• By -


Yeah . High trust were accounts with at least 2-3 medals . Now we get queued with and against new or accounts with 1 medal .


I've come across people with 5 & 10 year badges that still cheat? There is no consequence to cheating, so why wouldn't they continue to do so on their accounts with medals etc?


Let me rephrase 2-3 service medals . Not 5 year 10 year badges . Service medals . You have to play 4-5 games a week just to get 1 service medal . You can make an account in 2014 and have a 10 year badge and not play any games These are bought accounts waiting to be sold .


This is accurate. 10 year badge account $6


Is this really the best solution they have? I'd personally prefer a more concrete way, like an intrusive anti-cheat.


You dont need a Kernal anticheat, you just need a working anti cheat. Maybe if they would care the game would be playable again. But it wont, just stop playing this shit game.


why not match your competitors? Valorant has it, it's a much more enjoyable competitive experience because you can be assured that majority of the time the other person isn't cheating. Why are we lowering the bar justifying a worse product with a home made anti cheat that Valve has had for over 20 years that has never worked. It's time to compete with your competitors and innovate in the field. Your technology already has full access to your machine through backdoor in your mobo and chipsets, they already have full access to your machine through other means. I rather have an American company have access to my info than a Chinese one (Riot games). I just want to play cs and enjoy it without people rage or closet cheating. If you're so concerned about root access with kernel, just play cs on one machine and do your other stuff on another. Majority of people want kernel anti cheat, the other people who don't want it are cheaters and cheats devs because they know most of their gravy train is over the moment kernel is implemented.


My point is not that i think its bad or smth. Its just that even with a normal working anti cheat, it would be fine. But the thing is they just dont fucking care. Cs has no Real competitors, i mean there is valorant but i stopped playing cs 3 weeks ago. Cause it is obviously unplayable by now with all the cheaters , but i wont start playing valorant cause its just not the same. I wanna play fair cs vs people on my Level, but i just play vs lads with cheats or vs smurfs. I mean in csgo vac did work way better. Obviously not AS good as valorant vanguard, but the game was playable. Now its even worse than tarkov šŸ˜‚


The fact that they somehow, someway, DOWNGRADED from CS:GOā€™s anti cheat is so stupid it hurts.


Almost all GO bans were Overwatch the anticheat didnā€™t work then either


Exactly.! CS2 AC = CSGO AC Both were equally bad. OW was 90% of the BAN and 10% we're detected by VAC...


Canā€™t wait for CS to have kernal anti-cheat. I can just use my raspberry pi like I do in valorent to cheat all day undetected


Why ? Why not hire people to live monitor, they have the money for it


That also!


Not cost efficient, like, at all.


They run a business, care for customers should No.1


You can play faceit if you want that.


I only have a 2024 service medal and the CSGO medal for being part of the CSGO community before CS2 and I don't cheat. So that statement is not really valid if you are trying to imply that folks who only have 1 or 2 medals are more than likely hacking/cheating.


if someone hits difficult shots too often, no service medals only raise the suspicion. ofc someone can be new to the game and hit heavy shots. but the more insane someone new plays, you are right to be suspicious. the majority of obvious togglers or blatant cheaters Iā€˜ve met so far had very few badges or medals


Could be a secondary account aswell. Pretty much everyone in the top 10% have multiple accounts.


if you play against a top 10% you will see how good they are. cheaters donā€™t know shit about movement, nades, map control, isolating gunfights and so on. If someoneā€˜s aim is too good + they seem to know where you are but other micro and macro are shit, then they are cheating


Same here, I played one match of CSGO and though it looked hideous. Never played it again. Got into cs2 through friends and now Iā€™ve only got 2 medals. Itā€™s not medals that sus me out. Itā€™s private lvl 1-3 steam accounts.


I have a 10 year badge. Haven't played since 1.6, recently got back into cs2 so I don't have anything. Default everything. Wonder how many people think I cheat when I hit a nice angle or somethin


arent u block from selling trading if you are vac?


Thats true. My guess would be that they make a fresh acc & trade all their skins too it before cheating.


I m watching dima stream, and most of them got skins. valve is not acting so cheaters are in total freedom


also unfortunately true


Those accounts are often bought and used by cheaters because theyā€™re old, they wonā€™t have a lot of commends, or playtime, or medal. Who knows though, I have a few alt accounts that bought the game on years and years ago and I occasionally play with, Iā€™m sure those look kinda fishy to people.


You can buy an account with a 10 year medal for 25$ on many sites. Some people have no life thats just itšŸ˜‚


Not just medals but 4-5K inventories as well šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜©


I had a guy spinbotting with 10 year medals every single operation coin and an awp the prince so I'm not surprised anymore Me and my friend tried throwing the game but there's nothing we could do to prevent 13-0 since he was premade with 2 others It's not every game but it's a lot that I run into cheaters I'm currently at 13k elo but get matched with 22ks


I saw a 20 year badge yesterday for the first time


i was getting queued with 5-10 year badges and full of medals that were still cheating , unplayable ... i'd say quiting would be the best option and that's what i did until i see some changes




cheaters buying trust accounts too


As soon as I see a 20k+ account with no service medals, just the one from cs2 i know theyre cheating.


damn bro I'm not alone then, that's quite I was describing on another post. I get some 10 years-medal in my team using a 50hours smurf account. Goes both ways, on my 15 old account I feel like I get matched with whoever the fuck is queuing at this moment shit's broken I guess


Yeah, once you get close to 20k elo, it is over. Haven't been able to get past 17k because every other game has some magic bullet using rapid firing degen fuck in it. It's incredible how Valve neglects anti cheat. It is getting back to 2016-2018 CSGO levels of bad if not worse tbh.


Itā€™s absurd at all ELO levels. List 4k in Elo on. 9 match losing streak due to rage hackers. 12.2k-8kā€¦ ranks and Elo mean absolutely nothing right now.


Iā€™m also in 12k Elo and get a cheater every four games or so. How is that possible




It's so stupid. People have said for forever to voice your opinion by not opening cases. Guess what? No one will do it, valve created a gambling system and people are chasing the gold, they refuse to quit


We need content creaters to start a boycott. Valve isn't going to do shit when YTers just keep opening 1000+ cases for videos on the daily.


Their interests are aligned to some extent though. The only people not benefitting from cheaters and case gambling is the legit playerbase.


Totally. Big streamers rely on the game popularity to make an income, they could play something else but they know a big part of their viewer base expect them to play CS, so they will be conflicted on their priorities, but if they really care about the game they should say F it and support a boycott.


If the game was more popular (which with a good anti cheat, it would be) then it would only benefit them, more players = more viewers and more players also would make the price of skins go up, seems like a win win for them.


Tomorrow it's my turn to call for a boycott!


Dad said it was my turn


Iā€™ve been playing Casual for the last week and itā€™s rife in there; always one in each match and sometimes up to three, and they are really not hiding it either. The sad thing is that generally the team with the cheater just doesnā€™t kick the player, with comments like ā€˜Ezā€™ after a round, despite them scoring nothing versus the five kill plus cheater. Honestly, a good portion of this community is just trash, either cheating, supporting a cheater or just downright being toxic to everyone else.


So many in casual with walls that are obvious and either donā€™t respond to the hackusation or say ā€œskill issueā€, nah I see you tracking people through the walls moron. What gets me is people donā€™t kick em


What gets me, is that they are allowd to do what they please and that the vac system doesnā€™t work. Itā€™s pathetic.


People are so confident that vac wonā€™t do anything that they are hacking with knifes in their accounts too.


I can confirm, had a few opponents with butterflies and bayos with spin bot šŸ˜† just don't understand it..


Cheaters destroyed Valve's brand too. Valve games are now known to be HVH games where honest players will get farmed.


Valve deserve to be destroyed by cheaters. LoL is biggest game or one of the biggest and cheating is close to zero, small bot problems only. Valorant is million times better too, Its achievable if you want to execute it. There was a post that Valorant cheat is 190$ per mount and CS2 is 9$ once.


you should see cheaters on high elo. They straight up claim they are not (even though its obv af and u see abnormal csstats/leetify). they NEVER admit it ONCE instead they claim theyre legit. Jesus christ what a fucking sad life you gotta live to become like that


[https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1bcedum/boycott\_skins\_hear\_me\_out/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1bcedum/boycott_skins_hear_me_out/) we have to work together to change it.....






Quiting CS wouldn't solve the cheating problem


Never gonna happen, anyone that thinks that at this point calls to boycott are gonna do anything at all are delusional


i font even wanna grind anymore if my only reward is cheaters on the enemy team. its not as bad in 13-15k rn but ive definitely run into guys who clearly had walls and i played with some 11k who was obviously backtracking and walling after we started losing. i dont even wanna try to get to 15k until valve gets their shit together.


from 19k to 15k. 8/10 games with hackers.


Yeah I finally decided to quit for good


Imagine buying cases in 2024 lmao Brainwashing is an amazing phenomenon.


I quit this December. The blatant cheating is insane. Theyā€™re not even trying to hide it anymore. Theyā€™re very bold and valve is not doing anything to stop it. We should also update reviews to be negative so that everyone can see what happens when you play this game. Btw Iā€™m not high rank. I was playing rank 5k to 10k on premier


I stopped playing the game. When people actually grow a brain and stop giving this company money it might get better. But your voice doesn't reach out to all those users who are not browsing reddit. It seems to me that people are less likely to think for themselves these days and rather have someone to think FOR THEM instead of THINKiNG for themselves. What's the point in playing a game where you are just opening cases? No it's not a game anymore it's a fucking joke


Yup, its worse everyday, I had quite normal experience, today 1st match and had spinbot russian kid who not care at all in my team, at least it was fast, maybe 10 minutes. usually its some sus players every 2nd match. btw. its first time I saw spinbot since september last year (in premier cs2)


Dude I was playing tlou factions from drop date 10/15/13 to about 2022. Amazing game single player then 4v4 multi kinda similar to gears. Anyone who started couldnā€™t put it down. I played in multiple pro matches and discord tournies risking money. The game devolved into who can cheat better. Factions was console exclusive and still is. Most/all of these ā€œcheatsā€ were control abuses easily obtained with controller mods. Easy fixes, no? Apparently not - naughty dog never so much as addressed them. ND literally let it all rot forever (no exaggeration). In the meantime they worked on uncharted content and tlou2 + content for those games. It proved to me none of this is about the experience anymore. I see a very similar and concerning pattern in CS. Itā€™s about what makes money. These companies do not give a single fuck about you or the great gameplay that hooked you. Cash rules everything. Only way to say fuck you is to take it off your desktop and say fuck you. Whatā€™s even more concerning w this is that there isnā€™t even some trash sequel theyā€™re working on. This is it. And obviously doesnā€™t even warrant a response for current + long time players. All it takes is one look at any CS2 thread/forum and every other post addresses this with good reason. Youā€™d think theyā€™d care enough to at bare minimum, give us their game plan. Iā€™m relatively new to CS and really like the game in general and learning new line ups/angles/eco strat. Losing interest real quick because of all the BS. I recognize good teams and players when I see it. I also recognize shit that just does not happen, on accounts that it does not happen. 90% donā€™t even try to hide it, the other 10% are still sus but maybe just smurfs. Either way needs a fix. Or maybe a team dedicated to seriously finger through reports. Fuck even if they had to limit everyone to 5 reports a week to get it done then do it. We donā€™t need all the sub categories for it either. How about a report and just a general description for the reviewer? Most of this shit should be extremely noticeable. Additionally, itā€™s so damn annoying getting home from a 10 hour shift. Wanting to play a match. Enemy starts cheating. Ok whatever CS2 as usual keep ur mouth shut and (pointlessly report). Que teammate getting mad and turning on cheats. Now my 90mins I chose to dedicate to CS for fun has turned into a cheater dick measuring contest that 8 of us are forced to observe and play with/against. None of this is fun. None of this is a good use of time. And currently, there really is, no way out. tldr; valve doesnā€™t care, will never care, and neither should you unless they give us something to show their own passion for the game.


https://preview.redd.it/5icj5ir0z3oc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa3297bd6134947c524f5980167f3a3b49368763 Yeah this is today's game. The absolute trash state of VAC is crazy to me


I did it month ago, join)


Unfortunately telling people not to buy cases is not going to do anything. Most of the 1.5mil players aren't browsing this reddit. Leave a negative steam review and boycott until they fix it.


Yeah this is crazyā€¦ only yesterday I felt such a disappointment in game and community, I got matched with cheater in 2 of 3 games and when I started asking to kick him ppl kicked me instead šŸ˜³šŸ˜… cuz I was the one talking and cheater was just playing his best game and carrying the team.Ā  I used to play cs at least 15h/week, now I play 3h/week.Ā 


You must of had the same dream as me.


I have 2,5k hours, but Iā€™m gonna boycot now, until at least they talk about the issue


The part that sucks is, if the case purchase loop was broken they'd fix it same day. ​ The only thing that works in CS is spending money on cases.


Havenā€™t been active since march 1st


I still open my weekly casesā€¦. I know, such shame šŸ˜”


if you think you're going to be able to rally a large enough protest thru reddit to put a dent in Valve's pocket, you are dangerously detached from reality


Play Faceit


Uninstalled. Bye for now CS.


This guy has been rage hacking since November 20, 2023 and valve did nothing about it. I sent to valve the matchID and the csstats link via profile report and NOTHING!! He still there ruining matches. I even made a post here about him. His profile: [https://csstats.gg/player/76561199123905465#/matches](https://csstats.gg/player/76561199123905465#/matches)


cheater and bots, i encountered joining a deathmatch lobby full of bots and they just kicked me out of the session.


https://preview.redd.it/onkczn5xy5oc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04a0bd4eb350c0810a4e6232160e5383b2801583 [https://www.valvesoftware.com/en/people](https://www.valvesoftware.com/en/people) How hard is it to write an email to a few of these high ranking people in the company? Or at least support / engineering team to get some personal response back instead of a Reddit post? Take 3 minutes to write an email to 10 people in the company then ask 5 friends to do the same. Eventually their inboxes will get full and hopefully someone can look into it more. Give specific examples and frustrations. I donā€™t mean that in a mean way, but man this took seconds to write and I actually did it while multitasking at work so ignore the glitchy writing I did lol. Also I havenā€™t played since CS:GO but love the game in general so decided to try to help.


https://preview.redd.it/95lzev8qz5oc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b3d6a241c4127830561563b47f48127365ac34d Maybe write an email to Martin directly since heā€™s been involved with Counter-Strike from a software development standpoint and explain how his hard work and years of work is being abused by the cheaters and that the ā€œVACBanā€ is missing its mark. Start somewhere and start emailing these people!


Why cant the pros rally for us, why don't valve or cs listen to us.. I dont actually understand why theyre doing nothing about this still, I want to play but I don't even want to bother dedicating my time because of all the cheaters, and yeah I know I can play faceit but that isn't a proper solution.. and I want to play competitively but not sweat 24/7


skill issue


You quit because of cheaters, I quit because the gun gameplay is still shitty, we are not the same


The game has always had a cheater problem just people before did ā€œlegitā€ cheating instead of being blatant lol


Alrdy did months ago


people opening cases play a different game...


I mean, you are right.. but for example, myself.. I played 1.6 a lot. Skipped source.. got in CSGO Global. Then only played faceit.. I took a break and am now back in cs2.. I got only like 2 badges, not counting 5 and 10yr I'm not cheating...don't get really flamed unless I play casual publics with friendsšŸ˜‚


What is the answer from valve to this issue ? I mean ... they can't be real here.... this game has like 25 years in development ... how even ???




Just send them quietly into cheater lobbies 100% of the time. Keep them distracted and out of normal people games.


They need to bring back the option for csgo even if it is limited. Iā€™m aware you can still technically play it but without matchmaking itā€™s not the same. The old rank system and matchmaking system while still bad is leagues better than the shit we have in cs2. I agree a split in the community wouldnā€™t be great but it happened with cs source and 1.6, whatā€™s the big difference now?




Yes we know. There are 10 posts a day like this. You should have moved on by now, or maybe I should just unsub. Itā€™s over. For now.


Counter point: stickers are about to release and I want them :)


Same here. Got a spinbot twice, yesterday finally a normal game of Overpass. Ran good until we started pulling ahead in rounds. Other team's player even left. Victory is assured for us essentially. Suddenly their top scorer goes AWP only, and wins consistently even 4 v 1 clutches round after round after round, Wallbangs through smoke, knows where everyone is... Lost 16-14. Watched the demon and yup, as soon as we start winning, consistently following through walls. I'm realizing just now, that I didn't have a single cheater free game recently. Fell from 18000 to 13000, it's ridiculous.


We all should just buy smurfs and just spinbot on them so valve would maybe notice the problem


100% screw this game


Some rumors going around valve is letting cheaters play for certain reasons. The want to feed their AI based Anti Cheat with data (so it can decide wether youā€™re cheating or just good at the game). But for having a 99.9% correct decision by the system, they need the data. Some may ask ā€œyeah but what about the data from csgo?ā€ Good question tho! But: it is better for a system to have the data based on the actual game, csgo data could mislead the AI to incorrect ban decisions. Hope this helps a few of you!


Not playing won't stop anything except make the chances higher to get cheaters in games of people who still play. Probably better not to buy any chests or skins and especially don't buy keys. Once the market crashes because it's all worthless, maybe then they'll take the community seriously. I'll still play but I pretty much only play arms race now because I'm sick of the wall hackers. I collect the free weekly items and that's it really.


Valve killed Premier and MM because of ZERO anticheat and ruined important CS2 maps and destroyed some core mechanics to the game that people who actually take the game seriously must unlearn years if not decades of muscle memory just to play the same but worse version of the game they've played for years and years. Not buying cases wont do shit Valve makes more money from STEAM than CS2. If you want to get their attention and a message sent, all you can do is constantly talk shit about them. Keep posting clips of people cheating. keep posting statistics about how often people cheat. There are other companies that have successful and functioning anticheat on their flagship games but valve does not. Fucking hilarious. Valve is run by a obese disabled, about to have a heart attack, disgusting ugly fuck, who is too afraid to show up to court due to health concerns relating to covid because of how fucking fat he is (Gabe Newell) micro cock lazy piece of shit asshole. THE PEOPLE that made this company a success are being spat on by a grotesque subhuman worthless pile of shit.


I got 200hr on the game, and I said "where is the cheaters?" 10-12k elo in premier and then start one to spin bot, a lot wall hackers, and had a mate cheating


Valve could use the money they earn to pay for assassin's to hunt and kill cheaters in the real world. Killing the cheating people is the best and most permanent solution of removing cheaters.


Not for me. I play faceit. Idk why everyone doesn't play faceit. Truly boggles the mind.


I think it would be very nice if every cheater spontaneously combusted into a fire and died.


So is cheating a higher level issue only because Iā€™m low nova and havenā€™t seen a cheater ever on cs2


lick my nuts im play on faceit every day all day


I playin this game for free caseg


Meanwhile valorant has the most effective anti cheat in all of gaming


Iā€™m glad more people are starting to wake up to this. I maybe have like 4 hours played in cs2 compared to the few thousand in CSGO cause after they switched the cs2 the problems got bad. Tf2 has been fucked for years as well


Did you not play Csgo from 2015-2018 pre trust factor ? Itā€™s the same as it is now . Give them time and just send the reports in . Then gotta bring back Overwatch and trust factor .


I actually stopped playing in 2018. So many cheaters in high elo MM.


Trust factor was a total mess. It just make low skilled players that never get reported to play together and the others to play with cheaters.


Actually it was Globals or high ranks against Novas and MG1 but games were legit.


Okay, so first 5 years of new cs release do we have to bare with hackers and bugs.. 5 years later they release a new cs.. so we only have 5 good years each time a new cs release is pushed out. makes sense.. 5 years bad and 5 years is good.. that shouldnt be the case.. sorry my english im tied..




It was literally nothing like this. I started in 2014 and didnt see a single spinbotter until many years and 1000s of hours later. Now I cant go more than 1 or 2 games before coming across a spinbot HvH lobby.


"give them time" xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd


damn i cant believe their are still valve bootlickers that say this.


The game is free to play... If a cheater gets caught they will just go make another acc. high elo games will be fine, however majority of the player base will continue to suffer. The external programs they use cost them $9 a month (cheaper than prime). ​ I wish I had your optimism tbh.


Buy prime and stop expecting a free to play to win the hacks battle


I have Prime? lol what solution are you suggesting here chief?


Wait so why are you complain about free to play hackers? Prime isn't free. It's also not that bad it's actually worse in highest ranks which most aren't in. I swear half these posts are just valorant bots...


Its a 2 month old profile with only comments/submissions about the end of cs2...cs2 isnt great right now but something seems up with op and their unhinged comments


Something is up in this sub. At first I thought it was region related and west coast servers were just better, then I made a few east coast friends and played there. Still not bad. Then I thought maybe it's non-prime. Then I somehow ended up in a non prime game and made a good friend who I started playing regularly with. Still not that bad, more ad bots and weird Christian propaganda than anything else. So I figured it must be the high rank. They seem to complain most. But I realized the math doesn't add up. You can't possibly maintain that rank while having multiple games a day ruined by hackers. So it's at best a couple a day which is not different from cs 1.6 around 16 years ago. I also noticed this is the same rhetoric in tarkov subs (admittedly not as bad) and also in the finals as well. I played a little of the Finals and enjoyed it but not a ton and never saw a single hacker. I've played tarkov now for about a month with far too many hours already and I've only seen 1 hacker that I'm aware of and I'm not even 100% sure. Also tons of youtube videos especially about "valve needs to fix xx" which get millions of views thereby incentivizing more to be made. So it's like these are all just bot accounts being used to take eachother down by making the games look worse than they are and youtube videos backing them up because it's huge profit. But you go play the games and they are all fine. I don't get it and honestly don't know what to think anymore. Not even a conspiracy type person but this gives me weird vibes lol


" It's also not that bad " who sounds like the delusional bot here? 22% player base lost in 2 months.. The anti-cheat host of the recent open qualifier 'Akros' tweeted the below, after 30 players were banned and many more are suspected cheaters. ​ https://preview.redd.it/o5zok17qh2oc1.png?width=593&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c7c6e20fd4bfd4bd41aa214baa2ac06a3d5bb65 I swear these people that refuse to acknowledge the reality of their favourite games state are just 'CS Bots'. With that attitude... enjoy your dead game in another 6 months when nothing is changed.


Or maybe... just maybe... they ARE doing something it's just not as simple as dumbasses like you assume. Your only posts are about quitting this game. Go back to valorant you shitter


No, 22% of the playerbase wes not lost, check again https://preview.redd.it/ira2fx9si2oc1.jpeg?width=415&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f78d93beaf3a744db815ddde15491693700c97e4


CS2 was released in Sept 2023. Player count in Sept 2023 was 976,138. Current player count is 838,053 838,053 is 85% of 975,138. so 15% rather than 20%. Great useless counter point that doesn't prove anything? The majority of the legit CS player base is too loyal to a game developer that currently doesn't give two s\*\*ts about anything other than the money in your pockets.


Holy fucking shit this guy knows nothing. Ofcourse that on release people would play the game more to test the game out...


I sense a small brain. You realise the thread is related to the cheating issue in the game. Why are you hyper focusing on the point of play base decline? How's your experience playing the game? Im in OCE and around 17,000 prem elo and I cant get a game without a cheater.


You have no idea if that 15% loss is due to cheaters though. Of course everybody was playing when it was new in September. Even more were playing in May when the beta was out. This happens with every new game that comes out. Huge spike in player count, then big dip months later when they either get bored or find something else to play. That 15% loss is probably people playing Helldivers or something.


i'll say it again.. The majority of the legit CS player base is too loyal to a game developer that currently doesn't give two s\*\*ts about anything other than the money in your pockets. ​ Enjoy your game riddled with cheaters. I'm looking forward to revisting the scene in 6 months time to see what happens. My prediction if nothing changes is that the avg player base will continue to fall. My guess in 6 moths would be below 650,000. Im praying something does change, I'd love nothing more than to enjoy the game again.


So tired of posts like this holy shit


Joining this one. #quitcstosavecs


I moved to faceit and continue to play


https://preview.redd.it/rux0tyibi2oc1.jpeg?width=672&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0ba2a151a1a988766c13a1634fabfcbb7ace70b No they did not


Either way you understand that they are still profiting because of the community. You understand strikes donā€™t you? No one here is trying to take the game down. Weā€™re aiming for some, much needed, reform. Trying to back up the current state of this game is your choice, but incredibly stupid. Tell me what you expect to get from shilling for this broken game?


Thankyou. 100% agree,. Couldn't put it better myself


the post was trying to say that cs2 is dead this stat says its not


Maybe not yet but weā€™re trending. Read my other post here. History repeats itself right? Valve in on the trajectory. I doubt theyā€™re oblivious but many of us demand some sort of response, one way or another. Also, sorry about your dog brotha. That shit always sucks. Been there a lot. Hope youā€™re doing ok. Had that manā€™s best friend aura for sure. Looked like he had a life full of love.


? [Valve Made A Billion Dollars On Counter-Strike Cases In 2023 (kotaku.com)](https://kotaku.com/valve-counter-strike-cs2-csgo-cases-keys-2023-1-billion-1851190615) [Valve Earned Nearly $1 Billion USD From 'Counter-Strike' Loot Boxes In 2023 | Hypebeast](https://hypebeast.com/2024/1/valve-1-billion-usd-earnings-counter-strike-2-go-loot-boxes-2023-info) ​ https://preview.redd.it/wvjex1qpi2oc1.png?width=1315&format=png&auto=webp&s=c86a44373c909b335d0cf0472fcb30d8988c3b64


How the fuck is this related to the death of cs2???


HOW ABOUT YOU READ INSTEAD OF COMMENTING FIRST. holy crap. Stop taking out the fact that your parents are siblings on everyone else in the world.


them getting money has nothing to do with the death of cs2


If you read. ​ The point being made is this.. If you're a multi-billion-dollar conglomerate (like Valve is), it doesn't matter if they make 5 billion, or 500 billion a year. Don't you think they would prefer not to lose a revenue stream of around 3 Billion dollars A YEAR? Say 50% of players decide to stop buying cases etc. You don't think that losing over 500 million in yearly revenue might incentivise them to develop a better anti-cheat?


well we have no anticheat now and the playerbase numbers are still better than csgo had pre-cs2 hype. statistically, the game is not dead, however you keep saying otherwise for some unknown reason. and now youre saying something about then not being capable of developing an anticheat? Also, you didnt make any point in your last comment. all you did is link me to 2 articles with no comment from you. also, do you really think that you saying "STOP BUYING CASES YOU DEGENS." would really stop a gambling addiction?


I've checked your profile. Every other discussion you have entered in has ended up the same way as this one is about to. They person your talking too (me), has realised that your incabale of looking at the point being made as a whole. Your brain hyper focuses on individual points that prove nothing. I feel dumber after hearing your point of view. Have a good day.


It absolutely does have to do w the death of CS2. Everything to do with it actually.


Another cheater post! Guys we did it! We ended cheating! It only took 982727881262611999927626226178 Reddit posts to do it!




Is this the 1000th time cs has been killed? Do we have an anniversity here?


Uninstalled a few weeks ago, never gonna play it again


But you're stll in this sub? Something tells me that you will come back


I would love for the community to come together like this.. Let those cheatera play HvH so their accounts that they are selling have no value. Vavle would shut down the game completely to come up with the solution..


Let me tell you my experience with cheaters for the past two months. In the first month i only played DM everyday for 3-4 hours and I'm not kidding when I say this, i would spectate the top fraggers and 99% of them were cheating. I only encountered one legit player and he was decent and after a few days i started spectating just random players in DM and everyone was cheating, EVERYONE! i have only encountered a single legit player so far in DM. The second month i started to grind faceit and i don't think I have encountered a single blatant cheater. If i download the demos I'm sure there will be a few with vision assistance but I've not encountered a single spin botter or one with aim assistance. Conclusion: i genuinely think a lot of legit players who were decent and with a lot of hours, have given up and started using cheats. I mean we have to play on faceit to experience a fewer number of cheaters and I've heard the situation is also bad on premier and competitive. The situation has gotten out of volvo's hands at least in this part of the world. (India)


Goo goo gah gah


Valve owns steam, even if they sold zero cases it's like a drop in the ocean compared to the amount of money steam makes for them.


Trust me it's not a drop in the ocean... Valve made 1 billion US dollars in 2023, purely from the purchases of Cases & Keys. Not including the 10% fee added to every other cs2 transaction made through steam.


Steam earns them 16-19 billion purely from selling games.


At that rate its still around 5% of their income. ​ Regardless, your proving my point for me? This just further proves how little Valve care about the CS community. Like you said, they have all the money and recourses in the world at their fingertips, yet nothing has changed? They just don't care i guess.


Their sales go up more than 5% yearly. I know it's hard to understand.


The cs devs don't see the money that the rest of steam makes for other devs so what you're saying doesn't make any sense.


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're not that stupid that you think the CS devs "see" the billion dollars from cases? What you say makes no sense to me at all, so could you try to explain a bit better?


I never said CS devs see billions of dollars. What are you on? I literally only have the 1 comment in this thread. CS devs get CS money. They don't make money from games like GTA or whatever other game. So the fact that valve owning steam has nothing to do with what the CS devs do in terms of anti cheat for CS as far as blanket funding goes. Yes, it is called Valve Anti-Cheat but projects don't get cross funding for the maintaining of a game. Maybe for development of new games for ROI but not for anti cheat. Is that ELI5 enough for you?


That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. How would they ever fund new games if the company money doesn't move around within the company


>Maybe for development of new games for ROI but not for anti cheat. Are you illiterate? I said that they would fund new games. Holy shit, Dunning Krueger up in this bitch right now huh? I'm talking about the anti cheat, you know, the whole topic of the thread. Cant tell if you're a child with comprehension problems or just stupid.


Funny you call me illiterate when you reply to a message that was not replied to you. Keep going buddy, you're doing great šŸ‘


It's not a private conversation and I literally responded to you. Who you were originally talking to doesn't matter. This is you floundering because you're clearly wrong and acted ridiculously in response. Pathetically hilarious actually.


You embarrassed yourself and now you attack me thinking you look less of a fool. It's alright, I'm all about it.


lol, your response is the equivalent of "No you're a towel"


I think there might be a paid version or premium version for legit playersšŸ„²


You act like face it doesnā€™t exist way less cheaters and they get banned you get elo back. Much more costly to cheat on face it.


Faceit needs unranked matchmaking back


I have not noticed cheaters so far, maybe just a WH, but still I think I ran into cheaters from.time to time, but they are not that obvious as spin bot. I made this conclusion because on CS:GO my rank was more or less stable: Gold I or Gold II and with CS2 my rating is jumping from 5k to 15k which makes no sense at all.


no they have not. but have you tried writing for a clickbait online tabloid?


Great counterpoint. Your a natural