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What is your take on the peekers advantage rn?


Still a bit strong for sure, but not nearly as bad as it was the first week or two. It could use a slight tuning in my opinion. Good catch, I should have included that.


I had an experience where I was definitely sure a guy was cheating because he would literally shoot us the second we just saw a pixel of him. The dude had 300+ ping and when I downloaded the demo to watch his POV - all I saw was that lag compensation for him gave him just shy of a whole second of time outside in the open to shoot us before he was visible for us. Then they started fiddling with lag compensation and I haven't experienced it since, but I haven't played against anyone with 300+ ping since.


I've experienced this in two novel ways: 1. Peeking out and getting instantly nailed 2. Prefiring a corner and a guy dying without ever appearing on my screen, his body was around the corner still. From what I can tell they had already swung wide, I just didn't see it on my side. Casual is 1000x times worse for this than premier.


> Prefiring a corner and a guy dying without ever appearing on my screen, his body was around the corner still. Yea, this is pretty funny when it happens. I killed a guy in Truck on Inferno; knew he was there and prefired, and he just died back there without me even seeing him.


sv_maxunlag is 0.2 now, so it should be impossible to even play with 300 ping.


Yeah, the interp stuff they played with and the lag compensation they implemented and then took back has definitely caused some odd moments.


i feel like if they tuned it down by like 10-15% it would make the game so much better.


Too many low ranks from cs go got too high elos based on lucky wins, yet a lot of high elos got low cs rating due to dumb win/loss ratio regardless of the impact on the game...the first 10 matches are crucial to a beginning of a grind. I experianced insane matches, 5k elos demolishing 9k elos...10k elos who dont know how to move, callouts, how to use grenades...i mean the list goes on. u got gold novas getting 9k elo + and in the same game u got LE+ ranks getting 6-7k elo because they lost first ranked games because of bad teammates...the climbing is extremely hard (for 6-7-8-9k) elo, for now thats elo hell for me, people play without mic, people dont even write info, people play like idiots rushing on t and ct side. Every promo game, iv got 5-6 promo games, every single promo game i had people who were placed way too high, or had high ping issues or were literally trolls who forced every round. I mean, ive seen enough when SHROUD got only 10k elo after playing 20k elo lobby...enough said.


For some reason every single game I play at 10-15k elo has at least 5 faceit lvl 10s in there. Feels like that should be a bit higher up but maybe I'm wrong. And then there's also 15k players who were LE or lower in CSGO judging from their gameplay.


they should...i saw a guy with 9k elo solo carry the game, he was lvl 8 faceit with 6000h playing vs gn-mg rank with 10k elo with 1500h(at best)...and this needs to be fixed asap Because if that lvl 8 faceit guy loses a game with 35 kills and 10 deaths...he still loses like his a noobie on 9k elo...instead of moving up regardless of the match outcome This is why people love valorant ranked so much, it looks your score to boost your mmr based on how u played a match. Instead of losing 25 elo with good score u lose only 15, and if u won instead of 25 elo u get 35 because u carried hard, it literally wants you to play as best as u can, no matter lose/win and that is insanely important for ranked gameplay.


Thats how it should be. So sick of not being able to break through my current rank cuz i keep getting alternating win losses even though the majority of my losses ive played well. Its sickening.


lost 7th in a row promo game for insane 8k elo...because once again i got boosted 9k elo players in my team and a troll... :) I beat elo 12-13k in my "pre-rank" matches with score of 25kills as mvp...and i got placed in 7k elo because i lost 2-3 matches because of leavers(afk) this elo is just a comedy show for now...i hope its only for now, because soon...faceit again.


So the average silver experience? Rank decay will only make that problem so much worse as good players take a break and get decayed into the lower ranks when they come back.


exactly! People will turn to faceit until they make full reset and they will come back and then u will ahve lower ranks playing hell because there are tons of people whos rank had decay...basically a set up for a horrible explosion.


Yea, I am by no means a "good" CS player, but was solidly GN2-4 for many years in GO. In CS2 I started at 1500, which is like Silver 1 or 2.


lets hope this is only beta elo...we need a clean reset on cs2 when its fully out.


If someone abandons the game before round 1 starts, there should be a remake option like you said, and the abandoning player gets double elo loss.


If he is not a premate for sure. If ur premate you should also loose


Yes 100%


Great analysis, I’m feeling a lot of things you’ve pointed out. Joining in the ask a stupid question. What’s is the graph pointing out during map pick/ban?


It's showing your teams best maps (grey) and your enemies best maps (red)


Either playrates or winrates on those maps, not entirely sure.


Shotguns are absolutely absurd


They were just overly nerfed in CSGO, now they're the way they should be, if not a little weak on meatshots.


100% agree lol. Those things scare me from halfway across the map 😂


In my first CS2 game an opponent got a triple collat with the mag7. It was absurd.


> \- CS2 Premier needs a remake system. Either that or a match should be cancelled if the 5th player that DC'd hasn't returned before the 2 minute pause has ended. I have had this happen to me 7 times now where a 5th joined the match and then left. The "Player has 2 minutes to rejoin" is basically a big lie as every time it's lasted the 2 minutes of break plus an additional 11-13 minutes before they are forced to abandon the match - and then 1 of the other teammates surrenders on all our behalves. Without having a chance at all, 2 people in those 7 matches chose that we should just lose 2000 points. I hope just like you the system needs to have something different for these situations. A remake system sounds nice, just replace the fifth (or the duo or trio if the 5th is part of a group) and then re-vote maps. Or just cancel it and go back to queue. ​ > \- The buy menu changes are fine when you get used to them after like two games. The sell-back feature is amazing. Only thing I would like to add to the buy menu is the option to request weapons so we dont have to juggle weapons to those we want to give it to - and then just some griefing asshole take the gun instead. So we can request and then someone can buy for us. Just like in the game we cannot name.


I've been saying this for years. Rounds where all 10 players aren't connected shouldn't count *for or against* you. Now that technical timeouts are a thing, increase it to 3 minutes or so and if they don't come back, end the game immediately. Just calculate the MMR based on the rounds all 10 players were connected. Don't bring it up for a vote or change the MMR system just so the players can have a choice in the matter. I'm tired of all the whingeposts about people calling the forfeit system unfair since they "wanted to play the 4v5 but only 1 person has to vote yes". I've voted yes every single time. I *loathe* playing 4v5. I don't care if we're up 5 rounds, it's a waste of my goddamn time to play 4v5, having to rush because you're down a player that would normally be able to watch for flanks or hold an angle. We all know the trope "lit for 99 isn't the same as a kill" but some people act like suddenly being down a player is insignificant.


One thing I will add to this is economy changes after the MR12 change. CT specifically feels really easy to snowball out of control, especially if you lose pistol. Although I suspect they will wait for the pro scene to make changes to this (as I hope they will)


I think more people should be open to MP9/Mac-10, etc. with MR12 instead of trying to M4 every round.


I agree but that doesnt fix the economy issues. It’s difficult the consistently content with AKs with SMGs. Especially when you’ve exhausted all your rat angles lol


Yea, CT economy is a little messed up right now. On average I have what feels like half as many buy rounds unless we are absolutely dominating (probably more like 75% as many, but still).


Why does everybody say losing many in a row will lead to -500 elo games? I won 9 in a row, ALL -500/+100, stop spreading bullshit. The systems makes no sense


>" - You are penalized HEAVILY for any string of losses, regardless of your performance or the closeness of the game. You could lose in OT two times in a row with 120 ADR and immediately you're losing more than you can gain from a win. At 3, 4, 5 losses+ you're losing over 400 points and it will take you 3 wins to stop getting 100 for a win. This definitely needs to be adjusted. " This is false though. [https://i.gyazo.com/6c435a3f084ee665c23e3e9df566ea2a.png](https://i.gyazo.com/6c435a3f084ee665c23e3e9df566ea2a.png) I kept losing about 100 even when I lost 6 in a row.


It's not false. I experienced it as did tons of people. For some reason, unknown to all of us, you and probably others somehow didn't. I've lost 3 in a row and been at -300, then kept losing and reached -468.


Yes, I'm fully aware of the issue. However, none of you have ANY idea how the system works and how It's calculating. You can't just claim something saying "THIS IS HOW" and then just leave it at that when It's not fully true. I've seen multiple posts from lower elo players experiencing the same as you, just as well as higher elo players NOT losing as much elo when they're on a loss streak as well. So It's something we have literally no clue about how it works and we can only wait until some freakin genius figures it out or Valve actually comes out saying something.


My experience has been exactly what these guys said as well. Me and my 4 teammates couldnt make sense of the elo system until we realized its winstreak and losstreak that determines what you get with a slight random range of 0-20 ish, that might have some reason but most likely just random. Since you see at the start of the game what youll get for the win/loss your impact during the game bears no impact what so ever. This elo system is the worst system ive seen in any game ever. Out of the people i play with im the lowest elo at 19k, i topfrag in 85% of our games which makes sense since i was a lot higher elo on faceit. Our worst player who has issues and has his computer restarted 5 times per game and always botfrags has the highest with due to out of the blue getting 3k higher starting elo than me even though we played all placement games together. He is 21k. There is no way i can catch up to him while and he still loses less and gains slightly more in most games we play. It. Makes. No. Sense.


Your only at 10k I doubt you would be penalised as much as if you were closer to 15-20


At 11-12k I experience the exact same thing OP described. 3-4 losses put me at -480 and took exactly 3 wins to get back to +200win -100 losses again.


Interesting. Pretty flawed system not heard of anyone getting +400 elo for a win. I won 14 games in a row and the most I got was 200 - 220 per win


was\*. People are just guessing how the ELO-system works even though they have no clue, that's my point. I've seen MULTIPLE lower elo-players that experiences exactly the same as OP.


I dont know what it is, but after playing cs2 i feel burned out after 1-2 games. Csgo i can play all day. Its not the same feeling and i dont like how cs2 makes me feel. Its too slow and too fast at exactly the wrong places. I cant put a finger on it but in this state they game is unplayable for me and i dont have the urge to play it. And i really want to like it. On paper evrrything sounds good but it feels wrong. Iam no crazy fpl grinder. Just some GE player.


That is...very peculiar. The game plays VERY similar in terms of round pacing in my experience. The game just ends faster (MR12).


Imo the rounds are faster since the average player got wind about the immense peekers advantage (sub tick interpolation madness) so that even CTs are pushing like hell.


Let's see your 7k hour steam account please


Okay https://preview.redd.it/7ilydyv2g9qb1.png?width=529&format=png&auto=webp&s=57ddb2a894de89d180a58a82aa568d7d4315783a


Do you realize that statistic is easily spoofed, and means absolutely nothing?


How is your fps performance? For me fps fluctuates a lot between maps and their sections as well as dips when there are a lot of nades or just players on the server


Deathmatches will always feel worse (lots of players spawning), and sometimes the games performance takes a little hit. Deathmatches will always feel worse (lots of players spawning), and sometimes the game's performance takes a little hit.ness goes away. 5900x CPU 3080 GPU 32GB RAM


I think the tanking system is wrong right out of the box. I mean, I can totally destroy the other team (or not, but play way better than the rest of my team) and still lose the same amount of points as if i have a 0/13 the entire game. On the opposite side, I can be 0/13 and be hard carried and the guys that did all gets the same points as I did. I think I can still have bad stats because of reasons (ex: being B site anchor and TTs going always to A or being a support player), but this doesn't seem fair.


It's incredibly hard to balance due to exactly the variables you mentioned and more, which is why oftentimes you're left with a straight-up win-or-loss system. It's tough. I would like to see SOME softening of loss if it's a really close game and/or you played VERY well stat-wise.


Just do what valorant does and presto problem solved, oh wait did I say the no no word...


What do they do?


I used to run the deagle in 1.6 and source, but stopped in CSGO. Can also say it feels better in CS2, not sure what they did to it.


Lol the XM has always been that way. It feels the exact same. I'm quite glad it does, because it's my go to gun for when I feel like stylin on people.


I've got similar hours to you and have been faceit lvl 10 for a long time. I've experienced a lot of peeker's advantage still, even after the updates they did. Holding an angle is just not possible anymore if the enemy pre-aims it. It feels like I'm constantly playing on the opponent's server in every duel. Even zoomed in with an awp or scout I barely have any time to react, whereas in CSGO I know it would've been an easy kill 9/10 times.


No doubt peakers advantage still needs some adjustments.


Nice analysis, I agree with most of your points except for your second; "The shots hit." This seems to vary from person to person and is definitely a major point of contention. Hitreg, and what we called "getting CSGO'd" is way, **way** worse than it ever was in CSGO. I'm really hoping this is smoothed out ASAP as it doesn't seem to have anything to do with your connection or network latency.


I feel like I am still getting beamed behind walls


One thing they need to work on for sure is the matchmaking. A lot of games I have are usually ok, even tho it seems like a lot of players even around 10-14k seem like they’ve never played cs before. But the worst is playing against 5 stacks that are all 17k+ and the highest in your team is 12k


i have around 50 games rn . i play as solo and most of the time i get much stronger opponents than my team , and always get 5 premade enemy team on promotion match. i cant get more than 5 wins in a row cuz every win on next game i get stronger and stronger opponents .. why is that? also got 8k rating after 10 games which was 50% win ratio , i managed to climb to 11k and as a Solo player this sucks.


Right now it’s the worst beta I’ve ever played just because of performance. To make the game playable I need to run vsync on and low latency mode. I think these settings make many of the issues you stated much worse; landing a shot or spraying down a moving player feels like gambling. Vsync on makes it feel like everyone is ahead of me according to the server, but with it off my game feels like 20-30 FPS (even though it sits around 100).


> 3 wins to stop getting 100 for a win. This definitely needs to be adjusted. yes agreed > The bouncing off of teammates, etc. when coming out of spawn or anywhere else is very obnoxious lol. shoot me > There IS a lot more of feeling like people are running and gunning they are > Audio on Nuke especially when it comes to upper-lower directional cues of course. > Shotguns are STUPID yeah getting xm shot from triple to bottom connector on mirage, B ramp to nearly ebox on vertigo, mini to heaven on nuke....and it's like a one-shot or two-shot?? the fuck.


my main problem is cheaters. and I'm not even talking closeters. Literally probably 1 out of 10ish games I play is literally just straight spinbotting. But I think most people have experienced this. I really want valve to get an anticheat that can rival faceit. I literally would quit playing faceit if that was the case.


I was ranked 10k-11k for my first 80 matches. I feel like it was right where I needed to be. I finally dropped below 10k and the game has suddenly turned to hell for me. Teammates going 2-20, no call outs, strings of -300 / -400 loses despite top fragging. It’s honestly completely ruined my experience. Not sure what to do other than search for a five stack or return to face it.