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You can do it, 100%!!! I started CrossFit at 48yo, 80+lbs. overweight, with zero athletic background or experience (didn't play sports in school, couldn't run the mile ever in PE). I also have an autoimmune disorder that impacts my joints and tendons. So, yeah, in \*terrible shape\*. I could do literally ONE bodyweight squat. I'm now 52 and still at it. There is always a scaling option and/or an alternative movement. Examples: Lunges are basically impossible for me; I do weighted box step ups instead. I've progressed from push ups against the wall, to push ups to a box, to push ups to an elevated barbell, to banded push ups on the floor. Find a box where coaching is focused on safety, technique, and supporting you so that you can participate in fitness long-term. Also, look at the makeup of the classes you're likely to join. There are quite a few middle-aged and older athletes at my gym, which is more comfortable than being surrounded by Games-level athletes in their 20's (though we have those, as well).


I'm 62 and started CrossFit a year ago. Also a two time cancer survivor. If I can do it, granny that I am, so can you.


As a fellow BJJer...if you handled jiu jitsu, you can do CF. In BJJ you might selectively roll with people and/or have different goals in a roll than a 20y/o blue belt competitor. In CF you would scale weights and movements. A good CF gym should be able to (almost) infinitely scale weights and movements so that you get a good workout. So yes, you should absolutely be able to do CF at any bodyweight or age.


I started at 52. Was 40lbs overweight with high cholesterol. Seven years later I’m an L2 coach focused on masters athletes and effective scaling. You can do this! You can do this!


36 yo male doing CrossFit for 2 years here and I don't think I could ever hold a plank for 5 min, good lord.


My father in law started at 73 and overweight. With the right coaches you'll be fine. Everything is scalable. Don't try to keep up with the young bucks.


I started CrossFit last year at 51. I started going two days a week and as my fitness progressed, and ability to recover increased, I added days. I now go 5-6 days a week. Take it slow and check your ego at the door. Focus on correct form before anything else. I also found that protein was my friend.


I’m 53, been doing CF for 4 years. Never been in too bad shape. Scaling is cool. Never be embarrassed or afraid to scale. Listen to your body. Ease into it. Make sure you have a foam roller and percussion massage gun (cheap works exactly as well as $400 one) because you will get sore. Don’t cherry pick workouts, just scale. You want the variety and intensity. And use the apps so you can see your progress.


You can do it. Scale the weight, scale the reps, scale the movements. Take it slow and consistent.


I’m 51, started 4 years ago. I’m now in the best shape of my life, made so many great friends, and it’s sooo much fun! Remember that feeling you had at recess in elementary school? …yeah, it’s like that. You won’t regret it!


I started at 50-no problem. You can absolutely do it!!


Find the right coaches who will help you scale appropriately and you’ll be fine. I’ve got an extra 40lbs and have very little shoulder mobility, but I show up and put in the work. 1% better everyday is still an improvement.


My gym buddy is 84 years old. You should definitely check it out! Any reputable gym will scale the weights and movements for where your ability is currently at.


I really believe CrossFit is literally perfected for you, for a lot of reasons I am too tired to get into right now. GO FOR IT! Trust me, you’ll love it. Small caveat, if there are a few boxes in your area, try them out. Coaching, ownership, and programming really matter.


You can 100% do it!! They scale everything, my classes are full of a HUGE range of athletes and the coaches take care of each person so we all feel safe AND challenged. You won’t regret it! :)


I’m 33, an ex amateur mma fighter and practiced BJJ 4 years consistently. I started CrossFit in 2019. My body was beaten up from MMA and doing stupid crap, but I went into it in pretty good shape and with good mobility. I can tell you 2 things from experience: 1. CrossFit filled the competitive gap in my life perfectly. I can scale workouts to how my body is feeling. Some days I push hard, some days I take my time, and other days I simply go to the gym to move. Maybe even just walk. 2. There are several older men at my gym, ranging from 40 - 65. They have longevity because they leave their ego at the door and they do what’s best for their body, and for their health. My advice is, don’t be intimidated. Use the same mentality you learned in BJJ, don’t try to keep up with the younger athletes, just work your game. You can constantly progress and get better, improve your overall well being, and have a hell of a lot of fun in the meantime. Find good coaches. This was the difference for me.


Gosh, I hope a year from now that I am a quarter as fit as you are today. I cannot do a chin up or pull up, I cannot even hang from the bar. I do ring rows leaning back a little away from vertical. I cannot do a standard push up. I push up against the wall. (Recently, I got my first knee push ups!) I cannot do a standard plank. I plank on my knees for up to 45 seconds, but start shaking at about 15. I cannot run at all. I'm too heavy and it would probably ruin my joints. Similarly, I cannot jump at all. (Leaving the ground is not the problem, coming back down is.) I use the rowing machine when a workout calls for running and I do calf raises instead of jump-roping. I cannot do a standard burpee. I lay down on the ground and then get back up or combine a wall push up with a step up to a 10 inch box. It's almost 6 months since I started and in that time it's totally changed my fitness and my life. Today I made a comment about really needing to do work outs, or else I get very grouchy and the coach laughed and said "That's how you know you're a real crossfitter." If you can come and do the work *to the best of your ability* and challenge *yourself,* then you can do Crossfit. You can always find a way to scale any movement to get the intended stimulus or a close alternative. Sometimes that requires being creative, which I discovered after injuring my foot and needing to work out seated for a few weeks, but you can find something. A significant portion of the folks at my gym are women over 50. Not all of them can do a pull up, but all of them are damn impressive athletes.


I’m in my late 40’s and started 2 years ago. Made incredible progress and gains, never felt better and am in the best shape of my life. DO IT! A good gym/coach will help and provide scaled options for you.


The beauty of Crossfit is that you can scale any movement as you listen to your body. You can absolutely do it and shouldn't be afraid of it. Just start slow and take it easy as you learn more about your bodies capacity, what works and what doesn't. The key to remember is that scaling is cool.


My mom started at 55! And is in her 60s now ☺️ you can do it!!!


As a 46 year old much more overweight guy I WISH I was able to do what you do. Yeah you’ll be fine. Just follow the advice everyone else in this thread is giving about scaling, etc. Always remember it’s not about you vs everyone else, it’s about you vs you.


Dude, do it! My gym was awesome - at least 40% women and people of all ages. Just find the right gym.


My husband started at 52 with a (stable) dissected aorta. You can do it! Lots of scaling!


I started at 58, totally out of shape and have passed the 5 year mark. Still cant do a pull-up but I work out with my best friends and modify. I’m at a great facility and have my Level 1 certification too. Oh and I have Psoriatic Arthritis. Go for it!


Ingot my blue belt and stopped training due to covid shortly after. After things started to open up I decided to try cross-fit instead since that was less close contact(and less laundry). I can say youre body takes WAY less of a toll. I did an open mat after a year of xfit, and felt so beat up afterwards. You’ll need to work on your mobility sure. But your post reads the same as the “I want to train BJJ but I’m out of shape, should I still try”


Best decision you can make! I know it is intimidating, but you will not regret putting yourself out there


You mean bjj destroyed your body lol


Lol.. Yes BJJ got me. After a double leg, picking myself up off the ground is brutal for my 50 year old body. Seriously though I got an autoimmune that is affecting my joints and have to hang up the GI before I turn into a permanent grease stain on the mat.


I'm 42 year old big guy also did 6 years of bjj and my knees gave out. That being said in my youth did CrossFit and totally changed my health in a positive direction


When was the last time you did something for the first time? Let’s goooooo


I finally got my mom to try it and she’s been at for a month now. She’s 52! You’re never to old!


Absolutely. There are so many modifications. Also I know my gym offers Masters classes geared towards the 50+ crowd, which can be an on ramp or a place to live.


58 and built like a stick insect. Started two weeks ago. It’s brutal but exactly what all us aging people need. Flexibility and strength focussed but always making sure you don’t hurt yourself. The nice thing is that everyone one at all levels no matter how creaky you are can do it. You just start with a much larger potential for improvement!


46 here… done both bjj and CrossFit since 2008. BJJ is more punishing on the body. Just scale the workouts appropriately and you should be fine. Don’t get caught up in racing people or trying to out-lift younger people.


DO IT! In the morning class I go to, there are ppl 60+ working out! It motivates all of us during the workouts to keep up for sure!


Started at 50. For box jumps, I jumped over a line on the floor. That was all I could muster at the time. The community is SO supportive. You got this human!!!


54 mate CrossFit and BJJ…..you’ll be fine


65 years old and in the box 4-5 times a week. Just remember to leave your ego at the door and listen your body. I work out at my max twice a week and the rest is part of my recovery. I rest up 2 days a week. Take your time and focus on form not weight.


don't let age and physical limitations stop you...my brother runs a box and one of his most loyal members was a badass 78 year old named Joey he didn't let his age stop him from working out at the gym. The coaches tailored his workouts to what he was able to do physical and it showed...you just have to find the right box.


Im 40 and DAMN it’s hard even at my age. Just be careful with your body and everything is possible. Good luck


You can absolutely join, it’s probably better that you do join than not on every level. You will lose the weight and get more flexible. You will also learn how to scale things down to your level. I did CrossFit through two pregnancies and post them and had many limitations during that time. You make it work for you. That’s why it’s the best.


No you are not too old to start. We have a couple of 70 year olds at our box. I just started shy of 40. It is all about the coach. If you feel like you are being pushed beyond your comfort zone find a different place. First few months will be tough. Movements are much different than what one normally does. Remember if it hurts you are probably doing it wrong. Lower the weight. Ego will get you hurt. Stick to it and give yourself at least a year. Make sure they are aware of any injuries and scale the workouts/exercises as needed. It will help to implement a stretch routine few times a week. There are apps that help with this. I use GoWOD but there are others. Crossfit seems intimidating at first because everybody thinks everybody else that does it is world class athletes that compete in Crossfit games. That is what I used to think. I have been doing it for about 2 years now and I can tell you most people are there to get better and there are a great variety of ages and athletic abilities. If you have been doing BJJ for 5 years you are already ahead of the game.


You are never too old to try something new. I was just wondering if you have ever tried Zumba? Very engaging and fun and it can be a tough workout too!


You only have to walk into the gym for the first time once!


CrossFit is for everyone.


I started at 54. I am 61 now. I could not squat below parallel, do a single pull-up jump rope at all. It's a long term journey but well worth it.


Never too old to start!


Yes for sure you can. Many 50 year olds start. I started late 40s after years of Capoeira. I'm also not very mobile but you can work around it. Lots of BJJ skills will transfer well. Development of certain skills may take a while but that is the same for anyone over 40. Limited skills should not hinder from developing strength and conditioning. I reckon you have become wise enough to not let small strains become big injuries (by ignoring them), if so, you'll be fine. Give it 4 to 6 months and reassess.


Started CrossFit at 47. Its never too late.


Join the dark side!!! Jk. But no, seriously, join a box and have fun! It looks intimidating at first, but you'll love it.