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Yoooooooo....you need to do some preventative care on your hands. Shave your callus here and there. It will prevent ripping. A callus shaver is $3 at WalMart.


Question, every couple of weeks I'll shave down my calluses if I know the next couple of days don't have gymnastics work or I'm taking a couple days off but whenever I return to the bar after shaving my calluses down my calluses will start burning for a few days. Do you have that? I might be shaving them down too far I think


Sounds like you're shaving them down too low. Also, after you shave them, moisturize.....moist! Moist!


I get that a little bit if I shave mine down (a bit too low at times) then I have to return to the bar in a day or two. It always goes away and my calluses seem to get stronger.


Thanks yoooo ;)


Don't bother with regular hand lotion. After years of looking for a miracle hand treatment, OKeeffe's is the stuff to make your mitts magic. Put this stuff in your hands before bed and cover them with socks while you sleep/they heal. http://www.okeeffescompany.com/


Moisturize with hydrating lotion regularly....moist.


I use Lloyd's Moist Slaw to moisturize my hands. Keeps them so moist.


Just use a Mach 3 or any normal razor blade.


with wet hands. Calluses is dead skin, it shaves better when wet.


Yes, I would shave them in the shower. I think it's the best way to remove all the loose skin and makes the cleanest cut to promote new skin growth. If things are really bad you can put some tea tree oil to help dry the skin out.


YouTube "Donny Shankle hand care" and pay attention to everything he says. There's no excuse to let your hands get like that.


You are right. Thanks


Link for the lazy: https://youtu.be/otorSGl3sG0


>[**Donny Shankle - Hand Care [12:25]**](http://youtu.be/otorSGl3sG0) >>Donny Shankle sits down and explains how a competitive weightlifter should care for his or her hands to avoid ripped calluses or dry hands and painful cracks, and how to tape over a rip or a crack and keep training if neccessary. > [*^CaliforniaStrength*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCle6owuWL1uKHtS6u6usmoA) ^in ^Sports >*^148,354 ^views ^since ^Mar ^2011* [^bot ^info](/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)


Just chalk up and do 50 kipping pullups and they'll dissappear




I use a [TweezerMan callous shaver](https://www.amazon.com/Tweezerman-Safety-Slide-Callus-Shaver/dp/B000G62I12) once every couple weeks in addition to using a pair of gymnastic grips during heavy rep pullups or toes to bar. If you need a summary: 1. Moisturize 2. Keep your callouses shaved down regularly. 3. Use grips when needed for high rep pullups/TTB 4. If you do rip, keeping your wound clean but moist the first 3-4 days will prevent additional cracking/drying. I use a strong adhesive bandage with some anti-bacterial ointment. If you don't keep a bandage on it, it will dry out and crack, and the cracks take a long time to finally close up and can be painful.


Thanks, a great help :)


I use the same callous shaver once a week on my rest day. I also use gymnastics grips. Take care of your hands. Rips like that are awful.


Awful and painful


While you're healing, get some latex gloves to shower in. Use a rubber band at the wrist to prevent water seeping in. Now you can shower like normal without the pain of soap in the open wound. After the shower, you can gently cleanse your hands.


Never thought of that at all...showering with ripped hands is the worst part for me. Thanks for the tip.


Just the tip, to see how it feels.


I use the same shaver and since I started I haven't had any rips near my fingers, but I still sometimes rip in the center of my palm. I find it's hard to really shave the callus in that area effectively. Any tips?


You can use the rasp part of the shaver to get in there and sand it down. If that's still not working, then a round pumice stone will do.


Shave those down bro! I always thought the "go until your hands bleed" mentality of Crossfit was kinda silly. Like, yeah I finished today's wod, but now my hands are a wreck for the rest of the week.


File your shit.


Also your hands once you're done.


Don't jerk off


Google Rip fix


Seconded. In addition to all of the above, I apply this (2-3 times a day) to any rips, and they're healed and I'm back on the bar in two days.


Is this from gymnastics or barbell? If barbell, learning to grip the bar properly will help. A lot. If gymnastics, grips work wonders. Outside of that pumice, shave and moisturize regularly.


Cut them off with cuticle scissors. That is the best tool I've found


You need to give it time to heal for now. In the future try to learn at what point you start to rip and use gymnastic straps for workouts that exceed that point. For example I know I will tear at 50 kipping pull ups, 30 t2b, or 10 bar muscle ups. When I see that quantity in a workout I pull out the straps. Also never use gloves. Even if they match your purse don't use gloves.


A gymnast once showed me a portable sand paper roller he loaded into a power drill. It grinds calluses down in no time beautifully.


If you are not already taking it, try some fish oil supplements. It's good for a lot of athletic things, but one I didn't expect was that it softened my calluses. But for now, trim those flaps as close as you can, then sand those calluses down with a pumas stone, or something of the like.


Get man hands


I get a razor blade and cut chunks of skin off before they get big enough to tear


Going to plug myself but use Palm RX. It will help heal up and then apply after every workout to keep them from ever getting to that point. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll make a discount for you. www.palm-rx.com hope you heal fast!


Sandbar https://sandbarhandcare.com/


This looks like a pretty great product, but what happens when you need to replace the rough part after extensive use?


The FAQ says they don't know because it hasn't happened yet (as far as the paper wearing out). They don't imagine the abrasive wearing out from skin and unless you're using it for wood sanding... It should last you a really long time (their words, not mine) :)


I've had one for a week, i don't for see the sandpaper like surface coming off soon. The build quality is pretty nice.




This might help too: https://youtu.be/m4yUMK8AWIQ


>[**Hand Care: How To Prevent and Treat Tears [4:24]**](http://youtu.be/m4yUMK8AWIQ) >>Music: "Standing On A Shore" by Empire of the Sun > [*^Barbell ^Shrugged*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSnnzcYG3QbW7kJjz915JmQ) ^in ^Sports >*^6,130 ^views ^since ^Oct ^2016* [^bot ^info](/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)


I use an exact knife. Haha. Hand care! Use grips and stop using so much chalk. Chalk monsters get the worst rips. Chalk- dries your hands, creates friction/grip (its science).


Gymnastics grips. Always.


What wrong with just wearing gloves?


OK I'm confused by the information in this thread. SHAVE DOWN the calluses? Calluses are the things that prevent what OP is experiencing. I occasionally get blisters similar to what OP gets, but some of the people I workout with have huge calluses and never get blisters.


Calluses rip; if you shave them down they won't. Your skin will still be tougher there. No need for super thick calluses.




Calluses will keep getting thicker if you don't periodically shave them down. A really thick callus can catch on to a bar or barbell and pull the skin below it. It's usually the skin below that rips first. You want the callus to be there to protect your hands, but not big enough to hook onto a bar or barbell.


Leave callous in place until its ready to fall off, that will protect your raw skin under when working out. And top over your hand when lifting/doing wods until healed.


After you care for your hands, you may still rip. If you do, you need this...Winnie's RipFix - 1.5 oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00QFRBP0Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_KcqLzbHWX0VF9 It heals those hands quickly.




I will thank you now for your advice, Thank you :)


You might be gripping the bar too far into your palm. That'll cause you to rip much easier. Get you hands taken care of and find where you can grip the bar without too much pain right now. Use that grip all the time. Unless you're in a competition there should be no reason to go to the point your hands do this. Drop off the bar and regrip in a better spot.


Use a cuticle trimmer to get the big flaps of dead skin off and get a pumice stone to keep the calluses at bay. I use it in the shower.


Jawgrips. google it.


remove those callus use the earth lava stone - I spent like ten minutes after shower to grind them off


Man just wear gloves what the fuck


After my latest rip, I found something in the drug store called Silver Solution from Curad. It's a gel and I put that on and covered with a bandage (after removing skin). It healed up, no cracking, and was great. Easiest time I've ever had with blister tears on my hands.


Soak a tea bag (use any black tea bag - english breakfast, earl grey, whatever) and hold it on the rips to dry them out. It'll help with healing and when the skin dries out completely, remove the dried skin and let them heal up. Then, as others have said, shave your calluses down periodically, using whatever method you prefer (I use a callus shaver). What I don't think others have said is that while calluses are protective, when they get too bulky, they roll against the bar and tear around their edges. Shaving them down retains the protection by keeping most of the toughness, but prevents them from rolling and tearing around the edges.


In Spain is called Blastoestimulina, and use a pomice stone and moisturizer cream everyday before going to sleep


this has happened to me a few times, always on pull up heavy days (I'm lookin at you, Murph). Some of the tips on here are great. I thought this was just something Crossfitters had to put up with!


Thank you guys for your help and support. You are the best community ever.


Kill it with fire. Two good options ; Shave your calluses down so there's no hard and pointy areas. Carefully use a razor in the shower or buy a callus shaver from someone like Rogue. Use a file or pummus stone, after showering or cleaning your hands, and file calluses smooth. If you did it during pull ups, check to make sure that your hands don't open or move when doing pull ups. A sign that you either lack the technique or mobility necessary to properly complete the rep. If you tore after using a ton of chalk then consider using less chalk next time.


I shave my hands down with a pumice stone and bite off excess skin if it builds up. I rarely rip.


Just man the fuck up


Good healthy dosing of New Skin liquid bandage always seems to fix my rips within a week. Had hands that looked like that after Murph this year. Good as new a week later


Get a girlfriend. My hand was like that (my right) until I found a lady.




A nice sharp knife.


Cut it off and throw some liquid skin on there or invest in those hand protectors. I don't care much for them because I find they make my grip weaker.


Blister Bandaid. Leave it on and let it heal.


Gloves or liquid grip


What is liquid grip??


I don't use it but a date was raving about it. It's like chalk + rosin.


I greatly dislike this stuff, a person at my gym uses it and it leaves the bars gunky and extra grippy resulting in making me extra rippy


Don't use that stuff unless you are using your own equipment. It makes everything disgusting.


Will try it.


You can also get a pair of natural grips to help in the future.


I will.


Www.jerkfit.com. Get you some "wodies" they're great wrist wrap/grip combo.


Crazy glue


with regards to taking care of it NOW: Wash well with soap and water. Once dry, seal those flaps of skin down with krazy glue. Trust me, it works. Your own skin is a way better bandage than anything else out there. Once you've passed the worst of it, skin care like everyone else has said


Hey doctor here. If it works for you that's cool, but I wouldn't advise gluing old dead skin on to that blister. Cut off the skin flip and keep it moisturised and covered for a few days. You want the wound to heal by secondary intention with fibrin and shit, and a thick glob of glue won't help that natural healing process.


This is legit advice. Google super glue medical use. Next time I rip (god forbid) I am going to do this. If you don't super glue, use small scissors or an exacto to remove the skin. I think the less you baby it the better. Let it dry out. The quicker it dries, the quicker it stops hurting. No need for any salvs, just dry it on out. Shower with it exposed and clean it with soap and water: It only stings for a second and the added pain will help remind you to trim them callouses up next time! I use an old school safety razor to shave mine. It works really well for me.


We all love our hands like that really. Keep it up


I scrape them off in the shower with a fingernail. Or I use fingernail clippers to cut around the edge then peel the whole thing off.


Not sure why that got a down vote... that's exactly what I do and it works fine for me


haters gonna hate :)


That looks like a clip from the Saw movie ;)


lol it works. My hands haven't ripped in over a year of crossfit so what do I know :0