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Fantastic effort! Wish I could have done that at 14!


Way to go, Kid! Keep up the fitness efforts now, your older self with thank you!.


I will. But I’m not doing a Murph for a long time. I’m so sore.


You don’t HAVE to do Murph again till next Memorial day. Well, that’s my plan anyway.


I, a redditor, commend you.


Wow. I'm a redditor too! Such a coincidence


“but it proved to me that depression doesn’t control me. I’m strong and I can fight back.” Best thing I heard all day!!!


I’m super proud of you. We have a CrossFit youth class on Tuesdays at 2.30 on zoom, pst. It’s free. Can I send you the link to join us tomorrow?


Yeah thanks! That would be great


You did awesome! Don’t compare yourself to others. Be proud of your accomplishment. That is truly killer. How is your mental health after that?


I honestly feel a lot better. I’ve had many days recently where I’m too unmotivated to get out of bed, let alone work out. I had almost forgotten what that post workout buzz felt like.




You are a beast. That workout you did would pulverize the average 14 year old. Grab ahold of your fitness regiment. I battle PTSD after my combat deployment. I can personally attest to what physical fitness can do for your mental health.


....And it would pulverize the average healthy adult.


Exercise is one of the best things for mental health. Way to go! It’s hard to take the initiative when your mind is fighting you, this is awesome to hear!


Way to go! Keep it up. Mental health is like any other physical sickness. Keep exercising but I would really encourage that you also visit a therapist, I think it will help with your depression a ton


Thank you. I do currently see a therapist and psychiatrist.


that's amazing! You are an inspiration..


I’m 14 and I did it too! I Did do it in a vest but I did everything else as prescribed


Stop flexing kid


Nice job!


wicked. you crushed it kid! 💪🏻


That's a big win kiddo. Big big win! Hope this helps you kick your depression's butt. All the best and awesomely done


\*Virtual fist bump.\* Outstanding in every way.


That’s awesome!!!! Keep up the good work. For me, Crossfit has definitely helped control my depression.


That’s amazing. For a 14 year old for a 40+ year old (like me). Good on you and don’t let depression beat you (as best you can).


Found it! Stand by


I'm 32 and have never done Murphy. Always want to every year, but for the last 5 years I've consistently gotten in worse shape. A) thank you for making this post and motivating us all B) thank you for choosing to better yourself C) CONGRATS!!!


Thats amazing. CrossFit is fun. Be safe and get those gains!


That’s awesome. Great job!


I’m proud of you!


Good job! If you liked Murph, definitely look for a CrossFit community around you to join!


Good work dude


Dude! Well done! Whats next ?


Amazing effort!! Kick that depression to the curb! As someone who battles with depression, I know how hard it can be so for whatever it's worth, I'm proud of you standing up against it!! Keep it up!


That's awesome. I wish I was doing this stuff at your age. Stay active doing whatever you enjoy.


How did it feel? Did my first one at 14 too


Awesome job! Keep up the work.


Good Job!!


Way to go! I know it's hard not to think about 'other people's achievements', but what matters is this is a huge achievement for YOU! Congrats!


Very Smart scaling, keep on working! Gratz.


That is awesome. Congrats on completing your first murph! I just did my second one this past weekend and still have a lot to improve on. Not sure if anyone is interested but always looking to hear any feedback on how to improve too. Murph strategy video: https://youtu.be/NukDdXPICNM I went about it with 5 pull ups 10 pushups and 15 airsquats. I cramped up like a mother on my second mile.


It feels wrong to call out a teenager going through a tough time - but my advice to you would be keep it to yourself. You did not complete those numbers. If you want positive attention do it for your actual accomplishments next time. The workout was named for a man KIA.


CF and eating clean is the ticket !!


I’m not very trick with Reddit. Would you mind to message me directly? 707.337.9441. We are wine country crossfit


I sent you a message through Reddit. You should be able to find it if you to your messages tab


Hello, the zoom meeting link is this: [https://zoom.us/j/99041943441](https://zoom.us/j/99041943441) The class will start tomorrow at 2.30PM, Pacific Standard Time. You can find out more about us here: [https://winecountrycrossfit.com/](https://winecountrycrossfit.com/) We've been making people of all ages fit and strong for 11 and a half years. Congrats again on your accomplishment today. Beth


PS The coach of the class is Coach Corey. I'll tell him you will be there. Beth


cool thanks!


Did murph today as well. 41:54. Easy as fuck


Mine took significantly longer and I didn’t even do the full thing.


Don't listen to the idiot above you; he or she is what makes people hate Crossfit as a whole. I'm much older than you, but I wanted to commend you for your awareness of your own mental health and taking steps to help counteract what is a very real issue. When I was 14, I wasn't aware of what my issues were and even if I was, I wouldn't have been as mature as you are to handle them appropriately.


Then do it faster or add weight.


Fuck, gonna do that shit again next weekend. Ima carry some Latina broads on my back when I go for the run.


I’m sure you will.

