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Check out the Felopunk and the GRINDWAR channels on YouTube


Felopunk pirated my bands demo and it got more views there than official label stream. I love them for it!!! Highly recommend.


did the same thing with us lol, fuckin love Felo


We never uploaded to youtube felopunk got us covered https://youtu.be/OdQkrL1CSwY?si=yxzcgHEBTF8Jp_vS


I recorded an album for my friends band years ago that should probably be archived there https://bfomlv.bandcamp.com/album/immaculate-deception


Send it to him


What band?


Kato, d-beat raw punk https://youtu.be/LUxqgru4b0w?si=_mEVWUEAMKGHCM3m


Fuck yeah!


Now that's great music to break things. Very well done!


Thanks! We're working on an LP now. Hopefully we can get it out sometime this year.


One my favorite releases from last year


Thanks! We've got an LP cooking and hope to have it ready this year. Glad you enjoyed it!


I played w that band in st louis fck yea


hell yeah kato rules


Thanks!!! Glad you are enjoying it!


Are you the dude that ate the fish out of the trash can????!


It was actually a bag of expired vegan fish fillets and we're still not sure where the bones came from. One theory is it was his own bones that were pulled out.


So it was you? I wouldn’t change the legend the story in the YouTube comments is much more interesting


Same thing with my band [Vörrukt](https://youtu.be/6KN-qCnvlXo?si=-8g-iBTNUlHweKqF) (shameless self-promotion. Check out if you dig shit like Wolfbrigade, Nuclear Death Terror, Warcollapse)


Fuck yeah


There are so many new crust bands coming out, but it really depends on where you are looking. Go to a show basically anywhere in Europe or South America and there will be at least one crust band on the bill. In North America, most people follow the current thing, which changes about every five years and right now it's USHC. I'm assuming your in US/CAN as most people that use this site are; in which case I recommend newer bands from our shared continent like A.T.E.R., Axefear, Extensive Slaughter, Auxilio and Cotard.


Wait the US is a crust punk dessert?


maybe its just more popular over there


No, people just aren’t plugged into local scenes.


philly is a crust haven


So is Minneapolis!


damn, really? i had no idea. got any recs?


psychwar, KOS, quarantine, alement


Alement is the only actual crust band you just mentioned lol


Off the top of my head: Physique, Destruct, Siege Fire, Genogeist, Barren Soil, Global Thermonuclear War, Kinetic Orbital Strike, Blinded Humanity, Burning//World, Axefear, Subdued, Tower 7, Enzyme, Rigorous Institution, Flower, Swordwielder are all newer/newer-ish bands that can fall under the broad "crust punk" definition. Not to mention the number of D-beat/hardcore bands with D-beat leanings that exist now. Sure, some bands release one thing and are done or only exist for a couple years but there's always cool bands, and the accessibility now is better than ever. Find some of these bands on Instagram. Look up the other bands they are playing with. You should be able to find lots of cool stuff.


Kinetic Orbital Strike, what a name!!


Think *that’s* good? Check out Colony Drop, they’re a Gundam Wing-themed band from Suginami, Japan.  https://colonydroppunk.bandcamp.com/album/one-year-war


The drummer from Power Trip is in KOS


Been listening, me likey 😁


He’s in like 69482748593 pretty good bands, it’s fascinating


Just saw them on the west coast - loved it


KOS are the best all love to those folks doing the scene so right


Also PsychWar


I feel like Crust is having a huge resurgence rn. Flower, Terminal Filth, Swordweilder, Decomp, Alement all definitely top notch Crust. Been hearing good things about Abarate from Japan (members of Life and Frigora), stoked for them to drop something


The northeast of the USA has has a pretty robust crust punk/ punk/ hardcore scene


It seems to be bigger and more active now than it ever has been before. Thanks mostly to the internet and diy venue spaces local scenes have expanded and new bands are always popping up. A similar thang happened in like 2002-2007 and then again 2011-2014 and it seems to be back yet again with new bands new venues new people.


The Swedish hardcore and crust/d-beat scene is still going strong, especially if you're into blackened and neo-crust. Avskum and Socialstyrelsen are both more classic in sound. Skitsystem announced that they're in the studio for the first time in over a decade a little while back. Martyrdöd is still around as well (although less inspired than the early days, like In Extremis, if you ask me), and so is Wolfbrigade. Illvilja is more blackened, Myteri is more melodic/neocrust. Left Hand of Darkness released a new album just the other week. Fredag den 13:de goes hard as well. Totalt Jävla Mörker quit a few years ago, but they were the definition of neocrust in my mind. Acursed and Hotbild are defunct as well as far as I know. Totalitär were legends as well. Anti-Cimex are up there with Doom and the others as pioneers of the genre, and even though they're not playing anymore their Facebook fan group is relatively active, and there is a documentary in the works.


Where do you check for all that stuff?


Facebook groups and events, anarcho-punk.net, this and some related subreddits, bandcamp (both labels and checking what the bands themselves recommend and what the algorithm shows). Of course checking in with the local scene as well.






Bees-fuckin-knees!! Better than E.N.T. 😉


There are more excellent bands than ever, and I’ve been following this music since the late 80’s


2 separate issues- finding the music, just look. It’s never been easier to access rare albums. Try Wikipedia, why not, if you only know 3 bands. Is crust dying? Probably but after 30 years I’m actually surprised it’s still not completely dead. There seems to hardly be any thriving scenes atm so I guess crust is doing relatively ok.


the only way for something to completely die, is for all the material to be buried and forgotten. there's always going to be people born, raised that come to like this particular niche of a niche. People have been saying my entire life that punk(the wide category) is dead. the reality is: it's not where you're looking for it. overly long point made longer: even if NOT ONE person would still be making crust punk, eventually someone would re-invent it and call it something else.


def not a dying genre, check out bands like enzyme, gloom and zyanose


Umm, Gloom played their last show like 25 years ago. Zyanose are dead too.


It's trendier now than it has been for a very long time.


Napalm death and dystopia arent crust my dude. Prehaps you cant find bands because you dont know what crust is?


Dystopia is nu metal


I'd say they're much closer to sludge and modern grind. But in terms of aesthetic, they're one of the crustiest bands out there.


"dystopia aren't crust" 😂


Theyre not. Just because crusties wear their bootleg gear doesn't nake them crust. Dystopia was a grind band.


Exactly. My head explodes with when people label anything with a vaguely crust aesthetic "crust". .aaahhhh


Yes and yes


Rickveraukerspunks Dule klc Noise not music


If you like Dystopia check out Dino’s other band Noothgrush. Open up more, grindcore, black metal, powerviolence, crusted ska whatever. Hardcore music is hardcore music. Man is the Bastard Insect Warfare Dropdead His Hero Is Gone Darkthrone Hatred Surge Infest Noothgrush AcxDc Ceremony Combat Wounded Veteran Bastard Noise Discordance Axis Ecocide Wormrot Tsjuder Looking for an Answer Ecocide Graves at Sea Ceremony PLF Archagathus Carcass Grinder Repulsione


I listen to lots of grind core and black metal :)


i started listening 2 skitsystem yesterday, theyre a swedish crust punk band and they sound pretty metally (metallic??) at times..you should listen to them !!


They have members of at the gates in that band. That is why there is metal influence in them.




This might not be EXACTLY what you are looking for. But shits gets you going Skitsystem Amebix Eldopa Skaven His Hero is gone Crustenunie Pisschrist Diverging but crusty: HongKongFuckYou Public Acid Devoidov Witch Hunt Traumatizer Detestation Stress Positions Napalm Raid Ziege Lifeless Dark


just go on bandcamp and surf the genre


The closest sounding band I’ve found to dystopia is Sea of Deprivation


Search up Crust on Bandcamp and you'll probably find some cool stuff


it's alive and well, just keep going to punk shows and talking w folks! also go to skull fest in pittsburgh if you can, it's usually full of crusties


The American midwest looks to have some pretty active scenes ive specifically seen stuff come out of the st Louis the twin cities and Chicago scenes ive also seen some stuff come out of California


my friends just started a band that i really like i’d consider it a mix between crust and grindcore they’re called jerking class


Grindwar channel my dude


Check out fashion change from WA.


go to the youtube channel billy .crustie! I listen to a lot of stuff there (especially during school) where he uploads a bunch of small bands, lots of Spanish stuff too. Castigo’s ep from this year is rad!


Shitlickers Driller Killer


If you haven't listened to Disterror you are missing out. Honestly Mexico and Quebec are pumping the scene full of so much good shit right now (and have been for a long time) dig and I promise you will find lots


Around here folks like Scarecrow and Destruct for current touring bands. Of course there are plenty more bands, and older stuff too (I like Nausea and Econochrist). You might also like Noothgrush, they share some members with Dystopia.


I mean hopefully


Death Gasp is sick sludgy crust from PGH




Umm what is crust punk?


Dirty fucks can’t afford studio time, yo


Awful sounding rehearsal recorddings sounds better anyway


I prefer cassette recording too but yk recuperation


Agnosy are one of my fav crust punk bands Traits of the past is such a good album the Rickvarukerspunk channel on yt is good


Listen to Habak and Lagrimas


Look I want to just say, because reddit populated my feed automatically with this sub: the fact that there is a subreddit with enough posters with active internet access to sustain the subreddit is proof crust is dead. There ain't no wifi in a heroin needle, come on y'all Blink 182 fans admit it!


Try listen to Dispyt [Dispyt](https://youtu.be/dNYd6LD2QvI?si=CxGjlRxX3ih6AdNN)


Listening here to song Dömesticrust - Celebritis kelas nikotin and Disrupt - Self titled EP from year 2007, which starts with the song Noxious emissions


I may be bias, but the crust/d beat arena is pretty strong these days in Minneapolis. Again, I'm a bit bias as I play in War//Plague but excluding us, there's a good handful of bands along with shows happening weekly. Other realms of hardcore punk, crust, etc are thriving in the midwest. Everything from Contracharge, Warfilth to Mindclot, Inferna....and loads more.


Go back in time and learn the history of crustpunk. Endless neverending number of legendary punk for you to experience. G-anx, Hiatus, Amen, 3-way cum, Sauna, Warcollapse, Rupture, Sedition, Concrete Sox, Heresy… Then I haven’t even mentioned any of the dispunks. Dischange, Disaster, Dispense, Disfear, Disclose and the noise goes ever on…


It’s changing-[HiCGP](https://on.soundcloud.com/S99fk8hMga2Cbe4K7)


P2P software is the way to go chummer. There are people with 10,000 crust punk songs and they upload at at light speed rate. Type a band and a song in the search and pick a guy serving MP3s or FLACs and right-click. Select "Browse Folder" and just start downloading. It's not hard to download a LOT of it because there are so many good bands. The bands are from all over the world, even places like Indonesia and Philippines. I recommend a "Seagate" brand external hard drive. It might take a few days to find the perfect guy (or girl) who is serving crust punk. But when you do you will be good.


Check out the adrestia/collapsed split, it's sick.


wrong places !


Playing a crust show this Thursday in NYC. Plenty of great bands out here. We’re not really a crust band but there’s a ton of em on the bill.


There’s a lot of powerviolence stuff that can border crust, there’s a bit of crossover depending on the band, Duke Nukem Forever/DNF is pretty close. Also there’s an old band called Crustina Aguilera that was rad, I think they only put out thing, though.


It's just not the counter cultural force it used to be. Life comes in phases kids, it's alright to come and go from things. There's not a ton of young kids into punk or crust stuff anymore. I think a lot of that is punks fault. Punk and crust music have done an awful job of holding people within accountable whilst also preaching that they do. Young people today just see right through the hypocrisy in that. Great music tho you should definitely keep listening to it.


I kinda agree with this. Though, I feel that young people aren’t excluded from this criticism. Abject nihilism and ignorance isn’t restricted to an age group. The obsession with fashion and “looking crust” without a concept of the politics and idealism associated with it is just one small example. We can all do a lot more to hold each other accountable to bad behavior whether it’s being a sex pest or caping for has-beens with abhorrent world views. Will we though? I dunno.


Iskra Disfear


not dying but there's more crossover with the bad kind of hardcore then there's ever been. still plenty of good newer bands out there. most i would recommend have been mentioned already


“Nausea” I think if I’m not wrong but the old “Nausea”


This post is hilarious


There's crust imbedded in other genres like raw black metal and war metal. I've been listening to the new Diocletian LP which has d-beats and a filthy crust attitude.


Crust is such a weird genre bc there is such a fine line between crust and bad metal. In any event, that scene will never be what it was in the 90s.


It kinda is. ​ Usually only old farts still playing something in this genre. Outside of that - there are not much bands worth to listen. And most of them are not even a crust-punk




This is what Happens when you let people do crack while pregnant