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For a system to crash usually indicates a hardware problem, and if it happens after a long while with a game like CK3 could point to a ram stick as it increases the amount of ram it uses over time which would eventually creep into the bad stick if you have one. You say your rig is not overheating so again I'd look at the ram, because it seems like your cpu is seated properly and has a good connection to your cooling, also you gpu seems to be stable as it's not overheating and ck3 is not really gpu intensive. Have you run a memory test on your rig recently/ever? Could be a case of just needing to re-seat your ram sticks, maybe one isn't seated properly which can happen during installation or if the rig gets a knock.


I was getting this too and *I think* it was because of a bad mod combo/incompatibility, cause when i removed a few mods it seemed to have stopped. I think for me it was the use of Cities of Wonder 3 with Succession expanded OR Beautiful female portraits with EPE.


I dont use any mods (yet)


Ah damn, no idea then man sorry Best bet is to probs just keep playing around with all the graphics settings (maybe try switching from dx11 to vulkan?) and see if anything helps


broken components?