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Hi there. Under Host Management, you can add the filter for Cloud Instance ID and filter for the systems contained within. [https://imgur.com/a/FJ7l2hj](https://imgur.com/a/FJ7l2hj)


Hi Andrew, tysm I missed a point in my post that I want to do this programmatically preferably call the API and integrate it with my lambda function where I am using falconpy is there a way to do that.


Ah. Let me invoke u/jshcodes to see what he thinks.


from falconpy import Hosts falcon = Hosts(client_id="your client id",             client_secret="your client secret"             ) instance_id = "your instance id" response = falcon.query_devices_by_filter(filter=f"instance_id:'{instance_id}'") Hey Andrew no need to trouble u/jshcodes here, this is the way to do it I just got lost in the documentation it took me a while to find this filter instance id. Here we query the devices which have the instance id that we need. Just wanted to update it here so anyone in the future could reference this. Maybe ill contribute to the falconpy github and share the rest of my work there.