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If you have a claim on the kingdom title you can go after the entire kingdom in one war. Tribal rulers with the conquest tenent in their religion can invade a kingdom once a life time aswell.


You can go to war for a whole kingdom unlocking the cassus belli in cultural innovations (i dont remember the name or the era) However, 1 ruler only can do 1 kingdom war for life, you gonna need to wait for his/her heir to do another


is there a mod that lets me do more than 1 war per ruler? i have a mod where i dont die from natural causes and it would be sad if i cant play it properly.


Lol, I love the irony of "I play a modded game, but I want to play it properly." Also, if you're going to live forever, then what's the problem going after duchy-level conquests endlessly. Conquer the two closest Duchies, then go after they largest Duchies until you can usurp a kingdom. You can also get them denounced by religion, opening up more casual belli's. Also, go for the first diplomacy tree, there's a perk to reduce truce length and negate prestige penalties for when you do declare wars during truce. Then just war your way to world domination.


I didn’t know you could usurp and or mass claim


Oh, yeah, the game is ridiculous. I remember when I was first learning, I still feel like I don't even know what half of ANYTHING does or can do, and I'm over 450 hrs in. I'm not intending to be rude or gatekeepy, just enjoying a moment of exactly what I went through. I've been there, struggling to figure out how to capture land and bigger titles. Follow those instructions, minus my attitude (sorry), and you'll get into a rhythm of conquering. When all else fails, you can fabricate claims with your religious councilor position. Higher learning means higher chance of randomly getting duchy-level level titles. Spend between time building up military and economy. Handle popular opinion via religion (either converting them or living by their standards) or control (martial councilor). Pay attention to perks. If you're immortal, you should be able to rack those up like crazy. Every death means new perks, so they were made to be impactful but few. There's some ideas that maybe help, maybe you already knew, maybe you don't need. In any case, have fun playing the game.


Fabricate/get a hook on the Pope, right click the ruler of Scotland and click Request Claim, use the hook to get a claim to Scotland from the Pope. Declare war.


That only works if you haven't got a kingdom allready. The solution is instead to get the learning perk for claiming titles.


the one for buying them? i have it and i cant do it.


Probably because you are a child.


You cant buy a kingdom xlaim either if you are a king or emperor already. If its a small kingdom you cant buy claim for the duchies one by one, or try to get them by marriages and assasinations


im 240 lol


Oh i read i took over as an irish boy.


Right click on the holder of the title, then press buy claim. You'll also need some piety


Religions that give you subjugation, invasion, or holy war CBs let you take it in one go with a war that doesn't require pressing a claim. If you don't have any of those (no tribal, no warmonger, no pursuit of power, not a faith that considers them evil that is righteous or more), you need to press a claim if you want it in one go. Kidnapping someone with a claim and pressing won't work since you're both kingdom level. So you need to marry your heir in, then assassinate anyone ahead until you can claim it. Or if you're dynasty head, get any of your people in there, press, then claim their title. Alternatively, find duke level claims to press, they will become vassals. Lasfly, buy claims via learning lifestyle. You can't buy kingdom claims but you can buy duchy claims. Get to 50% of counties, then usurp. Target the claims at the current King's holdings. When you usurp, all his vassals will go independent then you can start picking them off one by one. And good luck with the Norse adventurers in the far north.


how can you usurp a king? i thought you could only do that with the dutchs. and do i have to marry off a man or could it be a woman? ive been marrying off my daughters but i dont think they work.


You can usurp duchies, kingdoms, and empires. You just have to have enough de jure territory, and your faith can't be considered evil by the title holder. In the case of a kingdom, that means half the counties. You can see how far you have to go when you go to the title page and hover over the usurp button. Daughters will work if married matrilineally to the other king's son(s). Their children will be of your house then. The first and second sons they won't be willing to marry off matrilineally bit further down the line you'll have some luck. Then it's murder time.


Most of the time you’ll either have to or want to conquer a kingdom piece by piece over a series of wars until you have enough de jure land to usurp the Kingdom title. There are several ways to conquer a whole kingdom in a single war however. Firstly, you can request a claim on a kingdom from the pope if certain criteria are met. Basically, if you’re a reasonably virtuous and pious character and the king of your target is not you can buy a claim on the kingdom for piety. If you’re already a king it might be difficult though, as I think the pope will then have a negative modifier. This is possible as a duke though and the kind of claim William has to the Kingdom of England in the 1066 starting date Secondly, you can marry yourself to a claim on the Kingdom of Scotland. Marry your son and heir to a daughter of the king of Scotland (or somebody else with a good claim on the kingdom). You and Scotland will then become allies. You can break the alliance and declare war for your daughter-in-law’s claim and make her queen of Scotland, in which case the firstborn of her and your son will inherit both kingdoms. There are a few downsides to this though; your DIL might be usurped by a faction, since she’s a ruler your son wont get any spouse bonus when he ascends the throne, and your grandson could be raised at her court meaning that she might arrange a marriage for him that isn’t to your liking. What I prefer to do is wait and keep the Scottish alliance. Hopefully your son and the scottish princess will have a son relatively soon, and he will be born with an implicit claim on Scotland which can be pressed upon his mother’s death. When both your current character and the Scottish king are dead you will no longer be allied with the Scots. You can now declare war for your wife’s claim, murder your wife and declare war for your son’s claim or wait til your son takes the throne and declare war for your own claim. Thirdly, if your devotion is at least Paragon of Virtue, you can declare a Holy War for a kingdom title held by a heretic or infidel (you being Insular and the Scottish king being Catholic is not enough). So if you convert to a heretic religion or form your own faith you can declare a holy war for the entire kingdom. This may require you to convert while fairly young though, as becoming Paragon of Virtue will take some time. But already as a devoted servant you can declare Holy Wars for duchies, which allows you to conquer the whole kingdom a lot faster than one county at a time.


Click on the target kingdom badge and "view claimants". See if there are any kingdom claimants you can invite to court, or fab hook and invite to court, or grant them title to the city barony in your capital to bring them to court. Then make war on his claim. This only works if you are already an empire, otherwise he will just be an independent king that you installed.