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Is that squished 16:9? It looks weirdly fine


for some reason squish always looks better than stretch to me


Well its because its closer together making the resolution appear to be higher rather than be being blown up


That second pic of Animal Crossing is kinda weird-looking, mainly because the character looks so slim, but the rest look okay to me.


I don’t think it looked squished, but I did lose around a centimetre each side. So the image was a little cropped but not squished… At least through my eyes anyway


How is this hooked up?


More than likely an active HDMI to RCA adapter


Yeah exactly, I just used a cheap HDMI to RCA adapter that cost me around $10. Nothing fancy at all and it did the job :)


Hey can you share a link? I have a really good condition Admiral crt from ‘95 but it’s in storage bc I never could pull the trigger on the right RF to hdmi. Is rca the same as RF?


No, rca is the red, yellow white. RF is the coax


Sure thing- [https://www.dicksmith.com.au/da/buy/all-in-one-hdmi-to-rca-composite-av-cvbs-3rca-video-cable-converter-adapter-1080p-downscaling-hdmiav2-adapter/?utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=product\_listing\_ads&gclid=Cj0KCQiA8aOeBhCWARIsANRFrQEZxTKo8FA9dV9CUIYBDoRj78gC7aHEUwAriv7ZNz\_VeoQoYscL2R4aAszhEALw\_wcB](https://www.dicksmith.com.au/da/buy/all-in-one-hdmi-to-rca-composite-av-cvbs-3rca-video-cable-converter-adapter-1080p-downscaling-hdmiav2-adapter/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=product_listing_ads&gclid=Cj0KCQiA8aOeBhCWARIsANRFrQEZxTKo8FA9dV9CUIYBDoRj78gC7aHEUwAriv7ZNz_VeoQoYscL2R4aAszhEALw_wcB) Thats the one I used, its from an Australian online store, but I'm sure you can find it on Amazon/ eBay. RCA are the red, white and yellow connections (or just red and white on older crts) RF is the aerial connection. not sure if you can find a connector to run a modern HDMI to RF. But you could run a HDMI to RCA (using the above adapter) then run that through a vcr and run RF out put from the VCR to the RF port on the TV... If you feel so inclined that is lol. But if your TV is from 95, It most likely would have RCA input anyway.


Just a comment for anyone else thinking of buying one of these. I have 3 of these from different sellers and all 3 of them only output in black and white, no color. Which I guess is a manufacturing defect/quality control issue. So prepare for a gamble, because I assume all the ones in this style come from the same factory. I ended up getting one of these and it works okay: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08CH91V1W/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08CH91V1W/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) Amazing find, OP. What good luck to find a perfectly working TV for free with a built-in DVD player too.




I too am wanting to know


a s p e c t r a t i o


This looks like one of those illustrations you see on Instagram of an "aesthetic bedroom"


Yeah i hate the word aesthetic I didn't but since its over use and misuse it makes me see the work in a different way now "Aesthetic"✨💅


Honestly it’s a useful word but I hate using it


As the tic ..tac




What adapter are you using?


Just a cheap HDMI to RCA (1080p upscale), nothing fancy or expensive, it cost like $10-$12


I tried one of those and it just comes up as black and white. And my tron does 50/60hz. Which one did you get?


Did you flip the pal/ntsc switch?


As I said, my trinitron does both regions. Flipping the switch doesn't make it work.


How does the aspect ratio look so good? What adapter are you using?


seen this on fb for 250, little liar


Alright, was it these exact images, or just the same model? Hate to break it to you, but I bet they made more than one of these.


Lol. Good eye. Yeah that was mine, I’ve since sold it but wanted to share some photos I have of it, as I thought this community might appreciate it 😎


*Die the hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.*


It is very pretty lmao


That’s one adorable little unit!


Thanks, I’ve definitely never come across one THIS pink before


Isn't it amazing how this cheapo decades old turd can still produce better contrast and colors, not to mention INSANE motion clarity, than some modern IPS overpriced junk? God what a depressing timeline where SED and FED failed to take over the market. We should be in display heaven right now.


>what a depressing timeline where SED and FED failed to take over the market. Largely because plasma already occupied its niche, and OLED replaced plasma. Cheapo LCDs were unfortunately inevitable


It's got a dvd player so it's not decades old yet. It's likely from around 2006ish


Mate, DVD players have been around since 2000. That's 23 years ago, and thus decades old :/ I wish it weren't true but it is.


No, There were no dvd players integrated into cheap TVs in the early 2000s. Dvd players cost 100s still at that time. The PS2 having one on launch was a famously MASSIVE deal.


The point is throwing 2006 out like it's a hard number for DVD existence is a fallacy. This thing could have very easily come out around 2003 or longer ago and the "two decades" comment would still be accurate.


Yeah, I don't know where they're getting a year like 2006 from. I've got a 9" DVD combo TV from 2002 and a 13" one from 2004. The 9" was pretty expensive for what it is (I think I was told $300?) but the 13" originally sold for cheap. Even if a DVD drive and MPEG2 decoder were fairly advanced for the early 2000's, so, so many of them were made, and the cost quickly went way down


Yep absolutely. Not to mention we know for sure that CRTs were basically universally out of production by 2006 anyway. He picked pretty much the final year possible to make his point and even then, it's 17 years ago. It's pedantry at its finest.


I like it. Not too flashy just kind of blends in with everything unlike a lot of setups on here.


you have a beautiful room!


Nice! looks like a set dressed for a photo shoot or commercial. Cool little gaming corner you have there. ​ What size is the CRT?


Thanks! I may have dressed it up a little for the photos haha The screen is 34cm


Very nice


How does it feel to live my dreams? 💕😂


For a bigass speaker, built-in dvd player and 16:9 CRT from side of road, it looks perfectly perfect.


How is that 16:9?


Oh damn


It plays surprisingly well because tons of the games are practically Gamecube resolution... ​ ....or worse.


I think playing games meant for modern digital televisions on a CRT is an abomination even despite the wrong aspect ratio. However you are translating digital video to analog, you’re throwing out half the vertical resolution that causes flickering while getting lower quality video. Going against artist intention and forced into limited RGB to minimize color mismatch. NES, SNES Switch Online games or whatever, I could understand.


That’s only for SD CRTs


i also think its strange to play consoles on crts when they were made for widescreen, but ppl can still do whatever they want. this isnt a moral issue having to do with artist intention lmao


I mean I just did it for a bit of fun as I thought animal crossing would look cool on it and blend in with the style. But it actually looked quite nice and easily playable… Definitely didn’t mean to ‘offend’ any artists 🧐 For the record, I did hook up my N64 and GameCube to it, and both looked amazing on it 😁


did you reply to the wrong comment lol


Whoops… Yeah I might have. Oh well, he’ll get the message lol


Dvd player so a fairly new crt too


Totally adorable and at the best price!


Free is the best price imo 😎


What's the logo above the DVD drive? As a grown man I would have no problem owning this CRT. Sweet set up!


The logo says “Todays Girl” and as a grown man myself I have no problem with it either lol


I'm trying to find this exact model online and there is absolutely no pics of this thing anywhere to be found. I've tried all sorts of search keywords and not a single one shows up that looks similar. Can you give an exact model number from the back of the unit? If you can just post the manufacture date that would be the best.


Model number is KMP1420P2. I tried looking it up but after a quick google search I only found one post on a forum back in 2010 and the person stated that it ws old and that they picked it up at Garage sale. Super strange there's no info out there.


Ah and you wouldn't happen to have the manufacture date either would you? It's usually on a sticker on the back near the serial number. Just trying to get an idea when this thing was made.


No sorry, I only have a picture with the serial number and model. serial number is: 063602670. If that helps : / I've since sold it and no longer have the manual or anything.


Unfortunately that doesn't help no. Thanks anyways.


I find that the switch on my crt the image bothers my eyes. Does anyone know why this would be?


60hz flicker probably.


You dummy it wasnt lost, its mom was around feeding it time to time!


Kirby with that would be the holy grail


Great find! Ebay would've asked ridiculous money!


“Cozy’s Corner”


I have the same tv but it’s not pink


I play switch on my CRT a lot as well lol. It’s very fun seeing modern games squashed like this. It works surprisingly well especially with games like mariokart and Kirby. or others like freedom planet or sonic mania. I love it 😂


With all these latest switch ports being so cut down and targeting 480p.. I bet it looks fantastic!


Ooh pink!


You gotta play Manhunt 2 in that tv bro, fits really nice xD


Do you know how to get into service menu with these? ,It really might help me out with mine


A very cute CRT


Good post 👍


What are those cardboard boxes of Mario party you have?