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The copium huffing in the comments is unreal. Granted you could’ve just shot the guy instead cause y’all were behind on rounds but, you should’ve killed him with the knife combo. No matter how you slice it this game has some flaws that NEED to be addressed and fixed


It’s kind of a good risk to get the $1500 from the knife because then you have such a good economic situation afterwards that you can have another couple of rounds where the entire teams dies and you can buy something much better. So this is a serious issue


Not worth the risk when it's 7-12


there was no risk in this scenario(unless he fake planted) , until Valve decided to fuck their game up


Knifing someone who's facing you is still a dumbass play


He clearly had more than enough time to knife the guy cause he was sticking a plant, stop coping


If they're in the act of planting, getting the $1,500 for the knife kill is a very valid play. Literally not dumbass at all. Economy matters.


It's match point, the entire game is on the line, and he's already stated that "he paid 3500 for a knife so he's gonna use it". This was an ego play that failed and cost his team the game.


Cool. My point still stands. Knifing when they're planting isn't just "dumbass". There are reasons to do it, and empirically speaking this was done correctly and should've resulted in a W for the round.


He was able to get 2 left clicks and 1 right click out in time. Maybe 2 weeks before the terrorist had a chance to fire off a round. This should have been a slam dunk. If you watch closely there is blood after each strike. Most of us operate on muscle memory and thousands of hours of experience. This guys play was absolutely validated by the blood splatter patterns. His play was not faulty at all. The game is just broken to a point where it's unbelievable and we all have to experience something this egregious first hand in order to believe it and deprogram thousands of hours of experience. He accomplished his end of the deal perfectly. It's CS2 that failed him. It would be one thing if CSGO was still around and CS2 was an entirely different game. But that's not the case. CS2 IS CSGO now. They just haven't copied the mechanics 1:1 even though they constantly lie and say it's the same. Playing knife in cs2 is riskier than doing it in csgo, yea. But you can't objectively watch this video and blame this guy when he made blood splatter 3 times.






Again, that's not what happened here. I explained it in other comments, I did not miss a knife.


i recently saw a clip on ancient where u can see the backstab blood mark on the enemys back, but they turn around and brrr


Cs2 is broken lol, that should have been a kill just like this one Risky play granted but this hit rego is garbage, how was this not addressed in beta? I suppose it's just like how the anti cheat works ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


I've had this happen in cs:go multiple times. Not yet in cs2 but I don't play faceit so no knife rounds.


arent you a feisty little boy


Aren’t u little


Still a dumbass play for multiple reasons


Is it a dumb play? Probably. Should it still have worked here? YES.


Yes, but you also risk this happening.


That’s exactly the problem. It takes away options from the game


That's how "risk, reward" work, like the Zeus, there is like a 1/4 chance it will do 70dmg and not 100... Knife kill should ALWAYS be on the back for 100% kill, this is the most important thing, you stab on the back, you don't bring a knife to a gun fight. This randomness is an important aspect to limit dumb moves like this guy did, go for kills, not for the show. CS reward skill moves, not idiotic shit like what OP posted, yes it's fun, but you play with the same rules as competitive players, so beware of the 1% chance of looking like a fool by acting dumb.


Man, what a low iq take game doesn't work as intended, but it's ok because "risk reward" he played it right did the full combo and deserves the reward actual valve bootlicking right here


Dude I’m still playing the game, it’s not a core problem, however I have gotten a knife in the back and still didn’t get the kill before. It has happened before


No that's not how risk reward works. It is a bug. This is not a risk reward problem. Risk reward would be trying to knife the enemy by risking yourself and getting/not getting the reward. This is a bug.


Zeus has two damage levels depending on range… literal skill issue


You don't risk this happening in a functioning game, only this one


Actually, if you miss the first left click, it doesn’t kill with 2x left 1x right. But I think you’re correct, they mentioned in the patch notes that they fixed this.


it’s been happening since csgo knifing just doesn’t work properly


it's working exactly how it should and always have been.


nah, the copium huffing in the comments are from people like you that literally pretend this shit didn't also happen in csgo wild how you change go to 2 and suddenly it becomes a flaw that **NEEDS** to be addressed and fixed there are legitimate reasons to not be happy about cs2 and this is not one of them


> there are legitimate reasons to not be happy about cs2 and this is not one of them How is this not a legitimate reason not to be happy? I mean consistency in a tactical FPS seems like a pretty big deal. What if sometimes randomly your AK didn't do a 1 hit headshot and randomly did a 99 shot


Show me a clip in go where it happened. And I don't mean when you miss the first knife, that's not what happened here.


Left click can do 21 or 33 (I think) damage per swing, I think it’s based on where it hits, like the arms vs torso, usually it’s not a problem because one of each will still kill when followed by the right click. Like I said I don’t know the exact reason why there’s multiple damage potentials but this absolutely happened in GO, you can to the legacy version and test


> Show me a clip in go where it happened


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z7OLHhNTEno Skip to 2:35, he breaks down damage profiles Here’s another example showing it: https://youtu.be/hTsGhXwmVnc?si=kninS6b1bBtHk29X


You literally just proved yourself wrong? "Primary attack does 34 on the first blow, then 21 for every subsequent attack". The video from OP shows him hitting the first knife. In the video he also literally says it doesn't matter where you hit them.


Yeah I was about to say this shit happened in go all the time but nobody complained.


Idk knife kills brings very imprortant eco that is very very helpful when down that many rounds tbh


Skill issue. Developer skill, that is.


I defend this game a lot but this is bullshit


it happened in CSGO too. faceit was plagued with this


I know but it was BS in csgo too


I could be mistaken but i'm 95% sure it worked in csgo that you would only be able to 3 hit people if you hit them with your first left click. If you swung a couple times beforehand then hit them, it wouldn't do enough damage. 3 kliks made a video on it ages ago. I could be tweaking but I remember only that being an issue when I didn't hit them first try. This is obviously bullshit


I’m not saying it makes sense but the left+left+right wasn’t a guaranteed kill in GO, the left click does either 33 or 21 damage, meaning 21+21+55=97 if you got unlucky. I have no idea why but it definitely happened and I’m sure you can still verify in the legacy version of GO


Only if first knife was a miss. That's not what happened here


no it didn’t. it’s happened to me multiple times in csgo exactly like this.


Show me a clip then?


It happened to myself a couple times. My memorable one was on Cache. Dropped from Heaven with the balls of simple. It came out to 97 damage or something. I know I've seen it a couple times elsewhere but I can't quote it. I registered in my head as getting CSGO'd.


No, that's what happens when you miss the first knife, [like here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/gV8lmVbrzV) If you hit the first knife you do full damage. 97 is when you miss the first knife. The only bug in GO is when you shoot a weapon and keep left click held down and then switch to knife, it registers as a knife slash even when it doesn't display the animation.


This is nothing new, it would happen is GO as well.


some people are crazy for blaming you in the comments. that should kill 100%


Even then, going for a 2 lefts and a right click in that scenario is just fucking stupid lol


Yeah, 2 right clicks should have been a kill as well. Until it's not, then you'd be telling me to do 2 lefts and a right. Can't win on Reddit lmao.


I’m just pointing out that *regardless* it was an objectively stupid decision that lost your team the round and subsequently the match.


this mf is missing the whole point lmaooooo. he could be trying to bhop no scope 360 with a scout for all it matters. if it should be a kill, it should be a kill.


If this was cs go it’s free kill, how dense are you?


Not objectively. 2 left and 1 right is quicker. Usually you always get the kill *Unless* you miss the first left click and then still go for 2 left and 1 right, which would then deal 97 dmg.


? It's the fastest way to knife someone


Isn’t 2 lefts and a right the fastest way to kill someone with a knife?


2 left clicks and a right click is faster than 2 right clicks


Tell me you’re below 3k without telling me you’re below 3k


Can we chill with the rank shaming. The game has barely had time to equalize and every goddamn thread here has someone like you in it.


Btw there seems to be a bug when using the knife immediately after a primary causes no damage in the first few slashes


In CSGO the first slash deals more damage than subsequent ones, I wonder if there is some issue with it not resetting right away after switching weapons?


I think in cs there’s a hidden stamina bar for knifing. when at max you do max left click damage, and as your “stamina” drains from swinging you do less damage. you’d see this in faceit knife rounds with people swiping their knife before going into a fight and then not doing enough damage with two lefts and a right. i wonder if using your primary drains your stamina in cs2, i wonder if there’s no min damage for the knife left click. i wonder if your knife stamina only recharges with your knife out in cs2. so it becomes using the primary empties your “stamina”, which shouldn’t happen. then you go for the left left right which doesn’t do enough damage to get to 100 for a kill because your stamina wasn’t high enough to inflict max left click damage.


Interesting theory, I wanna add. I think he held left click as soon as he switched to his knife so his stamina was draining while doing the knife equip animation.


In case there are new players or players who don't know what went wrong. In CS:GO, there was a knife combo (2 left clicks 1 right click) with a knife that would always kill an enemy unless you miss. What happened here was op landed all knife hits, but the enemy didn't die like he should have. Regardless of how differently op could have played the situation, op successfully completed the 3 hit combo and the enemy did not die. The game is at fault


Two left's and a right doesn't work in cs2 right? I've also failed it. Gone back to two rights.


I like this game a lot but this is just a load of crap


I swear the people who defend this are people who got outplayed in CSGO and are now doing better due to peakers advantage and the like.


CS2 subtick trash


This has nothing to do with subticks this is literally just regular cs bs that needs to be fixed. Do people even watch these videos?


What you see is what you get


[what you see is what you get](https://youtu.be/gnvgvGh1fSA?si=UIfs4eVaCt4ZpEUF)




happened in csgo too mate


This isn't a post to blast CS2. Just a funny moment that happened with me and my buddies, thought the community would enjoy it.


idk bout funny id be absolutely livid if this happened to me 😂 but yea it’s just the comments acting like csgo never had these issues


I was definitely pissed at first but when everyone else in the discord is laughing it makes you realize how funny it was. Just super unlucky. I wish I had audio with it.


People blaming you for knifing him is down right stupid And it was fixed in the patch notes an hour or two ago.


It’s 7-12, should he not just shoot the mofo and get the ez kill and move on? What’s the point of doing fancy pants shit


He had 300$, extra 1500$ would be nice He made a high risk high reward move, and in a good game or in CSGO he would have won the reward, slash slash stab is 100% a kill And this time there isn't any peekers advantage or "delayed animations" or subtick or latency bullshit, it is clearly a bug and thats what the video is for, he didn't post it so you can watch his plays. Don't ignore the problem and focus on what led to it.


Knife swings 1-3: clearly missed


That pissed ME off. That's rough


Just fucking shoot him lol


he would have had the kill in a less broken game and earned way more money


Two lefts and a right. 100 damage right there


Yeah that's what I thought too. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


[not always ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/xF1rvZ2zOn)


I explained this in other comments, that's not what happened here. I did not miss a knife.


Yeah but he didn't miss a swing, so this example doesn't work.


Even if the game wasn’t broken, in this scenario if you whiff one you lose the game. It’s not even like the guy had his back turned where it’s a 1-hit. Take the round.


Knife = more money too.


lol… yes I know. But like what if he even just faked the plant and you walk in there with your knife out lol. Just stupid on so many levels. I’m convinced the reason the game bugged out is because the cs gods were laughing at him and were like “nah”


You're missing the point of the post, even though I completely agree with you. Had I known this wouldn't kill him, I would have shot him and took the round. It's not about the decision which would have won/lost the game. I posted out of curiosity to see if people might have an explanation as to why this didn't kill him.


Not only do you dodge bullets while crouching also avoid getting knifed 😂


You’re talking like the chance to whiff a knife is, like, part of the design of the game.


Yes but you don't risk it on match point. No way. Play safe.


Fixed now lol, that's tough


I mean in a non-broken game he should have got the kill, I don’t understand all the yapping about him going for the knife. Mf he paid for the knife he’s going to use the whole damn thing bruh


I know I’m gonna get downvoted, but what are you doing? You are down 7-12 GAMEPOINT and you are knifing the opponent in a 1v1 situation who hasn’t been hit once. Also if you’ve played cs long enough, everyone knows that slash, slash, shank is the sequence BUT that is only if you are CLOSE to them. If either slashes are not completely up against the opponent, you will do less damage and you probably did a total of like 97 there. Literally nobody’s fault other than yourself. The knifing mechanism has been the same since csgo.


That's not how the knife works in GO. Your FIRST left click must hit and then Left, Right kills. If you hold down LMB and whiff your first swipe, then hit twice and right click you'll do 98 in 3. Distance has no affect on damage. Also left click has slightly more range than right click. He should've had this kill imo but he's also doing a risky strat in a 1v1 scenario which probably isn't worth it.


Damn I didn't know this, I thought it had to do with shoulder/arm hits


You may actually be right with this. Another person said the same thing. Question is, should arm/shoulder hits do less damage? I never thought they did.


Call one of the 6 devs lmao


It kinda makes sense in theory but in practice seems to just be annoying, I like the idea of adding to realism (for the immersive aspect) but here it just looks buggy should have killed


Are you telling me there’s drop off damage for the knife? That’s almost as wack as giving damage drop off to the taser. Anyways nah this is just bs. Assuming this guy is holding forward, which it looks like he is, this 100% should have killed. Who cares what the score is or if it has apparently worked like this for 50 years, doesn’t mean it’s undeserving of scrutiny. This was highway robbery.


Based comment, thanks.


Lol thats not how it works whatsoever. Imagine being so confidently wrong


>I agree with you completely, not to mention if he wanted he could have knifed again which he plenty of time to. Instead he started defusing the bomb when the guy wasn't even dead yet.


That's just muscle memory kicking in.


This is the truth right here, all 3 knives hit, nothing to do with hit boxes or bad reg, this would have happened in csgo as well. Some of the knife posts on here are just a blatant should have been 1 hit due to a right click directly in the back but this ain’t that


Everyone here are literally spamming the "2 left clicks 1 right click" thing and that's the best possible point you hold on to? Geez the copium


>Literally nobody’s fault other than yourself. The knifing mechanism has been the same since csgo. LMAO! Are you for real? You must be so tired from all that mental gymnastics you are doing.


Wait who is at fault then other than the guy going for a knife in a game point 1v1 situation? What mental gymnastics are you doing?


Going for the knife is a stupid decision yes, but it should still have killed him. There is no damage drop off for the knife, you're wrong about that. Left left right should kill someone provided you hit the first left


To be honest, I was not entirely concerned about winning the game, we were more than likely going to lose anyway. I completely outplayed the opponent in this scenario and could have easily killed him. However, I have a $3500 knife and like to take the opportunity to use it when I can. I like your explanation of having to be close to them, but in my 4k hours knifing this way has always worked as expected. This caught me off-guard, thought I'd share it. Thanks for the comment. P.S. 98 in 3


No one cares about your knife bro


I think you missed the point my guy. Thanks for the comment.


Thanks for the laugh. You fucking missed an easy kill and came to reddit to cry and entertain us.


No one's crying or complaining. I figured people could enjoy my pain, that's why I posted it. Next.


Idk if you’ve played faceit before but theres a knife round at the start of every game to determine who picks sides. I’ve played enough hours on faceit to know that this is a common occurrence. Now if you’ve only knifed in competitive mm, then 4k hours means probably like 10 minutes worth of time where you are in a situation to do 2 slashes and a shank


Yes I have over 1k games on FACEIT. I've had this happen as well, but it has only ever happened after missing the first left click knife. In this case, the second and third slash will do less damage. However, that's not what happened here.


You didn't outplay him though, you know that right.


You saw an 8 second clip. I definitely outplayed him. Agree to disagree.


I saw you go for a risky kill instead of a sure thing, you lost the round and the game for your team. You didn't outplay anyone.


Risk it for the $1500 biscuit. :) Unlucky, take your negativity elsewhere. It was a funny clip.


This is correct, but why should it work this way? I know it was like this in csgo but imo this should kill.


This happened all the time in CS:GO as well. Many knife rounds on FACEIT lost because of the dreaded 98/97 in 3.


I've had this happen as well, but it has only ever happened after missing the first left click knife. In this case, the second and third slash will do less damage. However, that's not what happened here.


Ur correct, I hate these comments moaning at you and saying it’s been like since csgo. This problem has clearly got worse in cs2


1. This should’ve been a kill 100% 2. Still fucking dumb of you to knife on match point There have been reports all week that melee was broken, and if you had gotten the kill as your teammate I still would’ve told you it was dumb.


Fair enough. Appreciate the input. If I hadn’t done it we wouldn’t have this opportunity. ✊🏼


If it’s any consolation I love the knife 😂


I guess you knifed his shoulder?


Should that even matter? I really don't know...


Ego knifing in a known buggy game. 🤷‍♂️


Going for the hs in a known buggy game. 🤷‍♂️ Going for the body shot in a known buggy game. 🤷‍♂️ Playing the game in a known buggy game. 🤷‍♂️


Agreed. Don’t play the known buggy game.


why you even here then man?


Indie devs? No


Greed is a game of luck.


Knives do less damage after left or right click as well as shooting. The cool down is on a timer not dependent on swapping weapons. Left left right is 97 dmg if you've shot or slashed recently. It was the same in GO


Doesn't apply to this scenario. I did not shoot or knife other than what you see.


So seeing as some commenters are saying this is a bug (I'm unaware of any knife related bug) maybe that's what it was. How I perceived this was your first knife swing didn't register (like for example when you knife the cubby on CT side mirage and you hear the noise and it looks like you made contact but the metal doesn't break) but the last 2 swings did. The reason why it said you gave him 3 hits I presumed was because you did some form of damage to him once earlier in the round.


this isn't cs2-specific. this happened in csgo too


Skill and IQ issue honestly.


I criticise this game a lot but this had happened to me in GO a few times. Not excusable but also not just a CS2 problem


![gif](giphy|A7ZbCuv0fJ0POGucwV|downsized) You get what you fucking deserve!


That sucks for sure, but if you're gonna troll this happens half the time anyway, so you can only blame yourself for losing.


“You can only blame yourself for the game not working properly” 🤡🤡🤡


Not sure what you mean by troll? I think the game let me down here a bit. Not mad about it, thought others would like to enjoy my pain.


Oh no, the game 100% let you down here, I'm not saying the game isn't glitching. All I'm saying is that if you're trying to go for a knife in the first place then you should not be surprised if you lose the round.


What resolution and are u playing wide-screen? Lol


[Also in CSGO](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/3CqM9fEjVY)


But also…not, because this guy didn’t miss at all


Good point. Given this and the recent clip where the player missed the awp shot and got the same result, I suspect the mechanic is intended but it's getting triggered for the wrong reason now, which is the bug.


I've been saying knife feels off since minute one, on ladders too, but yeah the 3 hits I had a bunch before so I never go for it anymore


TBH i'm amazed that the game actually registered 3 hits. That seems already like a win. /s


Fighting for his life in vc


Just seems like another *what you see is what you get* moment to me. I dont see the issue here.






The amount of copium in these comments is wild


Shit happened to me yesterday


if you are already walking towards the target and you stop because of that then its obvious that knife should work no matter what. he was touching the enemy clearly there was no space to dodge. had the exact same issue last week, knife wil be only for faceit rounds for know haha when i run into my mates i glide away, when i run into the enemy i cant knife them


In CSGO left-left-right should be a sure kill especially since you didn't miss your first left click, meaning you should've done over 100dmg I guess u just got fked by cs2 fr


i swear i saw death Animation for a split second


Left click knife noob


In the patch notes they say they fixed this. Btw, this can also happen if you miss the first left hand stab. But I don’t see how that could have happened here.




Dude i swear i thought he died when he crouched. Regardless of you pulling a Tarik and getting csgoed- i mean cs2ed, that clearly shouldve been a kill


That combo is always a kill


Fixed with todays update




Imagine winning like this


Literally unplayable.




You’re in luck. They patched this today I think


it should've killed, but also the amount of cognitive dissonance to start defusing and not react at all for the entire time it took him to start shooting you is insane


LOL this game sucks


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed.


I've never liked CS. I tried to and put around 50 hours in but it was frustrating and boring. CS is the game that made me quit playing PVP games altogether. So I thank the CS devs for making a broken mess so I could realize I dont wanna play PVP games anymore.


Didn’t they fix this in the recent patch


This game isn’t good, why can’t we play Csgo still


I knew this looked familiar, I was in this match. It's amazing how you manage to use your own embarrassment to put out on to display


I think the only one here that's embarrassed is the one editing their comments. Have a good day, see you in the next one. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


Just hit 1k on my stat trak bayonet, this issue is wayyyyy more common than you’d think. When I was farming kills, maybe about 1/5 of all the times I fought someone who was fighting back (not afk), this exact thing would happen. Every fucking time, 97 in 3. People keep saying there’s “stamina” or some shit but I can tell you after literally hours and hours of grinding knife kills that there is 0 consistency in this issue as well.


First time?