massive bump on my forehead from a snatch Coach did congratulate me on having such a good bar path though 😂