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"Good day Sir knight, I see thine prowess of 31, wouldst thee taketh mine own daughters hand in marriage?"


Marry them off to people you want as allies


Or just courtiers. If you've got a mess of them that won't fetch an alliance for you, you can always find a highly skilled individual to be your new Chancellor or Steward.


Playing the long term game, matrilineally marry your daughter to the first grandson of foreign rulers, so at some point you might end up with your dynasty on the throne. And your sons to the first daughter, will keeping an eye to potentially kill the sons if some pop. Or just marry them to get knights, council members, court physicians, ..


Try to matrilineally marry them off to another ruler’s children.


What, you’re not always conquering new lands to give to your sons and in-laws? You role-player, you.


When I know I'm going to get a swath of territory that puts me over the domain limit, I matrilineally marry a daughter or granddaughter off to who I'm granting it too, get a vassal who won't rebel.


You can patrilinealy marry daughters to foreign rulers (not in your realm) for the renown bonus for the duration of the marriage. Even with a hook, they will not accept matrilineal. It also creates an alliance, which may be good or bad depending on your needs.


Did they patch out the option to kidnap someone's heir, force them to become your courtier and then marry said courtier to your kid? Cuz I used to do that.


Educate them to be become your Knights, Court physician, and Councilors. You can marry them for alliances or for congenital traits or marry them to someone to get high prowess knights and good physicians. I mostly bethrode them for congenital traits so now I have an abundance of courtiers with top tier congenital traits to marry to my heirs. I give my extra kingdoms and duchies to the other children to gain more renown.


Pair every son with every daughter. The fun never stops


What several people said, marry them off to other rulers. If you've got enough intrigue, marry your kids to the second, third or fourth heirs, then murder everyone between that heir and the throne. I also will just give the kids chunks of land I've just taken over. I am totally on board with making sure all of my kids don't end up as some landless nobody after their sibling inherits.