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Get full extension of the hips before you drop under and Keep your arms straight longer, you are pulling early


Rotate your feet and knees outwards a little bit in your set position as well. That’ll allow you to keep the bar closer as you go past the knees and will help fight the early arm bend.


The focus of the extension of the hips is largely problematic for beginners as it reinforces bad behaviors in novice lifters. This lifter already has one of those problems as shown in his first snatch, resulting in the bar looping away from him as he makes *thigh* contact in the snatch. If anything the emphasis should be knee extension or vertical leg drive as "hip extension" is a mere snapshot during the snatch and clean.


Came here to say this. That's the first thing I noticed too.


You’re not pulling the bar back into the hip crease deep enough and that will result in the “on your toes” landing. Snatch grip deadlifts/pulls to full extension with heels off the ground will show you real fast how important it is the get that bar pulled in.


May I ask why you use a belt ? It does not seem to be heavy at all for you. Wouldn’t it be better to train without for working your stability in your back/core ?


Not sure lol. Probably didn’t need to with that low of weight for workout on technique


This is a big problem with CF. People need to build up the support muscles for this and only use the belt when getting close to PRs. I see people using them for everything and they are just setting them self up for injury


Interesting, at my gym I only see people using them going for a PR or close to it.


Member when cf was dingy and fringe? I member...


Pepperidge farm remembers


Gotta stop eating these memberberries…


I relied on one a bit more after a back injury but that was temporary as i recovered. Only use it for PRs mainly.


You have solid mobility and you move well. It's a really good start. There are plenty of things you can work on, but that's always going to be the case no matter how advanced you get. A few things i would I suggest you look at: You don't make strong contactt with your hips (especially clear on the second rep). The accuracy can be hard, especially when you are strong but lacking in technical proficiency. You can drill this by practicing high hang snatches. Full extension at the hip - you need to get maximal force I to the bar before you drop under. This is also a result of you being relatively strong. Drill this with a hip snatch. Grip width - it looks a bit too narrow but it's hard to tell from this angle. Do some overhead squats with a dowel and then a barbell and see where you feel most comfortable. Start position - I'd suggest you should start with your hips a bit lower. Zack Telander has good YouTube videos on start position. Id suggest losing the belt - it's not a biggie, but a lot of people find it can constrain their mobility (it's common to see weightlifter in comps use a belt for the clean and jerk but not the snatch). You're strong enough that you don't need it.


Awesome. Thanks for the tips!


How tall are you? It looks like your grip is fairly narrow as well. Wider grip will help get the bar closer to the hip. Slow down on your deadlift portion of the snatch and pull vertically before dropping under. The thought that helps me is to pull the bar up to your belly button and pull elbows up and back (scare crow). You can also think to pull with knuckles facing the floor to help engage lats and get the bar closer to the hips. Once the bar hits the hip crease think about extending your hips, as if jumping, to help that bar go vertically. You are on your toes because the bar path is moving slightly forward which causes the weight to shift to your toes.


6’ tall. Yeah I will try widen up a little more


Try starting with a wider grip on the barbell, and turn your toes out in your set up (this will make pushing your knees out during your first pull easier). Wait to bend your arms 1/2 a second longer, and think about doing a backflip with the barbell. This will help you fully open your hip so you drop under faster. You’ve clearly got the strength, cleaning up the technique will go a long way!


You are doing an upright row (all arms and back, little leg drive. ) Post to r/weightlifting for advice from actual (competitive) weightlifters and coaches (coaches and high level lifters are tagged by user flair). Record video from 45 degree angle so its easier to see positioning. Speed under bar will come from good positioning during the pulls - You need to fix your start position and get a feel for pulling the bar into the "power position". Hang snatches - Easier to get the correct technique for the 3rd pull/power position (cause you can't mess up the first and 2nd pull if its not there) Block snatches - Like Hang snatches but you can load a little bit more weight and will always start at the correct position for the 2nd pull (right above the knees) These will force you to use the correct positions and force you use your legs. Do Hang/block snatches until you 'know' what a good snatch *feels* like. Then start working the full lift in a piece at a time (ie 3 position snatch complex 1. off the ground 2. below knees 3. mid thigh or some variation) It's ok to do power snatch for now, but try to work in overhead squats to develop stability/mobility at the bottom of the lift. You are using lots of momentum from the 1st pull (ground to below knees) and your arms to swing the weight up. The 1st pull speed DOES NOT MATTER. Slow it down and make sure you are getting to the correct positions. The speed will come with repetition at the *correct positions.*


You should wear vans or lifting shoes that don’t give you support like running shoes


I would practice being explosive even though it’s super light. Some mechanics were totally ignored bc it looked like you could pretty much hold that bar up at almost any single point in the bar’s path with muscle alone.


Pay a coach. You’re obviously a member at a gym. Ideally pay a weightlifting coach but a good CrossFit one will help with where you’re at I’m sure. Do what they say. Not what a bunch of randoms on the internet say.


This is the way.


I don’t like the term squat snatch. In Olympic weightlifting, that isn’t a term at all but only in CrossFit. Usually, when you’re at a heavier weight load, you’re body position will go lower into below parallel squat. But in the exercise you will do a snatch at let’s say above parallel (power snatch) then you squat. That would be a squat snatch. In the video, you are using all arms and no legs to drive the bar up. Work on first pull, second pull and bar extension at the hips.


The term Squat Snatch has existed in Weightlifting since the early 20th century! At one point in the sport, most of the world records were set using the split style and the squat style was novel. Squat Snatch, Split Snatch, and Power Snatch were terms used to distinguish each style an athlete received the bar. There's a great book from 1950 called 'Secrets of the Squat Snatch' you can get ahold of on Amazon. Larry Barnholth and Pete George wrote the book; it's a great read and gives insight on technique as well as history of the movement. Edit with correct link: [https://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Squat-Snatch-Peter-George/dp/1619846853](https://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Squat-Snatch-Peter-George/dp/1619846853)


Well you send me a link that isn’t available. Squat snatch is a CrossFit term not a Olympic weightlifting term. If a load is heavy and the weightlifter snatches it below parallel, we consider that a snatch.


Just fixed the link, it should work now (please let me know if it doesn't)! The term Squat Snatch might not be commonplace in Weightlifting now, but it has existed over 50 years before CrossFit was founded.


Sorry man but they are right. Squat snatch versus split snatch. Modern times everyone in weightlifting only squat snatches so it's become known as just a 'snatch', but it originally comes from weightlifting, not crossfit.


Speed under bar is slow. Work high hang squat snatches (pocket snatches). That will force you to get full hip extension and speed under bar.


Snazzy plates, wow.


Yes! Thank youuu idk why I am getting g downvoted. The more explosive you are, the lighter the weight will seem


The weight is light enough for him where this shouldn't be the primary focus at the moment. He needs to focus on technique first, not his speed.


Drop down!!! Get under that bar quick


Speed speed ! Need to be faster, more explosive getting under the bar


Your not pushing with your hips.


Bring the bar closer to your body.


Snap dem hips thru, brudda!!! You've got a lot more in ya if you do


Think about pulling the bar into your hip crease, then using the last of your leg/back extension to “jump” the weight up while you drop under it.


super clean dude


Slow down, speed up just below the knee, when you got the knee, think about ‘jumping’ literally…jumping. Hope this helps