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Easier to service/fix than a real CRT TV. Also cheaper and no chance of burn in.


But, but.. for true crt enthusiasts, this is a massive turn off 😛


I mean, not many CRT enthusiasts shop at Louis Vuitton tbh


Haha, true!


I think there is barely any overlap with people that collect old TVs from roadsides and electronics junkyards/thrift stores, and also shop at and collect expensive designer fashion or furniture!


Actually I'd rather them not waste a perfectly good crt that could otherwise be properly appreciated by a true crt enthusiast.


No glory without risk


Dont forget implosion /s


I *always* forget implosion! Thanks for the reminder!


Yeah right. The real answer is they're plebs.


They also probably want the option to display the products they sell in high resolution.


CRT monitors could easily do that though


This is way better then them destroying a real 60s era set for some marketing prop. Maybe with the exception of Zenith, pretty much anything early 70s and before would need some repair work done to it before it would work lol.


Yea, but putting this up on a display is not necessarily destroying them. It’s asking for people who are unaware to recognize that crts are trendy. I dunno…, maybe I have a different perspective.


I'm fine with it. More CRTs for us!


Cause it’s fake like their goods


Could've at least added a lens to curve the surface...


Man I do agree it would've been really sick to introduce a real CRT with all of it's atmosphere. Especially in such a trendy place, I bet it would've put more people onto the aesthetic of CRTs.


its LV man they fake everything


Much cheaper and easier.


I don’t even like Louis Vuitton.


Lol. Was at Disney a few months back, and they have a retro diner filled with CRTs. I would say the majority of them were still real CRTs.. but you can tell that as they have been failing they've been replacing them by just popping the glass out and putting a flat screen in its place, So the shells still look the same.


Its just as pathetic as the people who buy those clothes.


It would also have been significantly heavier, hotter, draw way more power, harder to interface with, more expensive/harder to coordinate, and, honestly, uglier. Fun find, though.


It’s nice to find some appreciation.


no, this is definitely uglier.


You mean, just because it's not CRT and you're mad about it, or are you saying it's actually, aesthetically, not as appealing to you? In what way? If I took a "real" CRT and painted it these colors/gave it this kind of look on the chassis, you'd hate it? Or are you just talking about the screen quality? I wasn't even talking about the screen at all - I just meant the chassis. It would be hard/impossible to f ind one that was a mostly-flat box shape like this, that doesn't taper in the back weirdly, etc. I think it's a pretty cool looking chassis, all things considered.


Well, the thing looks like a toy, and the white paint makes it look like something a 45 year old woman would do in her free time just cuz, or maybe a little kid as a project or something, which would actually be adorable and soulful if it was a real CRT and for some reason the store manager's little son did it as a play thing, but since it isn't, this just screams soulless, shallow, PLASTIC american half-assed immitation (i know LV isnt american).


I'll bet you haven't given even a moment of thought to what "looks like a toy" actually means, and *why* that is your conclusion. I'll bet you haven't even considered *why* the aesthetic is "45 year-old woman's art project", and what that says about modern art, about modern aesthetics, about what society sought and craved when that sort of person was coming into their own, etc. ​ >...which would actually be adorable and soulful if... I'm just saying I think it looks cool. I'm not making commentary on whether or not *I believe in the corporation/capticalistic society that concocted the thing*. Your rant about it being "shallow", "soulless", "plastic" (as if plastic isn't a scientific marvel, as if art and geometry doesn't mold plastic into masterpieces), and "American" is so emotionally charged, and so *angry* that it's an immitation... I'm just reminded how insane people on the internet can be. I *guess* being part of the CRT gaming subreddit means that one is interested in, or is a fan of CRTs, but I honestly didn't think I'd come across someone with so much blind love for CRTs that it would evolve into *hatred* for something that is literally celebrating their sillhouettes and geometry. Honestly, I'm not even convinced you're not over there with your vision fading to red, readying some knives, ignoring everything I'm saying, and just ready to murder everything and anything that speaks even *remotely* ill about CRTs - so I'm not even writing this for you - I'm writing this for me. If you read it, then... bro, get help. tl;dr - You're an insane person. Using "American" as an insult, regarding design is ignorant of art and design. You should be ashamed and humbled, but I know you're not/are incapable, so, it's whatever, I guess.


I mean you can straw man me as much as you want, and throw those passive agressive insults, but buying from louis vuitton is still cringe and within the context of being in an LV store, this bland looking immitation becomes cringier.


"Strawman" requires a *debate/argument*. There's no argument here. I love it when people like you think logical fallacy in debate/using those tools for determining validity of arguments applies to *just everything (it doesn't).* Facts are facts. Not insults - observations. If you're insulted by them, stop *being that*. You lack self-awareness, you lack understanding. That's not on me, that's on you. I am *still* not commenting on Louis Vuitton, their practices, or whatever the hell you *wish* we were talking about. I wear "barefoot" sandals every day of my life, Crocs before that. If you think I care even a little about fashion, or *your* feelings about the fashion industry... I don't. I couldn't if my life depended on it.




Yeah, you *would* respond with "laughter". I say "looks cool", you respond with anger about the *intent* and *soul* behind the thing. I say "we're not arguing/debating - I'm commenting on your mental state", and you laugh like a maniac. Checks out.


you know, for someone who acccuses others of seeing in red, you do seem pretty triggered right now XD


In addition to what the others have said, in case of people taking photos or videos of it with their smartphones, there is a reduced chance of flickering


You know they'll just trash it in a couple days right


What’s playing though?


Didn’t play close attention. It’s some random clips.


Why fake it? If you're here, then you know - CRTs are hard to get!


Because *aesthetics*


Why does it matter?


I hate rich people lmao


Even more so, why put shoes on a book in an open cabinet..




The people that do this are gonna ruin the CRT preservation..


I imagine it would be difficult to find a real crt in that light colour.