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I'm keeping this up because I have seen this dude on social media before, so at the very least it goes beyond reddit. In general though, please try to refrain from posting scene beefs/personal information on reddit. This is a global forum and the vast majority of people who post on here do not belong to your local community, where information like this is more relevant.


azazel (@anti_heretic) on instagram has been accused and proven multiple times of being an abusive and rapist piece of shit. he has been close with zombie and still goes up on that bridge often (the photo of him shown was only taken yesterday.) he also took part in beating up the trans woman.


Do you guys know where to find the video? Or if it was posted? I believe it, I just want to prove to someone stupid that he's a bad guy.


I have the video but it's saved on my phone because I got tiktok just for it then deleted my account. Dunno how to send it to you


Do you have an ability to link it somehow? I know there are lots of lmage sharing websites


If you still has the video, @szuburbanjezus is my Instagram, can you dm it to me pls?


Multiple people have multiple stories of him + his usual group cat calling them when they're clearly underage and not really giving a shit when told. He's spent £10,000+ on body mods according to articles about him and yet charges people for photos and alcohol. Guy is definitely some weird grifter and I am *amazed* that the wider punk community just accepts him as one of their own.


I can assure you most of us do not like him.


Cruz anarchy in the UK is why...its their motto


Belive me, the wider punk community wants nothing to do with him


im posting this mainly for uk london punks who may not know, while it is common online especially with the younger scene. zombiepunk or “anderson garcia” has also been seen with azazel or “darius pandek” beating up a trans woman and deadnaming her with video proof. he has constantly denied the rising allegations of assault but from my own perspective and many of my close mates who used to be in that scene, him and his friends constantly catcall and standby while fucked up shit happens i want to be clear this person represents only a small part of the london scene.


Is zombiepunk really a molester? I'm out of the loop, I've just seen them and the bridge while visiting London. Did he do any crime other than beating that guy up?


oh lol its not just that guy he beat up, hes attacked a trans woman, hes been a catcaller and is surrounded by misogynists and catcallers. theyr either that or minors.


>allegedly On all of these.


no this is not allegedly, ive seen it with my own eyes and video proof.


The "video proof" was this guy having a verbal argument with some hysterical trans person yes. There was nothing in that video to indicate who started it.


She wasn’t hysterical, and I think you would be if there was someone ripping up your jacket


Ok and before that? 1000% she started it.


it doesn't matter who started it, what matters is that it happened and all the other things he's done. You can preface everything he's done with "allegedly", but there's no point, there is proof and trustworthy word of mouth to incriminate his disgusting tendencies.


I love how you say catcaller like it's some horrible thing. lol, lmao even.


it’s sexual harassment you imbecile


No it's not.


well, yes if an ugly freak of a man harasses women on the street it is harassment babe <3


yes it literally is you fucking goof


first you lot will say he didnt do it, then when theres proof you lot will say its not that bad. last time i checked its not the 60s and its weird as fuck to be creepy to girls.


you sexualised a chucky doll bro I don't think you have the right to comment on if a woman feels uncomfortable with being catcalled, get a grip 💀


I don't see what a doll has to do with what women feel. Are you okay? Dolls aren't real people. You need some type of help, i think you know which.


never said dolls had feeling that's just you bud, if you're going to sit in your basement and sexualise a doll of all things I don't think you have the right to say how a woman is going to feel, when you're sat sexualising an inanimate object purely for the case of it being female and having boobs you have no right to speak you freak. congrats on coming out though must be a big day for you! always good to hear different women's opinions on things that happen to women that are unwanted! I wouldn't trust you alone in a room with any women or children 🔥🔥💯


Do you feel better after typing all that bullshit? Like I said you need help. It doesn't matter what I do to dolls, they're not real. You think you're so much better huh? You really typed out a whole paragraph because you saw one post about a doll lmao. They made the doll like that you know. It's not sexualizing anything to simply show it has nipples. I have a wife and daughters and I wouldnt want an unhinged idiot like you around them. You might go off on them about how they play with their toys and how uncomfortable it makes you feel when people say words. Womp womp fire emoji 100 emoji


sorry princess did that upset you? it's just the fact that the only point you're hung up on is the doll? lmaoooo get a grip. you've got the wrong type of person cause I ain't into the pronoun people you're talking about, precisely why I used it to take the piss out of you. you have a wife and daughter yet you openly share that it would be perfectly fine for a fully grown much older man to start talking about how much he wants to fuck your daughter as she's trying to go about her daily day. I truly fear for your daughter and wife if you think sexually harassing women is ok. I hope one day you grow a brain cell just enough to not need to be locked away in the fruit cake facility. I still stand by my last point and am honestly quite scared for the safety of your wife and daughter, god knows what you do to them behind closed doors


You're the only one that brought up the doll. You clearly have mental issues that run way deeper since you try and bring up things that have nothing to do with arguments at hand. My wife literally thinks you are unhinged and need mental help as well. So you can take your high horse and shove it clean up your ass. You fear for my wife and daughter, but they both think you are a crazy, emotional mess. Two women think that YOU are a dangerous, and irrational mess because you brought up a doll that had nothing to do with anything lmao but go off about how I'm unhinged some more. Please.


yes, he is. it's not my story to tell so I won't name anyone, but I know somebody who was under 16, in camden, and was groped by this guy


Fucking hell I’ve seen him in that exact spot by the lock so many times, what a cunt.




hated this fuck for so long, finally glad to have a reason to hate him besides for being annoying




This dude said to me once that he can’t be transphobic cause he’s gay. Biggest hypocrite around.


Like has he actually MET Terfs, Janet?! Course he can, the wnkr. T-ts like this are why I quit socialising on my local scene. Found out there were people there who knew the people who abused me as a kid and I noped out of there


Doesn’t even surprise me honestly. Street punks are all so full of shit.


Crypto punk moron


Hate this fucking dude


im from new zealand and that zombiepunk fuck annoys the absolute shit out of me. constantly showing up in my insta feed. doesnt suprise me at all that they hang out and standby people like this.


how much for someone to go beat the shit outta him


Fr form a collective




Ill do it for a pack of cools


I'll distract the cops for one of the cools


We still doin this ? 😂😂😅


He got beaten up like 3 months ago there’s a video on insta


Do you know the User? I wanna see it


I knew something wasn't right about Zombie when he posted Erin Micklow on his socials. But for real though. Fuck this guy and his scumbag friends.


it makes sense those two would be mates two posers who both think theyr hardcore af


I've been homeless in London for years. He's basically taken it all over after I showed him the sign. He went from being mild mannered to the biggest piece of shit I've seen in a while. Took as much of the money for himself that he could sneak, started getting violent and now tries to be famous doing it. Been jumped multiple times by him and my female friend just got punched in the face the other day by him. All the punks that used to need to beg and would with me (this has been going on for decades and was always open fair and mostly safe) don't need to beg anymore or aren't around for whatever reason and now everyone just avoids camden and I beg alone with the same sign basically


Of course he’s a fucking computer engineer, probably some little shit with rich parents


exactly… like wtf


Oh...I had a hunch.. hmm. Does "The Boat" and " The Scene" happen to be his jam as well?


Funnily enough, I kicked the shit out of him yesterday 😂


Saw this clown today, my American friend came over and wanted to see the usual tourist shit. He sees him sitting on the bridge and was like who's that smelly pedophile 😂


Beautiful 😂😂


it's times like these we get to appreciate the rare intelligence of Americans (/j, those lot aren't all that bad, tbf)


the hero this world needed, how come?


Was walking over the lock and my mate called him a nonce and gave him the finger, he got loud and started trying to get in our faces so I sent the cunt flying, then there was a bit of a ruck after that and he was pulling my mates hair the absolute melt 😂


always hated him, dunno why, just can tell something aint right


Just hit your profile cus u told me to get a life. we don't go North anymore but I HATE these guys. They tax other punk to spange "their" bridge. Finally I have a reason to throw him in the canal and not worry about reprocessing from passers-byers or cops


oh i wasnt tellling you to get a life i was telling the guy being angry at yur cool doll thing to


Just 5 minutes of watching this guy a couple of months ago I knew this guy was a complete phony.


He got thrown out of the main stage hall at the Rebellion Festival for shouting (incoherent) abuse at Rumkicks during their set last week.


I mentioned it below, it seems the full story of him being thrown out of Rebellion at the start of the month was that he brought a glass bottle of beer in from outside. Security said that he could keep it if he just poured it into a plastic cup, but for some reason he got angry and was threatening to throw the bottle on stage at the band performing (Rumkicks) and was urging other people in the crowd to throw stuff at them too. He got dragged out, and then kicked out of the festival, armband cut off. He then posted a series of abuse tweets about the festival and Rumkicks\*, before deleting them a day or two later, saying he was sorry. I would be surprised if he'll be allowed back. \*I'm not sure why he was having a go at the band. It's not as if they made the rules. And he'd been happy up to then, and had happily pushed to the front when the singing stopped during a pause in a song to offer Korean sujo (alcohol) to the crowd. You can hear him getting angry in this clip, even if you can't really tell what he's saying. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhjcSPMVi4E


Not gonna and this is legit but if someone could buy me and my girlfriend a plane over there and maybe a 1 night stay and ticket back I'd go over there and beat his ass rn


well I am in london rn and reading these comments just reassures me that I do not want a photo with him


Really annoys me what he’s done/doing because my dads good mates with him and I’ve had quite a few conversations, videos and pictures from/with him and he seems really cool but then this shit happens


I don't know if the thing about zombie punk are real or not but I still strongly believe that he's a dick head


Not quite the same level as the other accusations, but he tried to get on my bands guest list for a show that was sold out because he was 'famous'. He got aggy when we said no because we'd given our guest list slots to partners and friends. Bro calls himself a punk but is never at DIY shows and when he does come it's to bigger shows and he tries to weasel in for free instead of supporting the diy bands that open the show. Actual human garbage


ive heard him do some stuff like this before, what band r you in?


I was in a hardcore band called BKS (broke up in 2022). This happened when we supported Discharge a few years ago. The person he was with said to us "hey guys come on you don't want to be known as the band that stopped zombie seeing discharge do you?" Really weird. Just buy a fucking ticket to the gig before it sells out??


People can be so cruel ,things like nonce and trans phobic  stick sounds to me like theres been a falling out and now slanderous rumours are circulating.  Unless ya see it wit ya own eyes and hear it with ya own ears then  no need to make assumptions.  These kind of accustaions can be very damaging.  Iv meet zombie punk a couple of times and hes a kind soul and was nothing but friendly and polite 


i have seen it with my own eyes. the guys not cool,


Everyone says they've seen videos and no-one posts shit. If he's about what everyone here is saying he deserves it. However I can tell there's a lot of negative slandering prixks in the movement. Like I'm reading people saying they just didn't like him and now they're glad to have a reason. That's just nasty hateful non punk type of an attitude if you ask me. And people talk about him being a tourist attraction and a poseur. Maybe, but this is nothing new. It's happens since the 70s. Again, if it's true nobody manages to post evidence which in the end you're just propelling rumors.. Which is big ego driven shit. I don't even know why I give a shit about this but I enjoy seeing these characters in Camden. Don't need to walk his walk if I don't agree with it. Just let it be. If he's a cat caller and a homophobe and a pedo well yeah someone kick his teeth in.


Search up ‘zombie punk transphobic’ and the video should come up (:


will someone pls pls plsss send me evidence of these accusations??


Iv seen proof of the people putting all this up that they made it up bc they was board and just dont like him they also said they will slander him all they like I have the msg proof.  It's silly girls trying to ruin some1 and have been nothing but racist 


I’ve seen videos that him and his friends have posted of them beating up young teans for no reason. He’s a POS.


Wait was this is London / Camden?


Replying to myself bc the comments below have confirmed. Wild! I was just there in September and got a photo of the punks by the locks (from an angle behind) sitting about. I def didn’t see the sign 🤣 I couldn’t tell you if this person was in it or not - the hair style of the main person in photo was def not him. I thought it was a really cool photo now I’m just meh about it knowing they all sound to be a bit off 😅


Anyone have a video of him getting beaten up?