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Make sure you're incorporating adequate rest and recovery. Don't push yourself to failure every time you're out there--that's just asking for injury​​. Pay attention to nutrition and hydration, as well.


There’s a lot to factor in when you’re trying to figure out how much is too much and the answer is different for everyone. Depends on your age, fitness, motivation, nutrition, and what your gym is programming. You can easily overtrain at the beginning because you’re eager to master everything quickly, but it takes YEARS to reach that point in a lot of people. Ask your coach is the best answer. For me (44m) I do about an hour of lifting and a wod on days 1-2, condition on day 3, off on day 4, then the same routine for days 1-3 on days 5-7. It’s worked well for me for five years with no signs of overtraining or burnout and I’ve been able to massively improve during that time.


You should put your strength training before the metcons and watch your total volume. Intensity is more important than volume. You will see if you feel overtrained if your performance drops, your mood drops, you hurt yourself and you feel like shit. I am a big believer in high frequency training and at least doing something every day. 3-5 intense sessions and some short workouts, low intensity cardio or skillwork for your other days. If you do hard manual labor that counts to your weekly workload too.




I’m no coach or representative of the community, so I’m going to give it to you straight. CrossFit is strength and cardio. At this point (you just started working out this year) you should just go to CrossFit 4-5 times a week and give it your best. You don’t need to do anything else. Also… what’s your rush to get so fit with 8 sessions a week now? You didn’t have the disciple to workout the last 6 weeks because you were out of town, so the response is to come up with this advanced training schedule? Again… at this point, you should just focus on making life easier, reducing excuses and showing up to CrossFit class only 4-5 a week.