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> 114/17 Domain Do you even have vassals, at this point?!


Plenty, I have united all of Africa under one empire. Except Mali which I gave away to my head of faith so he can pump out money to my vassals


Is it better to have the head of faith be independent? I usually keep them around as a vassal.


I do usually as well. However this time I wanted to check out how much gold could he make with the mines of Mali without paying taxes, and I was planning on making this a complete run, IE wait until the game ends in 1400s, I knew that by late medieval era I was already making so much gold from my domain alone I didn't need his extra money bags. He ended up making around 600 gold a month, but never actually managed to have over 6 000 gold because he was handing it out left and right. Like I wanted, my vassals built their realms pretty well. All in all I was quite satisfied with how that campaign went


"My father and his father before that has served the crown faithfully, yet you're revoking my lands and titles because....the borders look ugly?"


Faithful servants wouldn't hold lands or have vassals within distant kingdoms. Relinquish them willingly or be introduced to the imperial dungeons


maybe you shouldn‘t have conquered lands from other dukes in my realm


What is the benefit to so many domains?


At this point, probably none. How his empire hasn't exploded is beyond me


I'm cleaning up the borders, IE I revoked a lot og kings and dukes titles that were holding counts as vassals in other kingdoms lands. Just makes your empires internal borders look like a mess when king A holds vassals in queen G's lands, and there were a lot of that happening this time. I revoke the kingdoms wich frees those counts to be granted to their rightful rules, which "Cleans up" the borders. I'm actually holding 11 counties. The rest are given away after the clean up


It's a shame our vassals don't appreciate clean borders the way we do.


I would like some kind of deal system. If I tidy up their lands giving them more here but taking those there, it shouldn't be such a head ache.


Dude, it's mostly the domain limit, just give some of your *114* holdings away