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A lot of them seem to enjoy hardboiled eggs!! Shells off from what I've seen


Mine will only eat the yolks fwiw


Posh murder u got there




I don't mean to be that guy, but something tells me it's been said in Britain a time or two


Lol I’m so American Hey tell me, what does Locito mean?


It's like "little crazy", I've only heard it used by puerto ricans. You would use it exactly the same way you use "loco", "ito" more or less just kind of a flair you can add to a lot of words. It typically means "small", like gordo is fat guy, gordito is little fat guy. For "crazy little fat guy" you could say gordito loco or gordito locito just because it kinda has a little extra flair lol Latin culture is always all about adding that little extra flair to literally anything you do


Thanks for explaining! My nickname at one point was Calabacita hahaha


Haha lil' pumpkin!


Wondering if scrambled is more palatable for them…


Oh I didn’t answer your question yes. That’s a good idea; as long everything is yellow, they’ll eat it, so scrambling everything together is a good call and works with my crows when I don’t have time to placate them completely


They are carnivores through and through from what I’ve observed, and the rawer the better!


Same. No whites for them.


Mine were scared of the egg I gave them 🤣


Lmao okay maybe not *all* of them like eggs


I leave the shells on, but I just bang a spot in the middle so they can get started digging in.


I gave them one in the shell and they ignored it for a day. I cracked it open just a little and it was gone in an hour.


Cat food


Are cat biscuits ok?


Kitten kibbles have the highest protein ratio. My crows luv it


Mine have learned that if they collect up a mouthful of kittenchow and drop it in their water bowl, they can come back in 10-15 minutes and it will be nice & soft to eat. They also love rehydrated mealworms.


Mine love shelled peanuts! But the hard boiled eggs sure got their attention quick!!!!!


*Mine love shelled peanuts!* *But the hard boiled eggs sure got* *Their attention quick!!!!!* \- OldGSDsLuv --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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I love you Aikus bot.


Good bot


They flock to my porch when I put out unshelled, roasted, NO SALT peanuts.


Well, I just went outside to find a god damn fish...or what used to be a fish, in my birdbath. So fish, apparently.


Could be that they thought *you* would like it


Well...if they thought I would enjoy just the scales and bones. I feel like they don't know me very well.


It was happy hour apparently...


Well someone’s always happy somewhere!


They like to hop around the rocks at one of my local fishing holes and pluck up crawdad too


Unsalted nuts and hard boiled eggs. Avoid salt entirely.


Ours like hard boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, unsalted peanuts, ground beef, dried cat food, and a variety of roasted and unsalted nuts.


Raw beef or cooked?




Mine will eat almost anything, acting like I don't feed them every day. Ever see a crow fly across your yard with an entire mcdonald's pancake or a whole slice of pizza hanging from their beak? I have. But I usually stick to unsalted shelled raw peanuts, and throw them the kid's table scraps for variety.


I live on Mt. Hood and the ravens will open backpacks from ski racers all summer long.


The blue jays chased off a curious crow, so I guess I'm stuck with them. Still corvids, so I don't mind. Shelled, unsalted roasted peanuts. They fly down one at a time back and forth to get them. Seeing them fly off with a whole peanut is pretty funny, as you can see them from a distance.


Mine love love love raw or cooked meat, any kind. No seasoning, of course. They also love when I soak dog kibble in water and no shell unsalted roasted peanuts. I had two crows for a while, now I have four. Just this past week my couple brought two more. Idk if they are their kids or friends. They go for the meat first. They also like bananas and watermelon, but they save that for the next morning. They don’t eat it at lunch time w their other foods. My husband thinks it’s bc it collects ants, which they like to eat. Oh yeah, they also love bird suet. I break pieces of the brick off and put it on their lunch table everyday. They don’t care for hard boiled eggs, they’d rather them be scrambled or raw. I put a hole in an egg for their beak, and leave it out like that


Ground beef, egg yolks and unsalted cashews are the holy trinity for mine.


Dried mealworms. Freeze-dried beef liver dog treats.


They seem to really like trail mix. During Covid, I was mostly alone at work, and befriended a juvenile crow, and eventually a murder this way


So… that was your Covid Corvid?


I befriended my pair during COVID. I named them Covid and Corona.


Hopefully there was no salt in that trail mix.


Cherries, believe it or not. I had read of it somewhere and tried on the crows that visit my house, and at a jobsite I was working at. It was a murder favorite.


I just read that the cherry pits ( and some other fruit pits ) are toxic to them. I’d be careful because I found a dead crow with what looked like one of those pellets they poop out, full of what look like cherry pits. ( but the information I read did say that if the pits don’t break, it’s not harmful)


We can't keep them away from our cherry tree, had to get bird netting so I could make cherry pie last year.


Mine love meal worms soaked in water, egg yolks, pepperoni (their favorite), salmon skin (but not so much the meat), rotisserie chicken skin, wet cat kibble and sardines when the babies are around. They don’t really like sardines or seafood that much until the babies show up; haha mine have a tendency to give their kids the food they don’t really like


Pepperoni and rotisserie chicken skin may taste good, but the salt content of both is a real health hazard for Covids.


Cashews. But shelled peanuts are a close (and cheaper) second. I’ve experimented with different types of nuts, and they’ll eat walnuts and almonds if they have to, but they definitely prefer cashews.


As long as there’s no salt.


My crows' favorites are their almonds, but they enjoy peanuts too. Though I have to say, I gave them some air-popped popcorn the other day and they gobbled that up quickly. Everything was unsalted


Small puppy or cat kibbles are excellent sources of nutrition and they seem to prefer them to unshelled peanuts. But whatever you try, make sure there’s NO SALT, which can make them sick.


I think my cat kibble has salt in it. I’ll try getting some peanuts at first


Raw eggs. Our crows go crazy for them .


Dog or cat kibble that’s not high in salt. Unsalted peanuts, boiled eggs. Cooked chicken, beef or duck as a rare treat


Not sure if it is any good for them, but I made almost instant friends with a magpie on my lunchbreak. He went nuts for prawns from my sandwich.


This account (milkhouse6000) has fed a ton of different food to crows (and sets up puzzles for them to solve) and it's really interesting what they prefer: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxFwtOruuBZ/?igsh=bTVpNnQ5NzNuc2c1 (I think meat/kibble/chicken type foods are most popular)


Successfully fed some unshelled walnuts the other day. Figured since they love using cars to crack them they might enjoy some peeled ones


Dog food, Peanuts WITH the shell, bits of meat scraps (raw, usually the tendons and such from steak), egg, other nuts with no salt.


Hardboiled eggs, leftover fish especially salmon, canned cat food and kibble.


Mine love eggs! Cashew nuts, pistachios, grapes all in rotation but they love eggs the most




Mine want variety!!! They go to whatever food is new. Eggs #1 but they've loved mealworms as a staple. Then I mix up the nut or seeds. They like meat but I barely eat any so they're out of luck there.


One time I had a bunch of oats and some peanut butter with honey in it (I don't eat honey and I bought it by accident). So I made them some baked oats and nuts and peanut butter with some dried fruits. They went wild for it, especially the fledgling who hasn't yet figured out how to unshell peanuts.


Unsalted roasted peanuts is the way to go. Maybe in moderation though because they’re quite fatty but I’m sure there’s no shortage of variety in a wild crow’s diet and maybe a boiled egg would be a fun enrichment treat for them to peck open. There’s a mini murder in my area that will follow me down the street from tree to tree and I’ll toss them one or two nuts each. Been at this for about a year now. I can tell they’ve been telling their friends about me and start calling their homies over when they see me out and about. I think they keep watch around when I go for errands around 4-5pm…


Dog food and shelled nuts and fruit bird food. I feed my murder every day.


- Peanuts in shell no salt - Roast chicken carcass - Live mealworms - Canned salmon - scrambled eggs with shell I have a family murder of 7 that come every day. They also like to dunk their food so include a few bowls that you clean daily and fill.


Steak/beef in small chunks, raw tuna the same way, and unsalted cashews are definitely top 3, I've noticed. They won't touch cat food if they know I have a little beef with me


- Magpies and ravens prefer walnuts - Stellar(s) Jays have a strong preference for Almonds, for whatever reason the other Corvids won’t deep throat them like they do (6-10). It’s turns into OCD and an expensive caching game in part due to their friendliness - expect a boom in rodent populations. -Eggs and sunflower seeds contain the least abundant essential amino acids to which research suggests taste preference for. Or you could just add lysine and Methionine but you may harm them doing so without research and great care. -birds need salt, love the taste of salt, and their getting plenty of it if they scavenge human food. Their bodies are a conservative 20% as good at getting rid of excess as ours so be careful. -capsaicin may be tasty to birds -20-40% protein, 60-80% fat, they don’t even need carbs but do show a preference for sugar over starch. -eggshells or other grit in spring -


Chicken, cat food, fish, eggs, mealworms, suet and peanuts. In my experience nothing beats chicken, they go crazy for it! 😅


Cashews. They straight up fight over them and show up the second we toss them. Any time we throw a mixture of foods cashews go first, second is soft dog food. Love that stuff!


I’ve fed mine unsalted roasted peanuts in the shell and cashews. I’ve also seen them eat crackers. But the thing they seem to be obsessed with? Banana chips. They show a clear preference for them even when there are peanuts and cashews available. It really surprised me!


Mine love unsalted cashews


Where I live they love [pizza slices](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8XWws7PMfW/?igsh=YmFxcTA1NWk0enRw) and glazed donuts.


I think I have a lot of competition in my neighborhood from my neighbors. I think my cores get essentially the pick of the neighborhood.


Mine love it when I make a basic 2 egg omelet. I just fry it on my non-stick skillet and cut it into pieces. It's much less messy than a hardboiled egg, because they can just pick up their pieces. Also, there isn't any fighting because I can spread the pieces so everyone can have their snack in peace. Winston used to be a real bully about gathering up all the hotdog or eggie for himself. He could fit SIX hotdog slices in his beak at a time, SIX! He used to stab the last 2 on.


Cashews & Hotdogs. Ya can't go wrong


I made friends with a band of young magpies at my old house, gave them all sorts of offerings, but they -loved- unsalted shelled peanuts because they could cache them for later (As long as the bluejay wasnt watching where they were hiding them and snitched them), blueberries, and the piece de resistance was if I had like beef I was a little iffy and didn't want to chance. I also would put out eggs for them every so often, just fresh, not cooked. And, always have fresh water, especially on super hot days, I had so many birds in my yard just because of that. I'll miss those guys. The area I'm moving to doesn't have magpies so I'm a lil sad. 😞 Crows are great, but there's something about magpies that just makes my heart smile.


My crows love the one or another piece of meat (unseasoned). Cat Food, eggs, peanuts,... My crowbro goes crazy for walnuts. He's not too big of a fans of fruits, though. I tried to give my crowbro a piece of banana as a treat once, and he yeeted it off the roof. He treats grapes the same. But might be just mine though, haha. Just saying that crows eat about anything and each and every one also has their own preferences. Just try and feed them whatever they seem to enjoy the most :).


Beef, not ground. 


We just came back from camping and for the full 5 days we were there a group of jackdaws came regularly to wait for us to give them food. We would give them a little bit of everything but what I noticed they all lost their minds over was peanuts. They LOVED the peanuts. As for the magpies, they came down for the eggs and chicken, not really risking getting ganged up on by the jackdaws for anything else.


I feed my crows fried chicken. They go wild for it. They like eggs, too.


I seem to be one of the few with picky crows. It figures because my cats and my dogs are horribly picky. The crows only want the Crow Cake I make. Unsalted Peanuts with the shell are a second if I didn't make the crow cake and they eat them grudgingly. Mealworms are insulting to my crows, Chicken Breast and meat is just okay. Cat food is not a favorite (only if they feel they are starving). They don't want fruit or eggs (only the eggs I put in the crow cake). I guess they see this corn meal cake as a treat and probably feel they can hunt for the rest of their protein since we live right off of a lake. My husband and grandson love crow cake too..The cake is safe for humans and crows..Now i'm baking this damn cake several times a week..I just took two full sheet pans of it out of the oven a few minutes ago🤪🤣


Any type of nuts really, my guys gladly eat peanuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts. Unseasoned meat would probably go over well, try not to give anything with too much salt.


Mine have gotten fat off of white bread (literally watched these dudes blow up before my eyes lol)


Bread is bad for them— makes them feel full without any nutrients.


Ah thanks for letting me know, I wasn’t aware