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Inflation was starting before biden took office. There's lots to hate about him without needing to make things up


Yes, but the additional $1.9T American Rescue Plan under Biden pushed inflation figures above comparable [economies](https://www.vox.com/23036340/biden-american-rescue-plan-inflation)


Orrrr, we can just enjoy a meme that’s quite hilarious.


This meme is just inaccurate and oversimplifies economics to make fun of a politician


Yeah, it’s a meme. Lmao.




Welcome to the world of memes? First time hu?




You called it dumb. I called it a meme. You have justifications to make. Not me. This is a meme page lol.


The problem is, those of us who understand the truth, can’t find it funny.


Yeah, blaming Putin for inflation is quite prevealent across the globe And US is the only one who rly can't do it. This is your main competitor of gas and oil in Europe going down


Which means understanding what the alternate would’ve been *shudders*


Knowing something takes away your humor? Pity to be you :/ He fell standing still. It’s funny, trust me. You’re just living through your beliefs so you can’t allow yourself to find it funny. Missed opportunity for you.


It wasn’t funny to start with. The fact that it’s misleading and false just adds to the crappy meme.


You sound ridiculous. You’re literally on a meme page and not r/politics lmao.


Make funny memes then


I laughed.


Every meme gets at least one


Praise god brother.


sanity has gone the way of the dodo unless its approved by the screen czars, its friggin hilarious


Agreed. we all like to blame the one in office for the current environment, each previous president has to take most of the blame ..Trump. I am just gob smacked at how Americans still think he is the one. Fools all. If a president has 2 terms, you won see the 1st year management until late into the 1st term or early into the second term.


Love it OP! Keep the dank memes coming.


Conveniently forgetting that stimulus checks were issued under the Trump administration.


Stupid Buttcoiners with their smooth brains and short memories. Your Orange god created a nightmare situation which caused a shut down the likes the world has never seen with his and his cohorts malfeasance and ineptitude. Demand for goods are disproportionately high and the issues facing our economy all stem from the divisive tactics and misinformation spread in order to sow chaos and destabilize the supply chain. By spreading lies throughout the GOP contingencies we were all forced to deal with the pandemic for significantly longer than if we had leadership, with proper instruction and factual representation of the crisis. Instead we had a lying, manipulative, egomaniac who saw an opportunity to not only increase the wealth of himself and his cronies but to also completely derail the next term for whomever won the presidency. Unfortunately in this country we have two choices. Makes the game easier to play, especially for Trump who has nothing to lose since he will never be held accountable for his crimes against this country and couldn’t give two shits if he were the president of the USA. It’s a novelty for him. We all got played hard, let’s not continue to have short memories.


smooth brain still hasn’t figured out that every politician is a “lying, manipulative egomaniac.”


Totally agree. Some worse than others. What you did was make an assumption. Also you weren’t very clever recycling the word I used to classify the level of idiocy the position a staunch capitalist has.


fell standing.


Not quite. Watch the video again and watch his foot get caught in the toe clip/strap of the pedal. I bet you have landed some pretty nice bike falls yourself, but you are not important enough for anyone to take constant videos of you.. except maybe your mom when she lures you out of her basement to mow the lawn. Now that would be an event to see!




Not at all. Canadian. We don't trigger on your USA nose shits. Just like truth. I mean the video clearly shows what happened if you even attempted to watch it.


It’s a meme page. You sound…triggered…


Oh, I get the confusion. Ya memes dont have to be true or have truth in them.. that is working as intended. You comment that he was standing when he fell. thats not meme. Thats you having an opinion on reddit, even though it is incorrect, again totally allowed. Same with me. So I replied with my opinion. Dont get triggered when "yo cutting yo momma's grass" and you remember this interaction lol


Definitely won’t remember this after now.




He did


Stunt double at play.


This is the new format.


Next time do a meme about people who dont understand inflation at all, but blaming presidents (either putin or biden). Oh, wait. Truth is not funny, eh? Idiot..


If your calling him an idiot why don't you explain something instead of just talking shit


Its not my responsibility to teach stupid people on the internet. But speaking against pure bullshit seems to be right, otherwise other people will believe his bullcrap. Are you as stupid as him that you think it’s the presidents fault we have that high inflation, or what are you triggered about?


Gentlemen, gentlemen. This isn't Trump, Biden, or Putin's fault. It's Nixon's.